Krivichi, Vileika uyezd, Vilna gubernia Latitude: 54º43' Longitude:
Also known as Krivitchi Today in Belarus , 1944- 1990s; the Soviet
Union, 1921- 1939 in Poland, prior to the first world war; the Russian
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Mina and Reuven Finger with their Students in Krivichi c 1924.


The wedding of Khaim Radishkovich.


The family of Yizhak Yaakov and Ethel Katzovitz in 1927 during a
visit of daughter Ida ( sitting in the middle ) with daughters Martha
and Trudy. Everyone else pictured but Idas' brother Shaya ( holding
the boy) perished in the holocaust.


Hinda , daughter of Rabbi Yehoshua Zut and the wife of the last
Rabbi of Krivichi; Rabbi Malkiel Perzi.
Their children: Yehoshua,Meir and Khaim Perzi. the entire family
perished in 1942 at the hands of the Nazis.


The family (of Eli Koplovitz and Shteingloltz/Zilberglit) is my mothers family, she is in the picture. The couple visiting from overseas are my mother's Uncle and Aunt. in Canada they were called Leo and Molley Kaplow. (standing on the left?).Their daughter was one at the time.
My mother is on the bottom of the picture. My mother survived the war, ended up in Stephen ville Newfoundland where she passed away at age of 37.
Gary Resnik <RESNIK4@aol.com>.



Shosha ( Shoshana) (1909- 1942) daughter of
Shneior Zalman Alperovicz and Gnesia nee Katzovitz with her husband
Nakhson son of Rabbi Yehoshua Hacohen Zut
Both perished in the Holocaust with their 2 sons.


1927 Yitzhak and Aidel Kathovitz with their children : Gneshe+
husband Zalman Alperovitz ( their children Henia Shulman, Shalom,
Shosha Zut and Sara Alperovich- all top row) , Shaye + Chana nee Zut
with babies Yehoshua and Ethel, Reizel
and husband Shmuel Katzovitz( with children Shoshana Beila Michael and
Moshe) and Ida Katzoff visiting her family from New York with
daughters Martha and Trudy.

Jim and Nancy Katzoff


Avraham Steingold, Shmuel Zilberglit, Cirel ( Tzirel) Steingold, Zahava Slabotsky nee Steigold, Etka Esther Steingold, Menachem (Chloina) Mendel Steingold, Hillel Steingold


Katzovitch Family

Poland, 1927

Created by Eilat Gordin Levitan
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Family Portraits (originated predominantly in the Vilna region)
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