Twersky family;
Chernobyl is a chasidic dynasty that was founded by the "Meor Einayim," Grand Rabbi Menachem Nachum Twersky. The dynasty is named after the town of Chernobyl (of nuclear accident fame), where Rabbi Nachum served as the magid (communal preacher).
Rabbi Menachem Nachum was a student of the Baal Shem Tov and his pupil the Maggid of Mezritch. He is considered one of the pioneers of the Chasidic movement. His book Me'or Einayim (literally: "Light of One's Eyes), comprising insights on the weekly portions of the Torah, reflects his proclivity to Kabbalah. It has gained widespread acceptance as one of the major works and foundations of chasidic ideology.
The Meor Einayim, Menachem Nachum, was succeeded by his son Rebbe Mordechai of Chernobyl - also known as the Chernobyler Magid. Throughout his life Rabbi Mordechai collected large amounts of money for charity, but before his death he regretted not collecting even more than he did. His thoughts, sermons and discourses were published in his book Likutei Torah, which was praised for its holiness by other chasidic leaders. Throughout his teachings, R' Mordechai stressed the importance of pure speech and pure thought as a condition for a proper prayer connection. He also spoke of including all Jewish souls in one's prayer, even evil people. By doing so, evil people will stand a better chance of repenting (teshuvah).
Rabbi Mordechai was succeeded by his son Rebbe Aaron of Chernobyl, as his successor in Chernobyl. All of Rebbe Mordechai's eight sons became rebbes in different cities.
The Chernobyl Dynasty Includes the rebbes of Chernobyl, Cherkas, Turisk, Talne, Korestchov, Makarov, Skver, Rachmastrivka, Malin, Hornosteipl, Machnovka, Ozarnetz, and several others.
Chernobyl Chasidism as a movement survived the ravages of the Holocaust, although many of its members perished. There are many scions of the Chernobyl dynasty alive today. Generally, nowadays, anyone with the last name Twersky (also spelled Twerski) is likely to be a descendant of the Chernobyl dynasty
The founder of the Chernobyl dynasty was Rebbe (Menachem) Nochum, the Meor Einayim, a disciple of Rabbi Yisroel ben Eliezer, the Baal Shem Tov, who established the chasidic movement. He was also a disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch.
Grand Rabbi Menachem Nochum Twersky of Chernobyl (1730-1797) - author of Meor Einayim, disciple of the Baal Shem Tov
Grand Rabbi Mordechai Twersky (1770-1837) - the Chernobyler Maggid, son of the Meor Einayim – had eight sons who each became a rebbe and founded his own dynasty.
Grand Rabbi Aaron Twersky of Chernobyl (1784-1871), eldest son of Rebbe Mordechai
Grand Rabbi Yeshayo Meshulom Zishe Twerski of Chernobyl (1814-1881), son of Rebbe Aaron
Grand Rabbi Shlomo BenZion Twerski of Chernobyl (1870-1939), son of Rebbe Yeshayo Meshulom Zishe
Grand Rabbi Boruch Osher Twerski of Chernobyl (d. 1905), son of Rebbe Aaron
Grand Rabbi Shlomo Shmuel Twerski of Chernobyl-Brooklyn (d.1936), son of Rebbe Boruch Osher
Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Twerski, Chernobyler Rebbe of Boro Park (1902-1983), son of Rebbe Shlomo Shmuel — the last Chernobyler Rebbe to actually serve in Chernobyl
Rabbi Shlomo Twersky, son of Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Twersky, Rabbi of "Beis Chernobyl" in Lawrence, New York;
Rabbi Zvi Twersky - Rosh Mesivta of Yeshivas Mercaz Hatorah in Talpiot, Jerusalem, son of Rabbi Shlomo Twersky of Lawrence, NY;
Grand Rabbi Menachem Nochum Twerski of Loiev, son of Rebbe Aaron
Grand Rabbi Mordechai Twerski of Loiev (1840-1905), son of Rebbe Menachem Nochum
Grand Rabbi Avrohom Yehoshua Heshl Twerski of Loiev-Tshudnov (1860-1914), son of Rebbe Mordechai of Loiev
Grand Rabbi Boruch Bentsion Twerski of Loiev-Uman (1875-1945), son of Rebbe Mordechai of Loiev
Grand Rabbi Yitzhak Twersky of Skver, son of Rebbe Mordechai
Grand Rabbi Avrohom Twersky of Trisk, son of Rebbe Mordechai, author of Mogen Avrohom
Grand Rabbi David Twersky of Talne, son of Rebbe Mordechai
Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Twersky of Tsherkas, son of Rebbe Mordechai
Grand Rabbi Yochanan Twersky of Rachmastrivka, son of Rebbe Mordechai
[edit] Famous scions
Among the famous scions of the Chernobyl dynasty are:
Grand Rabbi Menachem Nochum Twerski, the Chernobyler Rebbe of Bnei Brak;
Rabbi Yeshaya Twersky, the Chernobyler Rebbe of Boro Park;
The Chernobyler Rebbe of Ashdod;
Rabbi Chaim Twersky, Chernobyler Rav; formerly Rabbi of Maimonides Hospital Brooklyn New York;
Grand Rabbi David Twersky, of New Square, NY, leader of Skver, the largest current Hasidic sect originating from Chernobyl;
Grand Rabbi Michel Twersky, the Skverer Rebbe of Boro Park;
Grand Rabbi Michael Twersky, the Hornsteipler Rebbe of Milwaukee;
Grand Rabbi Mordechai Twersky, the Hornsteipl-Denver Rebbe of Flatbush;
Grand Rabbi Shalom Shachna Friedman, the Hornsteipler Rebbe of Jerusalem;
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski, noted author and psychiatrist;
Rabbi Aaron Twerski, retired Dean of Hofstra Law School;
Rabbi Dovid Twersky, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Jerusalem;
Rabbi Chai Yitzchok Twersky, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Boro Park;
Rabbi Yaakov Arye Twersky, Trisker Rebbe of London;
Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Eichenstein, the Trisker Rebbe of Jerusalem;
Rabbi Yitzchak Menachem Weinberg, the Tolner Rebbe of Jerusalem;
Rabbi Amitai Twersky, the Tolner Rebbe of Ashdod ;
Rabbi Dr. Yitzhak Twersky, the Tolner Rebbe of Boston and a professor and head of the Judaic Studies Department at Harvard University;
Rabbi Mayer Twersky, son of Rabbi Yitzhak Twersky of Boston, Rosh Yeshiva of Rabbi Isaac Elchanon Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University;
Rabbi Mosheh Twersky, son of Rabbi Yitzhak Twersky of Boston, Rosh Mesivta of Yeshiva Toras Moshe in Jerusalem, Israel.
Grand Rabbi Yitzhak Aharon Korff, grandson of Rebbe Yaakov Yisroel Korff, Zvhil–Mezbuz Rebbe of Boston.
From Yad Vashem;
Twersky Aron
Aron Twersky was born in Zarasai ( Lithuania) in 1865 to Barukh and Reizl. He was a rabbi. Aron perished in Kishinev, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his daughter
Submitter's Last Name FRIDMAN
Submitter's First Name BATSHEVA
Twersky Mordche
Mordche Twersky was born in Ozarintsy in 1911 to Aharon and Perel. He was a rabbi and married to Treina nee Grinshpun. Prior to WWII he lived in Chisinau, Romania. During the war he was in Chisinau, Romania. Mordche perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by his sister in Israel
Twersky Itzik
Itzik Twersky was born in Mogilev in 1913 to Aharon and Perel. He was a clerk and married to Rivka. Prior to WWII he lived in Brichany, Romania. During the war he was in Russia (USSR). Itzik perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his sister
Twersky Suni Sarah
Suni Twersky was born in Mogilev Podolski in 1917 to Aharon and Perel. She was a housewife and single. Prior to WWII she lived in Kishinev, Romania. During the war she was in Romania. Suni perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by her sister
Twersky Rachel
Rachel Twersky was born in Jeziernica in 1910 to Aharon and Perel. She was a housewife and married with 3 chuldren. During the war she was in Czestochowa, Poland. Rachel perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 11-Sep-1955 by her sister
Twersky Nehame
Nehame Twersky was born in Leova in 1869 to Mordekhai and Sheva. She was a housewife and married. Prior to WWII she lived in Chisinau, Romania. During the war she was in Chisinau, Romania. Nehame perished in 1940 in Chisinau, Romania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by her daughter
Twersky Shalom
Shalom Twersky was born in 1910 to David and Shifra. He was a merchant and married. Prior to WWII he lived in Czestochow, Poland. During the war he was in Poland. Shalom perished in Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his sister-in-
Rabbi Twersky Abraham
Rabbi Abraham Twersky was born in Kowel in 1910 to Dov. He was a rabbi and married to Ester nee Lifshitz. Prior to WWII he lived in Kowel, Poland. During the war he was in Kowel, Poland.Rabbi Twersky perished in 1941 in Kowel, Poland at the age of 32. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his aunt.
Submitter's Last Name POLOSETZKI
Submitter's First Name ; CHARNA
Twersky Ester
Ester Twersky nee Lifshitz was born in Janowa in 1913 to Arie and Batia. She was a rabbi's wife and married to Avraham. Prior to WWII she lived in Kowel, Poland. During the war she was in Kowel, Poland. Ester perished in 1942 in Kowel, Poland at the age of 29. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by her aun
Rabbi Twerski Nissan
Rabbi Nissan Twerski was born in Makarov in 1883 to David and Feiga. He was married to Gitla. Prior to WWII he lived in Kielce, Poland. During the war he was in Kielce, Poland.Rabbi Twerski perished in 1940 in Krakow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 20-Jan-1982 by his son David of New York
Twerski Gitla
Gitla Twerski nee Majerczyk was born in Wodzislaw in 1893 to Leib and Ruchla. She was married to Nissan. Prior to WWII she lived in Kielce, Poland. During the war she was in Kielce, Poland. Gitla perished in 1942 in Treblinka, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 20-Jan-1987 by her son
Bornstein Mordechai
Mordechai Bornstein was born in Tomaszow Mazowieckie in 1901 to David. He was married to Feiga. Prior to WWII he lived in Lodz, Poland. During the war he was in Kielce, Poland. Mordechai perished in Treblinka, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 20-Jan-1982 by his brother-in-law
Tverschi Mordehai
Mordehai Tverschi was born in Russia (USSR) in 1911 to Aharon. He was a rabbi and married to Treina nee Ginshparg and had a 2 years old boy; Meir Israel. During the war he was in Kishinev, Romania. Mordehai perished in 1941 in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 27-Jun-1955 by his brother-in-law.
Twerski Moshe
Moshe Twerski was born in Kowel in 1885. He was a rabbi and married. Prior to WWII he lived in Kowel, Poland. During the war he was in Kowel, Poland. Moshe perished in 1942 in Kowel, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 02-Sep-1956 by his acquaintance
Twerski Dawid
Dawid Twerski was born in Kowel in 1880. He was a Rabbi . Prior to WWII he lived in Kowel, Poland. During the war he was in Kowel, Poland. Dawid perished in 1942 in Kowel, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 02-Sep-1956 by his acquaintance
Twerski David
David Twerski was born in Czestochowa in 1882. He was a rabbi and married. Prior to WWII he lived in Czestochowa, Poland. During the war he was in Czestochowa, Poland. David perished in 1942 in Czestochowa, Ghetto. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 21-May-1957 by his neighbour. ...
Twersky Iosif
Iosif Twersky was born in Yaruga in 1896 to Yakov. He was married to Gerta nee Veis. Prior to WWII he lived in Moskva, Russia (USSR). During the war he was in Army, USSR. Iosif perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 09-May-1984 by his son
Submitter's Last Name TVERSKI
Submitter's First Name ALEXANDR
Twerski Welwele
Welwele Twerski was born in Trisk in 1884. He was a rabbi and married. Prior to WWII he lived in Kowel, Poland. During the war he was in Kowel, Poland. Welwele perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by Organization of kowel survivors
Twerski Misza
Misza Twerski was born in Lodz in 1921 to Liber and Fania. He was a textile technician. Prior to WWII he lived in Lodz, Poland. During the war he was in Tomaszow, Poland. Misza perished in 1943 in Tomaszow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 11-Jan-1956 by his brother.
Dr. Twerski Josef
Dr. Josef Twerski was born in Warszawa in 1906 to Hirsh and Roza. He was a doctor. Prior to WWII he lived in Warszawa, Poland. During the war he was in Warszawa, Poland.Dr. Twerski perished in 1939 in Warszawa, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 09-Aug-1956 by his relative
Twierski Borys
Borys Twierski was born in Russia (USSR) in 1892. He was a merchant. Prior to WWII he lived in Lodz, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, Poland. Borys perished in Krakow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony
(displayed on left) submitted on 08-Sep-1955 by his relative Rabbi Dovid Twersky of Tolna, son of the Magid of Chernobyl - founder of Tolna Dynasty

Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Twersky, ZT"L, Chernobyler Rebbe of Boro Park - the last Chernobyler Rebbe to serve in Chernobyl
The Chernobyler Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Israel
(L-R) Rachmastrifker Rebbe of NY; Chernobyler Bnei Brak; Chernobyler of NY; R' Moredechai Twersky, son of Chernobyler of NY
Grand Rabbi David Twersky, Skverer Rebbe, a scion of the Chernobyl dynasty

Zvhil-Mezbuz Rebbe of Boston, Grand Rabbi Y. A. Korff (center), and Rabbi Yitzhak (Isadore)Twersky, Tolna Rebbe of Boston (left)
Published: October 14, 1997
TWERSKY-Rabbi Dr. Isadore. The Yeshiva University family mourns the passing of a distinguished scholar and authority on Maimonides and Raavad, an eminent educator whose life embodied the cross-cultural enrichment at the heart of our institution. Erudite and intellectually demanding, he was a gentle and sensitive man. Ordained by our affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and a YU honorary degree recipient, he perpetuated an illustrious family legacy as the Tolner Rebbe and was Nathan Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy at Harvard University. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his beloved wife, Atarah-daughter of the late Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, whose philosophy is central to YU and profoundly influenced Jewish thought in our age; to his children, Rabbi Mayer E. (and Faige) Twersky, who succeeded Rabbi Soloveitchik as Leib Merkin Distinguished Professor of Talmud and Jewish Philosophy at RIETS, Rabbi Moshe (and Basha) Twersky, and Tziporah (and Rabbi Jonathan) Rosenblatt, and the entire family. May they be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Dr. Norman Lamm, President Yeshiva University David S. Gottesman, Chairman Board of Trustees

Grand Rabbi Twersky of Tolna-Ashdod, a scion of the Chernobyl dynasty
the late Grand Rabbi Yaakov Twersky of Hornesteipl, a scion of the Chernobyl dynasty
Grand Rabbi Mordechai Twersky, Hornsteipel-Denver Rebbe of Flatbush
Skwer-Boro Park Today
Today, Skwer-Boro Park has one of the biggest Hasidic institutions in Metropolitan New York. Tomer Devorah Girls School, founded by the late rebbe Grand Rabbi Dovid Twersky around 1980, currently has an enrolment of about a thousand girls. The school for boys Bais Yitzchok is named after Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky. In addition, there is also a summer camp for the boys and girls where they enjoy a range of programs in the summer months.

Grand Rabbi David Twersky, the late Skwerer Rebbe of Boro Park

Rabbi Yechiel Michl Twersky, the present Skwerer Rebbe of Boro Park |