1920 census;
Name: Morris Bronitsky
Home in 1920: Brooklyn Assembly District 23, Kings, New York
Age: 40 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1880
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Gittel
Father's Birth Place: Russia
Mother's Birth Place: Russia
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Male
Home owned: Rent
Year of Immigration: 1905
Household Members:
Name Age
Morris Bronitsky 40
Gittel Bronitsky 35
Jacob Bronitsky 12
Jesse Bronitsky 8
Joseph Bronitsky nephew 24
Name: Mohe Bronitsky
[Mike Bronitsky]
Home in 1920: Brooklyn Assembly District 23, Kings, New York
Age: 59 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1861
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary
Father's Birth Place: Russia
Mother's Birth Place: Russia
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Male
Home owned: Rent
Year of Immigration: 1908
Household Members:
Name Age
Mohe Bronitsky 59
Mary Bronitsky 44
Esther Peskwitz 16
Isador Peskwitz 15
Name: Philip Brourtsky
[Philip Bronitsky]
Home in 1920: Brooklyn Assembly District 23, Kings, New York
Age: 25 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Ida
Father's Birth Place: Russia
Mother's Birth Place: Russia
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Male
Home owned: Rent
Year of Immigration: 1912
Household Members:
Name Age
Philip Brourtsky 25
Ida Brourtsky 22
Gertie Brourtsky 4
1910 census;
Name: Morris Bronitsky
Age in 1910: 30
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1880
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Russia
Mother's Birth Place: Russia
Spouse's Name: Gitel
Home in 1910: Brooklyn Ward 26, Kings, New York
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Year of Immigration: 1904
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Morris Bronitsky 30
Gitel Bronitsky 26
Jacob Bronitsky 1 11/12 1930 census; Name: Morris Bronitsky
Home in 1930: Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Age: 50
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1880
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Gittel
Race: White
Occupation: Education: Military service: Rent/home value: Age at first marriage: Parents' birthplace:
View Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Morris Bronitsky 50
Gittel Bronitsky 45
Jack Bronitsky 21
Jesse Bronitsky 18
Ruth Bronitsky 9 ------------------- Name: Joseph Bronitsky
Home in 1930: Queens, Queens, New York
Age: 34
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1896
Birthplace: Russia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Dorothy
Race: White
Occupation: Education: Military service: Rent/home value: Age at first marriage: Parents' birthplace:
View Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Joseph Bronitsky 34
Dorothy Bronitsky 33
Anita B Bronitsky 2
Calvin J Bronitsky 1 3/12
Bertha Schwartz 40 Sister-in-law
View Record Name Arrival Date Estimated Birth Year Port of Departure Ethnicity/ Nationality Ship Name View Ship Image
View Record
Cilie Bronitsky 25 Feb 1914 abt 1886 Hamburg Hebrew President Lincoln
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Dwoire Bronitsky 25 Feb 1914 abt 1908 Hamburg Hebrew President Lincoln
View Record
Chil Frada Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1911 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
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Gertiel Bronitsky 28 Jun 1934 abt 1886 Le Havre, France Washington
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Chil Gitel Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1905 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
View Record
Chil Hava Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1913 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
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Hedwig Bronitsky 21 Jul 1935 abt 1911 Southampton, England Austrian;Hebrew (Austrian) Britannic
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Hedwig Bronitsky 28 Apr 1954 Rotterdam, Netherlands Ryndam
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Chil Isael Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1902 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
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Israel Bronitsky 26 Sep 1933 abt 1902 Cherbourg, France Russian Olympic
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Jack Bronitsky 29 Jun 1931 1908 Le Havre, France Paris
View Record
Jacob Bronitsky 29 Jun 1933 1907 Le Havre, France Washington
View Record
Jacob Bronitsky 21 Jul 1935 abt 1908 Southampton, England Britannic
View Record
Jacob Bronitsky 28 Apr 1954 Rotterdam, Netherlands Ryndam
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Jesse Bronitsky 5 Sep 1938 abt 1912 Cherbourg, France Queen Mary
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Kate Bronitsky 29 Apr 1957 Stateless United States
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Meyer Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1870 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
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Morris Bronitsky 28 Jun 1934 abt 1880 Le Havre, France Washington
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Chil Rachel Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1899 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
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Wife Sara Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1873 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
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Scheine Bronitsky 11 Oct 1909 abt 1862 Rotterdam Hebrew Rotterdam
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Chil Sima Bronitsky 1 Jul 1923 abt 1901 Constantinople, Turkey Hebrew Canada
Name: Allie Bronitsky
City: Not Stated
County: New London
State: Connecticut
Birthplace: Russia
Birth Date: 22 May 1896
Race: Caucasian (White)
Roll: 1561999
DraftBoard: 9 ----------------------- Name: William Bronitsky
City: Not Stated
County: New London
State: Connecticut
Birthplace: Russia
Birth Date: 29 Jan 1894 ------------------------------- Joseph Bronitsky
City: Brooklyn
County: Kings
State: New York
Birthplace: Russia
Birth Date: 18 May 1896 ------------
The (Jewish) Bronitsky name must have originated in the BARANOWICZE/ Baranowice district.
Bronitsky/Bronitzki/Bronicki/ ( Bronicki seems to be mostly non Jewish, Polish name)
The Jews named so must be a form of "a person from Baranowice" since
All Yad Vashem reports for the name are from the Baranowice district.
in the U.S .
Yerachmiel Bronotski born on 12/25/1928 in Baranowicze (Poland when he was born, Minsk Guberniya " Minskiy gebiet"? Russia, before the first world war, today in Belarus) He changed his name to Bar when he arrived to Israel. The Interview took place in Tel Aviv in Hebrew
The address for him in 2004 is Refidim Street .....
He reported his family to Yad Vashem I am pasting the testimony here:
Bronicki Hirsz
Hirsz Bronicki was born in Poland in 1898. He was a shoemaker and married to Pesia. Prior to WWII he lived in Molczadz, Baranovich Poland. During the war he was in Molczadz, Baranovich, Poland. Hirsz perished in 1942 in Poland at the age of 44. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 01-Jan-1995 by his son, a Shoah survivor.
Bronicki Pesia
Pesia Bronicki nee Szkolnikowicz was born in Poland in 1902 to Zalman. She was a housewife and married to Hirsz. Prior to WWII she lived in Molczadz, Baranovich , Poland. During the war she was in Molczadz, Baranovich . Pesia perished in 1942 in Molczadz, Baranovich , Poland at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 01-Jan-1995 by her son, a Shoah survivor
Bronicki Eliyahu
Eliyahu Bronicki was born in Poland. He was married to Sara. Prior to WWII he lived in Molczadz, Baranovich Poland. During the war he was in Molczadz, Poland. Eliyahu perished in 1942 in Molczadz, Poland at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 26-Dec-2004 by his nephew, a Shoah survivor. More Details...
Bronicki Chaja
Chaja Bronicki was born in Molczadz in 1924 to Hirsz and Pesia nee Szkolnikowicz. She was single. Prior to WWII she lived in Molczadz, Poland. During the war she was in Molczadz, Poland. Chaja perished in 1942 in Molczadz, Poland at the age of 18. This information is based on a Page of Testimony found in the Pages of Testimony by her brother
You could see the Interview of Yerachmiel Bronotski at the Shoah fundation Language of Interview; Hebrew
Length of Interview; 3:30 hours The entire list from Yad vashem all from the BARANOWICZE district
Name Town District Region Country Birth Date Source
Bronicki Eliyahu MOLCZADZ BARANOWICZE NOWOGRODEK POLAND 1902 Page of Testimony
Bronitzki Eliahu MOLCZADZ BARANOWICZE NOWOGRODEK POLAND 1900 Page of Testimony (PDF)
His testimony
Naftali "Tulek" Backenroth-Bronicki (d. 1993)
He studied in agronomy in Vilna and France in order to come to Eretz Israel. He had to return to Poland ( today the area is in the Ukraine) after his father passed away. When the Soviets invaded the area (1939) he became the head agronomist for the region. in 1941 During the German occupation he was able to build up mutual trust with the Gestapo and set up a vast project that occupied hundreds of Jews, saving many of them from the Nazis. His audacity and daring knew no bounds. During the last and most complicated phase of his struggle, while the Nazis were stepping up the annihilation of Jews, Naftali Backenroth acquired the identity of a Polish Gentile, becoming Mikola Bronicki. This ingenious maneuver required him to acquire a whole array of forged documents and recruit false witnesses. Naftali's rescue enterprise had been assisted by three good Germans, officials serving the occupation administration: Eberhard Helmrich, his wife Donata Hardt-Helmrich and Berthold Beitz. All three Germans were recognized by Yad Vashem – the Holocaust memorial and museum located in Jerusalem – as "Righteous Among the Nations" – the title bestowed on gentiles who helped save Jews during the holocaust.
Lucien Bronicki (b. 1934), Naftali's son, is one of the world's foremost experts in geothermal power today. His international group of industries, Ormat Technologies Inc., registered in Nevada and traded on the New York Stock Exchange (quote ORA), has built geothermal power plants in Alaska, Nevada, California, Patagonia, the Philippines and Kenya. Ormat's developed technologies are used by power plants in dozens of other countries across the globe. Many of the technologies used by his company are based on Lucien's own inventions
Yehuda (Lucien Y. ) Bronicki

Chairman; Chief Technology Officer
Yehuda was born in Poland in 1934. He is a holocaust survivor.
When the war ended he first went with his family to Krakow. In 1946 he went to France to study physics and engineering
(MS 1957 Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Arts et Metiers). in 1958 he immigrated to Israel.
In 1965 with his wife Dita (Yehudit) he developed Ormat Technologies, Inc, (NYSE: "ORA"), a leading vertically integrated company dedicated to providing solutions for geothermal power, recovered energy generation (REG) and remote power
BRONICKI from the net; BRONICKI To: Brian <> ... I am trying to learn anything about the name: Bronicki. Do you know anything about its origin or anything else? In Polish Bronicki is pronounced roughly "bron-EET-skee." This name would usually refer to the name of a place where the family lived at some point centuries ago, a place with a name beginning Bronic-. If they were noble, they owned an estate there; if they were peasants, they lived and worked there, or had occasion to do business there frequently. This name can also be a variant form of the very similar surnames Broniecki or Bronecki -- names that close were often confused -- in which case places with names beginning Broniec- or Bronec- or even Bronka or Bronki could also be involved. There are several places in Poland and the neighboring countries this surname could refer to. Genealogical research is the only way to pin down which one your particular Bronickis came from. If you can locate the area they came from, you can search in that specific area instead of all over eastern Europe. As of 1990, according to the best data available (the Slownik nazwisk wspolczesnie w Polsce uzywanych, "Directory of Surnames in Current Use in Poland," which covers about 94% of the population of Poland), there were 758 Polish citizens named Bronicki. There was no one area in which they were concentrated; a Bronicki family could come from practically anywhere. I'm afraid the vast majority of Polish surnames just don't give you much in the way of useful clues as to exactly where a given family came from. I estimate fewer than 5% are concentrated in any one area, or have some aspect of their meaning that helps you trace them. Name: Bronitsky, Gordon Jay
Birth - 1949
Source Citation: * Who's Who in the South and Southwest. 17th edition, 1980-1981. Wilmette, IL: Marquis Who's Who, 1980. (WhoSSW 17) Name: Bronitsky, Leonard
Birth - 1947
Source Citation: * American Economic Association, Directory of Members, 1974. Edited by Rendigs Fels. Nashville, TN: American Economic Association. Published as Volume 64, Number 5 (October, 1974) of The American Economic Review.. 1974. (AmEA) Name: Bronitsky, Martha G.
Source Citation: * Law & Business Directory of Corporate Counsel. 1992-1993 edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992. Use the 'Individual Name Index' to locate biographies. (Law&B 1992) Name: Bronitsky, Martha Gorenberg
Birth - 1960
Source Citation: * Who's Who in America(R) (Marquis(TM)). 51st edition, 1997. New Providence, NJ: Marquis Who's Who, 1996. (WhoAm 51) -------------------------------Joseph Bronitsky ( 1845- 1881) married
Rachel Harkavy ( 1847- 1883)
1. Morris Bronitsky Birth: Jul 1879 - Orodisktze, Belarus
Gittel Kessin
Born: 1884 in Smilovichi, Igumen, Minsk, Belarus
Died: [city], [county], New York, USA
Marriage: 1908 in [city], [county], New York, USA
Children Sex Birth
Jacob Bronitsky M 8 May 1908 in [city], [county], New York, USA
Jesse Bronitsky M 1 Dec 1911 in [city], [county], New York, USA
Ruth Bronitsky F 3 Jul 1920 in [city], [county], New York, USA
Meyer Bronitsky
Born: 15 Jul 1872
Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine
Died: May 1964
Sara Clomsky
Born: 1873 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine
Marriage: abt 1895 in Ukraine Edit
Children Sex Birth
Joseph Bronitsky M 18 May 1896 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine
Rachel Bronitsky F 1899 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine t
Sima Bronitsky F 1901 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine
Israel Bronitsky M 17 Jun 1902 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine
Gitel Bronitsky F 26 Mar 1905 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine
Freda Bronitsky F 10 Jun 1910 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine t
Hava Bronitsky F 1913 in Berdiansk, Kiev, Ukraine Marriage: 1908 - New York, USA
Sol Bronitsky M born 1876 in Minsk, Belarus
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