This Web page is fascinating, and I only wish my father and uncle could have seen it. Their father was from Druja. Shortly before his father’s death, my uncle took down the following information from him: “Morris (Moshe) Kunin, born in Druja, Lithuania, on the Dvina River, in September 1884 (or maybe 1883), son of Israel Hillel Kunin, a shoemaker and hazzan (cantor), one of 13 children.” Morris left home at age 10 to go to Vilna, where he lived for 10 years, and then went to Zurich (where, he claimed, he knew Lenin, Axelrod, and Mussoline---“they were all bums,” according to him). But that’s beside the point---what I was wondering is whether there are any records of Israel Hillel Kunin and the rest of his family in Druja.
Thank you for making this page available. When my niece asked me about our Russian background, I was able to direct her here.
Devra Kunin

From an old email; #knep-7:Rochel nee Kunin Gordon of Krasne.
I am interested in the Gordon family from Krasne. My father and all the family always said they came from Vilna but his papers said Krasne. His father was Reb Oizer HaKohain. His mother .Rochel nee Kunin (can't find any Kunins). My father was Israel, changed to Lowell Israel or Irwin here. His brother was Samuel, later Sidney. Dad had uncles Isaac, Max, Joseph?, and at least 2 aunts-Anna Plotnick and Hanna Maalla Kunin. They all ended up in Stamford, CT.
Baruch Shlomo Eliyahu Cunin, (Hebrew ???? ???? ????? ?????), (Shlomo Cunin), a Hasidic Rabbi, associated with the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Cunin is the director of Chabad-Lubavitch of California, and Chabad activities on the West Coast of the United States.[1]
In 1965, he was appointed by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Chabad rebbe, as a Shliach. Both Cunin and Rabbi Menachem Shmuel David Raichik, built a network of Chabad Houses throughout California and Nevada.
Chabad of California's mission is to reach out to others with acts of goodness and kindness. West coast Chabad is a community-based nonprofit organization whose efforts are rooted in traditional Jewish values—and many of its programs help the needy regardless of background or belief.[2][3]
West Coast Chabad[edit]
Rabbi Cunin, sent by the Rebbe, began West Coast Chabad in 1967; Chabad now runs the largest network of nonsectarian educational and social services under Jewish auspices on the West Coast.
West Coast Chabad Lubavitch is division of Chabad-Lubavitch, one of the largest religious Jewish organizations in the world. Chabad embraces a philosophy of study, meditation, and social outreach. Combining religious study with proactive community involvement, Chabad's growing array of educational and social services programs has made it a dynamic force in modern Jewish life.[3]
Involvement with Chabad of Russia[edit]
Cunin is a member of Agudas Chasidei Chabad of Russia. He is involved in a recovery effort to reclaim ownership of a portion of the Chabad library, controlled by the Russian government.[4]
Shlomo Cunin's brother, Rabbi Pinchas Cunin (d. 2011), was a rabbi in the Crown Heights Chabad community.[5]
.............. My Gregory Kunin[1]
1894 - 1917
Kunin 1 PDF
Born in Druya; Kunin Elkona PERM PERM MOLOTOV RUSSIA (USSR) 1900 Page of Testimony
Kunyin Ica YOD BRASLAW WILNO POLAND 1901 Page of Testimony
Kunin Israil
Israil Kunin was born in Orsha in 1899 to Eika and Civarisha. He was married to Sonia. Prior to WWII he lived in Orsha, Belorussia (USSR). During the war he was in Army, USSR. Israil perished in Army. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his brother-in-law
Khaim Kunin was born in Smolyany in 1880 to Isaak and Dvoira. He was a clerk. Prior to WWII he lived in Oktyabr, Belorussia (USSR). Khaim perished in 1941 in the Shoah at the age of 61. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his son Submitter's Last Name KONIN
Submitter's First Name G
Kunina Rakhil
Rakhil Kunina was born in 1901. She was a teacher. Prior to WWII she lived in Kopys, Belorussia (USSR). During the war she was in Kopys, Belorussia (USSR). Rakhil perished in 1942 in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Persecuted found in the Records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory, GARF Archives, Moscow
Kunin Abram
Abram Kunin was born in 1917 to Isaak and Nekhama. He was a mechanic and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Latvia. During the war he was in Army, USSR. Abram perished in 1941 in Libava, Latvia at the age of 24. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his relative.
--------------------------------Dear genners,
I am looking for family name Kunin in the area of Mogilev, Orsha, Smolyani.
My family moved to Riga in 1900 (Solomon Kunin, Efim Kunin son of
Solomon,David son of Solomon). My grandfather Efim Kunin moved to Moscow
after revolution and has son Victor and daughter Olga.
Can anybody look in Jerusalem phone book for Mark Kunin
and send it to me. I am looking for my Kunin relatives.
Irit Rashba...................................
ubject: grandfather's birth records
From: "Gary Kass" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 06:17:47 -0000 (GMT)
X-Message-Number: 1
Could somebody please advise me on the best way to get a copy of my
grandfather's birth records? I have tried contacting embassies and
consulates and gotten very little help. The facts are listed below. Birth
name-Chaim Kasdan(spelling may be different)
American name-Herman Cohen
Birth date-February 27,1881(could also be March 15,1881 due to different
calendars)in Vilnius
Date of departure-June 6,1902
City of departure-Hamburg,Germany
Arrival in America-June 18,1902
Detained until June 28,1902
Port of arrival-New York (Ellis Island)
Date of death-September 30,1964 in Brooklyn,New York
Date of marriage-May 24,1913
Wife's name-Celia Kunin
Father's name-Samuel Joseph Casden
Mother's name- Lena Keston
If anybody can point me in the right direction,I will be eternally
grateful. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Gary Kass
My name is Eric Duval-Valachs and I'm living in France. I'm 51.
My grand mother Leja Vita KOUNIN (or KUNIN) born in Orsha (Belarus),
1895 december 25.
My grand father, Judelis VALACHAS (or VALACH) born in Vilkavoska (?)
(Lithuania) 1893 april 18.
They had one daughter, Irena VALACHS, born in Riga (Latvia) on 26
december 5, who is still alive.
They were living in Riga and left Riga for France around 1930.
My both grand-parents were deported and dead in Auschwitz on 1942
september 16.
I'm looking for information about Judelis VALACHS or Leja KOUNIN/KUNIN
(parents, brothers and sisters, cousins etc.).
Does anyone have any information and can anyone help me to obtain more
about my grand-parents ?
Eric Duval-Valachs, France
Pavel Bernstam mentions a Romanovski colony. Can anyone enlighten me on
this - what it was and whereabouts.
My ggrandparents used the name Romanofsky. I wonder if there is a
researching GLAZER - Lipkany, Bessarabia; COHEN (KUNYEN/KUNIN) -
Vitepsk/Mohilev; ROMANOFSKY-Poltava; DEITSCH (DACZ, DEYTZ etc) -Plock,
Poland; KUTNOWSKI - Gostynin, Poland; KIERSTEJN - Lodz, Poland, HAMBURG
My Grandfather was born and lived in Vyetka (Vetka) in Mogilev
province located about 11 miles from Gomel, until 1906 when he left
for America with his family. Family name ( Kopoloff, Kopelow,
Kopeliovich) related by marriages to Kunin , Rosin, Margolin families from the
same area. I would like to hear from others with relatives from Vyetka,
especially anyone who has photos or stories from this village .
Ari Kopolow
Looking for relatives of Morris Kunin or Kunian and Ethel Wisinsky
D2s2b4gn (View posts)
Posted: 27 Mar 2012 8:24AM GMT
Classification: Query
Surnames: Kunin, Kunian, Haffner, Ellenbogen, Wisinsky.
I'm not sure how many children they had, but they were my great grandparents. We've always gone by Kunin, but we found an old birth record for my grandfather that was spelled Kunian and then altered to say Kunin. It all seems to be this big mystery that I've been lost in. I would really like to find out more about my family's history.
Some of the other people that I know are part of the Kunin side of my family are: Goldie Kunin, Seymour Kunin, Esther Haffner, Harvey Haffner, Gail Ellenbogen, Dorothy Kunin, Gloria Kunin, Shelley Kunin, Marc Kunin, Edith Kunin, and Phyllis Kunin.
Re: Looking for relatives of Morris Kunin or Kunian and Ethel Wisinsky
airecare (View posts)
Posted: 29 Sep 2012 7:05PM GMT
Classification: Query
Deidre - Just saw this message on Ancestry. Gail Ellenbogen, my cousin, the daughter of Esther and Irving Hafner still lives in Michigan. My other cousins: Shelly Kunin, daughter of Seymour is in Michigan; Gloria Kunin, daughter of Seymour lives in California; Mark, the son of Seymour was killed in a baseball accident many years ago.
Yes, Grandpa Carl did change his last name. My mom said it was common. I believe Goldie's last name was changed as well because it is so hard to find any trace of her.
Patty Eisenbraun
William Kunin
circa January 1, 1878
Vetka, Homiel Province, Belarus
circa August 16, 1952 (74)
St. Louis, Missouri, United States (Cerebral thrombosis)
Immediate Family:
Son of Joseph Kunin and Kune Kunin
Husband of Sophie Kunin
Father of Isadore Kunin; Sarah Elizabeth Wolff;Minnie Rudin; Albert Kunin and Sadie Greenblatt
Brother of Rachel Rossin and Morris Kunin
Added by:
Ann Jacobs on January 18, 2014
Willliam Kunin
MyHeritage family trees
The Kopolow Family Tree(Members may edit this Tree) in The Kopolow Family Tree Web Site, managed by Louis (ARI) kopolow (Contact)
Circa 1878 - Jakaterinoslaw, Belarus
Aug 16 1952 - St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Joseph Kunin, Kune Simpkins Kunin
Morris Kunin, Rachel Rossin (born Kunin)
Shiffra Kunin (born Kopelovich)
Sarah Wolff (born Kunin), Minnie Rudin (born Kunin), Sadie Greenblatt (born Kunin), Albert Kunin, Izzy Kunin
Shlomo Eliyahu Cunin, (Hebrew ???? ???? ????? ?????), (Shlomo Cunin), a Hasidic Rabbi, associated with theChabad-Lubavitch movement. Cunin is the director of Chabad-Lubavitch of California, and Chabad activities on the West Coast of the United States.[1]
Kunin 2 PDF
Grandfather was born and lived in Vyetka (Vetka) in Mogilev
province located about 11 miles from Gomel, until 1906 when he left
for America with his family. Family name ( Kopoloff, Kopelow,
Kopeliovich) related by marriages to Kunin , Rosin, Margolin families from the
same area. I would like to hear from others with relatives from Vyetka,
especially anyone who has photos or stories from this village .
Ari Kopolow |