#btwk-1a: Russian wedding
photographs of Faga and Nathan Botwinik.

I. Botwinik Family
A document-dated 1895, the oldest in my possession, is evidence of an
odyssey begun by my father, Nathan Botwinik. His goal of attaining American
citizenship took sixteen years of careful planning and required him
to cross three continents. He had no way of predicting that the journey
would ultimately, preserve our family lineage. The saga started
in Minsk, Russia in 1895 when Papa applied for a Russian passport for
which he paid seven rubles and fifty-kopek. The passport later, on June
25, 1897, served as a legal identification when he applied for a license
to open a tailor shop in Minsk.
My father was born in 1873. His mother was Tziril Minna. Tragically,
his father after whom he was named, died in a horse-and-wagon accident
before his birth. His grandfather, Yoshua Botwinik was married to Miriam.
When his motehr married Aaron Leib Haneles, a widower with a son Jacob,
he was sent to live with his aunt Libby and Uncle Hemmie. At the age
of twenty-three in 1897, in the Hebrew year 5658 on the 23rd day of
Adar, Papa married my mother, Faga Maisel. She was born in 1879 and
was six years younger than he. Their marriage contract or ketuba, now
hangs in the home of their great-granddaughter Deborah Jacobsen and
great-great-granddaughters, Sarah Faith and Hilary. Chaya Sonkin was
my grandmothers maiden name and my grandfather was Avrum Maisel.
Mamas maternal grandparents were Shlomo and Gita Baila Sonkin
and her paternal grandfather was David Maisel.
Although an important world event occurred in South Africa before my
fathers birth, it had a profound influence on him when he made
the decision to travel to Africa and eventually, to America. In 1867,
diamonds were found along the Orange and Vaal Rivers, which set the
stage for the Boer War. These rivers were located north of Cape Town
in independent republics known as the Transvaal and Orange Free State.
They were administered by the Boers, former Dutchmen who settled there
as farmers.
In 1886, when Papa was thirteen years old, another event of international
significance took place in Africa. The gold rush! The mad pace continued
until immigration increases the white population from about 328,000
in 1875 to 1,117,000 by 1904. Railway construction was even more notable.
In 1870 there were only sixty-nine miles of railway track in all of
Africa but by 1895, there were 3,600 miles. The industrial growth rose
to a feverish pitch and these financial statistics were reported over
the entire world. Papa no doubt, sensed that Africa was the place to
be to accumulate money, quickly. In addition to the diamond and gold
industries a third element, the Boer War of 1899, had a powerful influence
on the soaring south African economy.
When diamond fields were discovered in the Boer Republic, Africa at
last, entered the world economy and acquired a special place as the
source of one-third of the worlds annual supply of gold and more
than one-half the annual supply of diamonds. Control of these great
industries was consolidated into a few hands by the Boers. Manual labor
was done mainly by immigrants, many of whom were British, and they were
subjected to great hardships by the Boers. The British who governed
the Cape colony objected to the living conditions and attempted to restrain
the Boers movements and commerce. The Boers resented the liberal
tendencies of the British who were demanding freedom for the workers
they claimed were treated as slaves. The war originated in claims over
the Boers refusal to grant civic inclusion to these Outlanders.
To augment the British forces of 500,000 already in South Africa in
1899, 10,000 British troops were sent to the Transvaal. The forces were
unequal as the Boers never had more than 65,000 men. By 1902, the war
was over.
As these tumultuous events were occurring in Africa, Papa was eager
to increase his earnings as evidenced by his application for a license
to open and operate a tailor shop. Printed here, is a copy of the occupational
license. It is a 20x27 large, official appearing Russian
permit, granted by a Minsk agency for a five year period.
By the order of His Imperial Majesty given in Minsk,
Pakonskai County, to Nathan, Nathanovich Botwinik.
In granting the request of Nathan, Nathanovich
Botvinik on the basis of the evidence and also based
on 285, 464, 465, 466, 467, 469, from the 11th to the
2nd paragraph of regulations published in 1893, under
the authority from 10th of April, 1898, #99, he may
practice the profession of Mens Tailoring and is
registered in his profession in the City of Minsk.
By means of his passport registred in Pakanskai County,
from 29th of March 1898, #62 for 5 years until March 29,
1903, he may within a month after receipt of permission,
practice his profession and open a shop. He may hire
employees and students, as well as display a business
Botvinik, being of Jewish origin, has these statistics:
Age 24; Height, 2 Arshin and 5 5/8 vershok; Hair and
eyebrows, red-brown; Eyes, gray; Nose and Mouth,
normal; Chin, ordinary; Face, clean; Unusual marks,
Signed, and Government Stamp applied in 1898 year,
April 10th day. (City of Minsk line is crossed out) and
Government order of 25th of June 1897, #7878 allows him
to practice in any part of the county.
Signed by:
Professional Hierarchy: Shalkofsky
Colleagues: Tabalenich
Shapir Ownership of the shop did not alter Papas plan to
immigrate to America. It was merely, a step in his effort to accumulate
enough money to sail to Africa, as indicated by his departure from Russia
two years before his occupational license expired. He was convinced
that on reaching Africa he could ply his trade to a population with
considerable, discretionary income. In addition, he could work towards
British citizenship, which would simplify his entry into America.
Once in London, Papa obtained information indicating that he could travel
to Cape Town at no cost, by enlisting as a deckhand on the Union-Castle
Mail Steamship Co. Ltd. This German vessel was engaged in Royal Mail
Service betweenEngland and South Africa and made calls regularly at
Madeira, Grand Canary, Teneriffe, St. Helena, Delacoa Bay, Beira, Ascension,
Madagascar, and Mauritius. It was an arduous three-month journey covering
over 5,735 miles but my father was determined to get to Africa and eventually,
reach America.
In 1901, when my oldest brother was two years old, the necessary funds
to reach London had been accumulated. In addition to Papas earnings,
Mama was employed as a skilled dressmaker and contributed her wages,
as well.
The official Russian travel passport issued to Papa is dated May 8,
1901. On July 4, 1901, he set sail from Southampton, England to Africa.
By this time, my mother was pregnant, again. Their second child Ofse,
would be born in Minsk in 1902, while Papa was living in Cape Town.
Since my mother arrived in America with both brothers, we children assumed
Ofse was born before Papa left for Africa. However, I later, discovered
that Papas American citizenship papers issued in Kansas City on
October 11, 1911, listed Ofse as nine years old. This verified he was
born in 1902 during the period my father lived in Africa. Since my father
departed Minsk in July of 1901, Mama may have been unaware of her pregnancy
when he left. On Papas arrival in London he registered with
the steamship company. His contract-ticket lists him as having open
berth accommodations in steerage class. Also, listed along with my father
were four men who shared accommodations. They were Mr. A. Katz, 26 years
old, Mr. B. Zirkelman, 32, Mr. Bass, 37, and, Mr. S. Katzke, 16. My
father is listed as 28 years old. The fee paid space on
the contract is scratched out, indicating no fee was paid. There is
a victualling scale for the journey, which was printed in
the body of the ticket as required by the Merchant Shipping Act of 1894.
This included the weekly food, water and provisions issued daily by
the Master of the ship to each statute adult. It provided
three quarts of water daily, exclusive of what was necessary for cooking,
as well as the following list of articles for a week, in a cooked state: 3
1ž2 lbs. Bread or Biscuit, not inferior to quality of Navy Biscuit
2 lbs. Potatoes 1 lb. Sugar
2 lbs. Wheaten Flour 2 oz. Salt
1 lb. Oatmeal 1ž2 oz. Mustard
1 lb. Peas 1 gill Vinegar
1 1ž2 lb. Beef 6 oz. Lime Juice
1 1ž2 lb. Pork 1 lb. Preserved meat
8 oz. Rice 6 oz. Suet
1ž2 oz. Black or white pepper ground 8 oz. Raisins
22 oz. Tea 1 oz. Butter
Lime juice was added to prevent scurvy among the sailors, which led
to British sailors being called limeys. The steamship arrived
in Cape Town on October 28, 1901, almost four months after leaving London,
according to Papas recorded visit to the Russian consulate.
My father lived on 7 Pontac Street in Cape Town during the time he lived
in Africa. On December 22, 1902, he purchased a Singer sewing Machine
with a stand and table from Bourne & Co. Ltd., for [11 pound notes].
He was now self-employed and could make and sell suits, a profitable
venture. After four years residence in Africa, Papa obtained his
British citizenship papers. They were signed and issued on the 16th
day of February 1905, stating he was a British Colonial Subject by Naturalization.
During that four year period he learned to speak, read and write English
which would assist him in earning a living in America. He accumulated
enough money to finance his trip from Africa to America and cover expenses
for the family from Russia to Kansas City. All these accomplishments
are examples of extraordinary determination and endurance. Missing
from Papas files are the departure date from Africa, name of the
vessel he boarded to America and his British naturalization papers.
However, he left an empty passport folder with the name, F. Missler,
Bremen Germany on the outside cover. On the inside of the worn, 5x7
folder are the German words: F. Missler Bahnhofstrasse 30 Passagier-Annahme
fur die Schnelldampfer nach Amerika Bank und Geldwechsel. If indeed,
Papa left Germany as a deckhand on this vessel, repeating his experience
from London to Cape Town, it has yet to be determined. In an attempt
to track down ship information, I contacted Lineages, Inc., in Salt
Lake City who have Passenger List Ship Indices from 1902 to 1946. There
was no record of a Nathan Botwinik arriving in New York. My theory is
that Papa was not registered as a passenger on the F. Missler but served
as a deckhand. On boarding, he may have been required to turn over his
British citizenship papers and after jumping ship, left the document
on board. This was common practice during that period. Recently, an
article appeared in the San Francisco Examiner stating that Governor
Pataki Forbears were Illegals. The New York governor told reporters
his Irish grandmother had immigrated illegally and his uncle, a German
sailor, jumped ship in New York City. If Papa did indeed, jump ship
it would explain the absence of his British citizenship papers. As a
matter of fact, when applying for American citizenship he declared himself
a Russian citizen, probably using the only citizenship papers he possessed. Although,
Mamas contribution to our family history was important, it was
not as dramatic as Papas. The impending birth of their second
child may, or may not, have been known by Mama. She went through the
pregnancy, childbirth and rearing of two children for four years without
the emotional, moral, or financial support of her husband. She continued
working as a dressmaker, sustained her family and accumulated whatever
funds she could for the trip to America. Her journey from Liverpool
to New York with two small children must have been a difficult, month-long
passage but she had a pragmatic outlook on life and the endurance to
overcome difficulties. She received her Russian passport in Minsk on
September 29, 1905. It was issued to Feiga Botwinik mit Kindern, Solomon
und Ovsei, immigrants and steerage class. On landing at New York, pin
the inspection card to the coat or dress of the passenger in a prominent
position. They boarded the S.S. Umbria, out of Liverpool, England. I
remember the large, braided, wicker hamper my mother brought from Russia.
She called it a cajeenie. In it, she and her mother placed a down-filled
comforter or paraneh which they had laboriously, filled with chicken
feathers; goose down-filled pillows; a pair of silver candlesticks,
a wedding gift from her parents; a tea samovar; an old, discarded copper
candlestick which her father had found and given to her for use in reciting
the Sabbath blessing; a brass staysel, a mortar and pestle for pounding
poppy seeds in the making of Homantashan and a large copper vat or lok
used for storing boiled water during the Sabbath when it was forbidden
to light a fire. It was kept in a large, wall-oven in the kitchen that
always remained heated, thus obviating the need to light a fire. These
items are in my home, with the exception of the samovar, which was left
with Papas step-relatives in New York when they assured Mama there
was no need for it in America. Mamas brother Shlomo, remained
in Minsk with his parents on Eurovagas Street in Tritsky Barg. Also,
cousins Avrum Labe and Israel Sonkin remained on farms in Misvegeny
about a mile away. As far as we know, no family members survived the
Holocaust. An Associated Press release from Jerusalem on May 5, 1997
stated that 100,000 Jews had died in Minsk during the Holocaust in World
War II. The holocaust tragedy gives rise to conjecture about the existence
of our present family had my parents remained in Russia. Fortnately,
Mamas siblings Dave, Reuben, Anna and Lakie were spared when they
later, joined her in America. Dave married Rose, a relative of their
landsleit, the Levines; Reuben married Becky Kleinstein and Anna married
Louis Ribacoff. All had families of four children except Lakie, who
married William Sperling and they had one child. From the records
in my possession, we know Papa had to arrive in America sometime between
February of 1905 when he received his British passport in Cape Town
and nine months later, on December 25th, 1905 when my mother landed
in New York City with the children.
The decision to come to Kansas City was made at the urging of their
friends Abraham and Yehudid Levine, who lived there. Minnie, my sister,
was born in Kansas City in January of 1907 at 5th and Holmes. My brother
Dave and I were born at 2117 Mercier. I was born April 6, 1909 and Dave
in January 1911. Sister Becky was born in 1913 at the Research Hospital,
then known as the German Hospital. Dr. George Ringel, our family doctor
decided that Mamas sixth delivery would be complicated and called
in Dr. Sulzberger, an obstetric specialist, who performed a Cesarean
section. When Mama was in the hospital, Minnie, Dave and I stayed with
the Levines while Sol and Ofse remained at home with Papa.
My fathers quest for citizenship was realized on October 11, 1911,
when he was granted American citizenship. He was 37 years old. Now,
in my 90th year, after reviewing the documents he preserved so carefully,
I realize the extent of his travels and the contribution he made to
the continuation of our family line. There is no question that Papas
papers were important to him and our family can be grateful he preserved
them. They were discovered in the family bookcase after his death and
the attached, attractive mirror was refinished and now hangs in the
home of his granddaughter, Barbara Spack.
Papa died April 9, 1945, at the age of seventy-two. I regret that while
he was alive, I had no knowledge of his sixteen year journey or the
sacrifices he made in his quest for American citizenship. Unfortunately,
he never told the children his story. It was a missed opportunity for
a special filial bond that could have been formed between us. My mother
died on April 1, 1976 at the age of ninety-seven. I am grateful I had
expressed my thanks to her while she was alive.
This review of my parents journeys illustrated how our destinies
are influenced and molded by choices we make. From the bottom of my
heart, I thank them both for their strength and determination in making
those choices.

Botwinik, brother of Mary nee Botwinik Spack (she wrote the story about
her father, Nathan Botwinik) David is my husband's grandfather. The first
one is from before 1956 the second from 1956, and the third is from (what
my husband believes to be) the 80's.
1930 United States Federal Census
Nathan Botwinik Age;55 Birth;1874 Russia Head White Kansas City, Jackson,
Faga Botwinik Age;51 Birth);1878 Wife Kansas City, Jackson, MO
Joe Botwinik Age;28 Birth;1901 Son Kansas City, Jackson, MO born in Russia
Minnie Botwinik Age;22 BirthYear;1907 Daughter Kansas City, Jackson, MO
Mary Botwinik Age;20 BirthYear);1909 Daughter Kansas City, Jackson, MO
teacher in public school
David Botwinik Age);18 BirthY;1911 Son Kansas City, Jackson, MO
Beckie Botwinik Age;16 Birth;1913 Daughter Kansas City, Jackson, MO
Some other Botwiniks 1930
Meier Botwinik 27 1902Connecticut Head White New Haven, New Haven, CT
Ruth r Botwinik 26 1903 Wife New Haven, New Haven, CT
Marilyn Botwinik 2 1927 Daughter New Haven, New Haven, CT
Hyman s Botwinik 40 1889 Poland Head White New Haven, New Haven, CT
Esther Botwinik 39 1890 Wife New Haven, New Haven, CT
Miriam Botwinik 19 1910 Daughter New Haven, New Haven, CT
Norman i Botwinik 14 1915 Son New Haven, New Haven, CT
Stanley n Botwinik 10 1919 Son New Haven, New Haven, CT
Louis Botwinik 30 1899 Connecticut Head White New Haven, New Haven, CT
Henrietta Botwinik 30 1899 Wife New Haven, New Haven, CT
Anita r Botwinik6 1923 Daughter New Haven, New Haven, CT
Samuel Botwinik 29 1900 Connecticut Head White New Haven, New Haven, CT
Sally h Botwinik 29 1900 Wife New Haven, New Haven, CT
Robert s Botwinik 7 1922 Son New Haven, New Haven, CT
Reyna m Botwinik 2 1927 Daughter New Haven, New Haven, CT
Hyman Botwinik 45 1884 Russia Head White Baltimore, Baltimore
(Independent City), MD
Vera Botwinik 38 1891 Wife Baltimore, Baltimore (Independent City),
Lee Botwinik19 1910 Daughter Baltimore, Baltimore (Independent
City), MD
Milton Botwinik 16 1913 Son Baltimore, Baltimore (Independent
City), MD
Edith Botwinik 11 1918 Daughter Baltimore, Baltimore (Independent
Emanuel Botwinik AgeWith12ths('40',false);40 BirthYear(1930, '40');1889
Russia White Newark, Essex, NJ
Fannie Botwinik AgeWith12ths('40',false);40 BirthYear(1930, '40');1889
Newark, Essex, NJ
Max Botwinik AgeWith12ths('15',false);15 BirthYear(1930, '15');1914 Newark,
Essex, NJ
Heyman Botwinik AgeWith12ths('33',false);33 BirthYear(1930, '33');1896
Russia White North Bergen, Hudson, NJ
D??a Botwinik AgeWith12ths('28',false);28 BirthYear(1930, '28');1901 North
Bergen, Hudson, NJ
Charles Botwinik AgeWith12ths('36',false);36 BirthYear(1930, '36');1893
Russia White Union City, Hudson, NJ
Dora Botwinik AgeWith12ths('32',false);32 BirthYear(1930, '32');1897 Union
City, Hudson, NJ
Norma Botwinik AgeWith12ths('6',false);6 BirthYear(1930, '6');1923 Union
City, Hudson, NJ
Harriet Botwinik AgeWith12ths('3 6/12',false);3 BirthYear(1930, '3 6/12');1926
Union City, Hudson, NJ
Jock Botwinik AgeWith12ths('23',false);23 BirthYear(1930, '23');1906 England
Brother-in-law White Bronx, Bronx, NY
Abraham Botwinik AgeWith12ths('49',false);49 BirthYear(1930, '49');1880
Russia Head White Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Fanny Botwinik AgeWith12ths('43',false);43 BirthYear(1930, '43');1886
Wife Brooklyn, Kings, NY
William Botwinik AgeWith12ths('22',false);22 BirthYear(1930, '22');1907
Name Age in 1930 Estimated Birth Year Birthplace Relation to head-of-house
Race Home in 1930
(City,County,State) View Census Save This
Lily Botwinik AgeWith12ths('16',false);16 BirthYear(1930, '16');1913 Daughter
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Ada Botwinik AgeWith12ths('14',false);14 BirthYear(1930, '14');1915 Daughter
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Leonard Botwinik AgeWith12ths('10',false);10 BirthYear(1930, '10');1919
Son Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Claire Botwinik AgeWith12ths('19',false);19 BirthYear(1930, '19');1910
Daughter-in-law Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Irving Botwinik AgeWith12ths('40',false);40 BirthYear(1930, '40');1889
Russia Head White Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Minnie Botwinik AgeWith12ths('33',false);33 BirthYear(1930, '33');1896
Wife Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Nancy Botwinik AgeWith12ths('10',false);10 BirthYear(1930, '10');1919
Daughter Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Barnet Botwinik AgeWith12ths('44',false);44 BirthYear(1930, '44');1885
Russia Head White Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Rebecca Botwinik AgeWith12ths('40',false);40 BirthYear(1930, '40');1889
Wife Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Rae Botwinik AgeWith12ths('20',false);20 BirthYear(1930, '20');1909 Daughter
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Elsie Botwinik AgeWith12ths('18',false);18 BirthYear(1930, '18');1911
Daughter Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Sam Botwinik AgeWith12ths('41',false);41 BirthYear(1930, '41');1888 Russia
Head White Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Annie Botwinik AgeWith12ths('37',false);37 BirthYear(1930, '37');1892
Wife Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Mary Botwinik AgeWith12ths('13',false);13 BirthYear(1930, '13');1916 Daughter
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Jack Botwinik AgeWith12ths('7',false);7 BirthYear(1930, '7');1922 Son
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Harry Botwinik AgeWith12ths('50',false);50 BirthYear(1930, '50');1879
Russia Head White Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Rose Botwinik AgeWith12ths('42',false);42 BirthYear(1930, '42');1887 Wife
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Augusta Botwinik AgeWith12ths('21',false);21 BirthYear(1930, '21');1908
Daughter Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Irving Botwinik AgeWith12ths('17',false);17 BirthYear(1930, '17');1912
Son Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Mildred Botwinik AgeWith12ths('6',false);6 BirthYear(1930, '6');1923 Daughter
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Nathan Botwinik AgeWith12ths('43',false);43 BirthYear(1930, '43');1886
Russia Head White Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Pauline Botwinik AgeWith12ths('27',false);27 BirthYear(1930, '27');1902
Wife Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Jerome Botwinik AgeWith12ths('15',false);15 BirthYear(1930, '15');1914
Son Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Sylvia Botwinik AgeWith12ths('14',false);14 BirthYear(1930, '14');1915
Daughter Brooklyn, Kings, NY
George Botwinik AgeWith12ths('8',false);8 BirthYear(1930, '8');1921 Son
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Stewart Botwinik AgeWith12ths('3/12',false);0 BirthYear(1930, '3/12');1929
Son Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Louis Botwinik AgeWith12ths('70',false);70 BirthYear(1930, '70');1859
Russia Head White Valley, Nassau, NY
Lena Botwinik AgeWith12ths('70',false);70 BirthYear(1930, '70');1859 Wife
Valley, Nassau, NY
Isaac Botwinik AgeWith12ths('47',false);47 BirthYear(1930, '47');1882
Russia Head White Queens, Queens, NY
Sarah Botwinik AgeWith12ths('46',false);46 BirthYear(1930, '46');1883
Wife Queens, Queens, NY
Philip Botwinik AgeWith12ths('22',false);22 BirthYear(1930, '22');1907
Son Queens, Queens, NY
David Botwinik AgeWith12ths('13',false);13 BirthYear(1930, '13');1916
Son Queens, Queens, NY
Morris Botwinik AgeWith12ths('47',false);47 BirthYear(1930, '47');1882
Russia Head White Charleston, Kanawha, WV
Ida Botwinik AgeWith12ths('44',false);44 BirthYear(1930, '44');1885 Wife
Charleston, Kanawha, WV
Harry Botwinik AgeWith12ths('21',false);21 BirthYear(1930, '21');1908
Son Charleston, Kanawha, WV
Lilian Botwinik AgeWith12ths('18',false);18 BirthYear(1930, '18');1911
Daughter Charleston, Kanawha, WV
Merril Botwinik AgeWith12ths('16',false);16 BirthYear(1930, '16');1913
Son Charleston, Kanawha, WV
Minnie Botwinik AgeWith12ths('17',false);17 BirthYear(1930, '17');1912
Niece Charleston, Kanawha, WV
Botwinik in
Ellis Island;
Exact Matches (181)
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
1. Abe Botwinik London 1902 21
2. Abraham Botwinik Ilia 1906 16
3. Abram Botwinik Humann 1901 1
4. Abram Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1908 8
5. Abram Botwinik Fgumen, Russia 1914 40
6. Abram Botwinik Rakow, Poland 1922 12
7. Aisik Botwinik Wiszniewo 1903 20
8. Alel Botwinik 1894 10
9. Alie Botwinik Odessa, Russia 1910 23
10. Alte Botwinik Wischnowa, Russia 1910 18
11. Aron Botwinik Minsk 1906 1
12. Aron Botwinik Kosdany, Russia 1914 15
13. Bal Botwinik Rakow 1905 18
14. Baruch Botwinik Horredeck 1892 19
15. Basche Botwinik 1894 9
16. Basche Botwinik Rahard or Rakow 1904 22
17. Basse Botwinik 1895 42
18. Behrl Botwinik 1895 5
19. Beile Botwinik Minsk 1906 19
20. Beile Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1912 42
21. Benze Botwinik Rowno, Russia 1910 9
22. Berl Botwinik Nakola 1903 21
23. Biele Botwinik Odessa 1906 48
24. Bornch Botwinik Minsk 1905 0
25. Cahim Botwinik Horodok 1902 5
26. Chaie Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 8
27. Chaie Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 11
28. Chaie Dawidow Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1911 18
29. Chaim Botwinik 1896 11
30. Chaim Botwinik 1896 11
31. Chaim Botwinik Zasl... 1902 40
32. Chaim Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 20
33. Chaim Botwinik Lebedewo, Russia 1910 7
34. Chaja Botwinik Rakow, Poland 1922 37
35. Chaje Botwinik 1896 18
36. Chaje Botwinik Minsk 1906 35
37. Chaje Botwinik Ilia 1906 50
38. Chaje Botwinik Lebedewo, Russia 1910 9
39. Chane Botwinik Minsk, Minsk 1908 27
40. Chane Botwinik Walozyn, Russia 1909 7
41. Chane Broche Botwinik Fgumen, Russia 1914 18
42. Chasia Botwinik Thumen, Minsk 1921 16
43. Chawe Botwinik Libidowr, Russia 1909 16
44. Cjarne Botwinik Kosdany, Russia 1914 11
45. Cypa Botwinik 1921 45
46. David Botwinik 1895 22
47. David Botwinik 1896 15
48. David Botwinik 1896 15
49. Dawid Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 3
50. Dawid Botwinik Rakow, Poland 1922 8
51. Dobe Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1908 12
52. Dwoire Botwinik Minsk 1905 16
53. Dwore Lea Botwinik Grodno 1901 54
54. Elie Botwinik Radow 1902 20
55. Elie Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 7
56. Elja Botwinik Shumen, Russia 1912 19
57. Elle Botwinik Rakow 1906 22
59. Ester Botwinik Swarzin, Russia 1910 18
60. Ester Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1912 49
61. Ester Botwinik Zadorja, Russia 1923 55
62. Ester G. Botwinik Kosdany, Russia 1914 50
63. Fanni Botwinik Minski 1905 23
64. Feigel Botwinik Minsk 1906 26
65. Fente Botwinik Zemose, Russia 1906 18
66. Frume Botwinik Grodno 1901 1
67. Gdalja Botwinik Jgumen Poland 1921 14
68. Gedalie Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 9
69. Gedaln Botwinik Radow 1902 50
70. Gelle Botwinik Walozyn, Russia 1909 5
71. Ginde Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1912 9
72. Gittel Botwinik Radoszkowizy 1904 3
73. Gittle Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1912 11
74. Golde Botwinik 1894 28
75. Golde Botwinik Lotvisk 1903 19
76. Golde Botwinik Srahojsk, Russia 1913 17
77. Heilli Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1906 20
78. Hersch Botwinik Homel 1906 17
79. Hibel Botwinik 1906 20
80. Hilel Botwinik Minsk 1906 11
81. Hinde Botwinik Gorodok, Minisk 1908 17
82. Hode Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 3
83. Isedor Botwinik Minski 1905 27
84. Iser Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 6
85. Israel Botwinik Minsk 1906 3
86. Isser Botwinik Horodok 1902 1
87. Iteka Botwinik Boriauw 1914 19
88. Itka Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1924 58
89. Itzig Botwinik 1893 34
90. Itzko Botwinik Staroselsk 1904 13
91. Jache Botwinik Grodno 1901 28
92. Jacob Botwinik Horodok 1902 29
93. Jacob Botwinik Rakow 1906 57
94. Jankel Botwinik 1892 25
95. Jankel Botwinik Ilia 1906 12
96. Jankel Botwinik Kosdany, Russia 1914 8
97. Jochiel Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1910 32
98. Josef Botwinik Minsk 1902 5
99. Josel Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 42
100. Joseph Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1914 19
101. Jossel Botwinik 1906 17
102. Judasse Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 38
103. Lea Botwinik Fwenetz 1907 27
104. Lea Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1908 19
105. Leah Botwinik Lebedewo, Russia 1910 50
106. Leib Botwinik Minsk 1906 17
107. Leib Botwinik Bakow, Russia 1910 32
108. Leiba Botwinik Humen, Poland 1921 17
109. Leibe Botwinik 1906 24
110. Leibe Botwinik Rahew 1906 34
111. Leibe Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 9
112. Leibe Botwinik Swenitz, Russia 1912 28
113. Leiser Botwinik Lebedewo, Russia 1910 55
114. Leizer Botwinik 1892 36
115. Leje Botwinik Jgumen Poland 1921 17
116. Liwsza Botwinik Thumen, Minsk 1921 20
117. Malke Botwinik Minsk 1902 2
118. Malke Botwinik Minsk 1906 20
119. Malke Botwinik Walozyn, Russia 1909 33
120. Mardcho Botwinik Minsk 1906 3
121. Mayer Botwinik Jaffa, Turkey Ta 1912 22
122. Mejer Botwinik Jgumen Poland 1921 15
123. Merel Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1908 15
124. Mila Botwinik Rakow, Poland 1922 9
125. Mine Botwinik 1905 18
126. Moische Botwinik Radoszkowizy 1904 8
127. Mordche Botwinik Ilia 1906 50
128. Morsche Botwinik 1896 19
129. Moses Botwinik 1895 18
130. Mowsche Botwinik Valosne 1905 17
131. Mowsche Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 50
132. Mowsche Botwinik Gorodok, Minisk 1908 16
133. Mowsza Botwinik Pinsk, Pinsk Reg. 1922 26
134. Mune Botwinik Minik, Russia 1910 20
135. Musche Botwinik 1895 16
136. Nechemi Botwinik Pinsk, Russia 1907 23
137. Noach Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1911 18
138. Nochern Botwinik Minsk 1906 5
139. Nochum Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1906 18
140. Owsli Botwinik Rakieu 1906 21
141. Pesse Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 38
142. Plume Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 5
143. Rachmiel Botwinik Kreysk, Russia 1912 33
144. Rafael Botwinik 1912
145. Rasche Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 9
146. Reichel Botwinik Radoszkowizy 1904 28
147. Reioke Botwinik Rahow 1903 18
148. Reisel Botwinik Minsk 1906 9
149. Riwa Botwinik Smolewiz, Russia 1911 17
150. Riwke Botwinik Grodno 1901 6
151. Rmike Botwinik Bekow 1905 19
152. Roche Botwinik Rakow 1906 57
153. Rochel Botwinik Horodok 1902 30
154. Rose Botwinik Liverpool, England 1910 18
155. Ruwin Botwinik Pinsk, Poland 1923 24
156. Salmen Botwinik Pinsk 1904 28
157. Salomon Botwinik 1895 17
158. Sara Botwinik Humann 1901 23
159. sarah Botwinik Horodok 1902 3
160. sarah Botwinik Horodok 1902 22
161. Scheine Botwinik Horodok 1902 0
162. Schloinne Botwinik Fwenetz 1907 27
163. Schmul Botwinik Rahard or Rakow 1904 20
164. Selde Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 4
165. Selde Botwinik Rakow, Russia 1910 17
166. Simon Botwinik Minsk 1906 20
167. Sonja Botwinik Thumen, Minsk 1921 8
168. Sore Botwinik 1896
169. Sore Botwinik Minsk 1902 33
170. Sore Botwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 39
171. Srol Botwinik Minsk 1905 25
172. Srul Botwinik Jgumen Poland 1921 17
173. Szymon Botwinik Thumen, Minsk 1921 11
174. Taube Botwinik 1896
175. Teige Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 5
176. Teige Botwinik Woloskyn 1905 7
177. Yalke Botwinik Radoskowicz 1907 24
178. Yankel Botwinik Minski, Russia 1911 20
179. Zenach Botwinik Goldinow, Russia 1910 17
180. Zipe Botwinik 1894 6
181. Zische Botwinik Fhumen, Russia 1911
1. Abrahm Batwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 11
2. Alex Batwinik 1894 39
3. Chano Batwinik Minsk 1903 20
4. David Batwinik 1894 5
5. Ester Batwinik Rokow 1905 16
6. Frume Batwinik Sarnachwekwiz, Russia 1906 28
7. Gittel Batwinik Sarnachwekwiz, Russia 1906 2
8. Henie Batwinik Besad, Russia 1911 17
9. Ioel Batwinik Ilja 1904 18
10. Jtzko Batwinik Jgunen, Russia 1910 35
11. Leib Batwinik Minsk 1905 36
12. Liebe Batwinik Rakowo, Gub Minsk, Russia 1906 32
13. Liebe Batwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 0
14. Malke Batwinik Okolowo 1904 20
15. Mary Batwinik 1894 37
16. Mone Batwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 20
17. Moses Batwinik 1894 7
18. Nissen Batwinik Minsk, Russia 1910 19
19. Rachel Batwinik Ilye 1904 26
20. Rafael Batwinik Wischrewe 1902 30
21. Schimen Batwinik Rakowo, Gub Minsk, Russia 1906 4
22. Sheindel Batwinik Minsk, Russia 1907 16
23. Sore Batwinik Rakowo, Gub Minsk, Russia 1906 8
24. Tonby Batwinik ... 1904 32
25. Trak Batwinik Liuvalk 1902 26
1. Abraham Betwinik 1904 31 97%
2. Fannie Betwinik Wilno 1906 22 97%
3. Leja Betwinik Swersnie, Russia 1911 18 97%
4. Lesthe Betwinik Minsk 1906 20 97%
5. Moisthe Betwinik Minsk 1906 9 97%
1. Abrom Botfinik Minsk 1902 19 97%
2. Irving Botvinick Brooklyn, N.Y. 1919 19 95%
3. Noech Botvinick Paris, France 1923 29 95%
1. Bo...e Botvinik Rakov, Russia 1907 21
2. Evel Botvinik Smilowiczi, Russia 1910 40
3. Fannie Botvinik Odessa 1906 32
4. Frida Botvinik Odessa 1906 9
5. Leiser Botvinik Muisk 1892 18
6. Meyer Botvinik Odessa 1906 35
7. Meyer Botvinik Odessa, Russia 1909 39
8. Nathar Botvinik Odessa, Russia 1909 4
9. Simon Botvinik Odessa 1906 6
10. Simon Botvinik Odessa, Russia 1909 6
11. Vachim Botvinik Odessa 1906 1