Schreibman Family |
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Data; Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival 1 ... Schreibmann Lovake 1902 16 2 ... Schreibman Phila., Pa. 1922 24 3 ...her Schreibmann Nobli 1904 36 4 Abr Schreibman Siroco 1900 16 5 Abraham Schreibman 1916 18 6 Abram Schreibman 1894 18 7 Alter Schreibmann 1905 22 8 Anna Schreibmann Galatz 1900 2 Image 9 Aron Schreibman Faltuschkow 1904 30 10 Aron Schreibmann Famachow 1906 32 11 Bceile Schreibmann Lovake 1902 40 12 Bela Schreibmann Galatz 1900 30 13 Bernard Schreibman France 1914 22 14 Boruch Schreibmann Chelm, Russia 1913 20 15 Boschke Schreibmann Schereschon 1906 22 16 Chaia Schreibmann Jossy 1902 5 P 17 Chajke Schreibmann Novorugitzi, Russia 1912 16 18 Chana Schreibman Bukarest, Roumania 1921 15 19 Chanoch Schreibman Minkewitz, Russia 1907 17 20 Charin Schreibmann Kobrin 1906 16 21 Chashel Schreibmann Litomir 1903 20 22 Chawe Schreibmann 1897 50 P 23 Choykel Schreibman ..., Russia 1914 27 24 Clara Schreibman 1893 9 25 Czerne Schreibman Polone, Russia 1910 19 26 DAVID SCHREIBMAN KOBRIN 1901 50 27 Dadio Schreibman Czerniatka, Russia 1906 10 28 David Schreibmann Wadrosko... 1906 20 29 David Schreibmann Kobrin 1903 32 30 Dina Schreibman Nowenst, Pod, Russia 1909 16 31 Dove Schreibmann Podlesa 1913 40 32 Dwoire Schreibmann Pinsk, Russia 1911 13 33 Elie Schreibman Koustantia, Russia 1913 55 34 Ester Schreibmann Slawatycze, Poland 1920 16 35 Ester Schreibmann Pinsk, Russia 1911 9 36 Ester Schreibman Lubar, Russia 1911 28 37 Esther Schreibman 1893 32 38 Feiga Schreibman Sedler, Poland 1920 8 39 Feige Schreibmann Jossy 1902 35 40 Feige Schreibmann Jossy 1902 35 41 Feige Schreibmann ... 1902 35 42 Feiges Schreibmann Jassy 1902 35 43 Freide Schreibmann Jossy 1902 17 44 Gite Schreibmann 1896 28 45 Gitel Schreibman Minkowce 1903 8 46 Gittel Schreibmann Firverow, Russia 1910 8 47 Gittla Schreibmann Baranowitschi, Poland 1920 40 48 HERSCHEL SCHREIBMAN KOBRIN 1901 8 49 Hanadl Schreibman Breotzhit 1906 17 50 Hermann Schreibmann Galatz 1900 4 51 Hersch Schreibman Minkowce 1903 6 52 Hersch Schreibman Odessa, Russia 1906 20 53 Hersch Schreibmann Goroszka 1907 28 54 Hessie Schreibman Odessa, Russia 1913 50 55 Hirsk Schreibmann Broskorf, Russia 1913 27 P 56 Israel Schreibmann Zameze, Russia 1913 17 57 Israel Schreibman Horader, Russia 1913 17 58 Jacob Schreibmann Galatz 1900 6 P 59 Jankel Schreibmann Odessa 1903 19 60 Jankel Schreibman Pinsk 1906 18 P 61 Jankel Schreibman Russia, Lubir 1912 17 62 Jankel Schreibman Odessa, Russia 1913 17 63 Janta Schreibman Horodetz 1906 17 64 Josef Schreibmann ... 1902 2 65 Josef Schreibman Swentzyanka 1904 17 66 Josef Schreibmann Prusanon 1903 27 67 Keile Schreibmann 1909 22 68 Kerr Schreibman 1894 11 69 Koppel Schreibman ... 1906 29 70 Leib Schreibman Kobryn, Russia 1911 19 71 Leib Schreibman Lubisgaw, Russia 1909 18 72 Leizer Schreibman Bukarest, Roumania 1921 49 73 Lindel Schreibmann Goroszka 1907 26 Passenger 74 Lipa Schreibman Lublin, Poland 1922 36 75 Liza Schreibman Pruskurom, Russia 1910 20 76 Lore Schreibman Koustantia, Russia 1913 50 77 Lore Schreibmann Zameze, Russia 1913 18 78 Malke Schreibmann Firverow, Russia 1910 6 79 Mausche Schreibman Baar, Russia 1910 58 80 Max Schreibman 1893 11 81 Mechel Schreibman Soroki, Russia 1909 53 82 Miechel Schreibmann Lovake 1902 45 83 Miniche Schreibman Bukarest, Roumania 1921 19 84 Mirel Schreibman Rotterdam 1904 14 85 Moadche Schreibmann Jossy 1902 2 86 Modche Schreibmann Jassy 1902 2 87 Moische Schreibmann Bukarest, Roumania. 1921 17 88 Moische Schreibmann 1896 6 89 Moische Schreibmann Umany, Russia 1914 26 90 Moische Schreibmann Brest, Russia 1913 39 91 Mojsche Schreibmann Slawatycze, Poland 1920 17 92 Mojsche L Schreibman Dubonka, Russia 1913 16 93 Molia Schreibman Riga, Latvia 1924 56 94 Mordche Leib Schreibmann Jossy 1902 20 95 Munie Schreibman Kara Komstantinow, Russia 1914 22 96 Nachman Schreibman Odessa, Russia 1907 22 97 Nathan Schreibman Raschkow 1904 23 98 Nechame Schreibman Odessa, Russia 1907 8 99 Nuchem Schreibman Tulezin 1906 30 100 Oscher Schreibmann Sotoroschow 1903 28 101 Peisach Schreibman Baranowke 1906 36 102 Pesza Schreibmann Slawatycze, Poland 1920 8 103 Rasie Schreibmann Zameze, Russia 1913 20 104 Reoke Schreibmann Broskorf, Russia 1913 25 105 Rifke Schreibmann Odessa, Russia 1907 45 106 Rifke Schreibman Odessa, Russia 1907 45 107 Riroke Schreibman Czerniatka, Russia 1906 54 108 Riwke Schreibmann Firverow, Russia 1910 34 109 Rochel Schreibmann Pinsk, Russia 1911 35 110 Roichke Schreibman Broluk, Russia 1914 21 111 Rosa Schreibman Nowenst, Pod, Russia 1909 18 112 Rosel Schreibman 1895 15 113 Rozalia Schreibmann Zubsuche, Galicia 1912 22 114 Ruchel Schreibman Zitomir 1905 17 115 SCHMUL SCHREIBMAN KOBRIN 1901 9 116 Schabre Schreibmann 1896 21 P 117 Schewe Schreibmann 1897 17 118 Schifre Schreibman Raskow, Russia 1912 22 119 Schmerel Schreibmann Pinsk, Russia 1907 24 120 Schmerl Schreibman Puzam 1904 25 121 Schmiel Schreibmann 1897 15 P 122 Schulem Schreibman Odessa, Russia 1907 9 123 Schulim Schreibmann Odessa, Russia 1907 10 124 Schulun Schreibman Minkowce 1903 27 125 Sheine Schreibmann Kobim 1900 48 126 Siba Schreibman Bukarest, Roumania 1921 45 127 Simche Schreibman Czerniatka, Russia 1906 59 128 Sime Schreibmann Pinsk, Russia 1911 7 129 Simon Schreibman Dubenke 1907 31 130 Sohy Schreibman 1894 15 131 Sore Schreibmann Russia 1909 3 132 Sore Hindel Schreibman Brest Litowsk, Russia 1914 16 133 Sprincse Schreibmann Russia 1909 16 134 Srael Schreibman Sosoke 1900 20 135 Srul Schreibmann Firverow, Russia 1910 9 136 Sura Schreibman Sedler, Poland 1920 40 137 Sussie Schreibmann Jossy 1902 8 138 Szimon Schreibman Dobenka, Russia 1913 37 139 Szlajma Schreibmann Slawatycze, Poland 1920 14 140 Teibel Schreibmann Odessa, Russia 1907 8 141 Wolf Schreibman 1894 14 142 Zirl Schreibmann 1897 19 1 Josif Schraibman Baranowka, Russia 1914 17 2 Rifke Schraibman Mirspol, Russia 1913 17 3 Rochsl Schraibman Baranowka, Russia 1912 17 4 Schmil Schreibmen Sedler, Poland 1920 13 1. Mojsze Szrejbman Zinkow, Russia 1923 20 . Baruch Shrebman Pruszanon 1903 25 2. Berko Szrajbman Kobryn, Poland 1923 25 3. Fradlja Szrajbman Czartorja, Poland 1922 23 1. Frederic Shreibman Benderi, Bessarabia, Russia 1914 44 2. Gershon Shreibman Jerusalem, Palestine 1923 32 3. Max Shreibman Ill., U.S.A. 1919 21 4. Shie Shreibman Wabin 1904 31 1. Giese Shreibmann Saroki 1899 20 2. Minie Shreibmann Kobrin 1901 18 SIDNEY SCHREIBMAN SSN 332-10-2534 Residence: 60123 Elgin, Kane, IL Born 25 Apr 1916 (Dolhinov?) Died 19 Sep 1987 Issued: IL (Before 1951 In a message dated 12/6/02 8:44:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << My father Sidney (Zelig)Schreibman was born in Dolhinov and spent time in Vilna before coming to the USA in the early 30's. His mother, Rochel Raskin, came over first. Would love any information I could get >> Dear Ed, Thank you so much for your note in the guestbook. from Dolhinov 1929 Business Directory; . Szraybman Surl (Shreibman); Textile 145. Szrajbman M. (Shreibman); Hotel 146. Szrajbman M. (Shreibman); Grains Zahava nee Schreibman Shiphris of Ramat Hasharon, Israel wrote in the Dolhinov Yizkor book about life in the area in the 1930's. Her father was Zvi Hirsh Schreibman. She was the sister of Sara and Yosef. All her family perished in Dolhinov. She wrote that She wanted to go to medical school, but they had Quotas for Jews and she could only be accepted to the law school in Vilna. She also applied to the University in Jerusalem and was accepted however she knew that her father would not let her go. She only told her sister Sara about her wish. Her sister facilitated her dream by selling in Warsaw a gold necklace and two pure silver handbags that she inherited when their mother passed away. Only after she received the necessary papers she told her father and reluctantly he had to let her go. She married in Israel and had children but she never saw any of her family members from Dolhinov again. In page76 they have a picture of Tzvi Hirsh SCHREIBMAN as other of the well off Jews of Dolhinov who were members of the management of Gmilut Chesed (a charity organization) from the list of the perished; SCHREIBMAN - Noah & family, Chaya Sarah, Chaya Devorah, Gedalyahu, David, Shelomo, Zvi, Miriam, Leah, Perla, Eliezer, Chaya Devorah, Yitzhak, Sarah & family, Yosef, Shaul & family, Yochka, Israel & family, Chaim, Yehiel From Ellis Island; 219 Reskin,Jenta Dolhinowo, Russia 1922 37y 220 Reskin,Mendel Dolginew, Russia 1909 19y 221 Reskin,Nachama Dolhinowo, Russia 1922 13y 222 Reskin,Roza Dolhinowo, Russia 1922 11y 223 Reskin,Symon Dolhinowo, Russia 1922 9y You could find some information about the Schreibmans during the holocaust in "We Really Wanted to Stay Alive" ....In April, all the Jews received an order to move to a ghetto on a small part of â€Borisov Streetâ€*. I still remember the parade of Jews being forced to walk with a few meager belonging to the ghetto. Prior to moving mother worked tirelessly to burn our belongings so that the Germans and their local collaborators would not obtain them. All the fireplaces in town worked overtime so that as many belongings could be burned prior to the deadline to relocate. Families were crowed into a few homes in the ghetto area with each room containing at list one family. Our entire family together with the Riar family and a refugee from Lodge lived in one room. The Schreibman family, mothers†brother; Shimon Gitlitz and his family and Rachel Katz (Shimons†sister in law) with her baby moved into another room. Two single people resided in the kitchen. The same kind of crowding was in all the homes in the Ghetto. The ghetto was surrounded by a wooden fence and barbed wire around the fence. Outside the ghetto stood the local policemen. The Judenrat forced some of the ghetto Jews to watch us from the inside. While in this house we discovered that the little shed in the back of the house had a door which allowed passage to the to the area outside of the ghetto that the Germans did not know about. At list we all were assuming that they did not know about it. We decided to use it on a later day when we would need to escape. However, all of our family members who attempted to get out through the gate during the second massacre were killed, as I will tell you later. On April 29, 1942, a communication was clandestinely announced in the ghetto that the Germans surrounded the ghetto and many SS units and Gestapo units came to town. We scurried to a different hiding place, which was prepared by the Schreibamn family and was used by them and their children during the first massacre. The hiding place was below a balcony roof and we had to drop deep down from the ceiling to get 9 people into this spot. Mother, my two sisters and I, Gita Gitlitz, the wife of Shimon Gitlitz (motherâ€s brother) with her two sons, Gitaâ€s sister Feiga Shriebam with her daughter entered this site. All the men did not go into the hiding place but instead attempted to escape through the gate door and some decided to hide in a pile of cut woods. In the morning of April 29th, the Germans entered the ghetto and commenced with their butchery. The Christian neighbors went from house to house to uncover our hiding spots for the Germans. When they would discover one type of hiding place they would look for the same kind in other homes. We heard screaming and pleas from the discovered Jews followed by gunshots, explosion of grenades and silence. We lay in our hiding place frozen with fear avoiding even a whisper. Time passed and time and again we would hear cries and screams that ended with gunshots. My mother whispered to us at one point; †If we are to be caught we should not cry my daughters, we should not beg them for our lives since it does not help anyway, we should not expect mercy from them. We should die with our self respect and dignity knowing who we are.â€* Then she stopped talking; we heard some of the local policemen entering our home. They went to the attic in the lower side of the house. The Schreibmans were a fairly wealthy family and many of their possession were located there. The neighbors and the local police went there and began looting; they did not call the Germans. They were so busy looting that we were not discovered and survived that first day. Resembling descending autumn leavesâ€|. Bushke When night came it was relatively quiet for a short period, they must have been tired from all the looting and killings. However, the Germans returned the next morning and discovered some new hiding places. They even checked homes that were already checked the day before to see if anyone returned. Shortly before the evening set, the neighbors again went to the attic near our hiding place. We overheard someone say; †it looks suspiciousâ€* They began knocking on the walls and we heard someone ask for an ax. We feared the worst. Yet subsequently we heard an argument ensue †What are you doing here brigade number four?â€* and then â€* It is our territory we are brigade five get out of hereâ€*. The first group left and a bugle sound occurred shortly after calling all the Germans to get together. We were safe again after the second day. We knew our lives were in danger and we should leave that night, as the Germans would come back with their axes the next day. We all came down and headed for the gate door but it was locked. We now knew that the men in our family were killed that day including; my step father; Yakov Foreman and Aronchik and Nachman Gitlitz (the sons of Abba Gitlitz, the brother of our mother), motherâ€s other brother; Shimon Gitlitz and Feigaâ€s husband and son; Chaim and Chilik Shreibman. Later we found out that our Grandmother Feige (nee Deutsch) Gitlitz was killed. Aunt Chaia-sora, and her son Gadlya Eidelman were also killed. There was no time to mourn. We took with us a few loaves of bread and succeeded to leave the ghetto during the night..... |