Brian Klitzner (brianklitzner@)
Message: I found my grandmother's name, Reiza Dorfan, on your 1897 census list
for Vashki. It states she was aged 10 & it also includes her siblings &
parents. She married my late grandfather, Avram(Avraham) Klitzner & both my
late father & his sister were born in Lithuania before they all emigrated to
South Africa. My father, Hymie, was supposedly born in 1922 (but I'm not 100%
sure if that is accurate). Sonia, his sister, was younger. I was under the
impression that the Klitzner family were also form this area. I do know of
Klitsner relatives in the United States/Israel who we've made contact with &
are related to, that were from Pazevezys (Ponevez) which is not too far away in
distance. I'll try find out more info if possible. Perhaps you are also able to
assist or have any suggestions in this regard. Wishing you all the best, Brian
Klitzner (now live in London, UK)
DORFAN, Itsek 42 Movsha head of household Trader Birzai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Sora-Khana 40 - wife- Konstantinova / Vaskai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Movsha 25 Itsek son Manager Konstantinova / Vaskai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Srol 7 Itsek son- Konstantinova / VaskaiPamusisKonstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Shmuel 5 Itsek son- Konstantinova / Vaskai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Daniil 3 Itsek son- Konstantinova / Vaskai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Sora-Riva 18 Itsek daughterShop-owner Konstantinova / Vaskai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Gita 15 Itsek daughter- Konstantinova / Vaskai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
DORFAN, Reiza 10 Itsek daughter- Konstantinova / Vaskai Pamusis Konstantinova / Vaskai
From Yad Vashem;
Dorfand Itzhak
Itzhak Dorfan was born in Vashki. He was a shop owner and married to Hana and had 6 children. Prior to WWII he lived in Vashki, Lithuania. During the war he was in Vashki, Lithuania. Itzhak perished in Vashki, Lithuania at the age of 90. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 28-Aug-1999 by his granddaughter Rivka Vitkin who was in Israel during the holocaust and knew no details
Dorfan Nachman
Nachman Dorfan was born to Yitzkhak and Khana. He was a merchant and married to Ida nee Trapido. Prior to WWII he lived in Vaskai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Vaskai, Lithuania. Nachman perished in the Shoah at the age of 40 with children Sarah age 19 and Chona age 6. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Mar-1957 by his relative Rivka Vitkin Tel aviv Ben Yehuda street 197
Dorfan Ida
Ida Dorfan nee Trapido was born to Noach and Bluma. She was married to Nakhman. Prior to WWII she lived in Vashki, Lithuania. During the war she was in Vashki, Lithuania. Ida perished in the Shoah at the age of 35. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Mar-1957 by her relative
Children of Moshe son of Yzhak:
Dorfand Israel
Israel Dorfan was born in Vaskai in 1907 to Moshe and Henia. He was a pharmacist and single. During the war he was in Kovna, Lithuania. Israel perished in Lithuania at the age of 45. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 28-Aug-1999 by his sister Rivka Vitkin ( in an old home in Tel Aviv)
Baruch Dorfan was born to Moshe and Hena. He was a bank manager and married to Ela nee Kamenitz. Prior to WWII he lived in Pasvalys, Lithuania. During the war he was in Pasvalys, Lithuania. Baruch perished in the Shoah at the age of 43 with daughters Henia age 8 and Masha age 5. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Mar-1957 by his sister Rivka Vitkin.
Dorfan Ela
Ela Dorfan nee Kamenietz was born in Shavli in 1903 to Kalman and Frida. She was a housewife and married to Boris. Prior to WWII she lived in Posval, Lithuania. Ela perished in 1941 in the Shoah with daughters Genia age 8 and Masha age 6. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 02-Jun-1957 by her brother Moshe Kamenietz
Lewin Chasia
Chasia Lewin was born to Moshe and Henia. She was married to Moshe and had 2 children Mordechai and Yosef. Prior to WWII she lived in Kowno, Lithuania. During the war she was in Kowno, Lithuania. Chasia perished in the Shoah at the age of 37. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Mar-1957 by her sister
Lewin Moshe
Moshe Lewin was born to David. He was a factory owner and married to Khasia nee Dorfan. Prior to WWII he lived in Kowno, Lithuania. During the war he was in Kowno, Lithuania. Moshe perished in the Shoah at the age of 45. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Mar-1957 by his sister-in
Dorfan Mendel
Mendel Dorfan was born in 1865 to Bentzel and Sheina Rachel nee Vitman. He was a merchant and an insurance agent and married to Mirjam nee Davidovitz. He belonged to Chabad. Prior to WWII he lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Birzai, Lithuania. Mendel perished in 1941 in Birzai, Lithuania at the age of 76. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 04-May-1999 by his granddaughter, a Shoah survivor 
Dorfan Miryam
Miryam Dorfan nee Davidovits was born in 1867. Prior to WWII she lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Birzai, Lithuania. Miryam perished in Birzai. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 04-May-1999 by her granddaughter, a Shoah survivor

Dr. Levin Eliahu
Dr. Eliahu Levin was born in Birzai to Avraham and Sara nee Dorfan. He was a physician who studied in Italy and worked in Vilna?. Prior to WWII he lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Birzai, Lithuania.Dr. Levin perished in 1941 in Lithuania. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 29-Apr-1999 by his sister, a Shoah survivor
Sonia Levin nee Dorfan was born in 1890 to Mendel and Mirjam nee Davidovitz. She was a midwife and married to Avraham. Prior to WWII she lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Birzai, Lithuania. Sonia perished in 1941 in Lithuania at the age of 50. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 17-Apr-1999 by her daughter, a Shoah survivor.

Dr. Avraham Levin was born in Sebis in 1889 to Yitzkhak. He was a
physician and married to Sara nee Dorfan. Prior to WWII he lived in
Birzai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Birzai, Lithuania Wartime
.Dr. Levin perished in June, 1941 in Birzai, Lithuania at the age of
52 ( he was shot by 2 Lithuanians who asked him to come out of his
house and give them medical care). This information is based on a Page
of Testimony submitted on 17-Apr-1999 by his daughter, Dr. Ester Steiman,
a Shoah survivor. ( Sara Bidor is her daughter)
Ulman Tania
Tania (Tzipa) Ulman nee Dorfan was born in 1903 to Mendel and Miryam. She was married to Berl. Prior to WWII she lived in Kovno, Lithuania. Tania perished in 1944 in Kovna, Ghetto at the age of 41. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 29-Apr-1999 by her niece

Ulman Berl
Berl Ulman was born in 1904. He was a lawyer and married to Tania nee Dorfan. Prior to WWII he lived in Kaunas, Lithuania. During the war he was in Kaunas, Lithuania. Berl perished in 1944 in Kaunas, Ghetto at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 29-Apr-1999 by his relative. More Details...
Ulman Moshe
Moshe Ulman was born in Kovno in 1927 to Berl. He was a pupil and a teenager. Prior to WWII he lived in Kovno, Lithuania. During the war he was in Kovno, Lithuania. Moshe perished in 1944 in Kovno, Ghetto at the age of 16. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 29-Apr-1999 by his cousin, a Shoah survivor
Ulman Avi
Avi Ulman was born in Kowno in 1938 to Berl and Tania. Prior to WWII he lived in Kowno, Lithuania. Avi perished in 1944 in Kowno, Lithuania at the age of 6. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 29-Apr-1999 by his cousin
Rest Cilia
Cilia Rest nee Dorfan was born in Russia (USSR) in 1904 to Mendel and Mirjam. She was married to Leizer. Prior to WWII she lived in Plunge, Lithuania. During the war she was in Kowna, Lithuania. Cilia perished in the Shoah at the age of 39. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 05-May-1999 by her niece, a Shoah survivor
From Birth records it seems that Mendel was the son of Benzel and Sheina Rachel nee Vitman from Birzai, He married Miryam Mera Davidovitz their children; 1. Musha born in 1885, 2. Moshe was born in 1887, 3. Taube Liba in 1900, 4. Benzel in 1901, 5. Tzipa was born in 1903, 6. Frieda Mina in 1905, 7. Nechama in 1906
Mendels' brothers; Reiza was born in 1871, Iovel 1875, Shimkhe 1877
Bentzel' father was Shimshon or Shimshel his brothers; Ber married Rivka , had Simcha in 1876 and Mushe Ite in1886. his brother Sholom, married Sheva and had a daughter Simkhe in 1877
Kaunas 19/5/1898
10 Sivan DORFAN, Movsha BIN, Gena Mariya Icyk
Promush Abram Vulf
Kiburiai? 26 24
Ravvi assistant Icyk FLEISHMAN, Khaim Shoul LEVITAN Yosel LIYURIYE Mendel KREMER
Kaunas 1/1/1908 DORFAN, Girsh BIDEL, doba Iakhna Movsha
Polotsk, Vitebsk gub Movsha
Kupiskis 25 30
Kaunas 30/1/1900
12 Adar 1 GITELZON, Zelman DORFAN, Sara Rivka Sroel
Ligum Icyk
Promush 24 22
Kaunas 2/8/1905
14 Av LEVIN, Kalman DORFAN, Ester Gitel Yosel
Anyksciai Icyk
Promush 31 20
Abram GAFENBERG Gershon KIMEL Girsh Eliyashovich
Kaunas 28/5/1929 BERGERIS / [BERGER], Mausa VAINERAITE / [VAINER], Cipka Chaimas
Antaliepte Elija
Rokiskis 1903 33
C. KACAS Chaimas BRAUMANAS Leizeras ORELOVICIUS Rokiskis 1929 marriage 16
Name Father Mother Spouse Residence Comments Date of Death
Hebrew Date Age Cause of Death Town Uyezd Guberniya Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm
Archive / Fond
DORFAN, Khiena 20/4/1861
60 old age Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1861 F12 2187651
DORFAN, Movsha Iovel 7/2/1862
40 pneumonia Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1862 M8 2187652
DORFAN, Osher Bentsel 17/9/1866
7 cholera Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1866 M48 2205126
DORFAN, Izrael 17/9/1866
5 cholera Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1866 M49 2205126
DORFAN, Berel Sholom 15/12/1868
2 childhood disease Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1868 M40 2205126
DORFAN, Shimshel Iovel 30/1/1876
71 old age Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1876 M4 2205137
DORFAN, Itsyk Vulf Family from Kedainiai 6/7/1892
23 Tammuz 65 hernia's strangulation Panevezys Panevezys Kaunas Panevezys 1892 M55 2287921
DORFAN, Movsha Menukh - - - - Birzai 21/5/1888
23 Sivan 1 brain tumor Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1888 D26 2290697
DORFAN, Zelik Mano - - - - Birzai 22/6/1888
25 Tammuz 7 scarletfever Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1888 D30 2290697
DORFAN, Ber Shimel - - - - Birzai 1/10/1890
29 Tishri 47 tumor Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1890 D27 2290697
Name Father Mother Spouse Residence Comments Date of Death
Hebrew Date Age Cause of Death Town Uyezd Guberniya Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm
Archive / Fond
DORFAN, Chipe Ivel - - - - Birzai 19/10/1891
29 Tishri 82 old age Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Birzai 1891 D30 2290697
DORFAN Israel Yoel
Listed with family of Gessel son of Mendel EVIEN
Revision List Index
EVIEN Gessel Mendel Head of Household
LIPA Zundel Girsh
Listed with family of Gessel son of Mendel EVIEN
SHNAIDER Nisson Chaim
Listed with family of Gessel son of Mendel EVIEN
SHNAIDER Yankel Auzer
Listed with family of Gessel son of Mendel EVIEN
DORFAN Yovel Israel Head of Household
Revision List Index
DORFAN Yovel Shimon Head of Household
Birzai Panevezys Kaunas DORFAN Nosel Head of household M 30 35
14 8 1816 5 Revision List LVIA/515/25/423
DORFAN Reiza Wife F 30
14 8 1816 5 Revision List LVIA/515/25/423
DORFAN, Shimshel Head of Household / Petit bourgeois, 2nd rank; three males and two females in family; tax is .045 rubles Candle Taxpayers 1846 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/1381 74 1040
DORFAN, Movsha Leyba Head of Household / Petit bourgeois, 2nd rank; one male and one female in family; tax is .045 rubles Candle Taxpayers 1846 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/1381 112 1041
DORFAN, Iovel Head of Household / Petit bourgeois, 3rd rank; one male and two females in family; tax is .02 rubles Candle Taxpayers 1846 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/1381 164 1042
DORFAN, Shimel Iovel Residents List 1859 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/4103 2 62
DORFAN, Bentsel Shimshel Well-to-do; 5 in family Box Taxpayers 1892 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/17524 31 10
DORFAN, Rivka Well-to-do Box Taxpayers 1892 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/17524 456 15
DORFAN, Man Shimel Poor Box Taxpayers 1892 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/17524 457 15
DORFAN, Kasriel Movsha 12 lives with parents; 1.5 rubles Postal Savings Bank Records 14 September 1911 Pasvitinys Siauliai Kaunas KRA/I-176/1/1 63 56
DORFAN, Rocha Movsha Owns a house at Linkovskaya St. Real Estate Taxpayers 1 February 1915 Pasvitinys Siauliai Kaunas KRA/I-402/1/4 34/33
DORFAN, Movsha buildings worth 100 rubles Real Estate Owners 1910 Vaskai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-401/1/1 20 102
Name Father Age Comments Type of Record Day Month Year Town Uyezd Guberniya Archive/Fond/Inventory/File Record # Page #
DORFAN, Itsik buildings worth 600 rubles Real Estate Owners 1910 Vaskai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-401/1/1 84 104
DORFAN, Itsik buildings worth 600 rubles Real Estate Owners 1910 Vaskai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-401/1/1 86 104
DORFAN, Movsha buildings worth 200 rubles Real Estate Owners 1910 Vaskai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-401/1/1 88 104
DORFAN, Chana buildings worth 660 rubles Real Estate Owners 1910 Vaskai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-401/1/1 141 106
DORFAN, Itsik buildings worth 900 rubles Real Estate Owners 1910 Vaskai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-401/1/1 144 106
DORFAN, Movsha buildings worth 1200 (8200?) rubles Real Estate Owners 1910 Vaskai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-401/1/1 146 106
DORFAN, Bentsel 45 Crime free, signed in Russian & Yiddish Voters 28 June 1879 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1567/1/174 1 1
DORFAN, Ber 35 Crime free, signed in Russian & Yiddish Voters 28 June 1879 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1567/1/174 13 1
DORFEN, Iosel Izrael has house in Birzai; value/taxes=150 rubles Real Estate Owners 1855 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/3296 11 61
DORFEN / DORZHEN(?), Zundel Iovel has house in Birzai; value/taxes=84 rubles Real Estate Owners 1855 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/3296 27 61
Name Father Age Comments Type of Record Day Month Year Town Uyezd Guberniya Archive/Fond/Inventory/File Record # Page #
DORFEN / DORZHEN(?), Shimel Rovel has house in Birzai; value/taxes=130 rubles Real Estate Owners 1855 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/3296 33 61
DORFEN / DORZHEN(?), Movsha Iovel has house in Birzai; value/taxes=130 rubles Real Estate Owners 1855 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/3296 43 61
DORFIN, Movsha H Head of Household / Petit bourgeois, 2nd rank; two males and one female in family; tax is .045 rubles Candle Taxpayers 1846 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas KRA/I-49/1/1381 88 1040
DORFAN, Leia Izrael, Movsha Taibe 1/2/1861 3 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1861 F2 2187651 / 1 LVIA/728/1/598
DORFAN, Movsha Man, Movsha Toibe 18/6/1862 2 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1862 M18 2187652 / 1 LVIA/728/1/695
DORFAN, Ashke Reize Izrail Man, Movsha Toibe Ginde 29/10/1863 20 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1863 F3 2187653 / 2 LVIA/728/1/774
DORFAN, Shara Rivka Man, Movsha Taube 12/7/1879 4 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1879 F10 2205137 / 2 LVIA/1226/1/1026
DORFAN, Movsha Osher Man, Movsha Toiba 20/2/1867 27 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1867 M6 2205126 / 3 LVIA/1226/1/384
DORFAN, Elka Leia Man, Shimshel - 8/11/1867 22 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1867 F29 2205126 / 3 LVIA/1226/1/384
DORFAN, Bentsel Ber Rivka 18/4/1868 8 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1868 M10 2205126 / 3 LVIA/1226/1/388
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
DORFAN, Reiza Bentsel Sheina Rokhel 20/8/1871 15 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1871 F16 2205126 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/399
DORFAN, Itsyk Man Tauba 16/7/1873 4 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1873 M10 2205126 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/407
DORFAN, Iovel Bentsel, Shimshen Sheine Rakhe, Shimel Bentsel VITMAN 23/5/1875 1 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1875 M24 2205126 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/415
DORFAN, Nokhem Girsh Abram Man, Movsha Toube Ginde, Khaikel LURIA 13/7/1875 22 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1875 M33 2205126 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/415
DORFAN, Shimkha Ber, Shimsel Rivka 7/3/1876 23 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1876 F6 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
DORFAN, Shimkhe Sholom, Shimshel Sheve 15/2/1877 14 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1877 F4 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
DORFAN, Shimkhe Bentsel, Shimshel Sheine Rokhe 11/8/1877 14 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1877 F18 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
DORFAN, Mushe Mendel, Bentsel Mere 4/11/1885 8 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1885 F29 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
DORFAN, Mushe Ite Ber, Shimshel Rivka 17/4/1886 24 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1886 F14 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
DORFAN, Movshe Mendel, Bentsel Mere 13/6/1887 3 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1887 M34 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
DORFAN, Taube Libe Mendel, Bentsel Mera 8/7/1900 24 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1900 F15 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DORFAN, Bentsel Mendel, Bentsel Mera 14/12/1901 17 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1901 M41 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DORFAN, Tsipe Mendel, Bentsel Mera 22/4/1903 8 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1903 F9 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DORFAN, Freide Mine Mendel, Bentsel Mera 1/1/1905 8 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1905 F1 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DORFAN, Nkhama Mendel, Bentsel Mera 18/5/1906 7 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1906 F7 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DORFAN, Ester Gitel Itsyk, Movsha Khane 1/5/1881 14 Iyar Linkuva Panevezys Kaunas Family from Birzai Linkuva 1881 F9 Not filmed / LVIA/1226/1/2193
DORFON, Shimshon Itsyk, Movsha Khane 10/3/1883 13 Adar 2 Linkuva Panevezys Kaunas Family from Birzai Linkuva 1883 M7 Not filmed / LVIA/1226/1/2193
DORFON / [DORFAN}, Volf Iovel Itsik, Movsho Hane 8/1/1879 25 Tevet Vaskai / [Konstantinov] Paneve˛ys Kaunas Father registerd in Birzai - Bris - 1/15, Moile - Mendel RABINOVICH ˇeimelis 1879 M4 2270469 / 6 LVIA / 1226 / 1 / 1227 / 1 / 1066
DORFOND / [DORFAN], Movsha Itsik, Movsho Beyla 16/6/1874 13 Tammuz Vaskai / [Konstantinov] Paneve˛ys Kaunas Father registerd in Birzai and was a Shopkeeper - Bris - 6/23, Moile - Mendel RABINOVICH ˇeimelis 1874 M10 2205127 / 3 LVIA / 1226 / 1 / 465 / 4 / 451
