Katz Family
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#ktz-1:Katz Family:The Ziskind family and relatives from the Pesach, Alperovitz, Katz, Zimerman, Stoler family; bottom- right to left- Hilka and Mirka Shachna Stolers' children. Riva, Yankele and Dverka Pesach. second row from right; Alter Zimerman, Alter Zimermans wife. The wife of Shzcna Stoler; Ester- Malka. Chaika Daughter of Leibe Ziskind. Sonia (ShoSHke) Katz Daughter of Ytzhak Ziskind. Marishka Alperovitz Daughter of Yitzhak Ziskind, holding her son Yakov.Nechama Dudel. Malka Pesach daughter of Yitzhak Ziskind. standing;Gina and Mirka the daughters of Alter Zimerman ( the man in the back?). Sachna Stoler. Yakov son of Akiva Katz. Chaim son of Haves Alperovitz. unknown woman. a guest from the U.S.A.
#ktz-2:Family pic (contemporary) from right to left : my wife Tamar Katz, me Yaron Katz, my mother Rachel Katz,my little brother Hagay Katz, my father Moshe Katz, and my big brother Yossi Katz


6.1.1933; The Katz family from r to l,: Mendel, Shifra, Lea, Israel (circled). (from r to l, sitting)   : David, Haya, Yosef. Israel and Shifra Katz immigrated to Israel before the war. Picture given by David Miller, son of Shifra , from Kfar-Saba. Israel.
