Tzaska Charna Arnon ( daughter of Frida and Avraham Mendel Drenger)
Born in Krakow on December 28th, 1911
Came to Eretz Israel in 1932
Passed away in Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz in 2009
Most of her family perished in the Shoah; her father;

Abraham Drenger was born in Gdow to Baruch and Czarna. He was married to Frida nee Storch. Prior to WWII he lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, Poland. Abraham perished in Belzec, Poland at the age of 58. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by hisson Arie, a Shoah survivor.
Frida Drenger nee Storch was born in Leipzig to Elias and Jda. She was married to Avraham. Prior to WWII she lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war she was in Bochnia, Poland. Frida perished in Belzec, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by her SON
Baruch Drenger was born in Krakow to Avraham and Frida. He was married to Khava. Prior to WWII he lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, Poland. Baruch perished in Dora, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his BROTHER.
Natan Pariser was born in Krakow to Jakow and Hadassa nee Drenger. He was a pupil. Prior to WWII he lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, Poland. Natan perished in Krakow, Poland at the age of 23. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his cousin ( his mother Hadassa was the sister of Arie Derngers’ father), Arie is a Shoah survivor

Szymon Drenger was born in Krakow to Abraham and Frida. He was a pupil. Prior to WWII he lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, Poland. Szymon perished in Belzec, Poland at the age of 23. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his BROTHER, a Shoah survivor.

Dranger Szlomo KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Dranger Lea KRAKAU KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Dranger Baruch KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1906 Card file of Mauthausen camp Dranger Feiga ZATOR WADOWICE KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Dranger Marek KRAKO KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1917 Page of Testimony Dranger Etel KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Dranger Schlomo NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1935 Page of Testimony Dranger Toni NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1895 Page of Testimony Dranger Rosa NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1926 Page of Testimony Dranger Tobias NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1932 Page of Testimony Dranger Zwi NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1893 Page of Testimony Dranger Zipora KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1895 Page of Testimony Dranger Lea NOWY SACZ NOWY SACZ KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Dranger Rozia KIELCE KIELCE KIELCE POLAND 1918 Page of Testimony Drengher Berta JASLO JASLO KRAKOW POLAND 1880 Page of Testimony
Dranger Baruch KRAKAU KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1913 Page of Testimony Borowska Justina KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1919 Page of Testimony Draenger Rochel KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Draenger Pola KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Draenger Tauba NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1902 Page of Testimony Draenger Dawid KRAKAU KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1890 Page of Testimony Draenger Shimon KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1917 Page of Testimony Draenger Yechezkel NOWY SACZ NOWY SACZ KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Draenger Shmuel NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1930 Page of Testimony Draenger Isak ZATOR POLAND 1900 Page of Testimony Draenger Josef TARNOV TARNOW KRAKOW POLAND 1912 Page of Testimony Draenger Cyla NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1927 Page of Testimony Draenger Herman NOWY TARG NOWY TARG KRAKOW POLAND 1898 Page of Testimony Draenger Sara NOWY SACZ NOWY SACZ KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Dranger Shimon NOWY SACZ NOWY SACZ KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony
Drang Baruch KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Drenger Rywka KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Drenger Jchak KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1900 Page of Testimony Drenger Fruma KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND Page of Testimony Drenger Jerucham KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1914 Page of Testimony Drenger Baruch KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1935 Page of Testimony Drenger Nechemia KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1912 Page of Testimony Drenger Kopel KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1910 Page of Testimony Drenger Fruma KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1880 Page of Testimony Drenger Baruch KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1913 Page of Testimony Drenger Lea KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1889 Page of Testimony Drenger Riwka KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1914 Page of Testimony Drenger Tzerna KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1927 Page of Testimony Drenger Pesia KRAKOW KRAKOW KRAKOW POLAND 1916 Page of Testimony Drenger Mordchay JASLO JASLO KRAKOW POLAND 1880 Page of Testimony |