 Krevo in Belarus at 5419 2617. Prior to WWII town was located in
Oszmiany district, Vilna Province, Poland. Before the first World war part of the Russian Empire.
An Important event Took place in Krevo in 1385; The marriage of Wladyslaw Jagiello, The Grand Duke of The Lithuanian Principality, 
with Queen of Poland, Jadwiga has signed Union of two countries, thus
establishing Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth of The Both Nations (Rzeczypospolita
Obydwojga Narodow).
Click on Photos to Enlarge


The Persky family of Krevo; Chaim Yehuda and Esther ( daughter of Yekutiel Abramson).Daughter Libby Wasser, holding a book. Son Yitzchak and daughter Channa ( both perished with their parents in the holocaust). The baby is my mom Shara later to become Mrs. Forschner.

Chaya Werber


Natan Milikowsky ( grandfather of Binyamin Netanyahu) was born in Krevo August 15, 1879.A student of he Volozhin Yeshiva. He traveled from Siberia to the United States, preaching for the Zionist cause.


Picture of the Milikovski/ Shmidt family from 1913. Shimon and Mlka
Milikovski are the older couple.


 Krevo Jewish cemetery
in prior email I sent 2 of the same images- caption for it; Inside the old abandoned synagogue


the old synagogue





The ruins of the old fortress.


Building owned by Slucki under reconstruction distributed by the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee).


After WWI 
A building owned by Elye Gershn Delian being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.:


A building owned by Rokhl Sheyniuk which was reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.
Noach Sheinok was born in Krewa. Noakh was murdered in the Shoah.
Eliahu Sheinok was born in Krewa. Eliahu was murdered in the Shoah. Alte Sheinik was born in Krewa Alte was murdered in the Shoah Yitzkhak Shiniakov was born in Krewa, Yitzkhak was murdered in the Shoah


A building owned by Skop being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


The home of Lopuk under reconstruction with funds distributed by the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee).Yeshayahu Lapuk was born in Krewa in 1884 to Nekhemia. He was married to Khana Reizel nee Kaplan+ 5 children and had a bakery. His son Motel Lapuk( born 1900) was married to Khaika nee Danishevsky +2 children one daughter was Breina. He owned an oil factory. Eliezer Lopuk of Rehovot ( son of Yeshayahu and Khana Reizel) gave reports to Yad Vashem about all of them as perished in the holocaust.


A building owned by Ziskind being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


A building owned by Avrom Jacobson being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.Izrael Jakobsohn was born in Krewo, Poland. He was a glazier. During the war he was in Dachau, Camp. Izrael was murdered in 1944 in Dachau, Camp. This information is based on a List of persecuted persons found in List of Polish citizens who perished in Dachau, 1939-1945.


A building owned by Abramson being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I. The building houses the pharmacy of B. Miller and the magistrat of the town.


A building owned by Avrom Yitskhok Brudno being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


A building owned by Levin being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


uildings being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


A building owned by Lipkowicz being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


A building owned by Yankev Milikowski being reconstructed with the help of the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee).


A building owned by Khayem Milikowski being reconstructed with the help of the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee).


A building owned by Yitskhok Katz being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I. Yitzkhak Katz was born in Krewo, Poland. Yitzkhak was murdered in the Shoah.Rocel Katz was born in Krewo, Poland in 1872 to Shabtai and Luba


A building owned by Shmuel Elye Milikowski being reconstructed with the help of the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee).


A building being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


A building owned by Itse Meyer Milikowski being reconstructed with the help of the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee).


A building owned by Gershn Yudl Milikowski being reconstructed with the help of the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee). Owner Gershon Milikowski was born in Krewo c1887 He was a merchant and
married to Lea and had two children ( Roza, born c 1917 and Noach born
c 1912) Prior to WWII he lived in Krewo, Poland. During the war he was in Wilno, Poland. Gershon and his family were murdered in Wilno


A communal building being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.



A building owned by Gurwicz being reconstructed with help from the AJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) after World War I.


Avraham Eliahu Millkofsky and wife
Fannie (Shayna Fruma) Millkofsky (nee Abramson)
Her Birth: 1863 
Kreva  Belarus
Death: 1927  
Rochester, NY


Ida Minnie Drexler (nee Millkofsky) 
Birth: 1886 
Kreva, Belarus
Death: June 25, 1967 
Rochester, NY



Krevo,village near Oshmana.

First on right Lazar Alpert, husband of my father sister, Liza. Lazar was a dentist, before the war.

Created by Eilat Gordin Levitan
| Yad Vashem list for Krevo | Stories | Archives | Cemetery |

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Family Portraits (originated predominantly in the Vilna region)
Abramowicz | Abramson | Adler | Albin | Alperovitz | Alter | Altshuler | Anisfeld | Appelfeld | Arotzker | Astrinsky | Avnaim | Axelrod | Bader | Baksht | Barbakov | Barmatz | Basok | Behr_Ber | Bekker | Belkind | Bendet Ben Tovim | Bengis | Berger | Berkman | Berkovitz | Berlin | Berman | Bernstein | Berzon | Bloch | Blumenfrucht | Blumenkrantz | Bobrowicz | Bogin | Botwinik | Bozparozbany | Brezner | Brin | Bronitsky | Bronstein | Brudner | Brudno | Budgor | Budovnitz | Bumstein | Bunimovitz | Cahanovitz | Chabas | Chadash | Chagall | Chait | Charad/Harat | Chayklin | Chedekel | Cheres | Chevlin | Chodes (Hodesh) | Chomsky | Chosid | Codosh | Costrell | Cugell | Cymer | Danishevski | Dardak | Davidson| Deitch | Demsky | Deutsch | Dikenstein | Dimenstein | Dinnerstein | Diskin | Dlot | Dokshitzki | Dolgow | Dorfan | Drechinski | Drenger | Druyanov | Dubin | Dudman | Dunkelblum | Durmashkin | Dworzecki | Ehrlich | Eidelman | Eishiski | Ekman | Elkes | Elyashiv | Epstein | Erenburg | Etkind | Evans | Falk | Farberman | Feigel | Feigelman | Feingold | Ferber | Fertig | Feygelson | Fidler | Finder | Finkel | Fischhab | Flant | Fragman | Frankfurt | Friedman | Furman | Futerfas | Garber | Garfinkel | Garnun | Gdud | Gelman | Gershovitz | Gershwin | Gerstein | Ginsburg | Gitelzon | Gitlin | Gitlitz | Gold | Goldman | Goldstoff | Golob | Gordin | Gordon | Gornitzky | Gorodesky | Goron | Greenholtz | Greenhouse| Greenstein | Grosbein | Gross | Grundfest | Gumplowicz | Gurevitz | Gurfein | Gutman | Gutwirth | Halperin Galperin | Harkavy | Harmach | Harris | Hayutin | Heifetz | Helberg | Herzog | Highstein | Hillman | Hochstein | Hofenberg | Hoffman | Hollander | Ichlov | Ikholov | Isaacson | Israelit | Iwjan | Jackan | Jaffe | Kafkafi | Kagan | Kaganovich | Kahan | Kalish | Kalka | Kamenetsky | Kanterovitz | Kantor | Kapit | Kaplan | Kaswan | Katz | Katznelson | Katzowitz | Kazalovski | Kisber | |Kivilovitz | Klaczko | Klausner | Kline | Klingberg | Knoblauch | Kopilovitz | Korngold | Kosovsky | Kotler | Kowarski | Kramnik | Krechmer | Kreines | Kremer | Kriger | Krivitsky | Kugel | Kulbak | Kunin | Kunstler | Kuperstock | Kur | Kushner | Kuzenitz | Landau | Lane | Laskov | Laufer | Lavit | Leibmann | Lemberger | Lemkin | Lemlich | Levin | Levitan | Lieberman | Liff | Lifshitz | Limon | Lipetz | Lipson | Lunin | Luntz | Luria | Macht | Madeisker Madesker | Magid | Maisel | Malbin | Malishkevitz | Malkin | Mandel | Matusov | Meirovitz | Meitin | Melamed | Meltzer | Mer | Merovich | Milchan | Milikowsky | Mon | Mordehowicz | Mosberg | Mushkin | Norman | Oshri | Pablovsky | Palevsky | Papkin | Parlov | Patchornik | Pauker | Pearlman | Pelavin | Penski | Perlin | Persky | Peschkowsky | Pines | Pintov | Pistonovich_Pistenowicz | Pliskin | Podberesky| Pokempner | Pont | Popel | Popky | Poremba | Potashnik| Ptalis | Pupkin | Rabin | Rabinovitz| Rabunski | Raichel | Rakower | Reitshtein | Reznik | Riar | Ritov | Rogovin | Rogozin | Rolnik | Romm | Rosen | Rosenberg | Rosenblum | Rosenson | Rubin | Rubinson | Rubinstein | Ruderman | Rutkowski | Sacks | Saliternik | Sandler | Schlesinger | Schneerson | Schreibman | Segal | Shapiro | Sharett | Sheinhous | Shenker | Shepsenwohl | Shereshevsky | Sherman | Shertok | Sheskin | Shiff | Shimshelvitz | Shiniyuk | Shmukler | Shochat | Shoolman | Shorr | Shperber | Shpringer | Shrebnick | Shriro | Shubitz | Shulkin | Shulman | Shuster | Silberfeld | Simon | Sklut | Skolnick | Skuk | Slifkin/Slivkin | Slonimsky | Slutsky | Smorgonski | Sobol | Solonowitz | Soloveichik | Sosensky | Sparber | Spektor | Spilka | Spreiregen | Srebnik | Strashun | Streisand | Strunsky | Stupel | Sud | Sudowicz | Sutzkever | Swirsky | Szewach | Szyszko | Tabachovitz | Taibel | Tarant | Tarshish | Tauger | Teitz | Todres | Turov | Twersky | Vaksmakher | Vand Polak | Viniar | Virovich | Vishniak | Volansky | Volcani | Vorfman | Wachstock | Wainer | Wasserman | Weinberg | Weindling | Weinschel | Weisbord | Wilbushevitz | Wilder | Wilkanski | Wolfowich | Wouk | Wulkan | Yalovker | Yafe | Yakimovsky | Yatzkan | Yudelowitz | Zafransky | Zaltzman | Zandman  | Zavodnick | Zecharia | Zeidlin Zeldin | Zelmanovich | Zimbal | Zimmerman | Ziskind | Zonabend Sonnabend | Zuckerman | Zusman
• Krewa
Modern Music in Belarus :: Alexander Litvinovsky
symphonic fresco (1987)


Performed by Symphony Orchestra of Belarusian National Broadcasting
Company. Conductor: Anantol Lapunov

Krewa is an ancient Belarusian town which was the capital of a
principality in the 14 century. Presently, Castle Krewa looks like
picturesque ruins. This symphonic fresco was inspired by historical
events and legends, and reflects the spirit of a romantic olden time.
to hear it go to;

Avraham Gershonovitz was born in Krewo to Gutel nee Liond and Yekutiel
Gershonovitz. He was a tailor and married to Mera nee Rozenblum. Prior
to WWII he lived in Smorgon, Poland. During the war he was in Smorgon,
Poland. Avraham perished in 1943 in the Shoah at the age of 40 with
wife and children; Yekutiel age 9, Mera age 11, Guta age 13. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 02-Nov-1998
by his cousin

Long ago, I accessed the 1858 Revision Lists at
JewishGen and found a LEMELMAN family in Krevo,
Oshmiany Uyzed, Vilnius Gubernia.

My LEMELMAN family came from the very same area, but
without further (i.e. later) records, I'm unable to
match the family that I found in the 1858 RL with my
own family, although I *know* they are related
(mostly because LEMELMAN is a rather uncommon surname,
but also because 2 members of the family in the 1858 RL
have the same first names as my LEMELMAN family).

I've recently re-opened this line of research and am
again frustrated at the missing pieces.

I am aware that this town is now within the boundaries
of Belarus, but I'm hoping that someone in the Litvak
SIG can advise me of whether the Jewish genealogical
community has access to later Revision Lists from this
area, or if there are plans to acquire such a thing in
the near future.

Dayna Chalif
California, USA

LitvakSIG translated the 1858 Oshmiany District
Revision List which included the town of Krevo. We are getting
ready to translate another major Oshmiany District list and have two
choices: the 1834 Revision List or the 1859-1908 Additional
Revision Lists, a string of lists of inhabitants who were not
included in the 1858 Revision List. These additional lists were made
during various years, but not consecutive years during the period

For the town of Krevo itself, it is included in revision lists of 1784,
1811, 1816, 1834, and 1858--nothing later in the Lithuanian archives. A
search on the Routes to Roots Foundation website will display the
www.rtrfoundation.orgThe rtr site also refers to an 1875 list for the town of Oshmiany.
We shall look into this further to determine what sort of list it is.You may wish to join the LitvakSIG Oshmiany District Research Group in
order to receive all translations to date as well as the list in the
translation queue and any others we may translate as long as funds are
available. A minimum donation of $100 is required. For contribution
please go to:
http://www.litvaksig.org/HTML/donate.htmPlease contact me if you have further questions.

Olga Zabludoff, Coordinator
District Research Groups