Max Band - Painter.

Born on Aug. 21, 1900 in Naumestis, Lithuania. Band studied
at the Berlin Academy. He authored "History of Contemporary Art" in
1935. In 1940 he settled in Hollywood and lived there until his death
in November 1974. His painting is hanging in the Jewish Museum in
I knew his two grandsons; Richard and Charles Band.
Charles; Charles Band's Milestones
1961 Moved with family to Italy at age nine (date approximate).
1962 Made feature acting debut at age 11 (with nine-year-old
brother Richard) in "The Avenger", a Hercules imitation starring Steve
Began making his own little films as a teen.
Worked on his father's film sets, doing everything from numbering
negatives to assisting with cameras and sound equipment.
1972 Returned to the US at age 21 (date approximate).
Sold ties on Hollywood Boulevard; subsequently launched a
successful gift item business.
1973 Feature debut as producer-director, "Last Foxtrot in Burbank",
a soft-core erotic comedy.
1978 Assembled a limited catalog of independent titles and formed
Meda Home Entertainment, a successful video distribution label.
Started the Wizard label to distribute a number of rare and cult
European films in the US (sometimes under alternate titles) as well as
independent genre titles such as "I Spit on Your Grave" (1979).
1980 Sold out his interest in Meda Home Entertainment (subsequently
renamed Media Home Entertainment); reported resold to Heron for $20
million 18 months later.
Formed Charles Band Productions.
1983 Formed production and distribution company, Empire Pictures.
1984 Produced and directed one of his best and most successful
films, "Trancers", about time-traveling cop Jack Deth; spawned four
sequels under the Full Moon banner.
1984 Purchased the former de Laurentiis Studio in Rome; also bought
a castle outside of Rome the following year.
1984 Produced "Trancers", the first Empire production to be shot
overseas (in Rome).
1988 Sold Empire to Epic after changing economic conditions
necessitated closing down the Rome studio.
1988 Formed Full Moon Entertainment and named himself chairman and
1992 Embarked on a 20-city tour to introduce himself and the Full
Moon product to video retailers.
Built new corporate headquarters and production facility in Glendale,
Formed a studio partnership in Romania.
1994 Full Moon expanded to include two new subsidiary
labels--Moonbeam, for family genre pictures, and Torchlight, for
erotic adult material.
1994 Restructured company's marketing plan after encountering
funding difficulty.
Richard Band; Musician
Richard Band was credited on a game as early as 1995 and as recently
as 2003. His/Her career probably spans more years than those displayed
since these dates are based on the credits documented in MobyGames
(which are incomplete). Richard Band has been credited with the roles
Sound. Richard Band has been credited on games developed by the
following companies: Interplay, Black Isle Studios and Quicksilver
Software, Inc.. This does not imply employment by these companies.
Games Credited
Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus (2000), Interplay
Planescape: Torment (1999), Interplay
Descent to Undermountain (1998), Interplay Productions
Star Trek Pinball (1998), Avalon Interactive
ClayFighter 63 1/3 (1997), Interplay
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (1995), Interplay
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (Limited CD-ROM Collector's Edition) (1995),
Stonekeep (1995), Interplay