Hirsh Glick
Hirsh Glick was born in 1920 in Vilna, Lithuania. His father was a
used clothes dealer. Hirshke began writing poetry at the age of 13,
and was cofounder of a group of young poets. He had to end his studies
prematurely due to his family's poverty, and became an apprentice in a
paper business and later worked in a hardware store. When the Germans
occupied Vilna in 1941, Glik was caught and sent to prison, then to a
camp in a swamp where the prisoners carried turf, a job usually
reserved for horses. When the camp closed, he was sent back to the
Vilna ghetto, where he worked with the underground movement FPO
(United Partisans) and was active in the literary artistic circle. In
September, 1943, the Germans sent Glik to the first of several
Estonian concentration camps, where most of the prisoners died from
appalling conditions. Glik never ceased writing poems. In 1944 he
escaped when the Russians were closing in and tried to join the
partisans, but disappeared, probably executed by soldiers in the area.
His song, "Zog Nit Keyn mol," (Song of the Partisans) became the hymn
of the underground organization. Glick became very well known with
this song, and at the same time, the personification of courage and
optimism. This song was hummed, played or sung in camps everywhere. In
this song Glick gave in a few lines the essence of the Jewish
resistance....for the rest go to
From Yad vashem;
Glik Hirsh
Hirsh Glik was born in Wilno, Poland in 1920 to Rakhel and Velvel.
He was a poet and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Wilno, Poland.
During the war was in Wilno. Hirsh died in 1944 in Estonia. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 18/12/1955 by
his childhood friend Govrin Moshe of Israel.
Glik Chaja
Chaja Glik was born in Vilna, Poland in 1923 to Rakhel and Velvel.
She was single. Prior to WWII she lived in Vilna, Poland. During the
war was in Vilna. Chaja died in 1944 in Estonia. This information is
based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 19/01/1956 by her friend