1. Among those pictured are: Alexander (Shmaya) Stupel (front row,
third from the right), a well-known violinist, and his brother Boris,
standing behind the violinists. Boris Stupel survived Dachau and later
immigrated to Australia. His brother, Alexander, perished in Dachau.

2. Among those pictured are: Yankele (the 13-year-old youth playing
the violin at the back), Michael Hofmekler (standing at the left),
Boris Stupel (sitting next to Hofmekler), Alexander (Shmaya) Stupel
(standing at the top right). .
Robert Hofmekler (1905-1994) was the son of Motel and Bertha (Blinder)
Hofmekler (spelled variously as Hofmekleris and Gofmekler). He grew up
in a highly musical Jewish family in Vilna, where his father was a
well-known cello player. Robert had three siblings: Zelda, Michael (b.
1898) and Leo (or M. Leo, b. 1900). In the fall of 1920 the family
fled from Vilna to Kovno. Michael was a gifted violinist, who was
decorated by the Lithuanian president in 1932 for his cultural
achievement in propagating Lithuanian folk music in performances,
recordings and transcription. Leo served as the conductor of the
Lithuanian state opera in the 1930s. After the Soviets occupied
Lithuania in 1940 he was appointed music director and conductor of the
National Radio Orchestra in Vilna. Robert emigrated to the U.S. in the
fall of 1938. Following the German occupation of Lithuania in the
summer of 1941, Leo, his wife and two children were forced into the
Vilna ghetto, where they all perished in 1942 or 1943. Motel and
Bertha and Michael and Zelda were forced into the Kovno ghetto. Motel
played in the ghetto orchestra. He and Bertha perished in the ghetto
early in 1944. Zelda's husband, David Kovarsky, was dragged from his
home and shot by Lithuanian nationalists during the early days of the
German occupation of Kovno. Zelda and her daughter perished in an
underground malina (bunker) during the final liquidation of the
ghetto. Michael served as the conductor of the ghetto orchestra. He
was probably deported to Stutthof during the liquidation of the ghetto
and then transferred to Dachau or one of its satellite camps. In late
April 1945 he was evacuated and ultimately was liberated in the
vicinity of Landsberg, Bavaria. Robert, who was drafted into the U.S.
Army in January 1941 and served in Europe with the 9th Infantry and
10th Armored Division, found his brother at the St. Ottilien displaced
persons hospital camp in June 1945.
From Yad Vashem;In regards to D. Stupel- What was his relation to Ilja
Searching for anything about a stupel family of Vilna I found in the
Yad Vashem site some reports;
Stupel Shemaia ( there is a picture of him playing the violin)
Shemaia Stupel was born in Vilna, Poland to Avrom and Miriam. Prior
to WWII he lived in Kovno, Lithuania. During the war was in Kovno.
Shemaia died in Kovno. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony submitted on 03/08/1978 by his relative. from the U.S;
Robert Hofmekler ( there is an address)
Stupel Avram
Avram Stupel was born in Vilna, Poland. He was married to Miriam.
Prior to WWII he lived in Kovno, Lithuania. During the war was in
Kovno. Avram died in Kovno. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony submitted on 08/03/1998 by his relative
from the U.S; Robert Hofmekler
Stupel Aleksander
Aleksander Stupel was born in Wilno, Poland in 1900 to Meir and
Maria. He was a violinist and single. Prior to WWII he lived in
Kaunas, Lithuania. During the war was in Kaunas, Lithuania. Aleksander
died in 1944 in Dachau. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony submitted on 20/05/1999 by his nephew, (a Shoah survivor )
Eliyahu Stupel who lives in Haganim Street 9/ 27 Hod hasharon, Israel.
Abramson Sonia
Sonia Abramson nee Stupel was born in Wilna, Poland in 1906 to Meir/
Metia Stupel and Maria/ Miryam nee Antokolsky . She was a violinist
and married. Prior to WWII she lived in Kaunas, Lithuania. During the
war was in Kaunas. Sonia died in 1943 in Kaunas. This information is
based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 20/05/1999 by her nephew
Eliyahu Stupel, a Shoah survivor
who lives in Haganim Street 9/ 27 Hod hasharon, Israel.
Stupel Monja
Monja Stupel was born in Wilna, Poland in 1892 to Avraham and
Rakhel. He was an accountant and single ( in another report by a
neighbor he is listed as married to Sonia and having two children age
5 and 7 who also perished in Vilna) . Prior to WWII he lived in Wilna,
Poland. During the war was in Wilna, Poland. Monja died in Wilna. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by his cousin
Arie Stupel in Petch Tikva.
The neighbor also gave report for Monjas' mother;
Stupel Rachel
Rachel Stupel was born in Wilna, Poland in 1870. She was a housewife
and married. Prior to WWII she lived in Wilna, Poland. During the war
was in Wilna, Poland. Rachel died in Panar, Poland. This information
is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 10/03/1957 by her
neighbour. ...
Stupel David
David Stupel was born in Riga, Latvia in 1891. David died in 1942 in
Auschwitz. This information is based on a list of deportation from the
Netherlands found in the In Memoriam - Nederlandse
oorlogsslachtoffers, Nederlandse Oorlogsgravenstichting (Dutch War
Victims Authority), `s-Gravenhage (courtesy of the Association of Yad
Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam). More Details...
Stupel Elfriede
Elfriede Stupel nee Schereschewsky was born in Riga, Latvia in 1900.
Elfriede died in 1943 in Sobibor. This information is based on a list
of deportation from the Netherlands found in the In Memoriam -
Nederlandse oorlogsslachtoffers, Nederlandse Oorlogsgravenstichting
(Dutch War Victims Authority), `s-Gravenhage (courtesy of the
Association of Yad Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam).
Blijdensteijn van May
May Blijdensteijn Van nee Stuppel was born in Ogmore in 1898. May
died in 1943 in Sobibor. This information is based on a list of
deportation from the Netherlands found in the In Memoriam -
Nederlandse oorlogsslachtoffers, Nederlandse Oorlogsgravenstichting
(Dutch War Victims Authority), `s-Gravenhage (courtesy of the
Association of Yad Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam). More
Hes Henriette
Henriette Hes nee Stuppel was born in Riga, Latvia in 1877.
Henriette died in 1943 in Auschwitz. This information is based on a
list of deportation from the Netherlands found in the In Memoriam -
Nederlandse oorlogsslachtoffers, Nederlandse Oorlogsgravenstichting
(Dutch War Victims Authority), `s-Gravenhage (courtesy of the
Association of Yad Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam). More
Stupel Ilana
Ilana Stupel was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1937. Ilana died
in 1943 in Sobibor. This information is based on a list of deportation
from the Netherlands found in the In Memoriam - Nederlandse
oorlogsslachtoffers, Nederlandse Oorlogsgravenstichting (Dutch War
Victims Authority), `s-Gravenhage (courtesy of the Association of Yad
Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam). More Details...
Stupel Josephine
Josephine Stupel was born in Parijs, France in 1931. Josephine died
in 1943 in Sobibor. This information is based on a list of deportation
from the Netherlands found in the In Memoriam - Nederlandse
oorlogsslachtoffers, Nederlandse Oorlogsgravenstichting (Dutch War
Victims Authority), `s-Gravenhage (courtesy of the Association of Yad
Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam).
Stupel Miriam
Miriam Stupel was born in Vilna, Poland. Prior to WWII she lived in
Kovno, Lithuania and was married to Avraham Stupel. During the war was
in Kovno. Miriam died in Kovno. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony submitted on 03/08/1998 by Robert Hofmekler
Stupel Leo
Leo Stupel was born in Wilno, Poland in 1894 to Avraham and Rakhel.
He was a merchant and married to Guta nee Bek. Prior to WWII he lived
in Wilno, Poland. During the war was in Wilno, Poland. Leo died in
Panar, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony
submitted by his cousin Asna Stupel in petach Tikva.
Hofmekler Berta
Berta Hofmekler nee Stupel was born in Wilno, Poland. She was a
musician and married. Prior to WWII she lived in Kowno, Lithuania.
During the war was in Kowno, Lithuania. Berta died in Fort 9 at the
age of 70. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted
on 11/07/1999 by her granddaughter Dalia Ginzburg nee Hofmekler in
Ashdod , Israel
Mike Aylward wrote me......
> In regards to D. Stupel- What was his relation to Ilja Stupel?
You mean Ilja Stupel the Swedish conductor? He was his grandfather
(or great grandfather, I can't remember which). I was in touch
with the Swedish Stupels a few years ago and they told me that when
they left Lithuania after the war they unfortunately left behind
any documentation (and memories) that might shed any light on the
pre-war activities of their family.
I tried to contact both Ilja Stupel and his brother recently, but
since I last wrote to them they appear to have changed their
e-mail addresses. I have discovered many more Stupel recordings in
the last couple of years and I would like to tell them about them.
I was assured by Ilja Stupel's brother that the Stupels were one of
the leading musical families in Lithuania and that he had heard
that at one time almost half of the members of the Orchestra of the
Municipal Theatre in Vilna were Stupels!!!
It is highly likely that the Stupels you mention were part of the same
Surname Given Name Father Occupation Vilnius Vsia Vilna (City
Directory) year 1915
Address/-Telephone # Year Page # Comments Town
STUPEL Ruven son of Gd - Pogulanskaya Street 14
STUPEL S L Rudnitskaya Street 6
2--74 1915 268
STUPEL Rokha daughter of Nokh Rudnitskaya Street 6
1915 268
STUPEL Tsez Grig Skopovka Street 5
1915 268
STUPEL Abrham son of Vulf
Steklyannaya Street 7
1915 268
STUPEL Vulf son of Abraham
Steklyannaya Street 7
1915 268
Vilnius Vsia Vilna (City Directory)
Searching for Surname STUPEL in Vilna Ghetto records of 1942
(D-M code 278000)
Number of hits: 14
Run on Tuesday 3 May 2005 at 13:24:44
Name- Born -Residence in Ghetto -Source-Publication-Page- Town-
Uyezd-Guberniya- Month Year
STUPEL, Borisas 1914 Dysnos 4 - 4 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1 83 Vilnius Vilnius May
STUPEL, Doba 1937 Strasuno 2 - 1 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1
290 Vilnius
STUPEL, Ester 1929 Ligonines 13/29 - 2 Vilna Gaon State Museum of
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1
Vilnius May 1942
STUPEL, Estera 1908 Karmelitu 3 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1 98 Vilnius
Vilnius May 1942
STUPEL, Gisla 1906 Ligonines 13/29 - 2 Vilna Gaon State Museum of
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1 158 Vilnius
STUPEL, Hanna 1938 Ligonines 13/29 - 2 Vilna Gaon State Museum of
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1 158 Vilnius
STUPEL, Jakub 1918 Strasuno 2 - 1 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1 290 Vilnius
STUPEL, Judel -1935 Strasuno 2 - 1 Vilna Gaon State Museum of
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1
STUPEL, Mark 1904 Ligonines 13/29 - 2 Vilna Gaon State Museum of
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1158 Vilnius
1911 Strasuno 2 - 1 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1
1908 Karmelitu 3 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1
1928 Ligonines 13/29 - 2 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1
158 Vilnius
Vilnius May
1898 Strasuno 1 Vilna Gaon State Museum of Lithuania
Vilnius Ghetto: Lists of Prisoners Volume 1