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Vishnevo Survivors Testimony to the Shoah Foundation
 5 Records Found of survivors from Vishnevo who gave Testimony to the Shoah Foundation
IntCode Name Language
49270 Leikovich, Iosif Russian
50668 Milikowski, Naomi English
49930 Murchenko, Emma Russian
27510 Podberesky, Mina English
45326 Sheliubskii, Iosif Russian
Leikovich, Iosif
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Iosif Leikovich
Iosif Davydovich Leikovich (release name)
Leikovich (current name)
Iosif Abramovich Leikovich (name at birth)
Leikovich (last name during war)
Iosif Davidovich Leikovich (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 5/5/1932
City of Birth Wiszniew (Nowogródek, Poland)
Country of Birth USSR
Religious Identity (Prewar)
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Oszmiana (Poland : Ghetto)
Krewo (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Kauen (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)(generic)
Koschedaren (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Kazlu-Ruda (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Schischmaren (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Koschedaren (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Type of hiding place attics
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation Kazlu-Ruda (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences
State of Interview Hrodzyenskaya
Country of Interview Belarus
Language(s) of Interview Russian
Length of Interview 0:00
Interview Code 49270

Milikowski, Naomi
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Naomi Milikowski
Naomi Milikowski (release name)
Nechama (Hebrew name)
Podbereski (release maiden name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 6/5/1925
City of Birth Wiszniew (Nowogródek, Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) orthodox Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Krewo (Poland : Ghetto)
Wiszniew (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Koschedaren (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Schischmaren (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Nowogródek (Poland : Voivodship)
Type of hiding place forests
Resistance Group(s) resistance groups
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory Yes
Forced (death) Marches
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
concealment of Jewish identity
escapes from the camps
State of Interview PA
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 0:00
Interview Code 50668
Murchenko, Emma
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Emma Murchenko
Emma Mikhailovna Murchenko (release name)
Murchenko (current name)
Ester Mikhailovna Rubina (name at birth)
Rubina (release maiden name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 4/10/1924
City of Birth Wiszniew (Nowogródek, Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) non-observant/non-practicing
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Wiszniew (Poland : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Nowogródek (Poland : Voivodship)
Type of hiding place forests
Resistance Group(s) resistance groups, Soviet
Ponomarenko Brigade
resistance groups, Jewish
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview
Country of Interview Russia
Language(s) of Interview Russian
Length of Interview 0:00
Interview Code 49930
Podberesky, Mina
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Mina Podberesky
Mina Podberesky (release name)
Podberesky (current name)
Mina Milikowske Podberesky (name at birth)
Milikowske (last name during war)
Mindel (Hebrew name)
Mindel (Yiddish name)
Milikowske (release maiden name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1/12/1921
City of Birth Wiszniew (Nowogródek, Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) orthodox Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) conservative Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Wiszniew (Poland : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Naliboki Forest (Poland)
Type of hiding place forests
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation Naliboki Forest (Poland)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory Yes
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
concealment of Jewish identity
escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview FL
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 2:00
Interview Code 27510
Sheliubskii, Iosif
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Iosif Sheliubskii
Iosif Davidovich Sheliubskii (release name)
Sheliubskii (current name)
Iosif Davidovich Sheliubskii (name at birth)
Sheliubskii (last name during war)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 8/15/1930
City of Birth Wiszniew (Nowogródek, Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar)
Religious Identity (Postwar) Atheism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Wiszniew (Poland : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place attics
Resistance Group(s) Chapaev Unit (generic)
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation Naliboki Forest (Poland)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences escapes from mass shootings
escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview Minsk
Country of Interview Belarus
Language(s) of Interview Russian
Length of Interview 2:00
Interview Code 45326