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& Burials
#vmb-1:The Monument is in Russian and is at the site where the murders took place in Wisniewo in 1942. it states "Here lie buried 2000+ Soviet citizens from this village, murdered by the fascists in 1942. Everlasting memories for the lost" The monument does not refer to these people as being Jewish, instead refers to them as Soviet Citizens. Charles Straczynski Charles is a Christian man who was born in the U.S.A in 1929. He and his family came to visit other members of the family who lived in the Vishnevo area in 1939. the Russian took control of the area shortly after they arrived, the family could not return to the U.S.A for six years and Charles was a Witness to the horrors after the German invaded in 1941, here is some of what he wrote in the guest book; " The German killers entered the Ghetto with trucks and when they were filled they took the Jews to the top of the street made them get into 3 or four buildinds, sprayed the buildings with gas and began shooting with machine guns at the ones that tried to get out. The next day the non Jews of visnievo, bogdanowo ant others began tearing at the bodies which were almost glued together from the fire and were removing the gold teeth and searched the bodies for other valuables.I don't want to go any further, but I was there when all this happened (I was 13 years old). Since 1992 I traveled to visnievo 5 times and visited the site. I have pictures of the monument. I keep going back to see if it really happened. Then what about the Jewish cemetery? Or is it like it's no longer there. I wittnessed many Jewish men shot there and burried in mass graves this should be restored. At present it is covered with large trees, weeds and tall grass. I was there three years ago and it is still is the same. Anyone that wants a picture of the hollocust site in visniewo just send me a e-mail to plastic6@JUNO.COM" | |