Dr. Elliott Konis
His son; <LEN1202@aol.com> wrote;
Putting together pictures and documents with my sister - in - law, regarding my Father, Dr. Elliott Konis born in Vilna Poland on May 26, 1911
My father's original name was Dr. Eliasz Konichski (Koniuchski). Don't know how many brothers and or sisters he had in his family. His parents, family members and relatives where killed by the Nazi's when Poland was invaded by Germany. Before War World Two my father became a physician . He served for a short time in the Polish army. Later, he was captured and held in Dachau Concentration as a physician. He help countless number of survivors.(Will provide a letter in the future) He found one of his brother's in the concentration camp. Sometime later he was transferred to another location. After the war, my father, his brother and his brother's sister in law, and son adopted by his brother and sister in law immigrated to New York City (United States).
Enclosed (first picture) my father in uniform.
Second copy of his title and name on a card (Dr. med. E. Konichski - Medical Officer - Heidenheim)
Third picture - (from left to right) - Dr. Konis, my aunt (Olga Konis) and Benjamin Konis. (Very likely Olga and Benjamin names where previously spelled differently before they immigrated to the United States). The adopted son name is Edward Konis
My father died in 1984 and my mother died in 1979
Further pictures, documents, and information will be send, including pictures from Vilna. I have old photo album. Will take some time to copy, and download some pictures to you.
Maybe someone may know about the Konichski family?
My brother's family and I live in south Florida (USA).