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List of Passengers Taken Aboard the SS Finland from Antwerp, Belgium
to the Port of New York, 13 July 1921
#d5:A medal
"For Achievements in Battle"
#d6:"For Capturing
#d7:"For Liberation
of Warsaw"
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#d8: A document
for being seriously wounded in the chest at the battle for Berlin.
#d9: A document
for serving in Partisan Unit Tshapajev (Brigade Voroshilov)
#d14:Belarus Letter |
#d15 |
#d16 Card File of Jewish Refugees in Tashkent Shirokoborodova Basia Leibovna 1914 F Veleiskaia Kuranetskii |
#d17 Card File of Jewish Refugees in Tashkent SH/4617 Shirokoborodova Milia Peisekhovna 1880 F Veleiskaia |
#d18 Card File of Jewish Refugees in Tashkent
#d19 Rubina Shifra father;Girshevna born;1924 F Veleiskaia Kurnetskii |
#d20 |
#d21 |
#d22 |
#d23 |
DISTRICT OF NEW YORK : PORT OF NEW YORK Partial List of Passengers Taken Aboard the SS Finland from Antwerp, Belgium to the Port of New York, 13 July 1921. Columns represent: Name, Age, Sex, Occupation, Country to which they severally belong, Country of which they intend to become inhabitants etc. including all the columns which are lists. 1 Kopelowicz Rachela 35 F h.wife Kurzeniec, Poland United States (Kurenets) 2 Kopelowicz Dawid 15 M none Kurzeniec, Poland United States 3 Kopelowicz Welwel 13 M child Kurzeniec, Poland United States 4 Kopelowicz Gisia 8 F child Kurzeniec, Poland United States 5 Dorohuskier Mineia 50 F h.wife Lubomil, Poland United States 6 Dorohuskier Ester 11 F child Lubomil, Poland United States 7 Dorohuskier Chaim 13 M child Lubomil, Poland United States 8 Dorohuskier Zlata 8 F child Lubomil, Poland United States 9 Dorohuskier Gitla 20 F h.wife Lubomil, Poland United States 10 Dorohuskier Jankiel 19 M laborer Lubomil, Poland United States 11 Dorohuskier Noch 17 M laborer Lubomil, Poland United States 12 Dorohuskier Hersz 30 M driver Lubomil, Poland United States 13 Dorohuskier Henia 21 F h.wife Lubomil, Poland United States 14 Bober Chasia 50 F h.wife Lubomil, Poland United States 15 Bober Chaja 12 F child Lubomil, Poland United States 16 Bober Moszek 18 M none Lubomil, Poland United States 17 Bober Benjamin 30 M laborer Lubomil, Poland United States 18 Bober Sura 27 F h.wife Lubomil, Poland United States 19 Bober Zelik 2 M child Lubomil, Poland United States 20 Szwareman Bejla 37 F h.wife Slawuta, Poland United States 21 Szwareman Perla 13 F child Slawuta, Poland United States 22 Szwareman Etla 12 F child Slawuta, Poland United States 23 Szwareman* Leib 10 M child Slawuta, Poland United States 24 Szwareman* Awrum 7 M child Slawuta, Poland United States 25 Szwareman* Rywka 18 F milliner Slawuta, Poland United States 26 Szwareman Sura 15 F none Slawuta, Poland United States 27 Pflamnenbaum Josef 50 M none Stryj, Poland United States 28 Serber Faiga 45 F h.wife Stryj, Poland United States 29 Piekarnik Estera Laja 20 F h.wife Warsaw, Poland United States 30 Stolzberg Regina 22 F h.wife Wulka, Poland United States Transcriber's Notes: * passengers 23, 24 and 25 were struck out * passengers 5 through 19 inclusive are members of the transcriber's family. The name Dorohuskier was changed to DOROGUSKER. If you are related to or familiar with any of these names please contact the transcriber for additional information. From Files of the National Archives and Records Administration Transcribed by Ellen Graham for the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild 4 April 1999 |