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Meir Balaban;
The History of the Jews in Cracow and Kaszimiez, 1304-1868 (2 vols,
The book has been translated to Hebrew
Toldot Hayehudim Bekrakov Uvekazimierz, 1304-1868 Translated from the
Polish by David Weinfeld, Asher Wilcher, Sinai Leichter and Elazar
Fershker, The Center for Research on the History and Culture of Polish
Jews and Magnes Press, 1089 pages (two volumes), NIS 94


Chronicle of Crakow Jewish school for girls from 1933-1939 (in Hebrew
and in Polish)
Kronika Szkolna uczennic ¿ydowskich z lat 1933-1939 Miejskiej Szko³y
Powszechnej nr 15 im. Klementyny Tañskiej-Hoffmanowej przy ul.
Miodowej w Krakowie
