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From Volozhyn Hebrew Izkor Book

Written in English by Moshe Porat - Perelman


Alperovich Mendl, his wife Tamara,  their children Berl, Fruma

Alperovich Michael, his wife Sima,  their children Rachel, Ioash, Moyshe,

Alpert Shamay, his wife Haya,

Alpert Yakov,  

Altman Itshok, his wife Lifsha,  their children Eliezer, Yosef

Askind Naftali, his wife Eshka,

Avram Rudes,  

Baksht Binyomin,  

Baksht Moyshe,  

Baksht YoshuaLeyb,  

Baskin Arye,  

Baskind Hayim, his wife Fruma,  their children Sara, Fayvl,

Basuk Yehezkel, his wife Gitel,  their children Yakov, Haya, Sara,

Baydes Zvi, his wife Feygl,  their children Hilel, Lea, Rivka,

Beker Yehuda, his wife HanaRochl,

Berger Fayche,   their children Hinda, Lea

Bergman Hayim,  

Berkman Dosia,  

Berkman Mina,  

Berkman Sima,  

Berkovich Avrom, his wife Keyle, their son Leyb,

Berkovich Israel, his wife Beyle,

Berkovich Yakov, his wife sonia,

Berman Alter, his wife Sara,  their son Shmuel

Berman Arye-Leyb, his wife Muma,  their children Zvi, Braha

Berman Arye-Leyb, his wife Elka,  their children Yakov, Shmuel, Etl, Hana,


Berman Ayzik,  

Berman Eli Ber, his wife Hana, their children Mira, Zev

Berman Golda,   their son Meir

Berman HenieMere,   their son HaimMeir

Berman Hone, his wife Mihla, their children Henia, Israel

Berman Itsak Meir, his wife Rivka,  their children Rosa, Note

Berman Itsak, his wife Malka,  their children Zvi Avrom, Rachel

Berman Mordhay, his wife sonia Sara,  their children Monia, Moyshe,

Berman Moyshe,  

Berman Shmuel,  

Berman Shula,  

Berman Yehoshua,   their children

Berman Yosef, his wife Zipora,  their children

Berman Zeharya, his wife Sheyne Gitl,  their children Yoshua, Natan,


Berman Zlatke,   their children Gershon, Yrahmiel

Bernstein Avrom,   their son Yshaya

Bialovski Hayim, his wife Avigail,

Bloh Yehuda, his wife ,

Borohovich Hayim, his wife Miryam,  their children

Botvinik Hayim,   their children Perla, Binyamin, Moyshe,

Botvinik Herzel, his wife MashaLea,  their children Beila, Hava, Perla,

Botvinik Kalman, his wife Liba,  their children Hana, Micaela, Baruh,

Bren Fayve, his wife Rivka,  their Children AvromEle, Dvora, Rasha,

Bren Fayve, his wife Dvoshe,

Bren Yakov,   their son Tuvia

Brudno Bashe,  

Brudno Eli-Meyshe, his wife Zipa,

Brudno Shlomo-Hayim, his wife Pesia- Rezl,  their children Michael, Wulke

Brudno Yekutiel, his wife ,  their children Binyamin, Gavriel,

Bumrash Yaakov, his wife Hinda,  their children

Bunimovich Alter, his wife Gitel,

Bunimovich AvroMoyshe, his wife Lea,

Bunimovich Hana,  

Bunimovich Hayim,  

Bunimovich Hilel, his wife Dina,

Bunimovich Ishaya, his wife ,

Bunimovich Israel, his wife ,

Bunimovich Leyb, his wife Malka,

Bunimovich Michael, his wife ,

Bunimovich Mordhay, his wife Hinda,

Bunimovich Moyshe, his wife Fruma-Beyla,

Bunimovich Pinhas, his wife Mirele,

Bunimovich Shmuel, his wife Sheynke,  their Children Dvora, Miryam

Bunimovich Yosef, his wife Sara,

Bunimovich Zvi,  

Butrimovich husband, his wife Rachel,

Davidson Dov Ber, his wife ,

Davidson Meir, his wife Sara,

Davidson Yoshua, his wife ,

Davidson Zirl,   their Children

Derechinski Haim, his wife ,

Derechinski Kopl,  

Derechinski Moyshe, his wife Sheynke,

Deul Eliezer-Itshak, his wife Hana-Rochl,  Their Children Nudel, Zviya,


Deul Leybl, his wife Bat-Sheva,

Deul Yosef Iche, his wife Zlata,

Dikenstein Gdalia, his wife Etl,

Dikenstein Hirsh, his wife ,

Dikenstein Natan,  

Dinerstein Natan, his wife ,

Dolgov Itshok, his wife Hasia,

Dolgov Yakov, his wife Liba,

Dolgov Zalman, his wife Hana, Their Children Yoheved, Reyzl

Dolgov Zvi-Hirsh, his wife Sara-Itka,  their son Yakov- Itshok

Dubinski Herzel, his wife Haya-Gita,  their Children Alter, Yosef

Dubinski IsraelYakov, his wife Rohl- Etl,

Dudman Isroel-Zisl, his wife Feyke,  Their Children Elisha, Hasia, Rivka,


Dudman Zvi,  

Dvoretski Hayim-Leyb,  

Dvoretski Shmuel, his wife Ester- Rohl,

Elyashkevits Golda,  her son Shimon

Elyashkevits Hirsh, his wife Masha,

Elyashkevits Israel, his wife Lifsha,

Elyashkevits Shimon, his wife Rivka,

Elyashkevits Yosef, his wife Haya,  their daughter Pnina

Elyashkevits Zvi, his wife Rachel,  their Children

Epstein Eliyahu, his wife Freydl,

Farber Eliyahu, his wife ,  their children Pola, Shimon

Faygenboym Nahum, his wife Bluma,  their children Hinda, Herzl, Yosef, Shmuel

Finger Meir, his wife Hana,  their children Bluma, Arye

Finger Yosef, his wife Sora,  their children Yakov, Eyzer, Bentsie,

Garber  Moyshe,  

Garber Yanie, his wife Broha,

Gelman Alte,   their children Rohl, Elisha, Michael,

Gelman Ayzik, his wife Matke,  their children Hayka, Lea

Gelman Boruh, his wife Feygl,

Gelman Hayim Zvi, his wife Itka,

Gelman Itka,  

Gelman Itshok, his wife Heyna,  their children Ele, Hayim, Rivka,

Gelman Merke,  her son Hayim

Gelman Mordhay, his wife Reyzl,  their children Ele, Hana, Feygele,

Gelman Yohanan, his wife Zelda,

Gertsovski Zev, his wife Rivka-Miryam,  their children HayaSara

Ginsberg-- ,   their children Itshak, Reuven,

Ginsberg- SaraRivka,   their children Beyla, Lea, Mina, Masha

Girkus Arye, his wife Haya Lea,

Girkus Ayzik, his wife Dreyzl,  their daughter Rivka

Girkus Ayzik, his wife Sara,  Their Children

Girkus Meir, his wife Ester- Malka,  their daughter Haya -Sara

Girkus Pesia,  

Girzon Aharon, his wife ,

Girzon AvromBer, his wife ,

Girzon HayimEle, his wife Sara,

Girzon Matityahu, his wife Hana- Ita,  their daughter Rivka

Girzon Meir, his wife Yudit,

Girzon MichalGavriel, his wife Roha,

Girzon MordhayEle, his wife ,

Girzon ShragaFayve, his wife Bashe,

Girzon Yoshua, his wife Duba-Lova,

Girzon Zvi, his wife Malka,

Glas Hilel, his wife Maytke,

Glik Itshok, his wife Nomi Hana,

Glob Bluma,  

Glob Dvora,  

Goldshmid Ben zion, his wife ,

Goldshmid Dov Ber,  

Goldshmid Mordhay,  

Goldshmid Reuven, his wife Etl,  their daughter Hana- Lea

Goldshmid Shmaya, his wife Gitl,

Goldshmid Yakov, his wife lea,  Their Children

Golovenchits Eliezer, his wife Bela,  Their Children Naum, Miryam, Fruma,

Golub Zipora,  

Gordin AryeLeyb, his wife Itka,

Gordon Shalom, his wife HasiaLea, Their Children Feigl, Rudl

Goryan Dov-Ber, his wife ,

Goryan Mina,  

Gurvich Avrom, his wife sonia,  their daughter Zipa

Gurvich Yehezkel, his wife Beyla,

Gurvich Yona, his wife Malka,

Gurvich Yosef Iche, his wife Asha, Their Children Batya, Grunia, Arye Leyb,

Hadash Ita,  

Hadash Shmaya, his wife Fruma,

Hadash Yakov, his wife Etl,

Hayklin Avraham, his wife ,

Hayklin Idl,  

Hayklin Masha,  

Hayklin Mordhay, his wife Shosha,  their children

Hayklin Zeharya,  

Haytin Isroel-David, his wife Rudl,  their children Mina, Haim, Yoshua,

Izhak, Nisn

Heler Meir,   their son Arye-Leyb

Hlopski Meir, his wife Mere,  their Children Yakov -Itshok, Shmuel

Hohberg Note, his wife Mariasha,

Horovitz Avrom, his wife sonia,  their daughter Zipa

Izkovits Mordhay, his wife Rachel,

Kagan Fayvl, his wife ,

Kagan Haya,  

Kagan Hirsh, his wife Rohl  their Children,

Kagan Malka,  

Kagan MoysheYona, his wife Fruma-Rohl,

Kagan Nahum, his wife Batia,

Kagan Noah, his wife Hinda,  their children Itshok, Rohl,

Kagan Yakov, his wife ,

Kagan Yehiel, his wife Sora,

Kagan Yosef, his wife Rivka,  their children Shoshana, Sora, Ezra,

Kagan Yosef, his wife Mihal,  their children Shoshka, Hayim, Eyzer,

Kaganovich Arye-Leyb, his wife ,

Kaganovich Meir, his wife ,

Kaganovich Mordhay,  

Kaganovich Moyshe, his wife Dvoyre-yente,

Kaganovich Yosef, his wife Dobrushka,

Kaganovich Zalman, his wife Lesha,  their children Hana, Lifsha

Kahanovich Ishaya, his wife Henia,  their daughter Leya

Kalman Alter, his wife Reine,

Kalman Hone, his wife Rohl,

Kalmanovich Hayim-Yoshua, his wife ,

Kalmanovich Sora,  

Kaminietski Aron, his wife Haya-Sora,

Kantorovich Dovid_Iche, his wife ,

Kantorovich Leybe,  

Kantorovich Yakov-Tsodik, his wife Nehama-Lea,

Kaplan Dovid, his wife ,  their children Rivka, Leybl

Kaplan Eliyohu, his wife Riva-Lea,

Kaplan Isroel, his wife Heyne,  their children Bashe, Rohl, Itshok,

Karpuchevski Yosef, his wife Mera,  their children

Kats Mina,  

Kats Rachel,  

Katsin Itshok, his wife Hinie-Yohke,  their Children , Leybl, Motl,

Kisiel Eliyahu, his wife Matke,

Kisiel Hayim, his wife Rashl,

Kivilevich Aron, his wife Rohl,  their Children Taybl, Kreyna,  

Kivilevich Shneur, his wife Rohl,  their son Igal,  

Kleyn Avrom, his wife ,

Kleyn Hanan, his wife Rohl,

Kleyn Hayim, his wife Hasia,

Kleyn Hinda,  

Kleyn Lea,  

Kleyn Shimon, his wife Fayga,  their Children Shayna, Moyshe-Yakov

Kleyn Shlomo, his wife Fayga-Riva,

Kleyn Yakov, his wife ,  their son Shlomo

Kleynbord Meir, his wife Rosa,

Kleynbord Tsvi, his wife Rivka,

Klik Malka, his wife Itka,  their Children Yudit, Rohl

Kohen Yakov, his wife Beyla,

Kotik , Rebetsn,  

Kovalski Yakov, his wife Haya,

Kozakevich Tsirl, his wife Hana-Sora, their daughter Tema

Kozlovski Itshok, his wife ,

Kozlovski Lea,  

Kozlovski Pinhos, his wife Rohl,

Kramnik Freydl,  

Krasny Alter, his wife Sora,

Kuchevitski Fayva,  his wife ,

Lamleman wife,   

Lapidot Man,  his wife ,  their son Haim

Lavit Alter,  his wife Sara,  their children Zlatka, Mina, Isroel,

Lavit Eliezer,  his wife Rudl,

Lavit Mordhay-Yudl,  his wife ,

Lavit Natanel,   

Lavit Reuven,  his wife Ita,

Lavit Shimon,  his wife Heyna,  their daughter Beyla

Lavit Shlomo,  his wife Rachel,

Levin (Shadal) Shmuel-Dovid,  his wife Matla,  their children Malka, Haym,

Mordhay, Shlomo

Levin Aba,  his wife Rela,

Levin Avrom-Itshok,  his wife ,

Levin Berl,  his wife Hana, their children Beylka, Hasia, Miryam, Yosef

Levin Levin,  his wife Shmuel, their family

Levinson Yoha-Hinda,   her children Rivka, Zeev, Yaakov,

Levinson Yoheved,   her son Volfke

Liberman Anshl,   

Liberman Arye,  his wife Hana-Gitl,

Liberman Shabtay,  his wife Ester,  their son Leybke

Liberman Sloyme-Avrom,  his wife Roh'l,

Lidrovich ,    children Haykl, Mordhay

Lidrovich Eliyahu,  his wife Sore-Rayze,  their children Haya-Roh'l, Alter,

Gdaliya, Haim

Lifshits Nahman, his wife Aydele,  their son Arye-Leyb

Lifshits Yakov,   their children Hayele, Shoshnale

Liker Husband, his wife ,

Lipovetski Berl, his wife Sore-Rashke,

Lungen Moyshe, his wife Sara,  their children Shmuel, Hayim, Pesia, Rohel

Lunin (rabbi) Isroel, his wife Sheynke,  their children Nehoma, Zvia,

Gershon, Zvi

Lurye Liba,  her son Meir

Malkin Mula,  

Malkin Zvi-Hirsh, his wife Haya-Riva,

Maretski Mordhay, his wife Ester,  their children Avram, Isroel, ,

Maze Gdaliyahu, his wife Hinde,  their children Zviya, Eliezer-Pesah, Shlomo,

Meltzer Alter, his wife ,  their children,

Meltzer Arye-Leyb, his wife ,

Meltzer Eliezer, his wife Gitl,

Meltzer Hanan, his wife Sara,

Meltzer Isroel, & family

Meltzer Mendl-Eliezer, his wife ,

Meltzer Moyshe, his wife Rohl,  their children Sara-Rivka, Tsvi

Meltzer Moyshe, his wife Mihal,

Meltzer Shimshn-Itshak, his wife ,

Meltzer Shlomo, his wife Gitl,  their children Shprintsa, Shimshon,

Meltzer Yehoshua, his wife Mania,  their children Batia, Tsviya, Ester-Mina,

Mendelevits Reuven, his wife Bikha,

Mendes Fayvish, his wife Martsa,

Meyerson Avrom,  

Meyerson Boruh-Mordhe,  

Meyerson Fayve, his wife ,

Meyerson Haykl, his wife ,

Meyerson Itshok-Yakov, his wife ,

Meyerson Yekutiel, his wife ,

Miler David, his wife Rivka,

Milikovski Yehuda, his wife Lea,

Mishkin Itshok, his wife ,

Mlot Elie, his wife sonia,

Molot Avram, his wife Feygl,

Molot Roha-Matke,  

Morduhovich Isar-leyb, his wife ,

Morduhovich Moyshe-aron, his wife

Movshovich Moyshe, his wife Batya,

Namyot Tsvi-Yehuda, his wife Sora,  their children Elta, Doba, Rohl,

Narushevich Avraham, his wife Hasia,

Narushevich Brayna,  

Narushevich Eliyahu,   family

Narushevich Isaak,  

Narushevich Itshok, his wife Sora,

Nosn(1st name)  his wife   their daughters Zelde, Neshke, Rashke, â€|

Osherovits Asher, his wife ,

Paretski Asna-Haya,   their son Yosef

Paretski Shahne, his wife Fruma,

Peker Itshok,  

Perelman Malka,  

Perelman Yosef,  

Perski Alter, his wife Dvora,

Perski Avrom, his wife Rivka,

Perski Beyla,   their Children Gisha, Feygl,

Perski Doba,  hetr daughter Henia

Perski Dovid,  his daughter Itke

Perski Etl,  

Perski Fayve, his wife ,

Perski Fayve, his wife Raya,  their children Moyshe, Mina

Perski Getsl, his wife Haya-Raytsa,  their daughter Rivka

Perski Hasia-Lea,  

Perski Hayim, his wife Liba,

Perski HayimEle,  

Perski HayimZeev, his wife Dunia,

Perski Isroel, his wife Haya,  their children Itshok, Lifsha

Perski Isroel, his wife Batia,  their children Avram, Shmuel

Perski Itshok, his wife ,

Perski Leybl,  

Perski Lipa, his wife Henia,  their children Rivka, Lea, Rohl, Eliyahu

Perski Meir, his wife Gita,  their children Elka, Hayka, Sonia, Rohl

Perski Michael, his wife , their son Tsvi

Perski Michael,  

Perski Mina,   their daughter Rishka

Perski MoysheYona, his wife HanaEshke,  their Children Liba, Rivka

Perski Natanel, his wife ,

Perski Nisan, his wife Rasia,  their Children Golda, Hayim, Fayvl,

Perski Noah,  

Perski Ori-Yakov,   their son Aron

Perski Ori, his wife Rohl,  their Children Bela, Gretl

Perski Osher, his wife Bunia,  their Children sonia, Reuven-Ruvele

Perski Shalom,  

Perski Shimshon, his wife ,

Perski Shlomo, his wife Freydl,  their children Rivka, Dovid, Hayim, Itshok

Perski Sonia,  

Perski YehudaHayim, his wife Merke,  their Children Blumke, Reyhl, YakovZeev,

Perski Yosef, his wife Tsirl,  their son EliZalman

Perski Yudit,   their daughter Beyla

Perski Zeev, his wife Gnesia,

Perski Zisl, his wife Rohl,  their Children

Podolski Michael, his wife Reyzl,  their children Hana, Shmuel

Podbarski Arye-Leyb, his wife Sora,

Podbarski Arye-Yosef, his wife Luba,  their daughter Batya

Podbarski Irmiyahu, his wife ,

Podbarski Mendl, his wife ,  their son Nosn

Podbarski Mordehay, his wife Rohl,  family

Podbarski Nosn, his wife Dushka,

Podbarski Shmuel, his wife Rashl,

Polak Aron,  

Polak Nehama,  

Potashnik Akiva, his wife Etl,

Potashnik Dov-Ber, his wife Hana,

Potashnik Eliezer,   family

Potashnik Ester,   their children

Potashnik Nehemia, his wife Hana,  their children Hayim, Isroe

Pozniak Yakov, his wife Dobrushka,

Providla Michael, his wife Rivka,  their children Hana, Tsipora

Radushevski Peysah, his wife Sonia,  their children Genia, Moshe, Reuven,

Rahmilevich Yosef, his wife Avrom,  their children Dov, Moyshe

Rapoport ,  his children Avrom, Yosef, Yehiel,

Rapoport Eliezer, his wife Lea,  their children Gitl, Zelda, Freydke,

Rapoport Moshe,  

Rapoport Yehezkl, his wife wife,

Rapoport Yhoshua, his wife Sarka,  their son Isar

Rapoport Zeev, his wife Ester, & their children Gitl, Yosef

Rayher Zeev, his wife Fruma, & their children Shula, Itshok

Rogovin Aron, his wife Sora,

Rogovin Avrom-Itshok, his wife Sheyna, & their children  

Rogovin Avrom-Leyb, his wife Henia, & their children Hana, Ida, Yehuda,

Rogovin Dovid, his wife Eshka, & their children Gala, Motl

Rogovin Ele-Yakov, his wife ,

Rogovin Eliezer,  

Rogovin Etl,  

Rogovin Hanan, his wife Beyla-Rivka,

Rogovin Hayim,  & their daughter Tsipora, Rivka

Rogovin Hirsh-Leyb, his wife ,

Rogovin Hirsh, his wife , & their son Nehemia

Rogovin Isroel, his wife Sora, & their daughter Freydl, Yakov

Rogovin Itshok, his wife Hana, & their daughter Feygl

Rogovin Itshok, his wife Batia, & their daughter Hana

Rogovin Kopl, his wife ,

Rogovin Mordhay, his wife ,

Rogovin Moyshe, his wife Reyzl,

Rogovin Nehemia,  

Rogovin Shevah, his wife Golda,

Rogovin Shmuel, his wife ,  their daughter Hayim, Rivka

Rogovin Tsvi, his wife Gitl,  their son Yosef

Rogovin Yehuda, his wife Haya, & their daughter Elka, Zeev

Rogovin Yohanan, his wife Rivka-Dvora, & their daughter Batia

Rogovin Yosef, his wife Rivka,

Rogovin Zalman, his wife Tema,

Rozen Hayim, his wife Freydl,

Rozenberg Reuven, his wife Gitl, & their son Yoel

Rozenberg Shlomo,  

Rozensheyn Moyshe, his wife Elka,  their daughter Beba

Rozensheyn Tsvi, his wife Yoheved,  their daughter Ester

Rubin Elka, &  their son

Rubinshteyn Faytl, his wife ,

Rubinshteyn Haya,  

Rubinshteyn Solem-Leyb, his wife Lifsha,  their children Broha, Golda

Rubinshteyn Tamara,   their children Yakov-Yosef

Rudenski Dovid, his wife ,

Rudenski Meir, his wife ,

Rudenski Yakov, his wife Ruda,

Rudenski Yehezkl, his wife Fruma,

Rudenski Yohanan, his wife DvoshaElka,

Rudnia Rohl,  

Rudnitski Gitl, his wife Haya, & their Children Mera, Nehama, Getsl,

Ruhamkin Yakov-Shmuel, his wife Tsviya,

Sapir Naomi,  

Savitski Alta,  

Savitski Osher, his wife Bashe,  their children Rivka, Yeheskl

Segalovich Alter, his wife Dvoshe, & their son Avrom

Segalovich Hayim, his wife Matke,

Segalovich Moyshe, his wife Sora,  their daughter sonia

Sepetnitski Moyshe, his wife Bunia,

Sepetnitski Yehusa, his wife ,

Shabtay-Note ,  & their son Shmuel

Shaker Avrom, his wife ,

Shalman ,  & their children , Leyba, Shlomo,

Shalman Elka,  

Shalman Hayim, his wife Ester & their children

Shalman Tsvi, his wife Gitl & their children Miryam, Rosa, Ayzik,

Shalman Yehoshua, his wife ,

Shaybl Mendl, his wife Slava  & their children Libe, Mule

Sheyniuk Tsvi, his wife Rivka,

Shiff AvromMoyshe, his wife Reyzl  & their children Golda wife of Mendel

Alperovich and their son, Shimon

Shimkin Yehuda, his wife wife,

Shimshelevich Alter, his wife Haya-lea,

Shimshelevich Moyshe, his wife Batia,

Shishko Mordehay, his wife Dvoshe,

Shklar ,  & their children , Pesah, Kopl,

Shklar Eliyahu, his wife Rohl, & their children Golda, Ben-Sion, Hayim,

Shklar Sara,  

Shlosberg Arye-Leyb, his wife Yoha, & their children Rohl, Grunem, Yosef,


Shmerkovich Yehoshua, his wife Rivka, & their son Isroel

Shmid Mordhay, his wife Maryasha, & their children Yosef, Shlomo, son,

Shmukler Eliezer, his wife wife,

Shnayder Arye-Leyb, his wife Ester   & their Children Hana-Merke, Zelig

Shnayder Dovid  & their children  

Shnayder Hayim, his wife Nehama,

Shnayder Moyshe, his wife Merl & their daughter Sore-Rohl

Shnayder Tsvi, his wife Tsirl  & their daughter Miryam

Shptsiner Isroel, his wife Bela,

Shriro Heshl, his wife Rivka,  their Children Dreyzl, Shmuel

Shriro Itshok, his wife Anetl  & their daughter Avigayil

Shulevich Shmuel, his wife Rohl  & their children Eliyahu, Mordehay

Shuster Tsvi, his wife Yona,

Shvarts Yakov-Dovid, his wife Rivka,

Shvartsberg Alter,   their daughter Rayne

Shvartsberg Ele-Iche, his wife Dveyre-Elke,  their son Leybl

Simernitski David, his wife Doba,

Simernitski Hayim, his wife ,

Simernitski Michael, his wife Malka,

Simernitski Yaakov, his wife Sora-Ester,

Sklut Alter, his wife Feyga,

Sklut Avrom-Itshok, his wife Shifra,

Sklut Berl, his wife ,

Sklut Dvora-Ester,  

Sklut Eliyahu, his wife Feyga,

Sklut Gita-Rohl,  

Sklut Hayim-David, his wife Rohl,

Sklut Hayim-Shaul, his wife Rashe-Dvoshe,

Sklut Hilel,  & his family

Sklut Itshok-Getsl, his wife

Sklut Itshok, his wife Bashe-Elka,  their children Rohl, Reyzl, Hayim, Yaakov&


Sklut Leya-Bashe,  

Sklut Leyb, his wife Riva-Yenta,

Sklut Leyvik, his wife

Sklut Michael, his wife ,  their daughter Musia

Sklut Shimon, his wife ,

Sklut Shlomo, his wife Shimka,  their children Pesia, Shmuel,

Sklut Shmuel-Itshok, his wife ,

Sklut Yakov, his wife wife,

Sklut Yehoshua, his wife Dobrushka,

Sklut Yehoshua, his wife Hana,

Sklut Zlata,  

Sosenski Itshok, his wife Pesia,

Spector Dov-Ber, his wife Ester, & their daughter Tsila, , ,

Stekolshchik Yehuda, his wife Meytl,

Stolar Eliezer, his wife Liba, & their children Berl, Moyshe, son,

Stolar Kopl,  

Stolar Yehiel,  

Tabahovits Yakov, his wife Haya,

Tabahovits Yosef, his wife Bela,

Taf Arye, his wife Musia, & their children Tova, Isroel

Tiuf Zalman, his wife Leya, & their children Avrom, Isroel

Tsart Avrom, his wife Tsviya, & their children Nehama, Aron, Hirsh,

Tsart Gdalya, his wife Ester, & their children Aron, Shmuel

Tsart Tamara,  & her family

Tsart Yosef, his wife Rohl, & their children Berl, Pesia, ,

Tsimerman Lipa, his wife Reyzl_Feygl,

Tsimerman Note,  & his family

Tsipin Benyomin, his wife Rohl-Lea, & their son Pinhas, , ,


Vayner Moyshe, his wife Rachel,  their children Lea, Mordehay

Vaysbord Eliyahu, his wife Hasia,

Vaysbord Haim-Izhak ,  

Vaysbord Michael, his wife ,

Vaysbord Moyshe, his wife Haya,

Vaysbord Shimon, his wife wife,

Vaysbord Yakov, his wife Matke,

Vaysbord Yakov, his wife Sheine-Riva,  their Children Mihla, Heynah

Velvel Leybl,  

Vidrovich Yosef-Haim, his wife Haya-Sara,  their children Hinda, Efraim

Volkin Rabbi Haim, his wife Beyla,  their children Dreyzl, Haya-Lea

Volkomich Malka,  her daughter Shulamit,

Volkomich Shmuel, his wife Elka-Haya,  their children Moyshe, Sara

Yankelevich Alta,  

Yazgur Dovid, his wife Elka,

Yazgur Mordhay, his wife sonia,  their children Haim, Ishayahu

Yofe Avrom, his wife Sore-Beyle,  their children son, daugh

Yurshner Haim, his wife sonia, their children Mindl, Reyzl

Yuzefovich Zvi-Meir, his wife Sima, their daughter Elka

Zalb Isroel, his wife Yente,  their family , , ,

Zalb Yosef, his wife Merke,  their Children Binyomin, Isroel

Zarin Yosef, his wife ,

Zeltser Tsvi, his wife sonia,

Zhale Shlomo, his wife Feygl,  their son Michael

Zirulnik Hayim, his wife Hayka

Zlotnik ,