416 Records Found of Vilna born survivors who gave Testimony to the Shoah Foundation. for more information on each- please go to;
IntCode Name Language Experience
803 Aaron, Sol English Jewish Survivor
30164 Abramovitch, Mayer Yiddish Jewish Survivor
10188 Akselrod, Benjamin English Jewish Survivor
25475 Anolik, Sara Hebrew Jewish Survivor
43428 Antonowicz-Bauer, Lucyna Polish Rescue and Aid
25781 Aranson, Moisei Russian Jewish Survivor
19111 Arnel, Jack English Jewish Survivor
14024 Aronson, Abram Hebrew Jewish Survivor
28368 Arska, Magdalena Polish Jewish Survivor
46017 Avidar, Daniel Hebrew Jewish Survivor
45445 Balbaryski, Aron Spanish Jewish Survivor
15079 Bandos, Feiga English Jewish Survivor
34162 Baran, Shlomoh Hebrew Jewish Survivor
44169 Barats, Ze´ev Hebrew Jewish Survivor
39227 Barowsky, Irv English Jewish Survivor
19567 Basoḳ, Ḥayim Menaḥem Hebrew Jewish Survivor
24764 Bastacky, Shulamit English Jewish Survivor
34168 Baver, Eliyagu Russian Jewish Survivor
43740 Bayme, Lloyd English Jewish Survivor
42581 Bederis, Khana Russian Jewish Survivor
1708 Begam, Israel English Jewish Survivor
9949 Begell, William English Jewish Survivor
26732 Beiershtein, Sofiia Russian Jewish Survivor
47028 Belkind, Jacob Hebrew Jewish Survivor
40089 Ben-Ṭal, ´ester Hebrew Jewish Survivor
10717 Benjamin, Sulamith English Jewish Survivor
14393 Beras, Pearl English Jewish Survivor
38260 Berezovsky, Ida Spanish Jewish Survivor
45804 Bergman, Boris Hebrew Jewish Survivor
41609 Bestandig, Dolly Spanish Jewish Survivor
5483 Biber, Yevgenija Russian Jewish Survivor
35169 Blick, Selma English Jewish Survivor
39418 Blocher, Ruth English Jewish Survivor
35504 Blufer, Alexander English Jewish Survivor
9664 Blum, Sharon English Jewish Survivor
12973 Blumenfeld, Sara Yiddish Jewish Survivor
18939 Bobek, Magdalena Polish Jewish Survivor
20515 Bobrowski, Michal Polish Jewish Survivor
37729 Bodenstein, Eva English Jewish Survivor
20776 Boguslavsky, Elena Spanish Jewish Survivor
399 Bonder, Joan English Jewish Survivor
34594 Borensztein, Paula French Jewish Survivor
4947 Boruchowitz, Cecilia English Jewish Survivor
36788 Bratt, Esther English Jewish Survivor
28959 Bra´udah, Raḥel Yiddish Jewish Survivor
33001 Brener, Bela English Jewish Survivor
9783 Broidis, David English Jewish Survivor
25334 Brosh, Ya`aḳov Hebrew Jewish Survivor
49080 Bruckner, Pnina Hebrew Jewish Survivor
20227 Brumberg, Shoshanah Hebrew Jewish Survivor
20242 Brumberg, TÌ£uvyah Hebrew Jewish Survivor
40057 Burshṭeyn, Yafah Hebrew Jewish Survivor
29994 Chejker de Szterensus, Rywa Spanish Jewish Survivor
4991 Chinitz, Ann English Jewish Survivor
993 Chorowski, Mina Yiddish Jewish Survivor
2203 Crane, Syma English Jewish Survivor
2292 Cripps, Lucie English Jewish Survivor
6067 Cwei, David English Jewish Survivor
18946 Czeresnia, Czeslawa Polish Jewish Survivor
21121 Damski, Leo English Jewish Survivor
27912 Darcy, Jules English
16150 David, Raye English
5853 Devel'tov, Solomon Russian
28331 Dickman, Betty English
37630 Dimant, Nechama Yiddish
20057 Dimitry, Norma English
40115 Dines, Ya`aḳov Hebrew
18294 Drabkin, Rachel English
17474 Drabkin, Samuel English
533 Drazin, Shepard English
15942 Druskin, Bernard English
36393 Dubinsḳi, Michael Hebrew
26591 Edberg, Asia English
22298 Eisenstein, Henia English
2502 Engelhart, Miriam English
8050 Epshtein, Sheina Russian
23778 Erlich, Raja Hebrew
10938 Even, Masha English
16355 Fair, Benjamin Hebrew
37947 Fartuso, Roza Hebrew
15874 Felder, Renia Spanish
18136 Feldman, Sara Hebrew
21056 Fischer, Miriam English
25869 Florans, Rajmund Polish
227 Fontaine, Jean English
34385 Fremont, Theodore English
32043 Frid, ´asyah-Ḥaṿah Hebrew
29285 Fridman, Frumah Hebrew
48097 Friedman, Abraham English
27906 Friedman, Esia English
33839 Friedman, Ralph English
20944 Frost, Anna English
6218 Galpern, Nechama English
36294 Ganan, Lili Hebrew
21761 Garber, Ben English
3906 Gastwirth, Esther English
6403 Gaukhman, Iakov Russian
30357 Gavish, Zeldah Hebrew
51769 Genis, Alice English
31676 Giguzinsḳi, Lizah Hebrew
30115 Giguzinsḳi, Yitsḥaḳ Hebrew
9696 Gilinski, Arie Yiddish
37897 Ginzburg, Khanoikh Russian
2328 Gitel'zon, Luiba Russian
12777 Giṭelman, Le´ah Hebrew
31651 Glezer, Leon English
14288 Glezer, Mania English
46342 Glezer, Sofiah Hebrew
24650 Glickman, Maria English
23107 Gliḳsman, Raḥel Hebrew
22318 Gliḳzam, Ḥanah Hebrew
42020 Glowinski, Nina Spanish
17530 Gol, Sara English
10939 Golad, Sonia English
31468 Goldberg, Deborah English
20041 Goldberg, Gitta English
45381 Goldberg, Jean English
25927 Golde, Eda English
13995 Goldin, Zusel' Lithuanian
7498 Goldstein, Chana English
3666 Goldstein, Judith English
13178 Goldstein, Sonia English
39645 Golomb, Shrag´a Hebrew
10684 Good, Pearl English
51445 Gordon, Isaac English
10852 Gordon, Riva English
30295 Gordon, Sam English
29329 Grinberg, Sara English
10802 Gros, Sarah Hebrew
15464 Grunspan, Mira English
45558 Grynberg, Roman Polish
13811 Gurko, Henny English
43955 Gurland, Zina English
21104 Gurvitz, David English
27104 Hall, Zelina Swedish
6060 Hamburg, Sam English
33281 Hamel, Helenah Hebrew
34441 Hart´en, Shoshanah Hebrew
1765 Hautzig, Esther English
29416 Heifetz, Myron English
26894 Herman, Janet English
30244 Himelfarb, Chanoch Hebrew
39272 Hirsch, Suzanne English
15947 Holzman, Nina English
6842 Horowitz, Mira English
335 Horwitz, Olga English
5017 Ḥanin, Refa´el Hebrew
23889 HÌ£arlap, Musia Hebrew
8032 Jashuner, Shlomo Yiddish
33264 Jochelson, Adele English
7255 Josephson, Dora English
43165 Josin, Esther English
23654 Kacew, Basia English
7536 Kacew, Ida English
7542 Kacew, Leo English
11367 Kaftan, Gean English
40300 Kagan, Bunyah Polish
34578 Kagan, Paul English
24002 Kahn, Evelyn English
25699 Kanarek, Miriam English
22515 Kaplan, Ida English
40328 Kaplan, Jozef English
9104 Kaplan, Rikla Hebrew and Yiddish
12945 Kaplan-Mandell, Anne English
31754 Kats, Daṿid Hebrew
43259 Katz, Betty English
42933 Katz, Charles English
13771 Katz, Harvey English
19021 Katz, Hersch English
15433 Katz, Jack English
7065 Kenigzburg, Miriam English
9866 Kere, Avram Hebrew
35014 Khaikin, Khaia Russian
29223 Klauzner, Ezechiel Polish
3423 Klein, Jean English
23709 Klug, Ann English
906 Kobrin, Doris English
25033 Kobrin, Emanuel English
5284 Konis, Edward English
33490 Korisky, Miriam Hebrew
14508 Kot, Boris English
30472 Kowarska, Feiga Portuguese
5383 Koziol, Stuart English
31826 Kozlowski, Jan Jakub Polish
25321 Kramnik, Mir'iam Russian
8877 Krawczynska, Nadia Yiddish
39932 Kroshinsky, Frances English
33249 Krugman, Nathan English
49053 Kulkin, Josef Hebrew
40289 Kurian de Fuksman, Rebeca Spanish
5735 Kushevskaia, Leia Russian
9541 Kutcher-Echieli, Sara Hebrew
19951 Ḳedansḳi, Ḥanah Fridah Hebrew
31054 KÌ£enet, Shlomoh Hebrew
18952 KÌ£imelfeld, HÌ£ayah Hebrew
9040 Ḳremeris, Margariṭah Hebrew
45913 Landesman, HÌ£ayah Hebrew
36884 Lasman, Lola Spanish
30238 Lazar, HÌ£ayah Hebrew
2558 Leiser, Ruth English
13470 Lenson, Sarah English
48741 Lerner, Cezary Polish
75 Leventhal, Beba English
26425 Levin, Benjamin English
42849 Levin, Lev ´aryeh Hebrew
8333 Lichtenfeld, Rivka Hebrew and Yiddish
10507 Lidsky, Alexander English
10506 Lidsky, Ella English
6300 Lifszyc, Bernardo English
18395 Lipenholtz, Eta English
18397 Lipenholtz, Michael English
8008 Lipkowitz, Maurice English
32161 Lipnovski, Ilah Yiddish
24265 Lorber, Rachel English
7014 Lubeck, Rita English
15789 Lurie, Arnold Polish
6451 Lurie, Zofja English
16872 Madesker, Michael English
15990 Malcmacher, Sylvia English
20620 Malinger, Rachela Polish
7344 Malkes, Simon-François French
26747 Mandelbaum, Rae English
4000 Margolis, Rachel Russian
2420 Margules, Lily English
23673 Markiewicz, Maria Polish
49817 Massell, Gregory English
16094 Mazy´, ´aharon Hebrew
13510 Meczyk, Riva English
3369 Melezin, Rachela English
18904 Menkin, Michael English
31492 Metzger, Esther English
26293 Miedrzyzecki, Asia French
14325 Milchiker, Abraham English
14324 Milchiker, Celia English
6376 Milcot, Meyer French
8875 Miller, Ettie English
9493 Miller, Irene English
47846 Miniḳes, Gershon Hebrew
40065 Mintz, Beila English
31496 Mirkin, Louis English
28647 Mirḳin, `alizah Hebrew
22667 Mirsḳi, Dorah Hebrew
29811 Mordoch, Golda Portuguese
11562 Muler, Benjamin English
18080 Nir, Fruma Hebrew
13701 Novishanskii, Solomon Russian
29950 Nussbaum, Tamara Swedish
34091 Nussen, Sarah English
15242 Nusynowicz, Sarah English
13693 Okunieff, Michael English
48102 Olkon, Anna English
16151 Opoczynski, Reva English
29242 Orbach, Mala English
21940 Padison, Slava Russian
19373 Palczewski, Juliusz Polish
25508 Papirmakher, Ninah Hebrew
24825 Paru, Leon English
21531 Pene´osov, ´emah Hebrew
12844 Perelman, Chaïm Raymond French
41521 Perets, ´aharoniṭah Hebrew
3193 Perkal, Raya English
44352 Persiḳo, Ḥanah Hebrew
197 Peters, Harry English
11160 Piat-ka, Xavier English
4818 Pilecki, Lea English
43130 Pinsker, Sam-Saloman Polish
47845 Pinski, Haviva Hebrew
51493 Pogos, Raya English
12203 Popugaeva, Etta Yiddish
29102 Portnoy, Fanny Yiddish
834 Portnoy, Rose English
18513 Porzucki, Tania English
13401 Prusak, Frida Russian
25523 Rabinovits, HÌ£anah Hebrew
1859 Rafowitz, Cyla English
32465 Rahav, Neḥamah Hebrew
38303 Rajchsztajnd, Esther English
26809 Ram, Israel Swedish
1266 Rapuch, Lucy English
26360 Ratafia, Tema English
1757 Raykin, Jacob English
21907 Reischer, Harry English
30323 Remigolski, Szymon Polish
45647 Resnick, Sarah English
34343 Ritz, Sara Yiddish
46406 Riwash, Joseph English
10320 Robbins, Freida English
10326 Robbins, Gabriel English
19631 Rogalin, Yitsḥaḳ Hebrew
28516 Rosenberg, Sara Spanish
13636 Rosenberg, Toni English
35462 Rosner, Frieda English
745 Ross, Lena English
24711 Roth, Molly English
52006 Rothenberg-Goldsman, Mira English
1161 Rothschild, Helen English
14197 Rotschild, Steven English
27516 Roṭendler, Batyah Hebrew
3411 Rozmaryn, Tania English
6488 Rubinoff, Vera English
13165 Rubinovas, Stanislovas Lithuanian
18617 Rubinstein, Lee English
25574 Sapirshṭayn, ´avraham Hebrew
25014 Schagrin, Henyah Hebrew
37065 Schibuk, Zula English
8320 Sedlis, Alexander English
8326 Sedlis, Emilia English
3775 Sedlis, Gabriel English
29079 Seidel, Sara Swedish
6309 Shafran, HÌ£anah Hebrew
49294 Shalev, Joseph English
39765 Sharakan, Paul English
36197 Sharon, Eugenia English
47693 Shemyavits, Mikha´el Hebrew
655 Sher, Efim Polish
8826 Sheres, Ted English
17659 Sheshtokene, Leia Lithuanian
45592 Shlozberg, Vulf Russian
20687 Shmuklarski, Gesia Hebrew
18591 Shneidman, Noah English
51063 Shoḥaṭ, Fridah Hebrew
9887 Shorenzon, Shalom Hebrew
9736 Shorenzon, Shoshanah-Rayzel Hebrew
26516 Shṭeyn, ´avraham Hebrew
50685 Shub, Baruch Hebrew
42538 Shuldman, Lee Yiddish
35664 Shumakher, M´eir Hebrew
48693 Shunami, HÌ£anah Hebrew
2102 Silbert, Liza English
4969 Singer, Sonia English
29505 Sirot, Meyer Spanish
5727 Skuy, Sima English
31347 Slivka, Rochelle English
14232 Slodov, Luba English
25818 Smolar, Abraham English
12018 Sofer, Dina English
12016 Sofer, Iser English
39493 Sonenzon, Yitsḥaḳ Hebrew
23605 Sosne, Zelman English
4889 Spirn, Regina English
21152 Sṭraj-Shapiro´, Miryam Hebrew
24944 Sṭromzah, Zahavah Hebrew
47636 Svirsḳi, David Hebrew
51109 Swirski, Fajwel Hebrew
17149 Swirsky, Bella Hebrew
12932 Szapiro, Mila Polish and Yiddish
36929 Szklarz, Rosa Portuguese
23216 Szmukler, Pera Polish
31193 Sznabel, Raya English
9530 Sznajderhaus, Raquel Spanish
23940 Sztejnhauer, Basia Portuguese
23938 Sztejnhauer, Jacobo Portuguese
24747 Sztul, Mala Spanish
28361 Szymanska, Regina Polish
1093 Tabrys, Harry English
16909 Tamuz, Nusyah Hebrew
50320 Tanay, Emanuel English
15029 Tanenbaum, Rebecca English
877 Tanner, Vera English
42182 Telerant, Emma English
458 Telerant, Michael English
46577 Tencer, Sonia Yiddish
39003 Tenenwurcel, Maria Portuguese
16001 Teper, Berl Spanish
16880 Teper, Edzia Spanish
34286 Tondowski, Cila English
612 Trakinski, Simon English
2050 Trakinski, William English
9956 Tsivier, Rivḳah Hebrew
33949 Tsuḳerṭ, Yosefinah Hebrew
14190 Turkeltaub, Barbara English
6586 Turner, Edith English
34319 Turner, Luba English
34318 Turner, Michael English
3408 Tyrkiel, Miriam English
51547 Urbach, Tola English
17290 Varkel, Bella English
9613 Vilnai-Shapiro, Meir English
39390 Ṿaḳshṭoḳ, Yokheved Hebrew
31774 VÌ£ardi, Fridah Hebrew
44592 Ṿerḳshṭal, Fridah Hebrew
21082 Ṿolotsḳi, Dov Hebrew
9594 Wagner, Rubin English
9508 Wagner, Sima English
33523 Wajnberg, Rosa Portuguese
42189 Wall, Sarah English
16215 Waltman, Toby English
14896 Wapnik, Avraham Hebrew
23758 Weitz, Sara Hebrew
9061 Wellner, Frieda English
2888 White, David English
51437 Wilenski, Luba English
25192 Wilk, Sonia English
22795 Wittenberg, Basia English
15574 Wygodski, Mary English
47675 Zaituni, ´ayalah Sarah Hebrew
45401 Zakovich, Shmuel' Russian
13234 Zalkind, Luba English
27584 Zeleznikow, Abram English
24213 Zelikowski, Leo Italian
30580 Zelman, Tanya English
42989 Zimmerman, Deborah English
48256 Zitler, Szepsel English
15605 Zolotareva, Zlata Russian
37705 Zonn, Lidia Polish
5598 Zuk, Hyman English
9212 Zwany, Sheila English
26829 `eynat, ´aharon Hebrew
49633 ´alṭshuler, Pesya Hebrew
36203 ´anoli, Binyami Hebrew
22410 ´aryeh, Gid`o Hebrew
22405 ´aryeh, Yokheve Hebrew
8013 ´avramsḳi, Shulamit-Sula Russian
47414 ´engelshṭayn, Shoshana Hebrew
Aaron, Sol
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Sol Aaron
Sol Aaron (release name)
Schloma Aronwicz (name at birth)
Sol M Aaron (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 11/11/1921
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s) Fareynegte Partizanishe Organizatsye
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory
Forced (death) Marches
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview NY
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 2:30
Interview Code 803
Abramovitch, Mayer
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Mayer Abramovitch
Mayer Abramovitch (release name)
Abramovitch (current name)
Mayer Abramovitz (name at birth)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 11/10/1914
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Russia/Soviet Russia
Religious Identity (Prewar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Ereda (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Feldafing (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Stutthof (Danzig (FC) : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, United States
Location of liberation Feldafing (Germany)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
evasion of roundups
State of Interview QC
Country of Interview Canada
Language(s) of Interview Yiddish
Length of Interview 2:30
Interview Code 30164
Akselrod, Benjamin
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Benjamin Akselrod
Benjamin Akselrod (release name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 3/3/1921
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Wilna-HKP (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Wilna-HKP (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation Wilna-HKP (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
State of Interview BC
Country of Interview Canada
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 2:30
Interview Code 10188
Anolik, Sara
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Sara Anolik
Sarah ´anoliḳ (release name)
Sarah Strasberg (name at birth)
Sarah (Hebrew name)
Strasberg (other name)
Sarah Anolik (other name)
Sṭrasberg (release maiden name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 10/12/1919
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Kaunas (Lithuania : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Stutthof (Danzig (FC) : Concentration Camp)
Palemaonas (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)
Trunz (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Leibisch (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation Leibisch (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
State of Interview Southern
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Hebrew
Length of Interview 1:30
Interview Code 25475
Aranson, Moisei
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Moisei Aranson
Moisei Iakovlevich Aranson (release name)
Moisei Iakovlevich Aranson (name at birth)
Mateus Ioiautis (false name)
Misha (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 12/18/1914
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Russia/Soviet Russia
Religious Identity (Prewar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Kaunas (Lithuania : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Landsberg (Bavaria, Germany : Concentration Camp)
Dachau (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Kaunas (Lithuania)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s) Death to the Occupiers
Liberated by armed forces, United States
Location of liberation Germany
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches Yes
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
concealment of Jewish identity
State of Interview Central
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Russian
Length of Interview 2:30
Interview Code 25781
Arnel, Jack
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Jack Arnel
Jack Arnel (release name)
Arnel (current name)
Jascha Aronowicz (name at birth)
Yankel (Hebrew name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 5/23/1929
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) conservative Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Kaunas (Lithuania : Ghetto)
Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Dachau (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Wilna-Kailis (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Kauen (Lithuania : Concentration Camp)(generic)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, United States
Location of liberation Germany
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
escapes during transfers
State of Interview NY
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 3:30
Interview Code 19111
Aronson, Abram
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Abram Aronson
´avraham ´aharonson (release name)
Abram Aronson (current name)
Abrasha (nickname)
Abram Aronson (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 3/28/1924
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Klooga (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by
Location of liberation Klooga (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory
Forced (death) Marches
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
State of Interview Tel Aviv
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Hebrew
Length of Interview 2:30
Interview Code 14024
Arska, Magdalena
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Magdalena Arska
Magdalena Arska (release name)
Hertz (name at birth)
Salman (Hebrew name)
Hertz (maiden name)
Arska (other name)
Hertz (release maiden name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 7/12/1912
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Russia/Soviet Russia
Religious Identity (Prewar) non-observant/non-practicing
Religious Identity (Postwar) non-observant/non-practicing
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory Yes
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences
State of Interview
Country of Interview Poland
Language(s) of Interview Polish
Length of Interview 2:30
Interview Code 28368
Avidar, Daniel
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Daniel Avidar
Daniel Altar Avidar (release name)
Avidar (current name)
Alter Feinshtayn (name at birth)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 9/15/1923
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar)
Religious Identity (Postwar) non-observant/non-practicing
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Riga-Kaiserwald (Latvia : Concentration Camp)
Stutthof (Danzig (FC) : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches Yes
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
State of Interview Tel Aviv
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Hebrew
Length of Interview 3:30
Interview Code 46017
Balbaryski, Aron
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Aron Balbaryski
Aron Balbaryski (release name)
Balbaryski (current name)
Aron Balbaryski (name at birth)
Balbaryski (last name during war)
Aron (Yiddish name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 5/12/1927
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) orthodox Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Stutthof (Danzig (FC) : Concentration Camp)
Bergen-Belsen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Dormettingen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Narva (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Kivióli I (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Ereda (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Aseri (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, British
Location of liberation Bergen-Belsen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory
Forced (death) Marches Yes
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences escapes from Aktionen
displaced persons camps
State of Interview La Paz
Country of Interview Bolivia
Language(s) of Interview Spanish
Length of Interview 3:00
Interview Code 45445
Bandos, Feiga
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Feiga Bandos
Feiga Bandos (release name)
Feiga Bandos (current name)
Fega (Hebrew name)
Beigel (maiden name)
Fega (other name)
Beigel (release maiden name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 2/18/1925
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Hamburg-Langenhorn (Germany : Concentration Camp)
concentration camps, German
Vivikond (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Bergen-Belsen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, British
Location of liberation Bergen-Belsen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
State of Interview WI
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 1:30
Interview Code 15079
Baran, Shlomoh
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Shlomoh Baran
Shlomoh Baran (release name)
Shlomoh Baran (current name)
Shlomo Berel (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1/1/1926
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Kulesze (Vilna, Poland)(generic)
Type of hiding place hiding places
Resistance Group(s) Nekamah
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation Rudnicka Puszcza Forest (Poland)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview Tel Aviv
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Hebrew
Length of Interview 2:00
Interview Code 34162
Barats, Ze´ev
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Ze´ev Barats
Ze´ev Barats (release name)
Barats (current name)
VÌ£olf* (name at birth)
Ze´ev (Hebrew name)
VÌ£ovah* (nickname)
Wolf (other name)
Zeev Barac (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 12/4/1924
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) non-observant/non-practicing
Religious Identity (Postwar) non-observant/non-practicing
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Lódz (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Charlottengrube (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Ebensee (Austria : Concentration Camp)
Auschwitz II-Birkenau (Poland : Death Camp)
internment camps
Gunskirchen - Wels (Austria : Concentration Camp)(generic)
Gusen (Austria : Concentration Camp)(generic)
Mauthausen (Austria : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, United States
Location of liberation Wels (Austria)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches Yes
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
State of Interview Tel Aviv
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Hebrew
Length of Interview 3:00
Interview Code 44169
Barowsky, Irv
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Irv Barowsky
Irv Barowsky (release name)
Barowsky (current name)
Isaak Borowski (name at birth)
Borowski (last name during war)
Ishack (Hebrew name)
Izia (nickname)
Joseph (false name)
Irving (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 7/31/1929
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) conservative Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) reform Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) concentration camps, German
Buchenwald (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Stutthof (Danzig (FC) : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding No
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, United States
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory
Forced (death) Marches Yes
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences concealment of Jewish identity
State of Interview CA
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 3:30
Interview Code 39227
Basoḳ, Ḥayim Menaḥem
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Ḥayim Menaḥem Basoḳ
Ḥayim Menaḥem Basoḳ (release name)
Fimkeh* (nickname)
Mendḳeh* (nickname)
Ḥayim Da`u´el (false name)
Chaim Menachem Basok (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 6/16/1923
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) orthodox Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) orthodox Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s) Nekamah
Fareynegte Partizanishe Organizatsye
resistance groups, Lithuanian
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory
Forced (death) Marches
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview Tel Aviv
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Hebrew
Length of Interview 3:00
Interview Code 19567
Bastacky, Shulamit
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Shulamit Bastacky
Shulamit Israela Bastacky (release name)
Bastacky (current name)
Bastocka (name at birth)
Sulamit Bastocka (name at birth)
Sulamita Bastocka (name at birth)
Bastocka (last name during war)
Bastocki (last name during war)
Lucyna (other name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 8/25/1941
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar)
Religious Identity (Postwar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown) Judaism
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) No
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences
State of Interview PA
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 2:00
Interview Code 24764
Baver, Eliyagu
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Eliyagu Baver
Eliyagu Cholom Baver (release name)
Il'ia (name at birth)
Elke (other name)
Eliyagu Baver (other name)
Eliiagu Sholomovich Baver (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 10/6/1925
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) conservative Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Wilna-Kailis (Poland : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Vilna (Poland)
Type of hiding place buildings
Resistance Group(s) Kaplinski Otriad
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences evasion of roundups
escapes from the camps
State of Interview Central
Country of Interview Israel
Language(s) of Interview Russian
Length of Interview 2:30
Interview Code 34168
Bayme, Lloyd
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Lloyd Bayme
Lloyd G. Bayme (release name)
Lloyd George Bayme (current name)
Lazar Bejm (name at birth)
Eliezer Herschel Bejm (name at birth)
Bejm (last name during war)
Eliezer (Hebrew name)
Lazar (nickname)
Hersh (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 6/6/1934
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar) Judaism
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by
Location of liberation
Fled from Nazi controlled territory No
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview NJ
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 4:30
Interview Code 43740
Bederis, Khana
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Khana Bederis
Khana Elevna Bederis (release name)
Bederis (current name)
Khana Videlevski (name at birth)
Videlevski (last name during war)
Onute Strukaitite (false name)
Videlevskite (other name)
Videlevski (release maiden name)
Gender Female
Date of Birth 12/17/1919
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) traditional Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Kaunas (Lithuania : Ghetto)
Went into Hiding Yes
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s) Yes
Hiding or living under false identity (Location) Kaunas (Lithuania)
Type of hiding place cellars
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, Soviet
Location of liberation Kaunas (Lithuania)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory Yes
Forced (death) Marches No
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant aid givers
Other Experiences concealment of Jewish identity
evasion of roundups
escapes from Aktionen
escapes from the ghettos
State of Interview OH
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview Russian
Length of Interview 3:30
Interview Code 42581
Begam, Israel
Jewish Survivor
Question Answer
Name of Interviewee Israel Begam
Israel Begam (release name)
Beham (name at birth)
Israel Yiztak (Hebrew name)
Israel Yiztak Begam (other name)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 11/23/1920
City of Birth Vilna (Poland)
Country of Birth Poland
Religious Identity (Prewar) orthodox Judaism
Religious Identity (Postwar)
Religious Identity (Time Period Unknown)
Ghetto(s) Vilna (Poland : Ghetto)
Camp(s) Stutthof (Danzig (FC) : Concentration Camp)
Dautmergen (Germany : Concentration Camp)
Kivióli I (Estonia : Concentration Camp)
Went into Hiding
Member of Underground, Resistance or Partisan Group(s)
Hiding or living under false identity (Location)
Type of hiding place
Resistance Group(s)
Liberated by armed forces, French
Location of liberation Altshausen (Germany)
Fled from Nazi controlled territory
Forced (death) Marches Yes
Aid Giver, Liberator, or War Crimes Trials Participant
Other Experiences displaced persons camps
State of Interview FL
Country of Interview U.S.A.
Language(s) of Interview English
Length of Interview 1:30
Interview Code 1708
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