Slonim (Hasidic dynasty)
Some information from Wikipedia
Slonim is a Hasidic dynasty originating in the town of Slonim, which
is now in Belarus. Today, there are two Slonimer Rebbes, both in
Israel. One in Jerusalem and the other in Bnei Brak. Colloquially, the
Jerusalem side is called the "White" side and the Bnei Brak side is
called the "Black" side, a reference to their political leanings,
white meaning more liberal and black meaning more conservative in
Haredi parlance. These names can also be attributed to the fact that
when Slonim chasidim split into separate factions, the leader of one,
Rabbi Sholom Noach Berezovski, had a white beard and the leader of the
other, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg, had a black beard.
They are distinguished by different Hebrew spellings, the Jerusalem
sect being known as ?????? ( Hebrew) and the Bnei Brak sect being known as
( Yiddish) ??????. They are two distinct groups today and have many differences
between them.
The first Rebbe of Slonim was the author of Yesod HaAvodah.
Spiritual legacy
* Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism
* Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid (Preacher) of Mezritch, disciple of
the Baal Shem Tov
* Rabbi Aaron Hagodol of Karlin, disciple of the Maggid
* Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin, disciple of the Maggid and of Rabbi
Ahron Hagodol of Karlin
* Rabbi Mordechai of Lechovitch, disciple of Grand Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin
* Rabbi Noah of Lechovitch, son of Rabbi Mordechai
* Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin, disciple of Rabbi Noah of Lechovitch
Slonimer Rebbes
* Rabbi Avraham Weinberg of Slonim, author of Yesod HaAvodah,
disciple of Rabbi Noah of Lechovitch and Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin;
Abraham Weinberg
Rabbi Avraham Weinberg, the Slonimer Rebbe (1804-11 Cheshvan 1883), was from the second wave of Hasidic activists in Lithuania. Passing on the teachings of Mordechai of Lyakhovichi and Mordechai's mentors Shlomo and Aaron of Karlin, he found that he could make the same inroads into the supposedly resistent Litvaks, as they had done. He started as the head of the Slonim Yeshiva (Mitnagdim) and at one point became involved with the Hasidic secht and resigned his post at the Yeshiva. He was also a main organizer of support for the religious communities in Eretz Israel and sent his grandson Noach to establish a Yeshiva in Tveria. His published works were "Chesed L'Avraham", which was a mystical work, and "Be'er Avraham" on the Mechilta. The following was a Torah verse he expounded. "This verse also contains a lesson in Yitzchok's spiritual exploits of that year. Yitzchok toiled in the service of Hashem until he was able to find a hundred ways to become close to Hashem. Then he "became great and went on increasing in greatness until he became exceedingly great" in serving Hashem."
o Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg of Slonim, author of Divrei Shmuel, Son of
grandson of the Yesod HaAvodah (Avraham Weinberg)
+ Rabbi Yissachar Leib Weinberg of Slonim, son of the
Divrei Shmuel
# Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Weinberg of
Slonim-Tel Aviv, son of Rabbi Yissachar Leib
+ Rebbe Avraham Weinberg of Slonim (1804-11 Cheshvan
1883), author of Beis Avraham, son of Grand Rabbi Shmuel
# Rebbe Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg of
Slonim, son of the Beis Avraham
* Rebbe Mordechai Chaim Slonim of Tiberias, grandson of the Yesod
HaAvodah 's brother, disciple of the Beis Avraham, successor of Rabbi
Shlomo David Yehoshua
* Rabbi Matisyohu of Slonim, grandson of the Yesod HaAvodah
* Rabbi Noah Weinberg of Slonim and Tiberias, grandson of the
Yesod HaAvodah, brother of the Divrei Shmuel, a menahel of Yeshiva
Or-Torah of Tiberias
o Rebbe Avraham Weinberg of Tiberias and Jerusalem, author
of Birkas Avraham, son of Rabbi Noah, disciple and nephew of the
Divrei Shmuel, successor of Rabbi Mordechai Chaim
+ Rebbe Sholom Noach Berezovsky of Slonim, author of
Nesivos Shalom, son-in-law of the Birkas Avraham
# Rebbe Shmuel Berezovski, author of Darchei
Noam, present Slonimer Rebbe of Jerusalem, son of the Nesivos Shalom
* Rebbe Avraham Weinberg, present Slanimer Rebbe of Bnei Brak, son
of Reb Michel Aron, great-grandson of Yesod HaAvodah
Grand Rabbi Avraham Weinberg of Slonim, author of Birkas Avraham
Grand Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim
Grand Rabbi Shmuel Berezovsky of Slonim, author of Darchei Noam,
present Slonimer Rebbe of Jerusalem
Grand Rabbi Avraham Weinberg, present Slanimer Rebbe of Bnei Brak
Main Hassidic Works of Slonim
In addition to those works revered by all Hassidim, the Slonimer
Hassidim particularly revere the following books: Yesod HaAvodah,
Divrei Shmuel, Beis Avraham, Birkas Avraham. The Slonimer Rebbes of
Jerusalem have authored two tremendously popular Hassidic works,
Nesivos Shalom, by the previous Slonimer Rebbe of Jerusalem, and
Darchei Noam, by the present Slonimer Rebbe of Jerusalem. Nesivos
Shalom is extremely popular even outside of Hassidic circles. The
version of the siddur (Prayer Book) used by the Slonimer Hassidim is
called "Siddur Magen Avraham", or "Siddur Ohr Hayashar".
External links
* Hebrew wikipedia site on Slonim
* Nesivos Shalom in English
* A Video of the Slonimer Rebbe of Jerusalem at the Western Wall
A good scholarly assessment of the history of Slonimer Hasidism, with
a focus on the Slonimer educational system of Yeshivot is Aharon
(Allan) Nadler, "The Synthesis of Hasidic Pietism with Lithuanian
Torah Scholarship in Slonimer Hasidut" in Immanuel Etkes, "Yeshivot
u-Vatei Midrashot" (Jerusalem, Merkaz Shazar, 2006). The article is in
Parents;Isaak Matityahu and Hinde WEINBERG
Avraham WEINBERG the first Admor of Slonim
his son; Michl Aharon WEINBERG
Children of Michl Aharon WEINBERG :
1. Noach WEINBERG ( came to Tiberias, Eretz Israel)
2. Shmuel WEINBERG ( was the next admor of Slonim after the passing of his grandfather- see his family tree below)
1. Noach WEINBERG' family; Spouse: HAVA Children:
Matityahu WEINBERG
Charna WEINBERG Died: 1969 Spouse: Joel ASHKENAZI son of Rabbi Baruch ASHKENAZI Born: 1884, Zbaraz Died: 1970, Safed, Israel
Chava Chana Sasha ASHKENAZI Born: Abt 1911. Died: 18 Sep 1995, Tiberias, Israel. Spouse: Moshe Leib ZEINVIRT
Born: Abt 1908 Died: 9 Jan 1992, Tiberias, Israel
Noach ZEINVIRT, Living.
Devora ZEINVIRT Born: 1930. Died: 15 Oct 1999. Spouse: Uri LANDMAN and Itamari
daughter; WEINTRAUB
son Itamari
Shmuel Yekutiel Shmelke ZEINVIRT, Living.
Hadasa ZEINVIRT,Spouse: Eliahu ELBOM Living.
Esther ZEINVIRT, Living. Spouse: Arye FRANKL
David ZEINVIRT, Living.
Shmuels family; Shmuel had 2 sons ( Rabbi Admor Yisaschar Leib of Slonim) and a few daughters who perished in the holocaust.
Sons of Admor Yisaschar Leib of Slonim who came to Israel: Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Weinberg of Slonim-Tel Aviv, Mordechai who passed away in 1975. Mordechai' daughters: Aliz and Hilla. Hillas' daughter is Klil Zisapel;
I am pasting information of a brother and 3 sisters of your grandfather from Yad Vashem. By the way: a brother in law of your grandfather writer; Jechiel Granatsztajn,boprn in 1914, survive and was alive in Bnai Brak in 2000.
Children of The Admor Yisaskhar Leib and Khaia Rachel nee Perlov ( also a well known Hassidic family) I cant find a report for her but I think that her son in law wrote that she perished with her daughters after a Polish woman gave their hideout information to the Nazis
Granatshtein Miriam
Miriam Granatshtein nee Veinberg was born in Slonim in 1914 to The Admor Yisaskhar Leib and Khaia Rachel. She was a housewife and married to Yekhiel Yizhak and had one child Yisaschar Leib born in 1940. Prior to WWII she lived in Slonim, Poland. During the war she was in Slonim, Poland. Miriam perished in 1942 in Slonim, Poland with her son. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Dec-2000 by her husband Yikhiel Yizhak of Bnai Brak, a Shoah survivor
Novomiast Perel
Perel Novomiast nee Veinberger was born in Slonim to Admor Yisaschar Leib and Khaia. She was a housewife and married to Eliezer and had 2 daughters. Prior to WWII she lived in Slonim, Poland. During the war she was in Slonim, Ghetto. Perel perished in 1942 in Slonim, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 01-Jan-2000 by Yekhiel Granatshtein ( her brother in law)
Veinberger Alter
Alter Veinberger was born in Slonim to Leib and Khaia. He was an accountant. Prior to WWII he lived in Lublin, Poland. During the war he was in Lublin, Poland. Alter perished in the Shoah at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 06-Dec-2000 by his brother-in-law, a Shoah survivor
Veinberger Alter
Alter Veinberger was born in Slonim to Leib and Khaia. He was an accountant. Prior to WWII he lived in Lublin, Poland. During the war he was in Lublin, Poland. Alter perished in the Shoah at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 06-Dec-2000 by his brother-in-law, a Shoah survivor
Mlovitzki Sara
Sara Mlovitzki nee Veinberger was born in Slonim to Leib and Rakhel. Prior to WWII she lived in Lachowicze, Poland. During the war she was in Lachowicze, Poland. Sara perished in 1942 in Slonim, Poland at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Dec-2000 by her brother-in-law, a Shoah survivor
Yohanan Malowitsky, Lechovicher Rebbe, killed WWII

Rabbi Yohanon Malowitsky, husband of Sarah
the Lechovicher Rebbe killed by the Nazis WWII
He led the Lechovicher Hasidim from the death of his father Rabbi Noach in 1920
Jacob Hillel Weinberg was born in Slonim. He was a head of a yeshiva
and married to Malka nee Lakhozvianski. Prior to WWII he lived in
Baranowice, Poland. During the war he was in Baranowice, Poland. Jacob
perished in 1942 in Baranowice, Poland. This information is based on a
Page of Testimony by the son of the brother of his wife Zeev
Lakhozvianski ( a survivor who was with the Partisans)
the next 2 are sisters, daughter of the admor rav Shmuel;
Mlowicki Leja
Leja Mlowicki nee Veinberg was born in Slonim in 1870 to Shmuel and
Gitel. She was a housewife and married to Pinkhas. Prior to WWII she
lived in Rowne, Poland. During the war she was in Rowne, Poland. Leja
perished in 1942 in Ostrog. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 03-Jun-1957 by Tushia Ebar
of Bnai Brak, her granddaughter ( daughter of her son Avraham Aharon
Mlowicki who also perished)
Miryam Charna Zylber nee Veinberg was born in Slonim to Shmuel and
Gitl. She was married to Moshe. Prior to WWII she lived in Bialystok,
Poland. During the war she was in Poland. Charna perished in Majdanek,
Camp. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on
left) submitted on 01-Jan-1990 by her nephew Avraham Silver from New
Charna also had Rabbis in her family; Avraham Silver gave a report:
for his cousin; Zylber Mikhl
Mikhl Zylber was born in Bialystok to Moshe and Miriam nee Veinberg.
He was a rabbi in Baranowice and married
Other children of Miryam Charna nee Veinberg: Avraham Khaim Zylber was
born in Bialystok to Moshe and Miriam nee Veinberg
Zylber Aphraim Zalman
Aphraim Zalman Zylber was born in Bialystok to Moshe and Miriam nee
Veinberg. He was an accountant
Menashe was born to Yisaskhar. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim,
Poland. Menashe perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a
List of victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON
Masha was born to Yisaskhar. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim,
Poland. Masha perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a
List of victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON
Avraham was born to Hilel. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim, Poland.
Avraham perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of
victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON SLONIM
HASSIDIM (HEB), JERUSALEM, 1967 page ???
Alter was born to Yisaskhar. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim,
Poland. Alter perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a
List of victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON
Novomiast Perel
Perel Novomiast nee Veinberger was born in Slonim to Leib and Khaia.
She was a housewife and married to Eliezer. Prior to WWII she lived in
Slonim, Poland. During the war she was in Slonim, Ghetto. Perel
perished in 1942 in Slonim, Poland. This information is based on a
Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 01-Jan-2000 by
Yekhiel Granatshtein
Weinberg Chaja
Chaja Weinberg was born in Lodz in 1914 to Moshe and Khana nee
Rizenberg. She was a clerk and single. Prior to WWII she lived in
Lodz, Poland. During the war she was in Slonim, Poland. Chaja perished
in 1941 in Slonim, Poland. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 06-Nov-1955 by her brother
Avraham Weinberg, a Shoah survivor who nowlives in Haifa. More
Avraham Weinberg also gave reports for his sister Sala and Hela
Bielostotzki Fruma
Fruma Bielostotzki nee Veinberg was born in Bialystok in 1882 to
Keila. She was a housewife and married to Leib. Prior to WWII she
lived in Dereczyn, Poland. During the war she was in Dereczyn, Poland.
Fruma perished in 1940 in Dereczyn, Poland. This information is based
on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 04-Apr-2004 by
her daughter
Mlovitzki Sara
Sara Mlovitzki nee Veinberger was born in Slonim to Leib and Rakhel.
Prior to WWII she lived in Lachowicze, Poland. During the war she was
in Lachowicze, Poland. Sara perished in 1942 in Slonim, Poland at the
age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed
on left) submitted on 10-Dec-2000 by her brother-in-law, a Shoah
Jechiel Granatsztajn
????? ????? (??????? : ???? ???, ???"? 1958) <?????>
??? ???? : ??????? (??????? : ???? ??? ???, ???"? 1975)
???? ????? : ??????? ????? (??????? : ????, ??"? 1980)
???? ?????? (??????? : ???, ???"? 1991)
??? ???? (??????? : ???, ???"? 1993) <????>
????? ?????? (??????? : ???, ???"? 1995)
?? ???? ????? (??? ??? : ???, ???"? 1998)
????? ?????? (???? ?????):
??? ???? ???????? ???? (????? : ?"? ??????, ??"? 1950) <????? ?????? ???????>
????? ???? / ????? ?' ?????? (??-???? : ?????, ???"? 1955)
????? ???? : ??????? ?? ?????? ????? / ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? (??-???? : ????, 1983)
The war of a Jewish partisan : a youth imperiled by his Russian comrades and Nazi conquerors / by Yechiel Granatstein ; translated by Charles Wengrov (Brooklyn, N.Y. : Mesorah, 1986)
??????? ?????? (??????? : ?? ???, ???"?-???"? 1965?1968) <?????? ??? ???????>
??? ??????? = ???????????? ?????-??? (??-???? : ????? ????? ??????? ??????, 1971)
?????? ??????? - ??????? ??? (?? ???? : ?????? ?"? ???, ??"? 1979)
?????? ????-??-??? ???? ????? : ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ????"? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? (??-???? : ????, ???"? 1982)
???-????? ?? ???? : ?????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ????? (??-???? : ???, ???"? 1985)
????? ????? : ?? ????? ??? ????? ??????, ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ?' ?????? ??????? ??"????" ??????? ??? ???????... (??? ??? : ???, ???"?)
??? ?????? : ?????"? ???????? ????????? ... ???? ????? ????? ??????... - ???? ????? ??????? (??????? : ???? ??? ?????, ???"? 1987)
?????? ????? : ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? (??????? : ???? ??? ?????, ???"? 1989)
??? ?????? : ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????-???????-???? ????? ????? ?"? ???? ??????? ?????? (??? ???, ???"? 1996)
?? ????? ???????:
?? "????? ?????"
????, ?????. "????? ?????". ?????: ?????? ????? (??-???? : ??????, ???"? 1974), ??' 179?184.
For Hebrew reader; go to the story of Klil Zisapel in Haaretz of November, 2008
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