Ziva Sheskin survived Siaulai ghetto and Sutthoff- here she is before the war (1936) in the Shavli train station. For more information go to www.chgs.umn.edu/histories/minnesotans/katz/
Abraham Frono Crimea and his sister Genya, who became principal of Jewish High School in Siaulai, Lithuania; sister Chanja, Ziwa's younger brother, Roman. for more information go to; www.chgs.umn.edu/histories/minnesotans/katz/

Wedding Photo of Ziva and Avigdor Sheskin, taken on April 3, 1938. Survivors include: Avigdor's little brother, Emmanuel Sheskin (lives in Israel) on bottom row, age 13; sister and brother-in-law Shoshana Auspitz (nee Sheskin)and Avraham Yitzhak Auspitz in back of the bride Shoshana and Avigdor's parents ( Chaim Leib and Ida Sheshkin) shown to the right of bride and groom ( they perished), sitting next to Frankel's mother, 2nd row, far right, and his mother-in-law above her. Frankel's daughter is right to Mr. Frankel. When war broke out, the Frankel family left for the USA. , Ziwa's uncles and aunts on left, other in-laws on right ( amongst them last row third from the right; grooms brother; Sheskin Yitzkhak .
go to;
A cousin who was the principal of large Hebrew high school in a nearby town ( Siaulai) invited Ziwa to stay
with them that winter. There was not much for her to do in her little town, so she went, thinking
that she might find a job and certainly have some fun. At Purim there was a big ball at the high
school. She didn't have a dress to wear, so her aunt gave her some black taffeta to make a
skirt, and she bought a little white sweater with short sleeves and a little collar. At the ball, she
met Avigdor (Victor) Sheskin, an electrical engineer from a wealthy manufacturing family. He was good
friend of her cousin, 9 years older than she. They dated a few times, but she did not know if she
liked him (she described herself as a late bloomer). Her cousin was delighted that he was
interested and started calling her Cinderella. After all, she did meet him at a ball. Soon he had to
leave for Israel to buy some property for his father. Ziwa's half-sister, Chaia, lived there, and she
gave Avigdor crocheted pillow to take her as a gift. He visited Chaia and her husband, and
borrowed a picture of Ziwa. He wrote several letters, telling her how much he looked forward to
seeing her again.
At Passover, Ziwa was at home with her parents. Avigdor returned from Israel and came to her
home to see her and meet her parents. He went to synagogue with her father, and quickly
becoming the talk of the town. "People said they didn't know what he sees in her. She's a pretty
girl but not like her mother." They became engaged, although his family was not pleased; his
mother Ida ( her mother Matale Goldberg nee Frenkel, was a member of a the very well to do, Frenkel family) had hoped he would marry someone with a large dowry. They had a small, plain wedding.
It was 1939, and Ziwa was 19 years old. A little more then a year later, the war arrived in Lithuania.
Ziwa had her first child, a little girl ( Aviva), on July 24, 1940
Ziwa's summary of the war years is chilling in its simplicity: "The Germans came in, they took me
to the ghetto, they took me to the concentration camp, and I survived. You don't know what kind
poverty, they tell now different things; what I went through, it's unbelievable."
When the war broke out, Ziwa and her husband were away from home, as were her brothers, and
they all wanted to go home. "My brothers came to their destination [home] but for a girl it was
dangerous because the roads were with soldiers and I was a pretty girl." Ziwa and her husband
were sent to a ghetto ....
They didn't have use for old people and children ...they used to take them to the outskirts
of the city and kill them. I came from work--no girl, nothing. The little crib is empty. It's
very hard for me to talk about that. He came from work--he had ...his big job still ....I
remember his face when this little girl was gone. We were sitting a whole evening and
crying . . . .The thing is that we thought that we are not going to survive anyway ....They
took his mother, they took the little girl, another month, another half a year we are not
going to be alive anyway . ...very hard to talk about that. She was so pretty ...she was
Ziwa had no way of communicating with her family back in the little town. For a long time she
didn't know what had happened to them, but eventually she learned of their fate.
I worked in
I worked in a leather factory and there was a cobbler who came to buy leather from our
town and he told me how it happened. My brothers and parents--the Lithuanians killed
them. The Germans came in and they gave a free hand to the anti-Semites. They could
do with the Jews what they want. When my brothers came home...we were more
prosperous. We had land--we were like farmers, but all the children were away, so we
had 2 families living on farm, and farm the farm (my father-brother was already not so
young) and profits went to us, so they didn't like us. We were like rich in comparison. So
they took all the Jewish people to the outskirts, all 28 families.
Such pogroms and mass execution were occurring in all territories as the Germans advance.
"Those areas where native the population aided the Germans has the highest death toll of Jewish
population. It is estimated that ninety percent of the Jewish population of the Baltic countries,
including Lithuania, perished during the war" (Fisher, 1991, p. 73).
In 1944, as the Allied armies were closing in on Poland, the Americans from one side and the
Russians from the other, the Germans liquidated the ghettos and took all the survivors to
concentration camps. On June 10, 1944, Ziwa was sent to a camp near-Stuthoff, where she
remained for 9 months. Her husband, Avigdor Sheskin , was taken to Dachau, where he died....
Seskinas Avigdor
Avigdor Seskinas was born in Siauliai to Khaim. He was an electrical engineer and married. Prior to WWII he lived in Siauliai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Siauliai, Lithuania. Avigdor perished in 1945 in Dachau, Camp at the age of 32. His daughter perished in Siaulai in 1943 at age 2. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his acquaintance.
Sheskin Aviva
Aviva Sheskin was born in Savl in 1939 to Avigdor and Tzvia. Prior to WWII she lived in Savl, Lithuania. During the war she was in Savl, Lithuania. Aviva perished in 1943 in the Shoah at the age of 4. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 06-Sep-1999 by her uncle Emanuel Sheskin, a Shoah survivor who lives in Israel.
Sheskin Khaim Leib ( Yehuda)
Khaim Sheskin was born in Ilukste in 1875 to Moshe Leib. He was a director of the Frenkel leather factory and married to Ida nee Goldberg and had 8 children. Prior to WWII he lived in Shauliai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Trakai, Poland. Khaim perished in 1944 in Dachau , Camp at the age of 69. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Jul-1999 by his son, a Shoah survivor
Sheskin Jda
Ida Sheskin nee Goldberg was born in Vilkomeer, Ukmerge in 1885 to Itzik Arye Goldberg and Matla nee Frenkel. Prior to WWII she lived in Siauliai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Siauliai, Lithuania. Jda perished in 1944 in Stutthof, Camp at the age of 59. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Jul-1999 by her son, a Shoah survivor
Sheskin Yitzkhak
Yitzkhak Sheskin was born in Siauliai in 1915 to Khaim and Ida. He was a lawyer and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Siauliai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Wilna, Poland. Yitzkhak perished in 1944 in Wilna, Poland at the age of 29. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Jul-1999 by his brother, a Shoah survivor
Sheskin Matatiahu
Matatiahu Sheskin was born in Siauliai in 1921 to Khaim and Ida. He was a law school student and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Siauliai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Wilna, Poland. Matatiahu perished in 1941 in Radziwiliszki, Lithuania at the age of 20. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Jul-1999 by his brother, a Shoah survivor

Sheskin Yaakov
Yaakov Sheskin was born in Siauliai in 1910 to Khaim and Ida. He was a family doctor and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Kaisiadorys, Lithuania. Yaakov perished in 1941 in Kaisiadorys, Lithuania at the age of 31. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Jul-1999 by Emanuel Sheskin, a Shoah survivor. More Details...
Kur Khava
Khava Kur nee Sheskin was born in Siauliai in 1912 to Khaim and Ida. She was a housewife and married to Zeev. Prior to WWII she lived in Siauliai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Siauliai, Ghetto. Khava perished in 1944 in Stutthof, Camp at the age of 32. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Jul-1999 by her brother, a Shoah survivor
Noch Goldberg was born in Ukmerge in 1870 to Itzik and Matla nee Frenkel. Prior to WWII he lived in Siauliai, Lithuania and worked at the leather factory. During the war he was in Siauliai, Ghetto. Noch perished in 1944 in the Shoah at the age of 74. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 28-Jun-1999 by his sisters' son, a Shoah survivor. More Details...

Kur Khava
Khava Kur nee Sheskin was born in Siauliai in 1912 to Khaim and Ida. She was a housewife and married to Zeev. Prior to WWII she lived in Siauliai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Siauliai, Ghetto. Khava perished in 1944 in Stutthof, Camp at the age of 32. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 10-Jul-1999 by her brother, a Shoah survivor
Davidov Golda
Golda Davidov nee Kaplan was born in Siauliai in 1905 to Moshe and Lea. She was a clerk and married to Hirsh and had a daughter c 1934. Prior to WWII she lived in Siauliai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Siauliai, Lithuania. Golda perished in 1944 in Siauliai, Lithuania at the age of 49. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 28-Jun-1999 by her cousin, a Shoah survivor
Kaplan Moshe ( changed is last name from Goldberg to Kaplan)
Moshe Kaplan was born in Ukmerge in 1873 to Itzik and Matla. He was married to Lea. Prior to WWII he lived in Siaulenai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Siaulenai, Lithuania. Moshe perished in 1944 in the Shoah at the age of 71. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 28-Jun-1999 by his nephew, a Shoah survivor
Etel nee Goldberg was born in Siauliai in 1910 to Noakh and Batia. She was a grocery owner. Prior to WWII she lived in Shavli, Lithuania. During the war she was in Shavli, Lithuania. Etel perished in 1944 in the Shoah at the age of 34. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 28-Jun-1999 by her cousin, a Shoah survivor.