Writer Uri Finkel, son of the last rabbi of Rakov.
Uri Finkel
Translated from Russian by M. Porat
Article from the Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (in Russian) volume 9, pp.176-177
about the Finkel family of Rakov
FINKEL Uri - writer, literature expert and publicist was born in Rakov,
Minsk District in1896, he passed away in Minsk in 1957.
Finkel was born to a religious family as the first of many children. He
was traditionally educated. He wrote in Yiddish.
His father Hirsh-Shlomo (murdered in 1942 see downwards) hoped
that his first born would become a Rabbi. It was what Uri himself dreamed
of becoming during his childhood. After the Soviet-Polish war (1920) the
shtetl Rakov was located on the Polish side of the territory.
F. lived at this point in Minsk on the Soviet side and for many years
could not visit Rakow and could not send letters to his parents, as they
were citizens of a "capitalist" state. Only in 1940 was he able
to go in Rakow and to see his parents, sisters and brothers. It was after
Poland was parted by Hitler and the USSR that Rakow became part of the
Soviet territories. At that point in time he was already a renowned writer
and the father of five children.
The events of WW1 and of the Revolution greatly affected his life and
his points of view. Finkel decided to verge upon the studies of the Soviet
Sciences. He entered the Kharkow Technical School, where his first article
"The Jewish Literature and the Revolution" was published in
the Yiddish magazine "Kunst-Ring" .
Finkel was enlisted in the Red Army in 1920. He was nominated as editor
of "Di Kommoune", the first Jewish Journal in the Army.
When Yiddish Teaching Schools were opened in the Soviet Union, Finkel
supported the orthographic reform full heartily, the reform introduced
phonetic writing of thousands of Hebrew words in the Yiddish language.
The new orthography ruptured the hundreds of years' old connection between
the Hebrew and Yiddish languages. "But on the other hand, claimed
F., the reform facilitated teaching students". Although he did not
totally negate the Hebrew language as his colleagues did.
Finkel worked at the Jewish department of the Belarus Institute of Culture,
which was later renamed as "The Institute of Jewish Proletarian Culture
in the Belarus SSR".
Here he edited a series of scientific magazines. Together with N. Oyslander
he edited a collection of articles to the biography of A. Goldfaden, father
of the Yiddish professional theater.
Also the Monograph "Sociale figurn in Golfaden's werk" (Social
Figures in Goldfaden's Work of Art" he dedicated to this playwright,
Stage Director and Compositor.
Finkel published many reviews and essays in the Jewish press. They were
not only about Jewish authors and art-activists' (H.D. Nomberg, I.L. Perez,
Baal Hamakhshavot, M.C. Mane and others), but also about N. Gogol, N.
Leskov, V. Belinski, Y. Kupala, Z. Baludze, increasing the erudition and
horizons of the Jewish readers. His belletristic monographs on Mendele
Mokher Sforim and on Sholom Aleykhem became very popular and were published
in several editions. They were translated to Russian and Belarus languages.
F. had also translated from Russian to Yiddish some textbooks for high-school
Uri Finkel. Accompanied by his wife, son and their youngest daughter succeeded
in escaping from Minsk as soon as the Second World War broke out in the
area (June 1941). His two eldest daughters went for a visit with their
grandparents in Rakov for the summer vacation, just before the German
invasion. Both of them were burnt together with the rest of the Rakov
Jews in the town synagogue on February 23, 1942. At the end of the war
Finkel corresponded (taking great risks as a resident of the Soviet Union)
with his relatives in Erets Israel among his relatives in Israel was his
cousin Avraham Even Shushan nee Rozenstein. (born in Radoshkovichi wrote
the Hebrew-Hebrew Dictionary)
Finkel's father, the last Rabbi of Rakov, guarded with him a very important
document in Hebrew "The notebook (Pinkas) of the Rakov Jewish congregation
from 1810 to 1913". He passed it to his son. The writer added to
the notebook a summarizing chapter in Yiddish in which he described the
events of the last decades. U. Finkel guarded in secret this unique document
for many years. The Rakov-Pinkas was transferred to the Israel State Archives
after Uri Finkel passed away.
I would like to thank Yehiel (valery) Ladizhinski for finding, scanning
and sending me the original article. To read it in Russian go to;
To add some information; now the Pinkas is in the Archives of the Hebrew
University of Ramat Ram. The Pinkas (1810-1913 in Hebrew) has an addition
written by Uri Finkel in Yiddish.
Sincerely yours,
Yehiel (valery) Ladizhinski
Finkel Shleime Hirsh
Shleime Finkel was born in 1870 to Sholom ( and Zvia? see report by
Zvia Even Shoshan). He was a ritual slaughterer. Prior to WWII he
lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war was in Rakow, Poland. Shleime
perished in Rakow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted by his relative BERZON
Submitter's First Name VIKTOR
Zvia Even Shoshan wrote about her family in the Yizkor book for
Kurenets, to read go to;
http ://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/kurenets/kur106.html
The Even Shoshans were cousins of the Finkels. The son of Avraham and
Zvia Even Shoshan lives in Jerusalem, the daughter; in Tel Aviv.
Finkel was born in Rakov in 1870. He was a ritual slaughterer and
married to Avigal. During the war was in Rakov. He perished in 1942 in
Rakov at the age of 72. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted by his grandson from
Jchak Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1908 to Shlomo Hirsh and
Avigail. He was a teacher. Prior to WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland.
Jchak perished in 1943 in Rakow, Poland. This information is based on
a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 23/07/1955 by
his cousin Elka Cohen Razon in Tel Aviv.
Finkel Yitzkhak
Yitzkhak Finkel was born in 1914 to Hirsh. He was a teacher. Prior
to WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war was in Rakow,
Poland. Yitzkhak perished in Rakow, Poland. This information is based
on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted by his
Finkel Isaak
Isaak Finkel was born in Rakov in 1907 to Avigal. He was a
pharmacist. During the war was in Rakov. Isaak perished in 1942 in
Rakov at the age of 35. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted by his nephew from Russia.
Finkel Lifcha
Lifcha Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1910 to Shlomo Hirsh and
Avigail. She was a teacher and single. Prior to WWII she lived in
Rakow, Poland. During the war was in Rakow, Poland. Lifcha perished in
1943 in Rakow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 23/07/1955 by her
Finkel Lifsa
Lifsa Finkel was born in 1912 to Shlomo Hirsh and Liba. She was a
housewife. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war
was in Rakow, Poland. Lifsa perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland at the
age of 30. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed
to the left) submitted by her relative M. RUDOV
Finkel Liza
Liza Finkel was born in Rakov, Poland in 1912 to Avigal and Hirsh .
She was a pharmacist. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakov, Poland. During
the war was in Rakov, Poland. Liza perished in 1942 in Rakov, Poland
at the age of 30. This information is based on a Page of Testimony
(displayed to the left) submitted on 05/09/1994 by her nephew BERZON
Submitter's First Name VIKTOR
Finkel Avigail
Avigail Finkel was born in 1933 to Uri and Liba. She was a child.
Prior to WWII she lived in Minsk, Belorussia (USSR). During the war
was in Minsk, Belorussia (USSR). Avigail perished in 1942 in Rakow,
Poland at the age of 9. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted by her cousin
Finkel Tzilya
Tzilya Finkel was born in Minsk, Belorussia (USSR) in 1930 to Uri
and Liba nee Kamenetzki. She was a child. Prior to WWII she lived in
Minsk, Belorussia (USSR). During the war was in Rakov. Tzilya perished
in 1942 in Rakov at the age of 12. This information is based on a Page
of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted by her cousin from
Russia Submitter's Last Name BERZON
Submitter's First Name VIKTOR
Kagan Esther
Esther Kagan nee Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland to Shalom and
Tzvia. She was a housewife. Prior to WWII she lived in Kurzeniec,
Poland. Esther perished in 1942 in Kurzeniec, Poland. This information
is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on
19/09/1955 by her daughter Zvia Even Shoshan ( nee Kagan, wife of
Avraham Even Shoshan who was also a relative of the Finkels)
Finkel Elka
Elka Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1906 to Shlomo Hirsh and
Avigail. She was single. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland.
Elka perished in 1943 in Rakow, Poland. This information is based on a
Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 23/07/1956 by
her cousin
Finkel Elka
Elka Finkel was born in 1916 to Hirsh. She was a teacher. Prior to
WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war was in Rakow, Poland.
Elka perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland at the age of 26. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left)
submitted by her relative
Ela Finkel was born in Rakov in 1910 to Avigal and Hirsh. She was a
pharmacist. During the war was in Rakov. Ela perished in 1942 in Rakov
at the age of 32. This information is based on a Page of Testimony
(displayed to the left) submitted by her niece from Russia. BERZON
Submitter's First Name VIKTOR
Shlomo Hirsh Finkel was born in Rakov in 1870. He was a ritual
slaughterer and married to Avigal. During the war was in Rakov. He
perished in 1942 in Rakov at the age of 72. This information is based
on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted by his
grandson from Russia Viktor Berzon
Finkel Haim
Haim Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1924 to Fima and Gitel. He
was single. Prior to WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war
was in Rakow, Poland. Haim perished in the Shoah. This information is
based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on
24/12/1956 by his aunt
Finkel Liba
Liba Finkel was born in Rokow, Poland in 1918 to Fima and Gitel. She
was single. Prior to WWII she lived in Rokow, Poland. During the war
was in Rokow, Poland. Liba perished in the Shoah. This information is
based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on
24/12/1956 by her aunt Chaia Lipkovitz in Israel.
Finkel Gitl
Gitl Finkel was born in Wolozyn, Poland in 1880 to Moshe and Liba
Lavit. She was married to Fima. Prior to WWII she lived in Rokow,
Poland. During the war was in Rakow, Poland. Gitl perished in the
Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to
the left) submitted on 24/12/1956 by her sister
Finkel Jona
Jona Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland to Yaakov and Peshka. He was
married to Sara nee Stoler. Prior to WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland.
Jona perished in 1942 in the Shoah. This information is based on a
Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 17/10/1956 by
his son Yehuda Finkel in Kiryat Shalom, Tel Aviv ( Shiler street,14)
Ginzburg Pola
Pola Ginzburg nee Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1905 to Yona
and Sara. She was married. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland.
During the war was in Rakow, Poland. Pola perished in 1942 in Rakow,
Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to
the left) submitted on 17/10/1956 by her brother
Kagan Esther
Esther Kagan nee Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland to Shalom and
Tzvia. She was a housewife. Prior to WWII she lived in Kurzeniec,
Poland. Esther perished in 1942 in Kurzeniec, Poland. This information
is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on
19/09/1955 by her daughter
Finkel Abram
Abram Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1914 to Yona and Sara. He
was married. Prior to WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war
was in Rakow, Poland. Abram perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left)
submitted on 17/10/1956 by his brother
Yehuda Finkel in Israel.
Finkel Avraham
Avraham Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland to Yona and Sara. Prior to
WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland. Avraham perished in 1943 in Rakow,
Poland at the age of 23. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 15/07/1999 by Sara
Harduf in Kiryat Tivon ( there is a phone number)
Finkel David
David Finkel was born in Rakov, Poland to Yona and Sara. Prior to
WWII he lived in Rakov, Poland. David perished in 1942 in Rakov,
Poland at the age of 32. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 15/07/1999 by Sara
Harduf from Israel
Finkel Ester
Ester Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland to David and Sara. She was a
child. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland. Ester perished in
1942 in Rakow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 15/02/1999 by Sara
Finkel Binja
Binja Finkel was born in Rebow, Poland to David and Sara. She was a
child. Prior to WWII she lived in Rebow, Poland. Binja perished in
1942 in Rebow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 15/02/1999 by Sara
Ginsburg Pesia*
Pesia Ginsburg nee Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland to Yona. Prior
to WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland. Pesia perished in 1942 in Rakow,
Poland at the age of 28. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 15/07/1999 by Sara
Ginsburg Tzvi
Tzvi Ginsburg was born in Rakow, Poland to Pesia nee Finkel. He was
a child. Tzvi perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland. This information is
based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on
15/07/1999 by Sara Harduf
Finkel Lieba
Lieba Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1916. She was married to
Avraham. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war was
in Rakow, Poland. Lieba perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left)
submitted on 27/11/1956 by her brother-in-law
Yehuda Finkel in Israel.
Finkel Battia
Battia Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1907. She was married to
Leib. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war was in
Rakow, Poland. Battia perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left)
submitted on 27/11/1956 by her brother-in-law Yehuda Finkel.
Finkel Sara
Sara Finkel was born in Rokow, Poland to Bentzion. She was married
to Yona. Prior to WWII she lived in Rokow, Poland. Sara perished in
1942 in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony
(displayed to the left) submitted on 17/10/1956 by her son Yehuda
Finkel of Kiryat Shalom, Tel Aviv..
Finkel Sara
Sara Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1902 to Shmariahu and
Khasia. She was married to David. Prior to WWII she lived in Rakow,
Poland. During the war was in Rakow, Poland. Sara perished in 1942 in
Rakow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony
(displayed to the left) submitted on 17/10/1956 by her brother-in-law.
Yehuda Finkel.
Finkel Shalom
Shalom Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1918 to Faivel and Gitel.
He was a carpenter and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Rakow,
Poland. During the war was in Rakow, Poland. Shalom perished in 1942
in Rakow. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed
to the left) submitted on 27/11/1956 by his cousin Yehuda Finkel
Finkel Abram
Abram Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1914 to Yona and Sara. He
was married. Prior to WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland. During the war
was in Rakow, Poland. Abram perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left)
submitted on 17/10/1956 by his brother
Finkel Lawa
Lawa Finkel was born in Rakow, Poland in 1906 to Yona and Sara. He
was married to Batia. Prior to WWII he lived in Rakow, Poland. During
the war was in Rakow, Poland. Lawa perished in 1942 in Rakow, Poland.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the
left) submitted on 17/10/1956 by his brother
Sose nee Finkel
Sose Finkel was born in Iwenitz, Poland in 1895 to Avraham. Prior to
WWII she lived in Iwenitz, Poland. During the war was in Iwenitz,
Poland. Sose perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a
Page of Testimony (displayed to the left) submitted on 24/12/1956 by
her cousin
Raizl nee Finkel was born in Ivenitz, Poland in 1892 to Avraham. She
was married. Prior to WWII she lived in Ivenitz, Poland. During the
war was in Ivenitz, Poland. Raizl perished in the Shoah. This
information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left)
submitted on 24/12/1956 by her cousin
Rodov Rashel
Rashel Rodov nee Kamenetzki was born in 1900 to Zalman and Shoshana.
She was a typist and married to Zusia. Prior to WWII she lived in
Minsk, Belorussia (USSR). During the war was in Minsk, Belorussia
(USSR). Rashel perished in Trostenets, Belorussia (USSR). This
information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the left)
submitted by her daughter or son
Zusia Rodov was born in Minsk, Belorussia (USSR) in 1895 to Zalman and
Bunia. He was an engineer and married to Rashel. Prior to WWII he
lived in Minsk, Belorussia (USSR). During the war was in Minsk,
Belorussia (USSR). Zusia perished in Trostenets, Belorussia (USSR).
This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed to the
left) submitted by his |