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WWI Civilian Draft Registrations
Viewing records 1-4 of 4 Matches
Name Birth Date Ethnicity Birth Place City/County State
Louis Hochstein 28 May 1886 W citizen of Russia Wilmington# 1 DE
Nathan Hochstein 8 Jul 1897 W Wassa Russia Wilmington# 4 DE
Nathan Hochstein 8 Jul 1897 W his dad b. Minisk Russia Wilmington# 4 DE
Samuel Max Hochstein 7 Jun 1900 W Coahoma MS
WWI Civilian Draft Registrations
Viewing records 1-10 of 21 Matches
Next 10>> Page: 1 2 3
Name Birth Date Ethnicity Birth Place City/County State
Bernard Alperowitz 16 Jun 1893 W Vileka Vileka Russia NYC (Bronx)# 11 NY
Isidore Alperowitz Jun 1877 W citizen of Russia NYC (Brooklyn)# 51 NY
Boris Alperowitz 12 Dec 1890 W Chigirin Russia NYC (Brooklyn)# 75 NY
Mendel Alperowitz 15 Nov 1888 W Chicerene Russia NYC (Brooklyn)# 75 NY
Alex Alperowitz 20 Dec 1895 W Wilna Schwentzen__ Russ. NYC (Brooklyn)# 85 NY
Harry Alperowitz abt 1882 W b. 15 Dec NYC (Brooklyn)# 87 NY
Henry Alperowitz 15 Jul 1877 W naturalized citizen NYC (Brooklyn)# 87 NY
Alex Alperowitz 20 Jul 1888 W Borisof Minsk Russia NYC (Brooklyn)# 88 NY
Julius Alperowitz 12 May 1882 W naturalized citizen NYC (Brooklyn)# 88 NY
Kushvell Alperowitz 1884 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhattan# 93 NY
Meyer Alperowitz 5 May 1891 W New York City NY NYC (Manhattan# 93 NY
Beny Alperowitz 7 Apr 1900 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhattan# 93 NY
Irving Alperowitz 28 Jan 1898 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhattan# 97 NY
Simon Alperowitz 15 Aug 1894 W Krementschug Pottava Russ NYC (Manhattan# 97 NY
Ruchos Alperowitz 25 Nov 1894 W Vilno Russia NYC (Manhatta# 113 NY
Rubin Alperowitz 9 Feb 1895 W Russia NYC (Manhatta# 114 NY
Jacob Alperowitz 14 Apr 1877 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhatta# 147 NY
Max Alperowitz 4 Jul 1900 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhatta# 147 NY
Hyman Alperowitz Mar 1876 W works in Brooklyn NY NYC (Manhatta# 160 NY
Uriah Harry Alperowitz 8 Aug 1891 W Vinala Russia NYC (Manhatta# 161 NY
Morris Alperowitz 15 Jul 1887 W Minsk Russia NYC (Queens)# 176 NY
Rubin Alperovitz Mar 1889 W Minsk Russia NYC (Brooklyn)# 85 NY
Louis Alperovitz Aug 1880 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhattan# 97 NY
Morris Alperovitz Sep 1873 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhatta# 102 NY
Sol (Sal) Alperovitz 10 Dec 1880 W citizen of Russia NYC (Manhatta# 108 NY
One Step" Ellis Island Search Results for Jewish s who came from Radischkowitz,and near by- Rakow and Krasne ;
Name Residence Arrived Age
Palcjas,Izrok Rakowo 1904 40
2 Peker,Ester Rakow, Russia 1907 21
3 Perelman,Rachel Rakow, Poland 1923 16y
4 Peremann,Ettel Rakow, Russia 1909 19y
5 Pestmann,Schmuel Rakow Russia 1913 50
6 Poker,Josef Rakow 1906 18y
7 Polsy,Jozef Rakow 1903 21y
8 Posnjak,Abram Rakow, Russia 1912 4y
9 Posnjak,Abram Rakow, Russia 1912 7y
10 Posnjak,Chaja Rakow, Russia 1912 27y
1 Posnjak,Chaja Rakow, Russia 1912 37y
12 Posnjak,Gittel Rakow, Russia 1909 6y
13 Posnjak,Gotel Rakow, Russia 1912 11y
14 Posnjak,Gotel Rakow, Russia 1912 11y
15 Posnjak,Gottel Rakow, Russia 1909 11y
16 Posnjak,Hendel Rakow, Russia 1909 10y
17 Posnjak,Itze Rakow, Russia 1909 8y
18 Posnjak,Leibe Rakow, Russia 1912 10y
19 Posnjak,Leibe Rakow, Russia 1912 10y
20 Posnjak,Rochle Rakow, Russia 1909 40y
21 Posnjak,Sanja Rakow, Russia 1912 8y
22 Posnjak,Sanja Rakow, Russia 1912 8y
23 Potwinik,Basia Rakow, Poland 1921 13y
24 Potwinik,Chaim Rakow, Poland 1921 16y
25 Potwinik,Liba Rakow, Poland 1921 9y
26 Potwinik,Sarah Rakow, Poland 1921 17y
21 Perski,Abram Radischkowitz 1904 22y
2 Persky,Berl Rodiskewitz 1906 16y
3 Persky,Feige Rodiskewitz 1906 17y
4 Persky,Leib Rodiskewitz 1906 15y
5 Pochnack,Kalman Radischkowitz 1904 35y
6 Podborewski,Henne Radeskewicz, Russia 1908 19y
Peiczer,Leib Krasne, Russia 1910 22y
Platkin,Rosja Krasny, Russia 1909 17y
Popil,Nochem Krasno 1903 3y
33 Popil,Sire Krasno 1903 22y t
34 Prilutzka,Ruchel Krasne, Russia 1914 18y
6 Rubin,Michal Radischkowice 1904 36y
27 Rubin,Neche Radosakowitz, Russia 1910 9y
28 Rubin,Peretz Rudosskowicze 1905 35y
29 Rubin,Raichele Riadiskowiz 1905 1y 6m
30 Rubin,Rische Radischkowitz 1906 19y
31 Rubin,Scheina Radoskievic, Russia 1922 64y
32 Rubin,Schische Riadiskowiz 1905 26y
33 Rubin,Sruel Radeskovicz 1904 34y
34 Ruderman,Feiwel Radoskowicz 1904 18y
35 Ruderman,Hirschel Radiskewitz, Russia 1910 23y
36 Rudermann,Gendel Radiozkowitz 1906 17y
37 Rudermann,Leib Rodeschkowiz, RUssia 1907 21y
38 Rudnik,Hendel Radiszkowce, Russia 1911 24y
39 Rywkind,Aron Radoszkowicze, Poland 1921 18y
40 Rywkind,Bejla Radoszkowicze, Poland 1921 11y
41 Rywkind,Ejda Radoszkowicze, Poland 1921 8y
42 Rywkind,Sora Rywka Radoszkowicze, Poland 1921 38y
43 Rywkind,Taiba Radoszkowicze, Poland 1921 13yt
Ragozin,Sosche Radiskewitz 1905 5y
2 Raichlin,Nochem Radoskowicz 1904 27y
3 Raschkewitz,Golde Rodiskowitz 1905 11y
4 Re..k,Jankel Michel Radosgkowiczy 1906 18y
5 Reznik,Frejda Radoszkowice, Poland 1921 18y
6 Reznik,Gerszon Radoszkowice, Poland 1921 12y
7 Reznik,Leja Radoszkowice, Poland 1921 20y
8 Reznik,Riwka Radoszkowice, Poland 1921 15y
9 Reznik,Riwke Radiszkowitz, Poland 1921 16y
10 Riwkin,Beile Rodeskewitz, Russia 1910 40y
11 Riwkin,Israel Radoszkowicz, Russia 1905 17
12 Riwkin,Scze Rodeskewitz, Russia 1910 9y
13 Rolnik,Abram Radiskewitz 1906 16y
14 Rub...,David Radoskowitz 1905 17y
15 Rubien,Schmul Radischkowitz 1905 31y
16 Rubin,Abram Radoskowitz, Russia 1907 35y
17 Rubin,Aron Radoszkowice, Poland 1921 23y
18 Rubin,Berl Radosakowitz, Russia 1910 7y
19 Rubin,Chanc Radoskowitz, Russia 1910 9y
20 Rubin,Chasche Radoszkowics, Russia 1914 24y
21 Rubin,Chienc Radoskowitz, Russia 1910 38y
22 Rubin,Gittel Radiskowitz, Russia 1907 18y
23 Rubin,Hersch Dawid Radoschkovitz, Russia 1909 40y
24 Rubin,Herschel Radoskowitz, Russia 1910 3y 6m
25 Rubin,Jankel Radosakowitz, Russia 1910 3y
Rachmauczik,David Rakow 1903 36y
2 Rapoport,Chaim Rakow, Russia 1911 9y
3 Rapoport,Eljasch Rakow, Russia 1911 5y
4 Rapoport,Leja Rakow, Russia 1911 42y
5 Rapoport,Nessa Rakow, Russia 1911 15y
6 Rapoport,Urel Rakow, Russia 1911 11y
7 Resnik,Chane Rakow, Russia 1907 18y
8 Reznicki,Bartnet Rakow 1904 18y
9 Rohtsestein,Beila Rakow, Poland 1920 44y
10 Rohtsestein,Icyk Rakow, Poland 1920 16y
11 Rohtsestein,Malka Rakow, Poland 1920 19y
12 Rohtsestein,Rejsla Rakow, Poland 1920 10y
13 Rohtsestein,Rywka Rakow, Poland 1920 7y
14 Rohtsestein,Sura Rakow, Poland 1920 13y
15 Rolnik,Gersch Rakow, Russia 1910 22Y
16 Romanew,Chaim Rakow 1903 25y
17 Romanow,Ester Rakow 1907 16y
18 Romanow,Moische Rakow, Russia 1907 20y
19 Romanow,Moische Rakow, Russia 1907 20y
20 Ronewicz,Julianna Rakow, Russia 1914 20y
21 Rosenberg,David Rakow 1906 19y
22 Rosenberg,David Rakow, Russia 1912 3y
23 Rosenberg,Jacob Rakow, Russia 1912 9y
24 Rosenberg,Moses Rakow 1904 35y
25 Rosenberg,Rasche Rakow, Russia 1912 30y
26 Rosenthal,Josef Rakow 1906 30y
27 Rosenthal,Moses Rakow, Russia 1909 11y
28 Rosenthal,Salomon Rakow, Russia 1909 52y
29 Rosenthal,Simon Rakow, Russia 1907 20y
30 Rosoff,Sore Rakow, Russia 1908 17y
31 Rothstein,Abisch Rakow, Russia 1909 28y
32 Rotstein,Josef Rakow 1903 35y
39 Rubinstein,Elke Rakow, Russia 1908 6
40 Rubinstein,Gerson Rakow, Russia 1908 8
41 Rubinstein,Hersch Rakow, Russia 1910 40y
42 Rubinstein,Itte Rakow, Russia 1908 41
43 Rubinstein,Josef Rakow, Russia 1908 13
44 Rubinstein,Meier Rakow 1904 15y
45 Rubinstein,Welwel Rakow, Russia 1908 16
4 Ruchala,Antonia Rakowa, Russia 1913 19y
48 Rudensky,David Rakow 1904 19 Rabinowitz,Joel Krasne, Russia 1910 39y
30 Reiderman,Moische Krasno, Russia 1907 21y
31 Reidermann,Freide Krasno, Russia 1907 19y
32 Reidermann,Leie Krasno, Russia 1907 17y
33 Reif,Esther Krasne 1903 32y
34 Reif,Larrel Krasne 1903 6y
35 Reif,Linche Krasne 1903 3y
36 Reif,Moris Krasne 1903 9y
37 Reif,Muni Krasne 1903 8y
38 Reif,Rachel Krasne 1903 11y
Reznik,Jenkel Krasne, Russia 1910 25y
Rogan,Salven Krasnoi, Russia 1910 29y
Rosiek,Josef Krasne, Poland 1921 9y
57 Rosiek,Maria Krasne, Poland 1921 35y
Rothstein,Moses Krasne 1903 34y
62 Rotstein,Aron Krasno, Russia 1909 4y
63 Rotstein,Chane Krasno, Russia 1909 16y
64 Rotstein,Motel Krasno, Russia 1909 12y
65 Rotstein,Nscher Krasno, Russia 1909 9y
66 Rotstein,Pinie Krasno, Russia 1909 7y
67 Rotstein,Sissel Krasno, Russia 1909 14y
68 Rotstein,Sprinze Krasno, Russia 1909 38y
Rubin,Chaja Krasny, Russia 1922 55y
Rubin,Henia Krasny, Russia 1922 10y
85 Rubin,Isreal Krasny, Russia 1922 11y
86 Rubin,Laja Krasny, Russia 1922 16y
87 Rubin,Rachel Krasny, Russia 1922 17y
88 Rubin,Sonia Krasny, Russia 1922 13y
Ruda,Brine Krasno, Russia 1909 40y
Rudensky,Jankel Krasno, 1906 29y
Ryner,Czipa Krasnay, Russia 1921 17y
111 Ryner,Gerch Krasnay, Russia 1921 8y
112 Ryner,Luba Krasnay, Russia 1921 16y
113 Ryner,Nussem Krasnay, Russia 1921 13y
Schap...,Abram Redischkowiz 1905 21y
2 Schcingantz,Jente Radoschkovitz, Russia 1912 17y
3 Schinder,Esther Radiskowitz 1906 2y
4 Schinder,Leibe Radiskowitz 1906 23y
5 Schoenhaus,Ettel Radischkovitz, Russia 1909 18y
6 Schulman,Sisie Radaszkowica, Russia 1913 21y
7 Shapiro,Gittel Rodeskowiz, Russia 1908 18y
8 Silberglat,Riwke Radiskowitch, Russ. 1912 21y
9 Sklut,Dwoire Radiskewitz 1905 25y
10 Sklut,Getze Radiskewitz 1905 2y
11 Sklut,Jankel Radiskewitz 1905 5y
12 Slawin,Chawe Rodeshkowitz, Russia 1910 26y
13 Slawin,Pesche Rodeshkowitz, Russia 1910 3y 6m
14 Soholezyo,Yente Radiskowitz, Russia 1907 17y
15 Sokolizik,Elke Radoskowitsche, Russia 1911 20y
16 Sokolsky,Henach Radishkowitz, Russia 1907 28y
17 Sokolsky,Hinde Radishkowitz, Russia 1907 23y
18 Sokolszczyk,Motel Radoskowicz, Poland 1922 23y
19 Sokolszyk,Feume Radiskowetz, Unst, Russia 1907 18y
20 Srebnik,Mine Radushkowitz, Russia 1915 26y
21 Srebnik,Schloime Radosekowica 1904 25y
22 Starobin,Berl Radoszkowicz 1905 3 yr 6 mo
23 Starobin,Moische Radoszkowicz 1905 6 yr
24 Starobin,Sore Radoszkowicz 1905 30 yr
25 Starvbin,Sclole Radiskowcz, Russia 1913 18y
26 Stejnhaus,Abram-Wulf Radoszkowice, Poland 1923 61y
27 Suitmann,Dine Radisgowitz, Russia 1909 25y
28 Suitmann,Dwosche Radisgowitz, Russia 1909 6y
29 Swersonouski,Ichurdese Rodoskoviz, Russia 1907 25y
30 Swersonouski,Rubin Rodoskoviz, Russia 1907 3y
31 Szakolsczik,Hirsch Radeskewicz 1904 33y
32 Szejagans,Nosel Radoschkowits, Poland 1921 16y
33 Szejaganz,Pejsack Radoschkowits, Poland 1921 14y
34 Szejnganz,Alter Radoschkowits, Poland 1921 18y
35 Szejnganz,Golda Radoschkowits, Poland 1921 45y
36 Szejnhaus,Leja Radoszkowice, Poland 1923 18y
37 Szejnhaus,Pesia Radoszkowice, Poland 1923 61y
38 Szejnhaus,Rocha Radoszkowice, Poland 1923 17y
Sagalowicz,Chaim - Jankel Rakow, Russia 1914 26y
2 Sagalowitz,Beile Rakow, Russia 1912 4y
3 Sagalowitz,Chaim Rakow, Russia 1912 10y
4 Sagalowitz,Hirschel Rakow, Russia 1912 6y
5 Sagalowitz,Malke Rakow, Russia 1912 30y
6 Sagalowitz,Scheine Rakow, Russia 1912 14y
7 Sagalowitz,Sore Rakow, Russia 1912 19y
8 Sagalowitz,Ya...el Rakow, Russia 1912 30y
9 Sagalowitz,Zissel Rakow, Russia 1912 2y
10 Sagalowtiz,Dweine Rakow, Russia 1912 11y
11 Sager,Elli Rakow 1904 34y
12 Sarobin,Peisch Rakowo, Gub Minsk, Russia 1906 23y
13 Schagalowitz,Gitte Rakow, Russia 1909 26y
14 Schapero,Arje Rakowo 1903 17y
15 Schapiro,Fr...me Rakow, Russia 1910 18y
16 Schapiro,Breine Rakow, Russia 1910 17y
17 Schapiro,Chaie Rakow 1906 17y
18 Schapiro,Reise Rakow 1903 17y
19 Schapiro,Salomon Rakow 1904 35y
20 Schebos,Czipe Rakow, Russia 1906 3y 6m
21 Schebos,Sore Rakow, Russia 1906 31y
22 Schebos,Teiwel Rakow, Russia 1906 2y
23 Scheckt,Abram Rakow, Russia 1910 18y
24 Schgalowitz,Liebe Rakow, Russia 1910 28y
25 Schgalowitz,Minuche Rakow, Russia 1910 4y
26 Schiff,Moische Rakow (Minsk) 1902 26y
27 Schiff,Mowsche Rakow, Russia 1907 28y
28 Schiff,Mowsche Rakow, Russia 1907 28y
29 Schnittman,Eschke Rakow/Russia 1913 18y
30 Schulskz,Mojsche Rakow, Russia 1914 34y
31 Schun,Chasie Rakow, Russia 1912 28y
32 Schun,Salman Rakow, Russia 1912 3y
33 Schun,Sore Rakow, Russia 1912 4y
34 Schuster,Koppel Rakow 1904 25y
35 Schwarz,Reisel Rakow, Russia 1907 58y
36 Schwarz,Rocshel Rakow, Russia 1907 9y
37 Schwerrinowsky,Rische Rakow, Russia 1904 19y
38 Schwerzenowsky,Chane Rakow, Russia 1902 17y
39 Segalowicz,Ftke Rakow, Russia 1910 17y
40 Segalowitz,Wulf Rakow 1906 33y
41 Segatowitz,Arschik Rakowo 1906 18y
42 Silennschilewy,Hene Rakow 1906 24y
43 Silennschilewy,Yosehke Rakow 1906 3y
44 Sissmann,Merke Rakow, Minsk 1909 25y
45 Slutzhi,Dwovie Rakowa, Russia 1911 20y
46 Slutzhi,Rose Rakowa, Russia 1911 7y
47 Solowicki,Michel Rakow 1905 17y
48 Soskin,Franke Rakow 1905 18
49 Starobin,Chane Rakow 1904 42y
50 Starobin,Girsch Rakowia, Russia 1909 21y
51 Starobin,Mere Rakow, Russia 1914 28y
52 Starobin,Rosa Rakow, Russia 1914 2y
53 Stein,Sore Leie Rakow 1905 28y
54 Stoler,Benzion Rakow, Russia 1912 5y
55 Stoler,Freide Rakow, Russia 1912 31y
56 Stoler,Taibe Rakow, Russia 1912 3y
57 Stoljar,Leibe Rakowo, Russia 1910 32 y
58 Sulska,Chaja Rakow, Pinsk Reg. 1922 9y
59 Sulska,Frajda Rakow, Pinsk Reg. 1922 16y
60 Sulska,Lejba Rakow, Pinsk Reg. 1922 14y
61 Sulska,Rysia Rakow, Pinsk Reg. 1922 37y
62 Sulska,Wulf Rakow, Pinsk Reg. 1922 12y
63 Sulskaja,Gittel Rakowo, Russia 1909 35y
64 Sulskaja,Loue Rakowo, Russia 1909 11y
65 Sulskaja,Rebeca Rakowo, Russia 1909 9y
66 Sulskaja,Ueio Rakowo, Russia 1909 7y
67 Sultkaya,Sonye Rakow 1905 19y
69 Sznil,Ester Rakow, Pinsk Reg. 1923 19y
Schtarkman,Schulem Krasne, Russia 1908 45
3 Schwartz,Basche Krasne 1903 11m
4 Schwartz,Mariasche Krasne 1903 34y
5 Schwartz,Peitel Krasne 1903 3y
Sicber,Tewil Krasne 1906 33y
9 Simmenso,Pinka Krasne 1903 17y
10 Sosis,Chaie Pesie Krasne, Russia 1912 23y
11 Sosis,Chaim Mazs Krasne, Russia 1912 22y
12 Sosis,Chain Meier Krasne, Russia 1912 17y
13 Spiegel,Eisig Krasne 1906 30y
14 Spiegel,Gitla Krasne, Poland 1923 50y
15 Spiegel,Malke-Mirel Krasne, Poland 1923 19y
16 Spiegel,Rachela Krasne, Poland 1923 18y
17 Steininger,Estera Krasne, Poland 1922 24y
18 Sussbrenner,Schloime Krasne 1903 18y
19 Szelnic,Leja Krasne, Poland 1921 11y
20 Szelnic,Liba Krasne, Poland 1921 17y
21 Szelnic,Reszka Krasne, Poland 1921 20y
22 Szuninis,Moses Krasne 1905 34y
14 Schamessohn,Milke Krasna, Russia 1914 30y
15 Schamessohn,Mordche Krasna, Russia 1914 32y
Scharcis,Ester Krasnoje, Russia 1914 48y
19 Scharcis,Leita Krasnoje, Russia 1914 9y
20 Scharcis,Malka Krasnoje, Russia 1914 18y
Seigerman,Chana Krasno-Staw, Poland 1921 16y
58 Seigerman,Leizer Krasno-Staw, Poland 1921 22y
59 Seigerman,Riwka Krasno-Staw, Poland 1921 26y
60 Seigerman,Ruchal Krasno-Staw, Poland 1921 13y
61 Selikmann,Kuna Krasnick, Russia 1907 18y
62 Selzer,Oisig Krasno, Russia 1911 18y Sinousky,Abe Krasno 1904 21y
92 Sirota,Breme Krasnio, Russia 1913 18y
104 Soifer,Abraham Krasnoje, Russia 1911 2y 6m
105 Soifer,Ruchel Krasnoje, Russia 1911 22y
106 Soiferman,Salmen Krasno, Pod, Russia 1911 21y
107 Solowejczik,Enta Krasny-Bereg, Russia 1911 17y
Steinberg,Pinie Krasnoje, Russia 1911 18y
121 Steininger,Estera Krasne, Poland 1922 24y
122 Steininger,Jozef Krasny 1905 27y
123 Steinschwartz,Raize Krasny, Russia 1914 19y
124 Steinwartz,Scheindle Krasny, Russia 1911 22y
Sussberg,Schandla Krasnow, Poland 1920 32 y
63 Serok,Dwojra
Schechter,Feige Krasny, Russia 1909 24y
23 Schechter,Judis Krasny, Russia 1909 4y
Schwarz,Solomon Krasna, Russia 1908 28y
Schwinner,Rachmil Krasno, Russia 1913 19y
Tcheinkans,Chaiw Radischko 1904 56y
Tailor,Zalmen Radiskowitz 1904 35y
Taler,Abram Radiskowtz, Russia 1913 19y
Teller,Nuckem Radziwilow, Russia 1914 17y
Thaler,Scheine Sore Radeschkewitz, Russia 1908 18y
106 Tsakson,Bornch Radiszkowicz, Russia 1906 17y
Torler,Gische Radiskevitz 1905 19y
Tumilowitz,Iwan Radoschtowitz, Russia 1910 35k
Tzigson,Filip Radowzkowicz/Lithuania 1920 7
136 Tzigson,Miriam Radowzkowicz/Lithuania 1920 3
Tackes,Jankel Rakow 1906 22y
2 Teier,Meier Rakow, Russia 1910 17y
3 Teller,Mor..he Rakowv, 1913 16y
4 Trzasko,Antoni Rakowek, Russia 1909 40y
5 Turezky,Oine Rakow, Russia 1909 18y
6 Turman,Mayer Rakow, Russia 1912 24y
7 Turmann,Moris Rakow, Russia 1911 22y
Tenzer,Jankel Krasno 1904 33y
7 Tenzer,Sore Krasno 1904 20y
8 Tivoroska,Bertha Krasnce, Russia 1922 9y
9 Tivorovska,Ghttel Krasnce, Russia 1922 35y
Tuler,Jakob Krasny Steiw, Poland 1921 20y
1 Uslianer,Dawid Rakow, Russia 1909 11y
2 Uslianer,Pese Rakow, Russia 1909 6y
3 Uslianer,Sore Rakow, Russia 1909 41y
11 Vroischel,Itzook Radyewikow, Russia 1907 2y
1 Valebotsky,Riwke Rakow, Russia 1912 16y
2 Valibotzki,Clara Rakow 1905 40y
3 Valibotzki,Mirke Rakow 1905 7y
4 Valibotzki,Nechame Rakow 1905 3y
5 Valibotzki,Riwke Rakow 1905 4y
6 Valibotzki,Schimen Rakow 1905 10y
Vinitzke,Nizei Krasno, Russia 1921 9y
3 Vinitzki,Brana Krasno, Russia 1921 16y
4 Vinitzki,Houba Krasno, Russia 1921 60y
5 Vinitzki,Miron Krasno, Russia 1921 14y
6 Vinitzki,Sruel Krasno, Russia 1921 16y
42 Waran,Peter Radkwicz 1906 40y 160 Weisbrod,Moses Radziechow, Russia 1914 35y
161 Weisbrot,Belle Radzichowa, Radzichowa 1921 12y
162 Weisbrot,Chana Scheidel Radzichowa, Radzichowa 1921 8y
163 Weisbrot,Ruchel Radzichowa, Radzichowa 1921 41y
164 Weisbrot,Selig Radzichowa, Radzichowa 1921 19y
1 Wainberg,Judel Rakow, Russia 1911 20y
2 Weinberg,Dawid Rakowa, Austria 1910 14y
3 Weiner,Eschke Rakow, Russia 1908 20y
4 Weniberz,Itze Rakow, Russia 1910 22y
5 Wigenswitz,Glenne Rakow 1903 19y
6 Wigowitz,Chienne Rakow 1906 50y
Wachsmann,Pinkas Krasno 1906 20y
7 Wachsmann,Roza Krasno 1906 50y
16 Wakser,Riwke Krasne 1906 20y
17 Waksir,Scheine Krasne 1906 15y
Watzlwman,Benzion Krasna, Russia 1913 28
21 Weinberger,Wolf Ber Krasne, Russia 1911 20y
22 Weiner,Schewi Krasne 1906 20y
23 Weinstein,Meusel Krasno, Russia 1913 19y
Werner,Fechiel Krasne 1905 3y
32 Weschler,Mendel Krasna 1906 19y
33 Wiener,Abram Krasne 1903 46y
34 Wiener,Chaje Krasne 1905 10y
35 Wiener,Lea Krasne 1905 11y
36 Wiener,Leib Krasne 1905 7y
37 Wiener,Moses Krasne 1903 19y
38 Wiener,Sime Krasne 1905 43y
Winitzky,David Krasnoe, Russia 1913 16y
46 Winnitzky,Itzek Krasnoje, Russia 1912 21y
Vinitzke,Nizei Krasno, Russia 1921 9y
3 Vinitzki,Brana Krasno, Russia 1921 16y
4 Vinitzki,Houba Krasno, Russia 1921 60y
5 Vinitzki,Miron Krasno, Russia 1921 14y
6 Vinitzki,Sruel Krasno, Russia 1921 16y
Yurewitz,Chaie Rakow, Russia 1907 20y
Zak,Josef Radlowska, Poland 1923 24y
Zahn,Moses Radzochow 1903 38y
40 Zilberg,Jakob Zus Radziwittow, Poland 1921 24y
53 Zimmermann,Moses Radzinilow, Russia 1912 20y
56 Zismann,Freiotel Radorosk, Russia 1909 24y 96 Zwillinger,Mendel Radziechew, Poland 1921 22y
97 Zwillinger,Sara Radziechow, Poland 1921 20y
1 Zdalewicz,Fankel Rakow 1904 19
2 Zinken,Rele Rakow 1905 24y
3 Zissmann,Hirsch Rakow, Russia 1914 39y
4 Zuckermann,Chaim Rakow, Russia 1914 18y
18 Ziskel,Aron Krasnoje, Russia 1910 17y
Kagan, Chaue- Russia, Hebrew
from Radoschkovica, Russia
Manifest for Vaderland
Sailing from Antwerp
Kagan, Chaue F 19y S Russia, Hebrew Radoschkovica, Russia
Krizoivski,Sore Ruchol F 18y S Russia, Hebrew Minsk, Russia
Kagan, Dona F 17y S Russia, Hebrew Radischkovitz, Russia
Schoenhaus, Ettel F 18y S Russia, Hebrew Radischkovitz, Russia all three gave
an addresses of brothers and uncles
in New York look at the original manifest
arrived; 23 Nov 1909
19 years old.
ship -Vaderland
port- Antwerp, Belgium
for site.
0028. Kagan, Riska F 28y M Russia,
Hebrew Russia, Radischkowicz
0029. Kagan, Sora F 7y S Russia, Hebrew Russia, Radischkowicz
0030. Kagan, Meyer M 5y S Russia, Hebrew Russia, Radischkowicz
Date of Arrival Port of Departure Line # Page # 67
September 12, 1911 Libau
1 Alterman,Abe Berdyczew 1904 39y Ellisisland records
2 Alterman,Abesch Luzk, Russia 1910 29y Ellisisland records
3 Alterman,Abraham Valinsky 1906 19y Ellisisland records
4 Alterman,Abraham Ujpest, Hungary 1921 38y Ellisisland records
5 Alterman,Abram Kolor...yska 1904 29y Ellisisland records
6 Alterman, Lutzen, Russia 1907 22y Ellisisland records
7 Alterman,Amra Manchester, England 1914 37y Ellisisland records
8 Alterman,Aron B Aires, Argentina 1923 21y Ellisisland records
9 Alterman,Aron B. Aires, Argentina 1923 19y Ellisisland records
10 Alterman,Azar Manchester, England 1910 38y Ellisisland records
11 Alterman,Beile Lublin 1906 23y Ellisisland records
12 Alterman,Beile Weliony, Russia 1911 18y Ellisisland records
13 Alterman,Berl Radaskowicz 1906 3y Ellisisland records
14 Alterman,Bernat Ujpest, Hungary 1921 12y Ellisisland records
15 Alterman,Blume Radzanowo, Russia 1907 17y Ellisisland records
16 Alterman,Blunce Liban, Russia 1910 10y Ellisisland records
17 Alterman,Boruch Reczyca 1905 2y Ellisisland records
18 Alterman,Brocha Sebesh, Russia 1912 18y Ellisisland records
19 Alterman,Bromie Bobrinsk, Minsk 1908 21y Ellisisland records
20 Alterman,Cetus Ujpest, Hungary 1921 9y Ellisisland records
21 Alterman,Chaie Titerm, Russia 1908 11m Ellisisland records
22 Alterman,Chaje Radaskowicz 1906 20y Ellisisland records
23 Alterman,Chajhe Reczyca 1905 23y Ellisisland records
24 Alterman,Chana Warschau, Russia 1907 21y Ellisisland records
25 Alterman,Clara Ujpest, Hungary 1921 5y Ellisisland records
26 Alterman,Clemer Ujpest, Hungary 1921 3y Ellisisland records
27 Alterman,David London, Eng. 1912 22y Ellisisland records
28 Alterman,Dushe Radaskowicz 1906 27y Ellisisland records
29 Alterman,Dware Pesche Liverpool, England 1904 52y Ellisisland records
30 Alterman,Dwoire Odessa, Russia 1906 23 Ellisisland records
31 Alterman,Emelia Liverpool, England 1904 29y Ellisisland records
32 Alterman,Ester Kowno 1907 22y Ellisisland records
33 Alterman,Feirie ... 1904 22y Ellisisland records
34 Alterman,Fishel Bucarest, Roumany 1922 42y Ellisisland records
35 Alterman,Freide Kowno 1907 11m Ellisisland records
36 Alterman,Gittel Ujpest, Hungary 1921 29y Ellisisland records
37 Alterman,Harry Liverpool, England 1904 5y Ellisisland records
38 Alterman,Hava Bucarest, Roumany 1922 12y Ellisisland records
39 Alterman,Herman Lwaw, Poland 1921 20y Ellisisland records
40 Alterman,Hersch ... 1904 31y Ellisisland records
41 Alterman,Hersch Lublin 1906 25y Ellisisland records
42 Alterman,Hinda Lwaw, Poland 1921 59y Ellisisland records
43 Alterman,Hodi Homll, Russia 1910 21y Ellisisland records
44 Alterman,Ida New York, U.S.A 1916 36y Ellisisland records
45 Alterman,Israel Liverpool, England 1904 3y Ellisisland records
46 Alterman,Itzchok Sczucin, Russia 1913 19y Ellisisland records
47 Alterman,Itzig Koloschin, Russia 1909 29y Ellisisland records
48 Alterman,Itzik Russia 1904 30y Ellisisland records
49 Alterman,Jaka Kaleszyer 1906 27y Ellisisland records
50 Alterman,John Liverpool, England 1904 7y Ellisisland records
Name Residence Arrived Age View View View
51 Alterman,Jorke Rieshitza, Russia 1909 22y Ellisisland records
52 Alterman,Joseph New York, U.S.A 1916 8y Ellisisland records
53 Alterman,Judel Wilon 1905 16y Ellisisland records
54 Alterman,Judel Weljan, Russia 1907 19y Ellisisland records
55 Alterman,Lane Liverpool, England 1904 5m Ellisisland records
56 Alterman,Lea Yekaterinoslaw 1907 15y Ellisisland records
57 Alterman,Leib Taslaw, Russia 1910 38y Ellisisland records
58 Alterman,Leib New York, U.S.A 1916 7y Ellisisland records
59 Alterman,Leib Bucarest, Roumany 1922 15y Ellisisland records
60 Alterman,Leie Warschaw 1905 28y Ellisisland records
61 Alterman,Leie Resiter, Russia 1908 4y Ellisisland records
62 Alterman,Mania Bucarest, Roumania 1922 17y Ellisisland records
63 Alterman,Masche Warschau, Russia 1907 47y Ellisisland records
64 Alterman,Matins Bobruisk, Minsk, Russia 1907 17y Ellisisland records
65 Alterman,Max Ujpest, Hungary 1921 7y Ellisisland records
66 Alterman,Michel Kremenetz, Russia 1910 18y Ellisisland records
67 Alterman,Miss ... 1904 10y Ellisisland records
68 Alterman,Moische Wolhymiea 1905 24y Ellisisland records
69 Alterman,Morris Kolor...yska 1904 3y Ellisisland records
70 Alterman,Moses Volina 1905 36y Ellisisland records
71 Alterman,Motel Lublin 1906 11m Ellisisland records
72 Alterman,Mowsche Ribinischky, Russia 1910 35y Ellisisland records
73 Alterman,Nathan Bis... 1905 24y Ellisisland records
74 Alterman,Nechame Titerm, Russia 1908 25y Ellisisland records
75 Alterman,Nellie Liverpool, England 1904 9y Ellisisland records
76 Alterman,Noima Resiter, Russia 1908 35y Ellisisland records
77 Alterman,Perla Taslaw, Russia 1910 55y Ellisisland records
78 Alterman,Philip Liverpool, England 1904 5m Ellisisland records
79 Alterman,Rachel Wolozin 1904 18y Ellisisland records
80 Alterman,Rivka Bucarest, Roumany 1922 36y Ellisisland records
81 Alterman,Roche Reshitza, Latvia 1922 68y Ellisisland records
82 Alterman,Rose Liban, Russia 1910 21y Ellisisland records
83 Alterman,Ruchel Taslaw, Russia 1910 33y Ellisisland records
84 Alterman,Ruvka Warschau, Russia 1907 6y Ellisisland records
85 Alterman,Salmen Wars..., Russia 1910 28y Ellisisland records
86 Alterman,Schewe Warschau, Russia 1907 9y Ellisisland records
87 Alterman,Shmul Homel, Russia 1912 22y Ellisisland records
88 Alterman,Sonia Bucarest, Roumany 1922 14y Ellisisland records
89 Alterman,Sore Resiter, Russia 1908 7y Ellisisland records
90 Alterman,Susse Flomel, Russia 1914 20y Ellisisland records
91 Alterman,Szloma Czuonow, Russia 1922 23y Ellisisland records
92 Altermann,Abram Bobne...isk 1906 44y Ellisisland records
93 Altermann,Anschel Smilowitzy, Minsk 1908 7y Ellisisland records
94 Altermann,Aron Smilowitzy, Minsk 1908 5y Ellisisland records
95 Altermann,Baruch Kiew 1906 20y Ellisisland records
96 Altermann,Baruch Kiew 1906 20y Ellisisland records
97 Altermann,Bernard Stanislaw 1905 25y Ellisisland records
98 Altermann,Braine Kowno 1906 11m Ellisisland records
99 Altermann,Chaie Kowno 1906 5y Ellisisland records
100 Altermann,Chaie Warschan, Russia 1910 26y Ellisisland records
101 Altermann,Chaim Tarnow, Galicia 1906 44y Ellisisland records
102 Altermann,Chaje Zlochow 1904 57y Ellisisland records
103 Altermann,David Gomel, Russia 1923 29y Ellisisland records
104 Altermann,Elias ... 1904 26y Ellisisland records
105 Altermann,Ester Homel 1906 38y Ellisisland records
106 Altermann,Ette Smilowitzy, Minsk 1908 11y Ellisisland records
107 Altermann,Freida Zibomir, Russia 1913 19 Ellisisland records
108 Altermann,Gershko Wilan, Russia 1912 17y Ellisisland records
109 Altermann,Gidel Hischineff 1906 19y Ellisisland records
110 Altermann,Golde Smilowitzy, Minsk 1908 10y Ellisisland records
111 Altermann,Helene Stanislaw 1905 18y Ellisisland records
112 Altermann,Hirsch Homel, Russia 1912 21y Ellisisland records
113 Altermann,Jacob Riga, Russia 1910 21 Ellisisland records
114 Altermann,Jacob Zlozow, Austria 1914 40y Ellisisland records
115 Altermann,Josef Tomaspol, Russia 1914 20y Ellisisland records
116 Altermann,Jossel Zitomir, Russia 1913 21y Ellisisland records
117 Altermann,Kalmen Luptjki, Russia 1910 16y Ellisisland records
118 Altermann,Lazar Kowno 1906 3y Ellisisland records
119 Altermann,Leib Budyczew 1913 27y Ellisisland records
120 Altermann,Leibka Wilan, Russia 1912 19y Ellisisland records
121 Altermann,Losie Zitomir, Russia 1913 18y Ellisisland records
122 Altermann,Mariasche Homel, Russia 1906 25y Ellisisland records
123 Altermann,Mihaly Radozkewicz 1904 38y Ellisisland records
124 Altermann,Morosche Homel 1906 6y Ellisisland records
125 Altermann,Mote Warschan, Russia 1910 6m Ellisisland records
126 Altermann,Mottel Warschan 1907 19y 6m Ellisisland records
127 Altermann,Scheine Smilowitzy, Minsk 1908 9y Ellisisland records
128 Altermann,Schmoul Moische Cairo, Egypt, Africa 1913 34y Ellisisland records
129 Altermann,Schmul Zitomir, Russia 1913 47y Ellisisland records
130 Altermann,Sissel Kowno 1906 7y Ellisisland records
131 Altermann,Sohne Homel 1906 9y Ellisisland records
132 Altermann,Sore Smilowitzy, Minsk 1908 31y Ellisisland records
133 Altermann,Sure Kowno 1906 26y Ellisisland records
134 Altermann,Taube Reshiza, Vitebsk, Russia 1908 27y Ellisisland records
135 Altermann,Wolf Warschan 1907 47y Ellisisland records
136 Altermann,Wolko Homel 1905 23y Ellisisland records
1 Aldermann,Ettel Nawerik, Russia 1910 20y Ellisisland records
2 Aldermann,Golde Nosrowiezki, Russia 1906 22y Ellisisland records
3 Aldermann,Schloime Nosrowiezki, Russia 1906 7m Ellisisland records
4 Aldermann,Silloione Nowrsioooth, Russia 1906 7m Ellisisland records
5 Alterman,Abe Berdyczew 1904 39y Ellisisland records
6 Alterman,Abesch Luzk, Russia 1910 29y Ellisisland records
7 Alterman,Abraham Valinsky 1906 19y Ellisisland records
8 Alterman,Abraham Ujpest, Hungary 1921 38y Ellisisland records
9 Alterman,Abram Kolor...yska 1904 29y Ellisisland records
10 Alterman, Lutzen, Russia 1907 22y Ellisisland records
11 Alterman,Amra Manchester, England 1914 37y Ellisisland records
12 Alterman,Aron B Aires, Argentina 1923 21y Ellisisland records
13 Alterman,Aron B. Aires, Argentina 1923 19y Ellisisland records
14 Alterman,Azar Manchester, England 1910 38y Ellisisland records
15 Alterman,Beile Lublin 1906 23y Ellisisland records
16 Alterman,Beile Weliony, Russia 1911 18y Ellisisland records
17 Alterman,Berl Radaskowicz 1906 3y Ellisisland records
18 Alterman,Bernat Ujpest, Hungary 1921 12y Ellisisland records
19 Alterman,Blume Radzanowo, Russia 1907 17y Ellisisland records
20 Alterman,Blunce Liban, Russia 1910 10y Ellisisland records
21 Alterman,Boruch Reczyca 1905 2y Ellisisland records
22 Alterman,Brocha Sebesh, Russia 1912 18y Ellisisland records
23 Alterman,Bromie Bobrinsk, Minsk 1908 21y Ellisisland records
24 Alterman,Cetus Ujpest, Hungary 1921 9y Ellisisland records
25 Alterman,Chaie Titerm, Russia 1908 11m Ellisisland records
26 Alterman,Chaje Radaskowicz 1906 20y Ellisisland records
27 Alterman,Chajhe Reczyca 1905 23y Ellisisland records
28 Alterman,Chana Warschau, Russia 1907 21y Ellisisland records
29 Alterman,Clara Ujpest, Hungary 1921 5y Ellisisland records
30 Alterman,Clemer Ujpest, Hungary 1921 3y <a href="http://www.elli
1 Aldermann,Ettel Nawerik, Russia 1910 20y Ellisisland records
2 Aldermann,Golde Nosrowiezki, Russia 1906 22y Ellisisland records
3 Aldermann,Schloime Nosrowiezki, Russia 1906 7m Ellisisland records
4 Aldermann,Silloione Nowrsioooth, Russia 1906 7m Ellisisland records
5 Walderman,Bassia Luba, Poland 1921 8y Ellisisland records
6 Walderman,Bettie Luba, Poland 1921 9y Ellisisland records
7 Walderman,David Vilna 1904 45y Ellisisland records
8 Walderman,Hechome Vilna 1904 40y Ellisisland records
9 Walderman,Lea London 1905 20y Ellisisland records
10 Walderman,Smitra Luba, Poland 1921 28y Ellisisland records
11 Walderman,Tobias Vilna 1904 13y Ellisisland records
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived
Age on Arrival
Sure Kagan Radiskowisz, Russia 1914 17
Krasna and Rakow were shtetls located
next to Radoshkovichi;
43. Beile Berkowitz Krasne, Russia 1914 55
379. Meyer Berkowitz Krasna, Russia 1922 40
219. Haia Berkowitz Krasna, Russia 1922 38
168. Falik Berkowitz Krasna, Russia 1922 7
183. Felik Berkowitz Krasne, Russia 1913 18
545. Szejniel Berkowitz Krasna, Russia 1922 11
415. Nuchun Berkowitz Krasne, Russia 1914 1
315. Leib Berkowitz Krasne, Russia 1914 57
547. Taube Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1906 4
80. Simon Berkowicz Minsk, Russia 1910 22
200. Gite Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1906 7
Neibaur Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1906 2
170. Fankel Berkowitz Slutzk, Russia 1910 7
197. Gerschon Berkowitz Nowogrudok, Russia 1904 30
. Mocska Berkowitz Nowaragrod, Russia 1911 1
551. Uary Berkowitz Nowaragrod, Russia 1911 10
552. Uoosch Berkowitz Berezui, Russia 1910 17
301. Kalmen Berkowitz Minsk 1904 21
295. Jossel Berkowitz Wilna 1905 15
338. Lieb Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1906 6
174. Seib Berkowicz Minsk 1906 6
Schmul Berkowicz Minsk, Russia 1909 20
339. Lieba Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1906 9
557. Wolf Berkowitz Minsk 1905 20
55. Ester Berkowicz Minsk 1906 3
558. Wolf Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1912 38
21. Berul Berkowicz Smorgow, Russia 1914 0
25. Chaie Berkowicz Smorgow, Russia 1914 45
85. Itte Berkowicz Smorgow, Russia 1914 15
99. Lehie Berkowicz Smorgow, Russia 1914 5
116. Mamie Berkowicz Smorgow, Russia 1914 9
100. Leibe Berkowicz Wilno, Russia 1912 16
131. Mirke Berkowicz Minsk 1906 27
132. Mirl Berkowicz Brody, Austria 1910 18
133. Moische Berkowicz Minsk, Russia 1912 22
. Pessia Berkowicz Wilna, Russia 1910 25
350. Losie Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1906 32
493. Sarah Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1908 29
534. Sore Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 58
535. Sore Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 30
494. Schabse Berkowitz Minsk 1903 35
501. Schepse Berkowitz Wilna, Russia 1912 20
426. Perme Berkowitz Koidanew 1905 2
473. Rose Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 30
279. Jankel Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 7
171. Fankel Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 7
240. Hittel Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1909 30
52. Beril Berkowitz Nowaragrod, Russia 1911 11
71. Broche Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 9
99. Chaje Riwe Berkowitz Wilna, Russia 1914 20
88. Chaim Berkowitz Minsk 1903 19
157. Ester Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 3
158. Ester Berkowitz Minsk, Russia 1911 5
102. Mendel Rubin Dolginowo 1906
449. Rochel Rubin Dalhinew, Russia 1908 18
153. Salomon Rubin Dolhinow, Poland 1922 15
302. Berke Rubin Bolginow 1907 50
149. Schachue Rubin Dolgenow, Russia 1910 21
307. Beile Rubin Doliny, Russia 1910 5
308. Basche Rubin Dolgenow, Russia 1910 23
127. Sove Rubin Doliny, Russia 1910 1
252. Iffe Rubin Doliny, Russia 1910 34
163. Roche Rubin Doliny, Russia 1910 10
155. Salman Rubin Doliny, Russia 1910 9
124. Stendel Rubin Dallilew, Russia 1909 33
179. Nossen Rubin Dalkynew 1907 22
247. Itzik Rubin Doliny, Russia 1910 7
350. Jakob Rubin Dauginow 1904 19
299. Bernhard Rubin Durainows, Russia 1909 25
316. Abram Rubin Radoskowitz, Russia 1907 35
300. Berl Rubin Radosakowitz, Russia 1910 7
112. Chasche Rubin Radoszkowics, Russia 1914 24
173. Peretz Rubin Rudosskowicze 1905 35
236. Jankel Rubin Radosakowitz, Russia 1910 3
181. Neche Rubin Radosakowitz, Russia 1910 9
228. Josef Rubin Wisniowa, Russia 1907 20
109. Heene Rubin Wilna, Russia 1907 56
110. Golde Rubin Roradok, Russia 1914 18
111. Golda Rubin Grusdji, Russia 1911 42
113. Chaim Rubin Minsk 1906 16
114. Chaim Rubin Ro... 1902 25
115. Care Rubin Zialystok 1906 26
116. ... Rubin Minsk 1907 17
117. Zisvic Rubin Pinsk 1902 20
118. Zidel Rubin Dalzstok 1906 9
121. Vouk Rubin Bialystock, Russia 1914 20
125. Srol Rubin Gorodok, Russia 1907 43
128. Sore Rubin Wilna, Russia 1909 20
132. Sore Rubin Minsk, Russia 1904 15
133. Sonie Rubin Proslaw, Russia 1906 3
134. Sohie Rubin Stok, Russia 1909 21
135. Siegmund Rubin Lomza, Russia; US 1907 23
138. Selig Rubin Minsk 1904 25
139. Seinche Rubin Bialystok 1906 17
140. Scholam Rubin Russia, Ganewiczi 1911 29
141. Schlojme Rubin Kamenka 1903 8
142. Schloime Rubin Kowel, Russia 1912 21
146. Schepoel Rubin Merek, Russia 1907 3
147. Scheine Rubin Larginew, Russia 1909 20
148. Schaie Rubin Dawgi 1903 9 1
150. Sara Rubin Lubny 1907 6
151. Sam Rubin Minsk, Russia 1914 37
152. Sam Rubin Cieplik, Russia 1910 17
156. Ruze Rubin Dorbjan, Russia 1911 21
157. Ruwin Rubin Riga, Livland 1907 0
158. Ruchel Rubin Proslaw, Russia 1906 25
159. Rose Rubin Dalzstok 1906 7
160. Rosa Rubin Plock, Russia 1908 20
161. Rochel Rubin Resluza, Russia 1909 21
162. Rochel Rubin Minsk, Russia 1907 21
164. Riwke Rubin Lahrysk, Russia 1907 0
165. Rische Rubin Slonum 1903 4
166. Riene Rubin Dalzstok 1906 11
167. Reisel Rubin Russia, Jolgriwn 1911 17
169. Rasche Rubin Kraisk, Russia 1913 21
170. Rachel Rubin Belkewik 1906 16
172. Perl Rubin Suwalke 1906 20
174. Perel Rubin Kamenka 1903 45
175. Peiske Rubin Nawo Krasnaie, Russia 1906 21
176. Peisach Rubin Bileitschik 1905 25
177. Nuchino Rubin Swinski 1906 48
178. Note Rubin Sebeschy, Witebsk, Russia 1907 18
180. Nochem Rubin Bereslitowsk, Russia 1906 32
182. Nechane Rubin Minsk, Russia 1907 2
183. Nechame Rubin Lida, Russia 1911 16
184. Nachel Rubin Minsk, Russia 1914 19
186. Mottel Rubin Malaty, Russia 1910 29
187. Mottel Rubin Pinsk 1902 19
189. Mosche Rubin Minsk, Russia 1904 50
190. Mordche Rubin Kaisk 1906 19
193. Moische Rubin Lamza 1907 16
194. Michael Rubin Brestlit, Russia 1907 23
196. Mere Rubin Dawgi 1903 46
197. Mendel Rubin Minsk 1907 19
198. Meische Rubin Zager, Russia 1912 19
199. Meische Rubin Rajsk, Russia 1909 18
200. Meer Rubin Ostrolenko, Russia 1913 32
201. Mazja Rubin Muisn, Russia 1910 39
202. Matle Rubin Lahrysk, Russia 1907 33
203. Louis Rubin ..., Russia 1909 25
204. Louis Rubin Lomza, Russia 1907 17
205. Louie Rubin Kamenka 1903 11
206. Lottie Rubin Wilno, Russia 1909 23
207. Lore Rubin Nogilew, Russia 1913 32
208. Lifsche Rubin Katoskowitz, Russia 1907 44
209. Leven Rubin Ziznowy, Russia 1912 20
210. Leja Rubin Kublitsehz, Russia 1910 19
211. Leiser Rubin Iqumen 1907 25
212. Leie Rubin Wilna, Russia 1909 28
213. Leiba Rubin Kuzliany, Russia 1914 18
214. Leib Rubin Linkovo, Austria 1913 18
215. Leib Rubin Odessa, Russia 1908 6
216. Leia Rubin Welis 1907 20
217. Leah Rubin Rubin 1905 28
218. Lasar Rubin Lubny 1907 2
219. Lamuel Rubin Muisn, Russia 1910 11
220. Kuschiel Rubin Smarfon, Russia 1912 19
221. Kopel Rubin Suwalki, Russia 1908 20
222. Judes Rubin D. Gorodok, Russia 1911 42
224. Judel Rubin Citowjany 1904 27
225. Jossel Rubin Osicz, Russia 1914 36
226. Jossel Rubin Dawgi 1903 3
227. Josef Rubin Merek, Russia 1907 9
229. Josef Rubin Wilna 1906 20
230. Josef Rubin Leipzig 1906 21
231. Jose Rubin Caricen, Russia 1923 40
232. Jojne Rubin Kamenka 1903 5
233. Jeschie Rubin Graduo 1906 16
234. Jejc Rubin Brest, Russia 1913 27
235. Jankel Rubin D. Gorodok, Russia 1911 11
237. Jankel Rubin Wilno, Russia 1909 11
238. Jankel Rubin Torczyn, Russia 1908 9
239. Jankel Rubin Merek, Russia 1907 11
241. Jankel Rubin Dawgi 1903 7
242. Jancel Rubin Bobrusk 1906 19
243. Jakow Rubin Swinski 1906 16
244. Jakob Rubin Libau, Russia 1908 60
245. Jacob Rubin Muisn, Russia 1910 9
246. Jacob Rubin 1909 26
248. Itzig Rubin Poncwach, Russia 1913 22
249. Isak Rubin Lubny 1907 8
250. Isak Rubin Riga 1903 25
251. Isaac Rubin Keiv, Russia 1911 20
253. Huida Rubin Muisn, Russia 1910 10
254. Hirsch Rubin Odessa, Russia 1908 7
255. Hinde Rubin Slonum 1903 30
256. Hilel Rubin Danowitz 1904 34
257. Hilde Rubin Kiew, Russia 1907 18
258. Hersch Dawid Rubin Radoschkovitz, Russia 1909 40
259. Hersch Rubin Wyszkow, Russia 1912 24
260. Guta Rubin Muisn, Russia 1910 7
261. Gnesse Rubin D. Gorodok, Russia 1911 9
262. Gittel Rubin Dokszyc, Russia 1914 17
263. Getz Rubin Wimiten, Russia 1912 24
264. Gerschen Rubin Buenos Aires, Argentina SoAm 1910 32
265. Fruma Rubin Kiew, Russia 1922 5
266. Freidel Rubin Neswierz, Russia 1914 21
267. Feirvel Rubin Nogilew, Russia 1913 32
268. Feige Rubin Libaw, Curland 1907 46
269. Esther Rubin Nogilew, Russia 1913 4
270. Esther Rubin Minsk, Russia 1910 17
271. Ester Rubin Brest Litowsk, Russia 1907 9
272. Ester Rubin Minsk, Russia 1907 0
273. Ester Rubin Szaty 1906 17
274. Eige Rubin Merek, Russia 1907 40
275. Eidle Rubin Dawgi 1903 11
276. Effe Rubin Riga, Livland 1907 10
277. Dwore Rubin Odessa, Russia 1908 3
278. David Rubin Pskrew, Russia 1914 19
281. David Rubin Mlawa, Russia 1909 18
282. Clare Rubin Dalzstok 1906 45
283. Chawe Rubin Warschau, Russia 1906 17
284. Chane Rubin Russia, Pinsk 1908 28
285. Chane Rubin Minsk 1907 17
286. Chajin Rubin Bobroisk 1907 19
287. Chaje Rubin Caricen, Russia 1923 39
288. Chaje Rubin Slonum 1903 6
289. Chain Rubin Dorbjan, Russia 1911 27
290. Chaim Jtne Rubin Gorsoy 1906 17
291. Chaim Rubin Ekatelinoslaw, Russia 1913 24
292. Chaim Rubin Nogilew, Russia 1913 3
293. Chaim Rubin Bialostok, Russia 1913 17
294. Chaim Rubin Lida, Russia 1911 15
295. Chaim Rubin Minsk 1906 18
296. Brane Rubin Proslaw, Russia 1906 4
297. Bonie Rubin Odessa, Russia 1908 35
298. Bobel Rubin Brest Litowsk, Russia 1908 20
299. Bernhard Rubin Durainows, Russia 1909 25
301. Berke Rubin Wilna, Russia 1909 29
303. Benjamin Rubin Odessa, Russia 1908 0
304. Bene Rubin Riga, Livland 1907 7
306. Beke Rubin Lubny 1907 27
309. Aron Rubin Minsk, Russia 1907 21
310. Anna Rubin Wloclawek, Russia 1911 20
311. Anna Rubin Woclawek, Russia 1911 20
312. Alter Rubin Russia 1911 20
313. Abram Rubin Grworow, Russia 1913 38
314. Abram Rubin Wesinta, Russia 1910 19
315. Abram Rubin USAYt Litowsk, Russia 1907 25
318. Abraham Rubin Kowykorcz, Russia 1909 28
320. ...osel Rubin Kraisk, Russia 1913 19
321. Golde Rubin Sussalki, Russia 1910 11
322. Chane Rubin Sussalki, Russia 1910 42
323. ... Rubin Scha...ly 1907 0
324. Znoje Rubin Vobolniky, Vilno 1907 24
325. Wolf Rubin Minsk 1905 34
326. Srul Rubin Beljabicz, Russia 1913 36
327. Sore Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 16
328. Schmul Rubin Szawli 1904 17
329. Sare Rubin Radeschi 1903 17
330. Ruoke Rubin Rodowoncs 1902 44
331. Roche Rubin Wilna 1903 44
332. Reise Rubin Plestinetz, Russia 1910 26
333. Reine Rubin Ponewesch 1906 24
334. Rachlja Rubin Beljabicz, Russia 1913 18
335. Puschka Rubin Minsk 1907 15
336. Pesse Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 45
337. Pesse Rubin Szedrin, Minsk 1908 8
338. Pesse Rubin Pleszczantzy 1902 9
339. Nuta Rubin Beljabicz, Russia 1913 11
340. Nehame Rubin Wifobsk 1902 28
341. Nachum Rubin Pinsk 1904 57
342. Mate Rubin Wilna 1903 11
343. Marie Rubin Petrograd, Russia 1923 38
344. Mandel Rubin Minsk 1904 32
345. Leklaime Rubin Ponewesch 1906 0
346. Leie Rubin Wilna 1903 4
347. K... ... Rubin Scha...ly 1907 16
348. Jone Rubin Wilna 1903 9
349. Jakob Rubin Lida, Russia 1911 45
351. Israel Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 22
353. Israel Rubin Kowno 1903 16
354. Isak Rubin Szagosn 1903 20
356. Ida Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 9
357. Hirsch Rubin Pleszczantzy 1902 11
358. Gawriel Rubin Minsk, Russia 1910 16
359. Feigel Rubin Pnnschany 1906 19
360. Fania Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 17
361. Eva Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 20
362. Eschiel Rubin Slusk 1903 54
363. Enta Rubin Beljabicz, Russia 1913 15
364. Elke Rubin Minsk 1902 43
365. Dwoire Rubin Kowno 1903 13
366. Doba-Gita Rubin Newel, Russia 1912 18
367. Chasse Rubin Szedrin, Minsk 1908 7
368. Chasia Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 18
369. Chasia Rubin Dvinsk, Russia 1922 16
370. Channe Rubin Taugin 1906 24
371. Chana Rubin Beljabicz, Russia 1913 6
373. Chaja Rubin Beljabicz, Russia 1913 38
374. Chaim Rubin Shonberg 1906 16
375. Bobbe Rubin Bedystow 1906 20
376. Berd Rubin Plestinetz, Russia 1910 4
377. Basse Rubin Szedrin, Minsk 1908 30
378. Awram Rubin Beljabicz, Russia 1913 10
379. Arzik Rubin Wilna 1903 8
380. Aron Rubin Smargon 1903 21
381. Anna Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 44
382. Abram Rubin Minsk, Russia 1923 15
383. Abraham Rubin Liban 1903 18
384. Schusidel Rubin Przemysl 1907 5
385. Schloime Rubin Bohorozain Austria 1912 18
387. Riwke Rubin (Dress maker) Zarzeoze, Austria 1914 17
388. Mordehe Rubin Stanislau 1907 17
389. Minka Rubin Ostrow 1905 16
391. Leieze Rubin Marjemzol 1906 15
394. Jakob Rubin Ybaraz 1906 24
395. Isaac Rubin Boharodzang 1906 28
396. Hanni Rubin Przemsysl 1907 6
397. Benjamin Rubin Przemsysl 1907 10
398. Ruoza Rubin Berczacz, Austria 1913 17
399. Chane Rubin Zadabrawie 1904 19
400. Tilli Rubin Sarosnatak 1904 16
401. Chaim Rubin Wasler, Rumanian 1910 17
402. Shie Rubin Wyskinevy 1904 17
403. Samuel Rubin Polock 1904 21
404. Nochama Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 43
405. Mowscha Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 9
406. Mordche Rubin Minsk 1904 30
407. Meier Rubin Jurewicz, Russia 1911 2
408. Malke Rubin Jurewicz, Russia 1911 4
409. Josef Rubin Wiskinevy 1904 50
410. Joadk Rubin Witebsk 1904 30
411. Hirsch Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 7
412. Hersch Rubin Wilna 1904 44
413. Dora Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 8
414. Chasia Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 16
415. Chaim Rubin Prushany 1903 21
416. Chaika Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 13
417. Chaie Rubin Wyskinevy 1904 48
418. Berl Rubin Jurewicz, Russia 1911 6
419. Abraham Rubin Dwinsk, Russia 1922 43
420. Sura Rubin Pruzany, Poland 1922 66
421. Perla Rubin Warsaw, Poland 1921 71
422. Judes Rubin Kalisz, Poland 1922 36
424. Hinda Rubin Bechatow, Poland 1923 13
445. Zipa Rubin Birshy 1907 33
446. Ytzik Rubin Birshy 1907 11
447. Yankel Rubin Birshy 1907 8
448. Udel Rubin Dalchsiucsa 1906 31
449. Rochel Rubin Dalhinew, Russia 1908 18
450. Riwke Rubin Romny, Russia 1910 32
451. Owsie Rubin Molczany, Russia 1910 17
452. Michel Rubin Birshy 1907 3
453. Malka Rubin Birshy 1907 0
454. Liebe Rubin Birshy 1907 10
455. Hilel Rubin Birshy 1907 5
456. Haim Rubin Rosenovskoja, Russia 1913 18
457. Chaie Rubin Stuszin, Russia 1911 17
458. Spiro Rubin Krasnik, Russia 1905 18
459. Linine Rubin Ruznny 1914 17
461. Ludwig Rubin Traskun 1905 37
462. Josef Rubin Lanberg, Galicia 1912 2
463. Freide Rubin Bielaja 1904 19
464. Esther Z. Rubin Lanberg, Galicia 1912 25
465. Sossia Rubin Bern, Switzerland 1923 32
466. Pesche Rubin Woronowo 1899 11
467. Noch Rubin Minsk 1899 50
468. Sore Rubin Sasirje 1906 28
469. Elie Rubin Milezitz 1906 17
470. Chane Rubin Sasirje 1906 5
471. Wolf Rubin Szupovce, Poland 1922 10
472. Szajndla Rubin Poland Lublin 1921 11
473. Simo Rubin Szupovce, Poland 1922 10
474. Riwen Rubin Tysmicnicer, Poland 1922 20
475. Reise Rubin Szupovce, Poland 1922 18
489. Sheina Rubin Smolenik, Russia 1922 36
490. Michka Rubin Minsk, Russia 1907 17
491. Ioka Rubin Smolenik, Russia 1922 9
492. Abram Rubin Smolenik, Russia 1922 8
493. H. Rubin 1922 24
494. Dawid Rubin Krasnostow, Hungary 1913 32
495. Paje Rubin Horodenka, Austria 1912 21
496. Majloch Rubin Stanislau, Austria 1912 30
497. Hersch Rubin Borgalaw, Galicia 1913 18
498. Samuel Rubin Tzsucienica
524. Sore Leja Rubin Linkovo, Lithuan 1921 17
525. Chvola Rubin Lenkovo, Lithuan. 1921 56
20. Gerschon Rubinstein Malodyszyn, Russia 1911 17
Taken from; http://www.hochstein.org/community/body.htm
Since 1920, Hochstein Music School has served as Rochester, New York's only
community school of the arts, providing music and dance instruction to anyone
in the community with an interest. Established by a group of local music patrons
and philanthropists (among them, George Eastman), the School is dedicated to
the memory of a gifted, young violinist and son of Russian Jewish immigrants,
David Hochstein, who was killed in service to his country during World War I.
268. Tosche Gurewicz Radaskowicz
1904 17
190. Mussie Gurewicz Borisow, Russia 1911 18
26. Beila Gurewicz Borisow, Russia 1911 20
9. Abram Gurewicz Borysow, Russia 1913 26
286. ... Gurewicz Borysow, Russia 1913 28
Sore Gurewitz Borissow, Minsk 1908 28
626. Scheine Gurewitz Borissow, Russia 1909 24
36. Aron Gurewitz Barisow 1904 25 .
Basche Gurewitz Borisow, Russia 1910 45
391. Keile Gurewitz Borissow, Minsk 1908 3
424. Libe Gurewitz Borison, Russia 1906 0
181. Dobe Gurewitz Borison, Russia 1906 26
439. Malke Gurewitz Boi...ov, Russia 1910 22
160. Chune Gurewitz Borislaw, Russia 1909 14
36. Aron Gurewitz Barisow 1904 25 .
Basche Gurewitz Borisow, Russia 1910 45
104. Chaim Gurewitz Dokszyei 1905 2
105. Chaim Gurewitz Dokszyen 1905 2
641. Schleime Gurewitz Minsk 1906 7
629. Scheine Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1912 19
5. Abram Gurewicz Minsk 1906 0
392. Lazei Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1906 25
Lazei Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1906 25
424. Libe Gurewitz Borison, Russia 1906 0
425. Liebe Gurewitz Minsk 1906 9
717. Walke Gurewitz Minsk 1905 24
446. Masche Gurewitz Wilna, Russia 1911 18
450. Matle Gurewitz Minsk 1905 7
438. Malke Gurewitz Minsk 1906 29
Aron Gurewicz Minsk/ Russia 1907 2
28. Beile Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 30
43. Chaim Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1909 27
48. Chaje Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 49
55. Channe Gurewicz Osmany 1905 50
56. Channe Gurewicz Mohilew 1905 25
57. Chasche Gurewicz Minsk 1906 22
81. Freide Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 9
87. Gerschon Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 30
119. Jankel Gurewicz Slutzk 1906 54
120. Jankel Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1909 24
134. Kasemir Gurewicz Wilna 1906 22
105. Hirsch Gurewicz Minsk 1906 23
144. Leiwik Gurewicz Wilna 1905 20
145. Lesche Gurewicz 1895 47
146. Libe Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 3
168. Meyer Gurewicz Minsk 1903 35
157. Mayasche Gurewicz Minsk 1905 40
171. Michle Gurewicz Minsk/ Russia 1907 25
187. Mowsche Gurewicz Minsk 1898 25
196. Nochim Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 53
187. Mowsche Gurewicz Minsk 1898 25
210. Riwa Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 41
211. Riwe Gurewicz Nead 1905 3
212. Riwe Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 18
217. Rochel Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1913 0
253. Simon Gurewicz Wilna 1902 21
254. Simon Gurewicz Witebsk 1904 26
279. Zipe Gurewicz Plestenitz 1906 23
280. Zipe Gurewicz Minsk, Russia 1909 19
98. Chaien Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1909 15
99. Chaie Sore Gurewitz Minsk 1906 22
100. Chaie Sore Gurewitz Russia, Resitza Witebsk 1908 28
101. Chaike Gurewitz Lepel, Russia 1907 15
177. Dine Gurewitz Reshiza, Witebsk 1909 16
178. Dinhus Gurewitz Lukoacb 1906 26
179. Diveire Gurewitz Dokszyei 1905 3
180. Dobe Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1905 19
181. Dobe Gurewitz Borison, Russia 1906 26
188. Drosne Gurewitz Minsk 1904 17
189. Dusire Gurewitz Dokszyen 1905 3
196. Eiser Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1910 3
203. Elke Gurewitz Dokszyen 1905 32
207. Elle Gurewitz Minsk 1904 11
218. Ester Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1907 21
233. Ette Gurewitz Dokszyei 1905 32
239. Faie Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1909 16
244. Farinz Gurewitz Smorgoni, Russia 1913 17
253. Freide Gurewitz Wilna, Russia 1911 8
278. Golde Gurewitz Oschmany, Russia 1912 19
279. Golde Gurewitz Obezin, Russia 1912 17
280. Gsak Gurewitz Minsk 1904 42
288. Heme Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1910 53
289. Hene Gurewitz Smoljany, Migilew 1909 19
302. Hinde Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1910 22
303. Hirch Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1907 24
304. Hirsch Gurewitz 1896 31
305. Hirsch Gurewitz Minsk 1904 8
310. Hirsch Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1910 8
316. Idel Gurewitz Minsk 1906 5
344. Jakob Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1907 19
348. Jankel Gurewitz Alschani 1906 10
351. Jankel Gurewitz Grodno, Russia 1912 36
370. Josef Gurewitz Minsk 1904 31
371. Josef Gurewitz Ronenen 1906 26
372. Josef Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1907 6
546. Rade Gurewitz Wilna 1905 21
730. Ytzik Gurewitz Wilna, Wilna 1908 7
539. Pesse Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1910 35
725. Wulf Gurewitz Witebek, Witebek, Russia 1909 21
735. Ziwie Gurewitz Witebsk, Witebsk 1908 41
621. Schafe Gurewitz Minsk, Minsk 1907 20
622. Scharie Gurewitz Russia 1904 9
623. Schaye Gurewitz Minsk 1904 9
617. Sasie Gurewitz Wilna, Russia 1911 15
608. Samuel Gurewitz Minsk 1905 26
73. Bertha Gurewitz Welub, Russia 1909 6
74. Bessie Gurewitz 1896 2
75. Biue Gurewitz Jewje, Wilno 1908 32
671. Sisma Gurewitz Smorjon, Russia 1910 23
116. Chaim Gurewitz Orczia, Russia 1913 21
117. Chain Gurewitz Wilno 1905 19
138. Chane Gurewitz Ekaternioslaw 1906 40
139. Chane Gurewitz Roshiza, Witebsk 1907 30
452. Matus Gurewitz Minsk, Minsk 1908 11
486. Moische Gurewitz Wilna, Russia 1911 6
140. Chane Gurewitz Katerinoslav, Russia 1907 14
143. Chane Gurewitz Ponewisch, Russia 1911 20
148. Ch...na Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1910 5
151. Chashe Gurewitz Slomin, Grodno 1908 28
17. Abram Gurewitz Witebsk 1904 23
18. Abram Gurewitz Slonim, Russia 1906 4
19. Abram Gurewitz Khioien 1906 24
20. Abram Gurewitz Sluck 1907 23 494. Morduch Gurewitz Witebsk, Witebsk 1908
495. Morduch Gurewitz Slabodka, Russia 1908 18
496. Morduch Gurewitz Minsk, Minsk 1909 40
497498. Mosche Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1911 9
508. Mowsche Gurewitz David-Gorodok, Minsk 1907 16
50. Basie Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1910 20
66. Benzian Gurewitz Witebsk, Witebsk 1908 11
67. Benzion Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1907 19
68. Berka Gurewitz Ekaterinoslaw, Russia 1910 28
69. Berke Gurewitz Koidanow, Minsk 1909 31
70. Berko Gurewitz Alschani 1906 44
72. Berl Gurewitz Jewje, Wilno 1908 7
515. Nachinan Gurewitz Wilna, Russia 1911 17
516. Nachmen Gurewitz Bobroisch 1906 20
523. Nohem Gurewitz Minsk 1906 21
559. Reile Gurewitz Wilna 1905 0
560. Reise Gurewitz Minsk 1904 21
573. Riwke Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1907 2
582. Rochel Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1910 20
583. Rochel Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1912 17
591. Ruchame Gurewitz Witebsk, Witebsk 1908 22
621. Schafe Gurewitz Minsk, Minsk 1907 20
622. Scharie Gurewitz Russia 1904 9
623. Schaye Gurewitz Minsk 1904 9
617. Sasie Gurewitz Wilna, Russia 1911 15
608. Samuel Gurewitz Minsk 1905 26
73. Bertha Gurewitz Welub, Russia 1909 6
74. Bessie Gurewitz 1896 2
75. Biue Gurewitz Jewje, Wilno 1908 32
82. Boruck Gurewitz Borisow, Russia 1910 8
98. Chaien Gurewitz Witebsk, Russia 1909 15
99. Chaie Sore Gurewitz Minsk 1906 22
100. Chaie Sore Gurewitz Russia, Resitza Witebsk 1908 28
101. Chaike Gurewitz Lepel, Russia 1907 15
177. Dine Gurewitz Reshiza, Witebsk 1909 16
178. Dinhus Gurewitz Lukoacb 1906 26
179. Diveire Gurewitz Dokszyei 1905 3
180. Dobe Gurewitz Minsk, Russia 1905 19
1. ...eise Rodensky Rokowo, Russia
1907 4 97%
2. Beile Rodensky Rokowo, Russia 1907 6 97%
3. Beile Rodensky Rackow, Minsk 1907 6 97%
4. Dreixe Rodensky Rackow, Minsk 1907 4 97%
5. Naechman J. Rodensky Teliszent 1910 21 97%
6. Roche Rodensky Rokowo, Russia 1907 38 97%
7. Roche Rodensky Rackew, Minsk 1907 38 97%
8. Franz Rotenski Russia 1907 18 97%
9. Moses Rotenski 1906 97%
Searching the Ellis Island Database in One Step
1. Mrs. Jakob Hochstein Paris, France 1910 44
2. Mrs. Julie Hochstein 1906 35
3. Abram Hochstein Warsaw, Poland 1923 22
4. Adolf Hochstein San Francisco 1904 50
5. Adolph Hochstein New York, U.S.A. 1909 49
6. A.L. Hochstein 1895 28
7. Alfred Hochstein 1906 11
8. Anna Hochstein New York 1906 35
9. Arthur Hochstein 1906 9
10. Base-Lila Hochstein Wladiskowitz, Russia 1915 35
11. Basse Hochstein Padelisk 1899 20
12. Beile Hochstein 1896 29
13. Beile Hochstein Radischkewitz, Russia 1907 18
14. Bejla Hochstein Pinska, Poland 1923 15
15. Benjamin Hochstein Podolsk 1899 11
16. Bertha Hochstein 1904 3
17. Chaine Hochstein Talno 1900 9
18. Chaje Hochstein Podolsk 1899 50
19. Chaje Hochstein Kalwaria 1903 8
20. Chane Hochstein Minsk 1906 18
21. Channe Hochstein Kiew 1892 23
22. Channe Hochstein 1896 19
23. Chasche Hochstein Minsk 1905 46
24. Chatzkel Hochstein Nawogrodeh 1904 21
25. David Hochstein 1912 20
26. David Hochstein Rochester 1914 22
27. Doba Hochstein Pinska, Poland 1923 37
28. Dora Hochstein London E., England 1922 53
29. Eisik Hochstein Minsk 1904 21
30. Ekatharisa Hochstein Baden 1903 3
31. Elias Hochstein Kiew 1892 26
32. Elizabeth Hochstein Baden 1903 32
33. Else Hochstein Wilna 1893 5
34. Emil Hochstein Barley 1904 32
35. Erich Hochstein Bad Berka, Germ. 1923 27
36. Etze Hochstein 1897 17
37. Fanni Hochstein Czernouy 1902 36
38. Feige Hochstein Rodickewicz, Russia 1907 17
39. Fora Hochstein Palestine, Jerusalem 1920 29
40. Franz Hochstein 1895 55
41. Franz Hochstein Baden 1903 35
42. Freda Hochstein Jerusalem, Palestina 1921 43
43. Freya Hochstein Kalwaria 1903 26
44. Frieda Hochstein Tena, Germany 1912 22
45. Frume Hochstein Minsk 1902 60
46. Gitel Hochstein Podolsk 1899 17
47. Golde Hochstein Podolsk 1899 22
48. Golde Hochstein Wadishowitz 1904 16
49. Grischa Hochstein 1894 47
50. Heinrich Hochstein 1895 26
51. Henie Hochstein Potasch, Russia 1913 16
52. Herman Hochstein 1920 56
53. Herman Hochstein New York 1922 43
54. Hersch Hochstein Pinsk, Russia 1914 9
55. Hirsch Hochstein 1896 27
56. Isaac Hochstein London 1902 25
57. Isaack Hochstein 1896 9
58. Israel Hochstein Minsk 1905 11
59. Itzrock Hochstein Pohost, Russia 1913 21
60. Jakob Hochstein Paris, France 1910 48
61. Jankel Hochstein Hamburg 1897 10
62. Jankel Hochstein Zamos, Galicia 1914 18
63. Jeruchem Hochstein Radiszkowicz, Russia 1911 32
64. Jguatz Hochstein Czernouy 1902 7
65. Joel Hochstein Ardok 1900 23
66. Josef Hochstein Linargun, Russia 1907 4
67. Joseph Hochstein 1895 58
68. Joseph Hochstein London, 3 mo 1905 29
69. Joshua Hochstein Colon, Canal Zone 1918 20
70. Joshua Hochstein 1918 20
71. Lea Hochstein Riga 1893 16
72. Lea Hochstein Swille 1906 18
73. Lea Hochstein Scheveninger, Holland 1920 33
74. Leib Hochstein Radoskowitz 1906 20
75. Leibe Hochstein Torgowetz, Russia 1910 27
76. Leie Hochstein Potasch, Russia 1913 18
77. Leike Hochstein Minsk 1906 16
78. Leizer Hochstein Rodickewicz, Russia 1907 9
79. Leje Hochstein Pinsk, Russia 1914 11
80. Leon Hochstein 1906 5
81. Leser Hochstein 1892 17
82. Liebe Hochstein Nowogr...ok 1906 22
83. Liebe Hochstein Nowoguidok 1906 24
84. Liebe Hochstein Noregrodok 1906 22
85. Litmann Hochstein Pinsk, Russia 1911 21
86. Loffi Hochstein Czernouy 1902 9
87. Malke Hochstein Telechaw 1906 18
88. Margarethe Hochstein Frankfurt, Germany 1922 19
89. Margaritha Hochstein Baden 1903 7
90. Maria Hochstein Kirua, Hungary 1914 24
91. Martin Hochstein Bombay, India 1913 27
92. Matel Hochstein Lubaszewo 1905 25
93. Max Hochstein Edenboro, Scotland 1914 49
94. Meier Hochstein Wilna 1893 5
95. Meische Hochstein Minsk 1905 10
96. Mendel Hochstein Manchester, England 1920 39
97. Miltan Hochstein Ralibor 1904 5
98. Modecher Hochstein Jerusalem, Palestine 1920 6
99. Moische Hochstein Podolsk 1899 0
100. Moise Hochstein Paris 1902 59
101. Moise Hochstein Palestine, Jerusalem 1920 10
102. Moses Hochstein Zubolotzi 1906 18
103. Nehama Hochstein Jerusalem, Palestina 1921 17
104. Neshane Hochstein Wilna 1893 17
105. Noach Hochstein 1896 8
106. Nofe Hochstein Kalwaria 1903 7
107. Olga Hochstein San Francisco 1904 20
108. Orsgie Hochstein Nowgowd 1893 35
109. Perl Hochstein Pinsk, Russia 1907 20
110. Pesche Hochstein Pinsk, Russia 1914 36
111. Pesha Hochstein Wladiskowitz, Russia 1915 8
112. Pine Hochstein Rodickewicz, Russia 1907 3
113. Rachel Hochstein Podolsk 1899 10
114. Reichel Hochstein Minsk 1904 19
115. Reise Hochstein Linargun, Russia 1907 25
116. Rische Hochstein Wilna 1893 40
117. Riwe Hochstein Nowogr...ok 1906 0
118. Riwe Hochstein Noregrodok 1906 0
119. Rocha Hochstein Rodickewicz, Russia 1907 46
120. Roche Hochstein Minsk 1902 17
121. Rochel Hochstein Tiostisny 1899 44
122. Rosa Hochstein Baden 1903 2
123. Rosa Hochstein Wladiskowitz, Russia 1915 6
124. Ruve Hochstein Nowoguidok 1906 0
125. Sali Hochstein Czernouy 1902 11
126. Samuel Hochstein Riga 1893 7
127. Schifre Hochstein Kalwaria 1903 3
128. Schlaime Hochstein Ratus, Russia 1909 25
129. Schmul Hochstein Radiszkowicz, Russia 1911 19
130. Scholm Hochstein Radischkowitz 1903 23
131. Sender Hochstein Minsk 1903 25
132. Simon Hochstein Czernouy 1902 11
133. Simon Hochstein Radiseowitz 1904 17
134. Sloime Hochstein Minsk 1902 42
135. Sophie Hochstein 1893 30
136. Sore Hochstein 1895 23
137. Sore Hochstein Rodickewicz, Russia 1907 11
138. Sore Hochstein Pinsk, Russia 1910 25
139. Sore Hochstein Talnoje, Russia 1923 65
140. Srul Hochstein Talnoje, Russia 1923 67
141. Sven Hochstein Russia 1892 24
142. Sven Hochstein 1892
143. Symecha Hochstein Lublinske, Poland 1920 50
144. Szeuba Feiga Hochstein Pinska, Poland 1923 14
145. Szloma Hochstein Pinska, Poland 1923 8
146. Theresia Hochstein 1895 22
147. Valesca Hochstein 1904 31
148. Wolf Hochstein Hamburg 1897 9
149. Mrs. Hochstein 1895 52
150. Mrs. Hochstein San Francisco 1904 40
Searching the Ellis
Island Database in One Step
412. Gittel Shapiro Rodeskowiz, Russia
1908 18
587. Jendel Shapiro Boriszow 1903 2
Leiba Shapiro Borisof, Russia 1923 19
678. Leibe Shapiro Minsk, Russia 1907 7
Liche Shapiro Minsk, Russia 1909 21
708. Liebe Shapiro Slutzk, Russia 1910 20
Malke Shapiro Dakschwitz, Russia 1907 20
Mara Shapiro Dokschitz 1897 17
805. Mere Shapiro Oszmiano, Poland 1921 35
814. Michel Shapiro Minsk, Russia 1907 17828.
Moische Shapiro Dalginon, Russia 1910 53 Dolginov?
945. Rasche Shapiro Dalginon, Russia 1910 18
829. Moische Shapiro Horodecz, Russia 1912 16
Gerschon Shapiro Swire, Russia 1907 45
Chawe Shapiro Swintyon 1903 23
Chane Shapiro Pleschtincz, Russia 1907 5
Bertha Shapira Minsk 1903 16
Sara Shapiro Dakschwitz, Russia 1907 17
Alois Benes Radesovice, Bohemia 1913
28 . Alois Benes Radesovice, Bohemia 1913 28 . Iwan Benes Nowogrodek, Russia
1910 26
159. J. Benes
Exact Matches (2)
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
1. Chiena Izygson Raduckwic, Poland 1921 67
2. Judel Izygson Raduckwic, Poland 1921 68
File: IliaRech.zip (1202605 bytes)
DL Time (38666 bps): < 9 minutesSubj: Fwd: Ilia Rechke Reczka Radoszkowicze
Horodok Grodok G
Date: 5/22/01 8:49:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Rosen20817
To: EilatGordn, jbernste@home.com (Jerry Bernstein)
To: narshavs@avoda.jct.ac.il (Moses Varshavsky)
To: Miltone, jbernste@home.com (Gerald Bernstein)
To: LSHofrichter@prodigy.net (Lawrence Hofrichter)
To: gen@nassau.cv.net (Stephen Cohen)
To: liboff@oakland.edu (Abraham Liboff)
To: sirbenjy@pacbell.net (Ben Gore)
To: beryl@ix.netcom.com (Beryl Blickstein)
To: drbroit@hotmail.com (Rene Broit), JeromeR382
To: michaelgrin@earthlink.net (Michael Gringauz)
To: amh@oew-online.com (Ann Hellman) narshavs@avoda.jct.ac.il (Moses Varshavsky)
To: libermn@netvision.net.il (Nahum Liberman)
To: viukerville@worldnet.att.net (Susan Lieberman)
To: hochstei@ucla.edu
To: isaacsonj@hotmail.com (Joel Isaacson)
To: amh@oew-online.com (Ann Hellman)
To: Mizygon@tietronix.com, mizygon@usa.net
To: Izygon@cl.uh.edu (Izygon,Michel)
To: benjamingore@earthlink.net (Benjamin Gore)
To: CamhiMax@hotmail.com
To: radoshkovichlist@egroups.com
To: scottedelman@mindspring.com
To: Richard.F.Bloom@snet.net, Robby6123
To: rbweiss@ix.netcom.com (Randell Weiss)
To: susan.king@trace.cgsg.com, cmeyer@madison.tds.net
To: cohon@sprynet.com (Bennett Cohon)
To: joell@primenet.com (Joel Levinson)
To: avkrauss@actcom.com (Avrohom Krauss), LJL5
To: hotdog@netvision.net.il (Jay Lendfsky), Joelrat
To: edonath@worldnet.att.net (Ethel Donath)
To: mtrap@idt.net (Michael Trapunsky)
To: vitebsk@hotmail.com (Edward Burson)
To: tallison@nwnexus.com (Nancy Fisher-Allison)
To: Zapote1, awouk@nilenet.com (Arthur Wouk)
To: viviennekay@hotmail.com (Vivienne Shilkin)
To: mordechaitzvi@yahoo.com (mordechai tvzi)
To: IlyaResearchGroup@egroups.com
To: shaul3@juno.com (SHAUL HUTNER), GTCTC
To: mizygon@usa.net (Michel Izygon), MStein3912
To: ssepsenw@uwsp.edu (sol sepsenwol), RUTHITZ
To: ETRICHARD, sheferb@ISDN.net.il
To: NORBU108@Tuna.net (Noah Dinnerstein)
To: Lcschecter@cs.com, Simchasch@cs.com, Gaia sngbd
File: IliaRech.zip (1202605 bytes)
DL Time (38666 bps): < 9 minutes
Attached are lists of businesspeople in Radoshkovich and Horodok in 1923, and
a prewar map of Ilya. Many of our surnames, including my SHEPSENWOHL, appear
on the lists.
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Ilia Rechke Reczka Radoszkowicze Horodok Grodok Golowaniesk Holowaniesk
Date: 5/22/01 10:17:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: tomekwisniewski@telbank.pl (TOMEK)
To: Rosen20817@aol.com
You still payed.
I am sending items via email and if you wish send again lists via simply mail.
From: Rosen20817@aol.com
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 11:35:03 EDT
Subject: Re: Ilia Rechke Reczka Radoszkowicze Horodok Grodok Golowaniesk
To: tomekwisniewski@telbank.pl
X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 138
Dear Tomy, I paid $25 at Avotaynu address.
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
Please send address of Golovanevsk person if you can find it!
thank you, Steve
Dear Tomy, I would like the Radoshkovich list and the horodok list if it is
>the Horodok between Radoshkovich and Volozhyn south of Molodechno, as well
as >the map of Ilya region. How do i pay? Do you have any record of who you
>sold the Golovanevsk picture to???
>--Steve Rosen, Bethesda, maryland
1. To send You items I need Your mail.
2. Except both list I could send You good scan of ILYA SCHEME OF THE CITY
(pre war). This good scan and rare $6
3. Total incl mail (the scan via email) will be $25
Prepayment at http://www.avotaynu.com/tomy.htm
Need Your mail adress.
Thank You
TomyP.S. I can locate the man to whom I sold Golovanesk. If find - I inform
Hi Steve
I had Golovanevsk, but was sold.
Have somewhere original pre war military map of Ilya and region around. If
you want I will try to find this..
>Have list of names Radoshkovich dated 1923 y (partly in French). Entirely
>list $8 and Gorodok $7
At 21:51 2001-05-17 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Tomy, I would like the Radoshkovich list and the horodok list if it
>the Horodok between Radoshkovich and Volozhyn south of Molodechno, as well
>the map of Ilya region. How do i pay? Do you have any record of who you
>sold the Golovanevsk picture to???
>--Steve Rosen, Bethesda, maryland
1. To send You items I need Your mail.
2. Except both list I could send You good scan of ILYA SCHEME OF THE CITY
(pre war). This good scan and rare $6
3. Total incl mail (the scan via email) will be $25
Prepayment at http://www.avotaynu.com/tomy.htm
Need Your mail adress.
Thank You
P.S. I can locate the man to whom I sold Golovanesk. If find - I inform You.
Subj: [belarus] Another Better Translation
Date: 5/21/01 9:06:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: fox@erols.com (David M. Fox)
Reply-to: fox@erols.com
To: belarus@lyris.jewishgen.org (Belarus SIG)
Have you ever wanted to sent a letter in Russian to the Archives in Belarus
or to a possible long lost relative still living in Belarus or Russia? How about
sending a email message in Russian or translating a
letter or email message from Russian to English? Have you found a Russian language
website and want to see what it says in English?
Try out http://www.translate.ru/. This webpage seems to work better
than some of the other translation sites that have been discussed
before. According to some language experts, the translation from
English to Russian is very good, but the translation from Russian to
English is a little rough. Also, the response time is a little slow, so
don't give up.
Hope this website is useful for you. Give it a try and let the group
know if it is helpful.
David M. Fox
Arnold, MD USA
Belarus SIG Coordinator
click here for translating
1. Abraham Hodes Wilna 1892 42
2. Abram Hodes Borissow 1907 17
3. Abram Hodes 1914 25
4. Adolf L Hodes 1910
5. Adolf L. Hodes 1913 48
6. Adolph L. Hodes 1910 45
7. Adolph L. Hodes 1912 48
8. A. L. Hodes 1911 46
9. Alter Hodes Kovag 1904 16
10. August Hodes Rochester, N.Y. 1921 51
11. Auguste Hodes Hunfeld, Germany 1909 49
12. Ben Hodes Chicago, Ill. 1921 23
13. Benzion Hodes Wilna 1904 17
14. Berta Hodes Minsk, Russia 1906 4
15. Blanche Hodes London, England 1910 4
16. Blune Hodes Wilna 1892 15
17. Burech Hodes Landwarowo 1906 19
18. Chaim Hodes Wilna 1892 14
19. Chaim Hodes Minsk 1905 30
20. Chane Hodes Oschmiany, Russia 1907 11
21. Chane Hodes Lody, Russia 1914 18
22. Chiene Hodes Wilna 1904 19
23. David Hodes Minsk 1902 30
24. David Hodes Loh... 1902 20
25. Davies Hodes London 1904 24
26. Davis Hodes London 1906 24
27. Dicse Hodes Ottnowitzky 1901 62
28. Dora Hodes London 1906 20
29. Doris Hodes London, England 1910 4
30. Elisabeth Hodes 1912 42
31. Elise Hodes 1892 24
32. Elizabeth Hodes Baltimore, M. 1911 40
33. Elka Hodes Miadziol, Poland 1921 31
34. Emma Hodes London, England 1910 41
35. Ester Hodes Smergow 1906 20
36. Ester Hodes Kiew, Russia 1906 48
37. Ester Hodes Schaki, Russia 1910 52
38. Ettel Hodes Minsk, Russia 1912 11
39. Faiwe Mote Hodes Kowno, Russia 1912 20
40. Feige Hodes Hahausk 1899 21
41. Feige Hodes London 1904 17
42. Feiwel Hodes Liban 1892 7
43. Ferdinand Hodes 1893 46
44. Ferdinand Hodes Chicago 1912 43
45. Ferdinand Hodes 1912 43
46. Ferdinand Hodes Chicago 1920 52
47. Ferdinand Hodes Chicago, Ill. 1923 55
48. Ferdinand Hodes Chicago, Ills 1924 55
49. Freide Hodes ...esoht 1906 8
50. Gerkow Hodes Grokok 1900 22
51. Gerschon Hodes Horisow, Russia 1912 19
52. Gersz Hodes Miadziol, Poland 1921 8
53. Gesche Hodes 1894 17
54. Helen Hodes Aubunn, Wash. 1914 26
55. Helen Hodes Chicago, Ill. 1920 32
56. Helene Hodes Offenbach, Germany 1914 26
57. Herman Hodes Leeds 1905 17
58. Hersch Pinches Hodes London 1905 43
59. Hirsch Hodes Wilna, Russia 1909 17
60. Hirsch David Hodes Minsch 1906 18
61. Hyman Hodes London 1905 50
62. Isadore Hodes Riga, Russia 1909 11
63. Ite Hodes Kovag 1904 15
64. Itke Hodes Minsk 1902 48
65. Itte Riwe Hodes Kowno, Russia 1912 20
66. Itzik Hodes 1892 4
67. Itzko Hodes Ponewes 1905 16
68. Ivan Hodes Fordovilma, Hungary 1912 46
69. Jacob Hodes Minsk, Russia 1906 7
70. Jankal Hodes Aniksktz, Russia 1908 30
71. Jankel Hodes Minsk 1898 23
72. Jankel Hodes Oschmiany, Russia 1907 6
73. Jente Hodes Minsk 1906 18
74. Johanna Hodes 1896 25
75. John E. Hodes 1921 30
76. Josef Hodes Minsk 1902 9
77. Joseph Hodes Richmond, Pa. 1909 34
78. Joseph Hodes ..., Russia 1912 4
79. Joseph Hodes 1920 45
80. Joseph Hodes Richmond, Va. 1924 49
81. Jossel Hodes 1892 22
82. Judel Hodes Minsk 1904 28
83. Juliane Hodes Hunfeld 1892 55
84. Kerschet Hodes Bren, Russia 1912 18
85. Kusriel Hodes Gicsen 1897 51
86. Leie Hodes Wilna 1904 25
87. Leopold Hodes 1896 21
88. Lifsche Hodes Minsk, Russia 1912 4
89. Lina Hodes 1892 3
90. Lina Hodes Hunfeld, Germany 1923 23
91. Lina R. Hodes Baltimore, M. 1911 48
92. Linse Hodes Hahausk 1899 15
93. Lizzie Hodes 1910 40
94. Loie Hodes Minsk, Austria 1910 17
95. Louis Hodes London 1905 30
96. Louise Hodes 1893 42
97. Mane Hodes Gombin 1903 19
98. Mane Hodes Kiew, Russia 1906 17
99. Marcus Hodes Borysow, Russia 1911 0
100. Margaret Hodes Baltimore, M. 1911 25
101. Marie Hodes Lodz 1913 20
102. Masic Hodes Minsk, Russia 1906 19
103. Mathilde Hodes Hunfeld 1892 24
104. Menachem Hodes Minsk 1904 25
105. Menya Hodes Borissow 1907 16
106. Mere Hodes ...esoht 1906 44
107. Moische Hodes ...esoht 1906 6
108. Moische Hodes Barisow, Russia 1909 10
109. Morris Hodes 1907 48
110. Moses Hodes 1892 0
111. Moses Hodes Bialystock 1892 24
112. Mowsche Hodes Borisow, Russia 1913 17
113. Naftoli Hodes Barisow, Russia 1909 20
114. Nosen Hodes Oschmiany, Russia 1907 8
115. Peisach Hodes Ponewes 1905 14
116. Rachel Hodes Brezen Minsk, Russia 1913 18
117. Rebecca Hodes London, England 1911 48
118. Rifke Hodes London 1905 15
119. Rivka Hodes ..., Russia 1912 38
120. Roche Hodes 1892 38
121. Rose Hodes 1892 9
122. Sarah Hodes London, England 1911 10
123. Schenie Hodes Minsk, Russia 1906 32
124. Schifne Hodes Sworgan 1905 20
125. Schmerl Hodes D awidgorodok, Minsk, Russia 1913 23
126. Slowa Hodes Sachi Suw, Russia 1911 18
127. Solomon Hodes London, Eng. 1911 45
128. Soni Hodes Kiew, Russia 1906 9
129. Sophie Hodes Corona, L.I. 1920 33
130. Sore Hodes Oschmiany, Russia 1907 9
131. Sore Hodes Borisow, Russia 1910 22
132. Stiche Hodes Borysow, Russia 1911 26
133. Taube Hodes Libau, Latvia 1921 40
134. Teige Hodes Beresin 1902 18
135. Tile Hodes Minsk, Russia 1912 40
136. William Hodes Glasgow, Scotland 1908 18
137. Wolf Hodes Ottnowitzky 1901 66
138. Zerle Hodes ...esoht 1906 10
139. Zlata Hodes London, England 1911 8
140. ... Hodes Ponitwicz 1899 16
1. Abr. Chodes Wilna 1905 27
2. Abram Chodes Czerkes 1905 17
3. Alexander Chodes Lopatzes, Russia 1909 26
4. Alte Chodes Smalgow, Russia 1909 22
5. Alter Chodes Miadly, Russia 1909 20
6. Aron Chodes Wilna 1900 22
7. Bassia Chodes Koyziwce, Rissa 1921 60
8. Benjamin Chodes Bastaw 1905 4
9. Benjamin Chodes Cherbourg, France 1924 65
10. Berl Chodes Kiejev 1905 24
11. Boruch Chodes Molodeczno, Russia 1912 10
12. Chaie Mulke Chodes Doljenowa, Russia 1908 8
13. Chaja Chodes Molodeczno, Russia 1912 11
14. Chaje Chodes Borisow, Minsk 1908 23
15. Chane Bosche Chodes Miadal 1898 20
16. Chani Chodes Wilna 1910 28
17. Channe Chodes Russia 1904 18
18. Chasie Chodes Doljenowa, Russia 1908 33
19. Chaske Chodes Paderez, Russia 1913 18
20. Chiena Chodes Miadol, Russia 1913 20
21. Cipe Chodes Kiejev 1905 22
22. Dine Chodes 1906
23. Dwojra Chodes Zanarecz, Poland 1921 50
24. Elsbicta Chodes Zagora
. Ester Chodes Kremencpug, Russia 1914 21
Exact Matches (70)
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
1. Abraham Sklut Radeskowice 1900 27
2. Adam Sklut Reskanel, Russia 1909 19
3. Alter Sklut Walosin 1905 30
4. Batavia Sklut ... 1907 0
5. Berl Sklut Walosin, Russia 1910 7
6. Chane Sklut Denewizki 1905 7
7. Chiene Sklut Lebadow, Russia 1911 6
8. D...al Sklut Radak 1907 25
9. David Sklut Wilns 1898 19
10. David Sklut Radak 1907 5
11. Devera Sklut Uzde 1902 9
12. Dobe Sklut Limst 1907 20
13. Dwoire Sklut Radiskewitz 1905 25
14. Esau Sklut 1896 1
15. Esther Sklut Gorodok, Russia 1907 18
16. Ettel Sklut Malozyn 1898 16
17. Faje Sosche Sklut Lebadow, Russia 1911 4
18. Felix Sklut Wilna 1905 25
19. Freide Sklut Walosin, Russia 1910 30
20. Frume Sklut Denewizki 1905 4
21. Getze Sklut Radiskewitz 1905 2
22. Ite Elke Sklut Lebadow, Russia 1911 30
23. Iwan Sklut Bortyle 1907 20
24. Jan Sklut Opedamiczi, Russia 1909 28
25. Jankel Sklut Radiskewitz 1905 5
26. Jankel Sklut ... 1906 6
27. Josef Sklut Minsk, 1905 21
28. Josepha Sklut Naschkinski 1904 18
29. Jude Sklut Gorodok 1904 31
30. Judel Sklut Minsk 1907 33
31. Julian Sklut Nowodwor, Russia 1913 19
32. Kalmen Sklut Denewizki 1905 11
33. Leib Sklut Vishnewo, Russia 1911 33
34. Leibe Sklut Denewizki 1905 9
35. Leic Sklut Uzde 1902 25
36. Leiser Sklut Wolonyn, Russia 1909 33
37. L. Feride Sklut Valozyn 1898 42
38. Lorre Sklut Malozyn 1898 11
39. Louis Sklut 1896 3
40. Mariascha Sklut Denewizki 1905 39
41. Mariasche Sklut Malozyn 1898 3
42. Marjana Sklut Bartelej, Russia 1912 52
43. Mattes Sklut Radak 1907 1
44. Mayer Sklut Welna 1906 18
45. Meier Abram Sklut Walosin, Russia 1910 5
46. Meyer Sklut Volosin 1898 14
47. Michal Sklut Poznanka, Austria 1909 26
48. Moische Sklut Walosi, Russia 1910 10
49. Moses Sklut Valosin 1903 25
50. Mottel Sklut Denewizki 1905 16
51. Neime Sklut Wisnieco 1907 18
52. Nissen Sklut Wilna 1904 19
53. Osip Sklut Wilha 1901 22
54. Ossif Sklut Wilna 1893 26
55. Piotr Sklut Bartschu 1905 20
56. Piotr Sklut Opedamiczi, Russia 1909 0
57. Rachel Sklut ... 1906 4
58. Ragina Sklut Opedamiczi, Russia 1909 25
59. Rasche Sklut Walosi, Russia 1910 3
60. Rischa Sklut Volosin 1898 30
61. Rochel Sklut Kudonrwo, Minsk 1908 50
62. Rochke Sklut Wilna 1904 19
63. Scheine Sklut 1896 25
64. Scheine Sklut Walosi, Russia 1910 9
65. Schmaie Sklut Kowno 1902 19
66. Schoike Sklut Wolozyn 1905 19
67. Simon Sklut Oschmine 1906 29
68. Ttske Sklut Deurmutoch 1902 28
69. Winzenti Sklut Wilna 1907 18
70. Yong Sklut New York, NY 1924 52
I found one Taler from Radoshkovichi on the http://www.ellisislandrecords.org/
site #4
1....hda Taler 1896 6
2. Abram Taler Brzesany , , 1906 31
3. Abram Taler ... 1906 25
4. Abram Taler Radiskowtz, Russia 1913 19
5. Abram Taler Maczen Russia 1913 6
6. Abram L. Taler Dubno, Russia 1907 26
7. Ana Taler Lissza, Russia 1906 26
8. Braine Taler Podolsk 1907 0
9. Braine Taler Gomel, Russia 1923 9
10. Chaim Taler Podolsk 1907 3
11. Chaim Taler Wilno, Pinsk, Reg. 1922 12
12. Chaim Taler Gomel, Russia 1923 16
13. Chifra Taler Gomel, Russia 1923 38
14. Elias Taler Lemberg, Austria 1913 49
15. Elie Taler Slutzk, Russia 1912 33
16. Eusebio Taler Span. American 1905 58
17. Faibisch Taler Podolsk 1907 48
18. Feige Taler 1896 40
19. Fola Taler Gomel, Russia 1923 13
20. Frank Taler St. Leonards 1893 5
21. Freida Taler 1902
22. Freide Taler Kryvonos 1902 17
23. Harry Taler St. Leonards 1893 9
24. Henne Taler Podolsk 1907 34
25. Hermann Taler 1896 1
26. Ivan Taler 1905 25
27. Julius Taler Norfolk, VA 1920 28
28. Lam Taler 1913
29. Lea Taler Storozynetz, Austria 1907 18
30. Lea Rania Taler Wilno, Pinsk, Reg. 1922 40
31. Mabel Taler St. Leonards 1893 7
32. Malke Taler Stryj 1901 20
33. Marjashe Taler Slutzk, Russia 1907 22
34. Meilach Taler Wilno, Pinsk, Reg. 1922 11
35. Moise Taler Wilno, Pinsk, Reg. 1922 13
36. Napolean Taler Span. American 1905 22
37. Noech Taler Wilno, Pinsk, Reg. 1922 9
38. Pesse Taler Podolsk 1907 7
39. Peter Taler Drakovar, Hungary 1906 24
40. Pietro Taler Wilkesbare, Pa. 1909 45
41. Reioel Taler Jassy, Roumania 1910 17
42. Reisel Taler Maczen Russia 1913 9
43. Rene Taler St. Leonards 1893 3
44. Riste Taler Prilep 1899 30
45. Rosa Taler 1896 14
46. Salmon Taler Sluek, Russia 1910 32
47. Sander Taler Minsk 1904 33
48. Sisonio Taler 1893 30
49. Solomon Taler Yasto, Poland 1920 22
50. Srul Taler Podolsk 1907 5
51. Sure Taler Maczen Russia 1913 50
52. Wolf Taler Glusk, Russia 1913 30
53. Yanka Taler 1896 8
54. M. Taler St. Leonards 1893 30
1. Abram Tuler Lubomle, Russia 1908 15
2. Beile Tuler Winnizor, Russia 1907 4
3. Bisele Tuler Russia, Sudelkoa 1909 9
4. Chaje Tuler Russia, Sudelkoa 1909 40
5. Enrica Tuler 1893 21
6. Haim Tuler Constantinople 1903 4
7. Hirsch Tuler Winnizor, Russia 1907 8
8. Jakob Tuler Krasny Steiw, Poland 1921 20
9. Janos Tuler M. Buzbrane 1902 39
10. Josef Leib Tuler Lubomle, Russia 1908 10
11. Leje Tuler Russia, Sudelkoa 1909 13
12. Mamul Tuler Marian, Russia 1907 20
13. Meer Tuler Hamburg 1906 26
14. Menache Tuler Winnizor, Russia 1907 6
15. Mendel Tuler London 1903 40
16. Moische Tuler Winnizor, Russia 1907 10
17. Motel Tuler Russia, Sudelkoa 1909 11
18. Oswald Tu...ler 1924 41
19. Rafael Tuler Lubomle, Russia 1908 17
20. Riwke Tuler Winnizor, Russia 1907 43
21. Scheindel Tuler Russia, Sudelkoa 1909 7
22. Sore Tuler Winnizor, Russia 1907 18
23. Uszer Tuler Macieglow, Poland 1923 20
lick here for http://www.ellisislandrecords.org/
Subj: Taller Rosa and Dina from Radoshkovichi.
Date: 18.05.2001.
From: asiaalperovich@hotmail.com (Shlomo Alperovich from Israel)
To: EilatGordn@aol.com.
I would like to ask for your help in finding my grandmothers sisters or their
Here is some information that will help you;
Rosa- was born in 1903 and Dina was born in 1905.
They were born in Radoshkovichi to Taller Eleberl and Zelda.
There were three sisters they two and my grandmother- Stysa was born in 1900.
After their parents passed away Stysa gat married to my grandfather in Rakov.
Rosa and Dina were sent to America to live with relatives some where between
1920 and 1922.
After the war they found my mother Zelda, who lived then in Kurenets, and they
stayed in touch for some time. But now my mother passed and I dont have
their address any more.
One of them got married and her last name became Blok but I cant be sure
that I remember correctly.
Thanks for your cooperating
Shlomo Alperovich.
Shlomo Alperovich <asiaalperovich@hotmail.com>
afula, israel -
I would like to thank Charles Straczynski for letting me post his story on the
site. Charles is a Christian man who was born in the U.S.A in 1929. He and his
family came to visit other members of the family who lived in the area in 1939.
the Russian took control of the area shortly after they arrived, the family
could not return to the U.S.A for six years and Charles was a Witness to the
horrors after the German invaded in 1941.
here to read Charles story;
I received an instant massage;
GTCTC: Hi.. mind a intrusion ??
GTCTC: I received a email about the alpert name from you ??
EilatGordn: Are you there?
GTCTC: yes i found the naturalization papers on my grandfather ,,, so i know
pretty much when he came
EilatGordn: when did they came?
GTCTC: oct 18 1898
EilatGordn: Where is your Alpert from?
GTCTC: elia russia
EilatGordn: Mine is from near by Kurenets
EilatGordn: are there other last names from Ilia?
GTCTC: they may have changed name from altuch
GTCTC: and they came via hamburg Germany
EilatGordn: Do you know if other relatives where in Ilia during the Holocaust?
EilatGordn: I have the Yizkor book for Ilia
GTCTC: dont know
GTCTC: i know that my grandfather and his brother and mother and i think his
sister came over in 1898 and his father came a few years earlier
GTCTC: all depends on what paper i look,, 1920 census says they came in 1904
but on naturalzation it says 1898
EilatGordn: Do you have any relatives in Israel from the Ilia side?
GTCTC: dont know ,, i started my research only 6 months ago ,, not much family
alive that knows anything
EilatGordn: where are you?
GTCTC: florida
EilatGordn: i am in L.A. and it is 6;26 am here
GTCTC: I know my great grandfathers name was Samuel. His fathers' name was Abraham.
Subj: "they may have changed name from altuch "
Date: 5/14/01 4:11:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: EilatGordn
You wrote...they may have changed name from altuch
In the list of the perished in Ilia during the holocaust; Altuch Mendel, Sara
Lea, Michael,Hoda, Rivka and Leibe.
A note from the radoshkovichlist
From: Miles Hochstein
Date: Sun May 6, 2001 6:51 pm
Subject: Pictures of pre-WW1 Radoshvoich? Later pictures?
Dear List Members:
I would be very interested in seeing a few early photos of Radoshkovich, just
to get a sense of the place. If anyone has such pictures and would be able to
share them with me in jpeg or other form I would be most grateful.
I am also considering putting together a small web page describing Radoshkovitz
(as well as Timkovichi, a nearby town I believe), if enough pictures could be
located to portray the place. If I were to do this it might be supplemented
with very brief quotations from the Radoshkovich Yizkor book, and other historical
material, if appropriate permissions could be obtained. But that is for the
If you yourself do not have any pictures of the town, but know of a source that
might, I'd be delighted to learn about it.
My email is available at this web http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~hochstei/HomeMH.htm
Thanks very much for your help.
Name of Passenger; Chane Kriger Residence;
Radiskewitz Arrived;1905 Age on Arrival ;55
Exact Matches (265)
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
1. ... Meier Gitlin Reri... 1900 18
2. Abe Gitlin Kriwitz 1906 5 Krivichi
3. Abrahm Gitlin Katarlik 1907 62
4. Abram Gitlin Minsk 1904 17 Minsk
5. Abram Gitlin Ostroleuka, Russia 1906 38
6. Abram Gitlin Tschaschniki, Russia 1909 30
7. Abram Gitlin Sloninn, Russia 1910 5 Slonim
8. Abram Gitlin Marinpol/Russia 1913 27
9. Abram Gitlin Gordoczis, Russia 1913 17
10. Abram Itze Gitlin Radoszkowicziz 1903 23 radoshkovichi
11. Abr. F. Gitlin 1896 48
12. Anna Gitlin Grodno 1900 5 Grodno
13. Aron Dawid Gitlin Borcsow, Russia 1912 11 Borisov
14. Bakin Gitlin Horlau, Roumania 1911 20
15. Beile Gitlin Minsk 1898 55 Minsk
16. Beile Gitlin Berezany 1904 20
17. Bencze Gitlin Kapitkewitz 1906 21
18. Benjamin Gitlin Zotudok, Poland 1921 25
19. Benzron Gitlin Rudrizo, Russia 1912 27
20. Berel Gitlin Slutzk, Russia 1910 8 Slutzk
21. Berko Gitlin Uzola, Poland 1921 18
22. Berl Gitlin Borisow, Russia 1914 19 Borisov
23. Blum E. Gitlin 1904 23
24. Blume Gitlin Laban 1904 23 Luban
25. Blume Gitlin Usda, Minsk 1908 26 Uzda
26. Boruch Gitlin Minsk 1904 23 Minsk
27. Boruch Gitlin Katarlik 1907 11
28. Breine Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1906 40 Minsk
29. Broche Gitlin Kopatkewitz, Russia 1912 7
30. Chaie Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1906 7 Minsk
31. Chaie Gitlin Mohilew 1906 22
32. Chaie Gitlin Wilna, Wilna 1907 7 Vilna
33. Chaim Gitlin Ko...ano 1904 23
34. Chaim Gitlin Russia 1904 27
35. CHAIM GITLIN VILNA 1905 21 Vilna
36. Chaim Gitlin Dalhinow 1905 9 Dolhinov
37. Chaim Gitlin Wilna 1906 23 Vilna
38. Chaim Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1909 33 Minsk
39. Chaim Gitlin Dalhinow, Russia 1911 21 Dolhinov
40. Chaim Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1913 40 Minsk
41. Chaim Ber Gitlin Borcsow, Russia 1912 4 Borisov
42. Chaje Gitlin Minsk 1905 37 Minsk
43. Chane Gitlin Katarlik 1907 60
44. Chane Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1914 11 Minsk
45. Chasche Gitlin 1896 17
46. Chasche Gitlin Borcsow, Russia 1912 9 Borisov
47. Chassie Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1914 1 minsk
48. Chawe Gitlin Kiew, Russia 1907 2
49. Chawe Gitlin Czaszniki, Russia 1911 31
50. Cheike Gitlin Sloninn, Russia 1910 43 Slonim
51. Chiena Gitlin Slutzk, Russia 1910 10 Slutzk
52. Dane Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1914 9
53. David Gitlin London 1904 28
54. David Gitlin Koiweper 1906 8
55. David Gitlin Reisk, Poland 1920 19
56. Dina Gitlin Chichersk, Russia 1923 18
57. Dische Gitlin Dwinsk 1903 40
58. Dische Gitlin Dwinsk 1903 40
59. Divoira Gitlin Kriwoyrog, Russia 1914 14
60. Dobe Gitlin Minsk 1905 14 Minsk
61. Dobe Gitlin Moloslochua, Russia 1907 22
62. Dobre Gitlin Wilow 1902 17
63. Eidi Gitlin Dokoyoz, Russia 1911 3
64. Eidla Gitlin Kriwitz 1906 40 Krivichi
65. Eileen Gitlin Durban, S. Africa 1921 4
66. Elie Gitlin Dalhinow 1905 2 Dolhinov
67. Elie Gitlin Bokemisk 1906 31
68. Eschna Gitlin Lachowic 1905 16
69. Esik Gitlin DAlhins 1905 35 Dolhinov
70. Eske Gitlin Witebsk, Russia 1910 33 Vitbesk
71. Ester Gitlin Minsk 1905 11 Minsk
72. Ester Gitlin Sloninn, Russia 1910 22 Slonim
73. Ester Gitlin Orsha, Russia 1923 13 Orsha
74. ettel gitlin Minsk 1906 16 Minsk
75. Ettel Gitlin Ostroleuka, Russia 1906 22
76. Eva Gitlin Minsk 1904 19 Minsk
77. Eva Gitlin Glasgow 1906 19
78. Faiovel Gitlin Dialystok 1897 20
79. Fanny Gitlin Bobrnisk 1905 18
80. Feiga Gitlin Kriwoyrog, Russia 1914 56 krivichy?
81. Feige Gitlin Uzda 1906 18 Uzda
82. Freide Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1906 3 Minsk
83. Freide Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1914 5 Minsk
84. Frume Gitlin Kriwitz 1906 9 Krivichi
85. Gedalia Gitlin Rargton 1899 45
86. Genia Gitlin Orsha, Russia 1923 11 Orsha
87. Gersch Gitlin Radoskonicz, Russia 1914 25 Radoshkovichi
88. Gerschen Gitlin Witebok, Russia 1910 32
89. Gilia Gitlin Tschaschniki, Russia 1909 22
90. Gite Gitlin Minsk, Minsk 1908 63 Minsk
91. Gitel Gitlin Kiew, Russia 1907 34
92. Glauschai Gitlin Odessa, Russia 1909 28
93. Goda Gitlin Wilna, Wilna 1907 4 Vilna
94. Golda Gitlin Lowin 1905 17
95. Golda Gitlin Krsywice, Poland 1922 55
96. Golde Gitlin 1893 25
97. Golde Gitlin Susorgan, Russia 1910 18 Smorgon?
98. Gore Gitlin Dolginow 1898 26 Dolhinov
99. Gule Gitlin Borisar 1905 24 Borisov
100. Guto Gitlin 1896 0
4101. Hede Gitlin Krewitz 1906 10 Krivichi
102. Henech Gitlin 1904 25
103. Henech Gitlin Laban 1904 25 Luban
104. Henia Gitlin Rodoszkewicka, Poland 1921 34 Radoshkovichi
105. Hilel Gitlin Czaszniki, Russia 1911 2
106. Israel Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1909 32 Minsk
107. Israel Gitlin Bayonne, N.J. 1922 19
108. Israel Gitlin Bayonne, N.J. 1922 19
109. Itke Gitlin Dohszieg, 1904 21
110. Itte Gitlin Dalhinow 1905 40 Dolhinov
111. Itzak Gitlin Dokschitz 1904 26 Dokshitz
112. Itzik Gitlin Borisow, Russia 1913 22 Borisov
113. Jacob Gitlin Dokoyoz, Russia 1911 6
114. Jankel Gitlin Sluck, Russia 1910 9 Slutz
115. Jankel Gitlin Chlopnie, Russia 1912 20
116. Jankel Gitlin Roski, Russia 1913 21
117. Jasckel Gitlin 1896 11
118. Jente Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1906 11 Minsk
119. Jente Gitlin Krewitz 1906 56 Krivichi
120. Joel Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1906 7 Minsk
121. Jsaak Gitlin 1896 26
122. Jtzig Gitlin Minsk 1905 32 Minsk
123. Julius Gitlin Grodno 1900 35 Grodno
124. Julius Gitlin Wilejka, Russia 1908 41 Vileyka
125. June Gitlin 1894 27
126. Kalmen Gitlin Borisow, Russia 1910 41 Borisov
127. Kive Gitlin London, England 1904 38
128. Kopel Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1914 7 Minsk
129. Kusel Gitlin Uzda, Russia 1911 16 Uzda
130. Lazar Gitlin Krsywice, Poland 1922 57
131. Leib Gitlin Usda, Minsk 1908 0 Uzda
132. Leib Gitlin Wetka, Russia 1910 21
133. Leib Gitlin Rziszozew, Russia 1910 18
134. Leib Gitlin Naspa, Russia 1914 48
135. Leibe Gitlin Kopatkewitz, Russia 1912 17
136. Leic Gitlin Wilna, Wilna 1907 5 Vilna
137. Leiser Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1914 3 Minsk
138. Leja Gitlin Minsk 1905 8 Minsk
139. Lew Gitlin Grodno 1900 1 Grodno
140. Lewis Gitlin New York 1912 28
141. Liba Gitlin Rodoszkewicka, Poland 1921 10 Radoshkovichi
142. Liebe Gitlin Minsk 1904 21 Minsk
143. Liebe Gitlin Butzlow, Russia 1908 14
144. Liebe Gitlin Kopatkewitz, Russia 1912 19
145. Lina Gitlin Dokoyoz, Russia 1911 29
146. Lina Gitlin 1911
147. Liwsza Gitlin Uzola, Poland 1921 55
148. Louis Gitlin Rochester, New York 1920 37
149. Louis Gitlin Rochester, NY 1922 38
150. Lroul Gitlin Minsk 1906 30 Minsk
151. Lube Gitlin Suiorgan 1904 25 Smorgon?
152. Malke Gitlin Koiweper 1906 4
153. Malke Gitlin Gluboki, Russia 1910 18 Globoki
154. Malke Gitlin Czaszniki, Russia 1911 5
155. Mandel Gitlin Boit, Russia 1904 25
156. Maria Gitlin Grodno 1900 24
157. Marjano Gitlin Kapalnewiez, Russia 1913 27
158. Markiel Gitlin Bocki, Poland 1921 59
159. Masche Gitlin Doknycy 1905 23
160. Mascke Gitlin Limppel 1901 16
161. Mase Gitlin 1893 5
162. Matle Gitlin Borcsow, Russia 1912 13
163. Meische Gitlin Usda 1906 29 Uzda
164. Meite Gitlin Paris, Franch 1909 22
165. Mendcl Gitlin Witebsk, Russia 1910 10 Vitbesk
166. Mendel Gitlin Dokschitz, Russia 1910 21 Dokshitzi
167. Mendel Gitlin Doksis, Rusjia 1912 22
168. Menucho... Gitlin Bocki, Poland 1921 57
169. Mere Gitlin 1896 2
170. Merke Gitlin Wilna, Wilna 1907 28 Vilna
171. Meyer Gitlin Sebastopol 1905 23
172. Michel Gitlin Minsk 1905 2 Minsk
173. Minja Gitlin Dolginow, Russia 1911 20 Dolhinov
174. Morbuch Gitlin Wilna 1905 25 Vilna
175. Mordche Gitlin Dolginow 1898 4 Dolhinov
176. Mordche Gitlin Wilna 1906 19 Vilna
177. Morduch Gitlin Czasnik, Russia 1909 3
178. Moruscha Gitlin Sloninn, Russia 1910 10 Slonim
179. Mosche Gitlin Kodmice, Russia 1913 20
180. Moschka Gitlin Kriwerok, Russia 1913 19
181. Mose Gitlin Krewitz 1906 8 Krivichi
182. Moses Gitlin 1893 3
183. Motel Gitlin Kojolynow, Russia 1911 20
184. Mottel Gitlin Russia, Koradkewiz 1911 49
185. Mowscha Gitlin Naspa, Russia 1911 19
186. Mowscha Gitlin Kopatkewitz, Russia 1912 11
187. Mowsches Gitlin Minsk 1904 52 Minsk
188. Nachman Gitlin Susorgan, Russia 1910 11
189. Nathan Gitlin Glasgow 1906 50
190. Nicholas Gitlin New York City 1913 34
191. Nicholas Gitlin Providence, R. I. 1919 41
192. Nicholas Gitlin Brooklyn, N.Y. 1923 44
193. Nicolas Gitlin Buenos Ayres 1906 27
194. Nochem Gitlin Slje 1903 16
195. Oscher Gitlin 1896 9
196. Owsei Gitlin Krewitz 1906 17 Krivichi
197. Pese Gitlin Kiew, Russia 1907 4
198. Pesse Gitlin 1893 7
199. Peszy Gitlin Bocki, Poland 1921 24
200. Pysach Gitlin Zotudok, Poland 1921 21
201. Rachel Leah Gitlin London, England 1916 12
202. Ray Gitlin Durban, S. Africa 1921 38
203. Rebecca Gitlin London 1906 20
204. Reisel Gitlin Koiweper 1906 11
205. Reisel Gitlin Kiew, Russia 1907 6
206. Reiza Gitlin Orsha, Russia 1923 42 Orsha
207. Rewve Gitlin Krewitz 1906 14 Krivichi
208. Rissel Gitlin Dalquef, Russia 1913 23 Dolhinov?
209. Riwe Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1906 11 Minsk
210. Riwe Gitlin Butzlow, Russia 1908 20
211. Riwe Gitlin Glinsin, Russia 1909 18
212. Riwe Mire Gitlin Borcsow, Russia 1912 46 Borisov
213. Riwhe Gitlin Dohszieg, 1904 0
214. Riwke Gitlin Dolginow 1898 6 Dolhinov
215. Roche Gitlin Czasnik, Russia 1909 26
216. Roche Gitlin Witebsk, Russia 1910 3 Vitebesk
217. Roche Gitlin Dalwini, Russia 1912 17 Dolhinov
218. Rode Gitlin 1896 15
219. Rose Gitlin Dolginou, Russia 1908 23 Dolhinov
220. Rose Gitlin Sluck, Russia 1910 7 Sluzk
221. Roza Gitlin Rodoszkewicka, Poland 1921 6 Radoshkovichi
222. Ruchel Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1914 38 Minsk
223. Salmen Gitlin Mohilew 1906 25
224. Saloman Gitlin Komel 1913 16
225. Salomon Gitlin Minsk 1904 24 Minsk
226. Salomon Gitlin Dokszycz 1905 19 Dokshitzi
227. Samuel Gitlin Wilna, Russia 1909 48 Vilna
228. Sam Gitlin Giaffa 1910 26
229. Sarah Gitlin Bayonne, N.J. 1920 28
230. Sare Gitlin Borisar 1905 0
231. Schaie Gitlin Borcsow, Russia 1912 8 Borisov
232. Schaine Gitlin 1896 44
233. Schaje Gitlin Donilewicz, Russia 1909 19 Dunilovich
234. Schleinne Gitlin Butlow 1905 20
235. Schlome Gitlin Kopatkewitz, Russia 1912 9
236. Schumel Gitlin Volginow 1906 16 Dolhinov
237. Selig Gitlin Mohilew 1906 18
238. Shaia Gitlin Orsha, Russia 1923 16 Orsha
239. Shmul Gitlin Wilna 1905 53 Vilna
240. Sholom Gitlin Koiweper 1906 9
241. Simche Gitlin Dalhinow 1905 6 Dolhinov
242. Sissel Gitlin Koiweper 1906 30
243. Sofia Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1912 17
244. Sonc Gitlin Witebsk, Russia 1910 4 Vitebesk
245. Sonja Gitlin Rodoszkewicka, Poland 1921 8 Radoshkovichi
246. Sora Gitlin Kopatkewitz, Russia 1912 46
247. Sorack Gitlin 1894 30
248. Sore Gitlin Dwinsk 1903 3
249. Sore Gitlin Dwinsk 1903 3
250. Sore Gitlin Minsk 1906 15 Minsk
251. Sore Gitlin Sloninn, Russia 1910 15 Slonim
252. Sore Mische Gitlin Borcsow, Russia 1912 14 Borisov
253. Sory Gitlin Bocki, Poland 1921 22
254. Sure Gitlin Kiew, Russia 1907 6
255. Weltwel Gitlin Kiew, Russia 1907 9
256. Welwel Gitlin ..., Russia 1913 18
257. Wulf Gitlin Czaszniki, Russia 1911 6
258. Zaita Gitlin Sluck, Russia 1910 35 Sluzk
259. Zalel Gitlin Minsk, Russia 1912 17 Minsk
260. Zalmen Gitlin Doknycy 1905 24
261. Zelda Gitlin Gluboki, Russia 1913 18
262. Zimel Gitlin Kopatkewitz, Russia 1912 5
263. Zire Gitlin Minsk 1905 6 minsk
264. Zissja Gitlin Usola, Russia 1910 16
265. Zlate Gitlin Kiew, Russia 1907 9
1. ...h. B. Ruderman ... 1903 25
2. A... Ruderman Wilna, Russia 1906 6
3. Abraham Ruderman Wilna 1893 32
4. Abram Ruderman Horodok 1905 19
5. Abram Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1911 35
6. Abram Ruderman Schnadowo, Russia 1911 19
7. Basha Ruderman Wilna, Russia 1906 30
8. Benzian Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1910 25
9. Berl Ruderman Sarnacholowicz 1901 21
10. Berta Ruderman Gomel, Russia 1907 24
11. Chaim Ruderman 1904 23
12. Chana Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1911 12
13. Chane Ruderman 1895 20
14. Chiena Ruderman Warsaw, Poland 1923 58
15. Clara Ruderman Kjeff 1906 37
16. Clara Ruderman Jamaica, N.Y. 1924 1
17. Coche Mendel Ruderman Wileki, Russia 1911 18
18. Dare Ruderman Russia 1910 22
19. David Ruderman 1896 33
20. Dawid Ruderman Dorkynew, Russia 1910 20
21. Efraim Ruderman Kraisk 1905 22
22. Elias Ruderman 1900 40
23. Ester Ruderman Drohobyos, Galicia 1922 63
24. Fanny Ruderman London, England 1907 30
25. Feiga Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1911 3
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
26. Feiwel Ruderman Radoskowicz 1904 18
27. Frume Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1907 20
28. Genia Ruderman Uzlany, Russia 1921 26
29. Gertzel Ruderman Moskau, Russia 1924 17
30. Ginda Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1911 10
31. Girsha Ruderman Kieff 1905 33
32. Henery Ruderman 1907 23
33. Henriette Ruderman Jamaica, N.Y. 1924 27
34. Henryk Ruderman Winn, Austria 1922 32
35. Henryk Ruderman 1922
36. Hevz Ruderman 1900 16
37. Hirsch Ruderman Minsk 1902 25
38. Hirschel Ruderman Radiskewitz, Russia 1910 23
39. Hirsz Ruderman Uzlany, Russia 1921 7
40. Isaac Ruderman Austria 1893 34
41. Isaac Ruderman 1909 38
42. Isser Ruderman Minsk, 1903 20
43. Isser Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1910 20
44. Jacob Ruderman Kjeff 1906 6
45. Jakob Ruderman 1906 26
46. Jakob Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1913 23
47. Jankel Ruderman Hebrew 1903 24
48. Josef Ruderman Wilna, Russia 1906 4
49. Judel Ruderman Wilna, Russia 1906 3
50. Judel Ruderman Russia, Minok 1909 10
51. Leiser Ruderman Russia 1894 34
52. Leiser Ruderman Radushk, Wilna 1908 47
53. Louis Ruderman Brooklyn, N. Y. 1920 38
54. Lydia Ruderman Jamaica, N.Y. 1924 22
55. Mandel Ruderman 1900 11
56. Meiar Ruderman Odessa 1902 35
57. Merka Ruderman Bychow, Russia 1913 22
58. Meyer Ruderman Uslan, Minsk, Russia 1914 18
59. Moses Ruderman Austria 1893 23
60. Moses Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1923 72
61. Mowscha Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1910 17
62. Nasew Ruderman Dalbinow, Russia 1910 17
63. Nechame Ruderman Hebrew 1903 20
64. Nossensous Ruderman Schnadowa, Russia 1911 19
65. Rachel Ruderman Dukory 1901 16
66. Rocha Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1911 35
67. Salmon Ruderman Wilna, Russia 1906 0
68. Sam Ruderman London, England 1911 24
69. Scheine Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1911 59
70. Schincke Ruderman Minsk 1907 50
71. Schmul Ruderman Russia, Minok 1909 18
72. Schnike Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1907 50
73. Schosse Ruderman Kraisk 1904 23
74. Selde Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1907 20
75. Sidie Ruderman Kjeff 1906 3
Exact Matches (91)
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
76. Slanan Ruderman Dalginov 1906 20
77. Slatke Ruderman Munck 1905 20
78. Slawa Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1911 13
79. Sore Ruderman Russia 1906 18
80. Sorke Ruderman Minsk 1907 17
81. Sorke Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1907 17
82. Styks Ruderman Piratjiw, Russia 1913 22
83. Tenbe Ruderman Russia 1906 17
84. Tevel Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1923 36
85. Welwel Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1922 16
86. Wera Ruderman Gomel, Russia 1907 5
87. Yames Ruderman Jamaica, N.Y. 1924 26
88. Zacharias Ruderman Drohobyer 1904 32
89. Zelik Ruderman Minsk, Russia 1923 31
90. Ziel Ruderman 1896 18
91. ... Ruderman London 1904 27
155. Zorach Mane Kowitz, Russia 1912 19 Radoshkovitz
ram Mane Radiskowia, Wilna, Russia
1910 45
47. Etke Mane Radiskowia, Wilna, Russia 1910 16 Name of Passenger Residence
Arrived Age on Arrival
26. Bochet Mane Minsk, Russia 1907 4
110. Mendel Mane Radasch Kowitz 1904 18
114. Mordshe Mane Radaskoutz, Russia 1913 30
115. Morduch Mane Radischkewicz 1907 18
116. Nesson Mane Minsk, Russia 1907 7
133. Sara Mane Radoschkowiczi 1906 15
136. Sora Rywka Mane Radoszkowise, Poland 1923 20
141. Szloma Mane Radoschowitz, Poland 1923 30
Matches (142)
Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival
1. Aaron Persky Lutz 1902 28
2. Abrahan Persky Hilna 1905 9
3. Abram Persky Kinkow 1899 18
4. Abram Persky Lebedove 1900 31 Lebadove
5. Abram Persky . . . 1905 26
6. Abram Persky ... 1906 4
7. Abram Persky Troje, Russia 1911 34
8. Abram Persky Wolozin, Russia 1914 39 Volzhin
9. Aisik Persky Woloshin, Wilno 1907 14 Volozhin
10. Alexander Persky London 1898 36
11. Alte Persky Valosne 1905 28 Volozhin
12. Alter Persky 1894 25
13. Ami Persky Kinkow 1899 2
14. Anna Persky Bikas 1903 23
15. Anna Persky Bikas, Hungary 1914 28
16. Anna Persky Bujakovo, Cz. Slov. 1920 32
17. Anschel Persky 1895 16
18. Aron Persky ... 1906 0
19. Beile Persky Woloskin, Russia 1909 26 Volozhin
20. Beile Persky Waloschm, Russia 1913 17 Volozhin
21. Benjamin Persky ... 1905 22
22. Benzian Persky Wolozyo, Russia 1912 21 Volozhin
23. Benziow Persky Dwinsk 1906 17
24. Bere Persky 1894 16
25. Berl Persky Rodiskewitz 1906 16 Radoshkovichi
26. Bertha Persky Liverpool, England 1907 37
27. Bess Persky New Haven, Conn. 1921 26
28. Chaie Persky ... 1906 27
29. Chaim Persky 1894 16
30. Chaim Persky Minsk 1902 23 Minsk
31. Chaim Persky Dsou...y 1906 17
32. Chaim Persky Woloshin, Wilno 1907 25 Vilozhin
33. Chain Persky Wilno, Russia 1907 15 Vilna
34. Chaje Persky Wilna 1892 20 Vilna
35. Chaje Persky Krawec, Russia 1910 16
36. Chame Persky Hilna 1905 26
37. David Persky Wolozin 1893 8 Volozhin
38. David Persky Izinitz, Russia 1913 22
39. Dinke Persky Wolozen 1902 16 Volozhin
40. Dresig Persky Sucargan, Russia 1893 30 Smorgon?
41. Elje Persky Liban 1898 22 Luban
42. Ette Persky Smargow 1906 17 Smorgon
43. Fane Persky Kaharlick, Prod Kiev, Russia 1907 21
44. Fani Persky Kinkow 1899 4
45. Fanny Persky New Haven, Conn. 1922 57
46. Feiel Persky Wolosin, Russia 1906 1 Volozhin
47. Feige Persky Rodiskewitz 1906 17 Radoshkovichi
48. Freide Persky Osmany 1905 19 Oshmany
49. Freude Persky Woloszyn 1900 20 Volozhin
50. Gertrude Persky New Haven, Conn. 1922 17
51. Gill Persky 1896 40
52. Gutte Persky Osmiany 1907 5 Oshmany
Harry Persky Liverpool, England 1907 17
54. Henne Persky Wolozin 1893 31 Volozhin
55. Hinda Persky Oszmania, n/Wilna, Poland 1921 13 Oshmany
56. Hirsch Persky Wilna 1898 16 Vilna
57. Hirsch Persky Russia 1906 14
58. Isaac Persky Oszmania, n/Wilna, Poland 1921 50 Oshmany
59. Isaak Persky Libedowe 1903 21 Lebadove
60. Isak Persky 1903
61. Israel Persky Dwinsk 1906 22
62. Israel Persky Kowno 1907 25
63. Itzko Persky Walosse, Russia 1910 41 Volozhin
64. Jacob Persky Liverpool, England 1907 5
65. Jacob Persky Vorchmano, Russia 1907 20
66. Janos Persky Bikas 1903 25
67. Josef Persky Russia 1904 42
68. Josef Persky Wologin, Russia 1910 46 Volozhin
69. Jossel Persky Wolosin, Russia 1914 18 Volozhin
70. Keunsch Persky Wilna, Russia 1906 19 Vilna
71. Leah Persky 1894 33
72. Leib Persky 1894 10
73. Leib Persky Wilna 1898 24 Vilna
74. Leib Persky Rodiskewitz 1906 15 Radoshkovichi
75. Leib Persky Minsk, Russia 1913 21 Minsk
76. Leile Persky Staria Dorogy, Russia 1907 16
77. Lillian Persky London 1907 5
78. Lina Persky Kinkow 1899 6
79. Lore Persky Seventz 1906 20
80. Louie Persky Liverpool, England 1907 9
81. Maier Persky Smargon, Russia 1910 60 Smorgon
82. Marie Persky Smargon, Russia 1910 60 Smorgon
83. Marisoche Persky Hilna 1905 7
84. Max Persky Bakol, Russia 1911 17
85. Meir Persky 1894 1
86. Mena Persky Sucargan, Russia 1893 8 Smorgon?
87. Mendel Persky Staria Dorogy, Russia 1907 27
88. Meyer Persky New York 1922 23
89. Moses Persky London 1905 22
90. Mowscha Persky Wolosin 1904 38 Volozhin
91. Mowshel Persky Osmiany 1907 3 Oshmany
92. Mowske Persky Liban 1904 30 Luban
93. Mowsse Persky Warschau, Russia 1913 20
94. Myer Persky Liverpool, England 1907 38
95. Nosan Persky Kaharlick, Prod Kiev, Russia 1907 3
96. Owser Persky Minsk 1892 18 Minsk
97. Pedro Persky 1920 21
98. Philip Persky New York City 1924 29
99. Pinkus Persky Hilna 1905 5
100. Rafael Persky Suiorgan 1905 24 Smorgon?
101. Raphael Persky Bialystock 1898 18
102. Rawen Persky ... 1906 3
103. Reise L. Persky Wolosin, Russia 1906 23 Volozhin
104. Risehe Persky Wolosyn 1905 49 Volozhin
105. Ris...ke Persky Walozyn, Russia 1910 17 Volozhin
106. Riwke Persky Wolosyn 1905 8 Volozhin
107. Riwke Persky Staria Dorogy, Russia 1907 18
108. Rochel Persky 1895 22
109. Rochel Persky Osmiany, Russia 1916 17 Oshmany
110. Salm. Persky Waloszin 1906 50 Volozhin
111. Samuel Persky 1896 9
112. Samuel Persky New Haven, Conn. 1921 34
113. Sara Persky Kinkow 1899 26
114. Sare Persky Smargow 1906 18 Smorgon
115. Scheine Persky Osmiany 1907 6 Oshmany
116. Schifra Persky 1894 7
117. Schimen Persky Valosne 1905 3 Volozhin
118. Schmuel Persky Kaharlick, Prod Kiev, Russia 1907 27
119. Schmul Persky Minsk 1906 20 Minsk
120. Schmul Persky Wolosin, Russia 1914 16 volozhin
121. Selig Persky Minsk, Russia 1910 19 Minsk
122. Sore Persky Osmiany 1907 29 Oshmany
123. Sure Persky Wologin, Russia 1910 16 Volozhin
124. Taube Persky 1895 9
125. Ullisses Persky 1924 20
126. Ulyses Persky S. Paulo, Brazi 1921 16
127. Voriche Persky Walarzaw, Russia 1908 20
128. Wesche Persky Wolosyn 1905 9 Volozhin
129. Wigdor Persky Smargon, Russia 1910 65 Smorgon
130. William Persky New York 1920 27
131. William Persky 1920 27
132. William Persky 1920 27
133. William Persky 1920 27
134. William Persky 1920 28
135. william persky 1921 27
136. William Persky 1921 28
137. William Persky 1921 29
138. William Persky 1921 27
139. William Persky 1921 20
140. Wolf Persky Sucargan, Russia 1893 10 Smorgon?
141. Yosse Persky Valosne 1905 5 Volozhin
142. Zire Persky Wologin, Russia 1910 16 Volzhin
1. Abram Perski Radischkowitz 1904 22 Radoshkovichi
2. Adam Perski Turopin, Russia 1912 24
3. Basche Perski Lebdwi 1906 9 Lebadove
4. Bornch Perski Felschi, Russia 1912 24
5. Chafe Perski 1893 30
6. Chaid Perski Wolozin Wilna, Russia 1913 48 Volozhin
7. Chaie Perski Lebdwi 1906 53 Lebabove
8. Chajem Perski 1893 35
9. Channe Perski 1893 2
10. Czeslaw Perski Rempzy, Russia 1910 18
11. David Perski Minsk 1905 21 Volozhin
12. Dawid Perski Wisznewi 1905 16 vishnevo
13. Dwojre Perski 1893 16
14. Elia Perski Minsk, Russia 1914 19 Minsk
15. Elie Perski Moleslew 1906 18
16. Esrail Perski 1893 7
17. Ester Perski 1893 34
18. Esther Perski 1893 0
19. Feiga Perski Maloszny, Poland 1923 66 Volozhin?
20. Franciszek Perski Turopin, Russia 1913 24
21. Gescha Perski Hogilen, Russia 1914 48
22. Ilona Perski Majdanj, Servian 1921 18
23. Iske Perski Wotosin 1902 18 Volozhin
24. Israel Perski Santos, Brazil 1916 15
25. Jacob Perski Oschmani 1903 30 Oshmany
26. Jacob Pers...ki Pula 1904 6
27. Josef Perski Wolozin, Russia 1909 40 Volozhin
28. Josef Perski Wolorzy, Russia 1909 28 Volozhin
29. Judel Perski Iwanitz 1904 30 Ivaniz
30. Keim Perski Warschau 1905 22
31. Leie Perski 1893 46
32. Lejzer Perski Welezyn, Poland 1922 13 Volozhin
33. Liebe Pers...ki Pula 1904 11
34. Malke Perski 1893 35
35. Matys Perski Minsk, Russia 1923 16 Minsk
36. Max Perski Minsk 1904 29 Minsk
37. Mendel Pers...ki Pula 1904 37
38. Mendel Perski Minsk, Russia 1923 33 Minsk
39. Menuch Perski 1893 4
40. Mikolaj Perski Turnpin, Russia 1912 45
41. Mikolaj Perski Kolonia, Poland 1922 55
42. Mortche Perski Shaweberg, Russia 1907 30
43. Nissen Perski 1893 4
44. Peosei Perski Retkowcyzuk, Russia 1907 18 Radoshkovichi
45. Perle Pers...ki Pula 1904 32
46. Rebbecca Pers...ki Pula 1904 9
47. Riwke Perski Osmane, Russia 1908 16 Oshmany
48. Robert Perski 1906 47
49. Salamon Perski Wilna 1902 38 Vilna
50. Salomon Perski 1893 7
51. Schaje Perski 1893 11
52. Schalem Perski Dwalosin 1906 18 Volozhin
53. Schlemine Perski 1893 3
54. Sehmuel Perski 1893 30
55. Sehmul Perski 1893 38
56. Sincida Pers...ki Pula 1904 5
57. Smuel Perski Wizninie, Russia 1912 20 Vishnevo?
58. Sore Perski Wilna 1902 11 Vilna
59. Sore Perski Wilna 1906 32 Vilna
60. Walenty Perski Polok, Russia 1913 46
61. Welwel Perski Wolozin Wilna, Russia 1913 18 Volozhin
Date: 4/28/01 2:12:06 PM Pacific
Daylight Time
From: gilad_japhet@hotmail.com (Gilad Japhet)
To: eilatgordn@aol.com, eilatgordin@aol.com
Hi Eilat,
I found your Web site today and was very impressed by your project, and
happy to find such a treasure trove of information and pictures.
I am researching the Kramer and Alperovich families from Kurenets, as well
as the Isaacson family from Radoshkovichi, to whom I am related.
My great-grandmother was Doba Isaacson nee Kramer, who is shown in the
center of the Passover 1922 photo (#r-6) on the Radoshkovichi portion of
your Web site. Through her, I am also related to Nechemia Alperovich, who
appears in the top-left photo in your Kurenets page. In fact, I met with
Nechemia several months ago in Kibbutz Ein Shemer. At the age of 88-89, he
is my oldest living relative and he showed me this very photo in his album.
I am trying to establish some links between the Kramer, Alperovich and
Isaacson families and am running into difficulties the further back in time
I reach. I have already extracted whatever info I could from the Kurenets
memorial book, but have not been able to proceed further.
I wonder whether you might be able to exchange genealogical information with
me regarding these families and/or point me to additional relatives who are
conducting such research.
I am a computer engineer living in Tel Aviv, aged 31 and married to Tammar
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Gilad Japhet
Gilad great-grandmother Doba Isaacson nee Kramer is sitting in the center
Nechemia Alperovich
great-grandmother Doba Isaacson nee Kramer is sitting in the center, click here
to see;
Israel -
The Jewish community has a 700 year
history in Belarus. Listed below is a brief survey of some our communities.
During the coming months we will be adding more details as community members
submit reports and we publish our histories of Belarusian shtetls. In the meantime
if you have any specific questions please do not hesitate to contact us at eejhp@yahoo.com.
If you would like to write directly to the listed communities please use the
form below. We provide a free, two-way translation service.
BARANOVICHI Jewish Religious Community "Beth Israel" Head of the community:
Grigory DOROSHEV, tel.45 58 11, Lenina St.20, apt 24 Total number of Jews: 520
The community was formed in August 1992, registered in October 1993. Activities:
minion during the week: Shaharit 9:00, Shabbat 9:00 There are
2 buildings of former synagogues.
BOBRUISK Jewish Religious Community "Beth Isroel" Head of the community:
Solomon GOROSH, Ostrovskogo Str. 52, apt.3 Total number of Jews: 3000 The community
was formed in October 1992, registered in January 1993 Activities: minion during
the week: Shaharit - 10:00, Shabbat 9:00 In Bobruisk there are 8 buildings
of former synagogues.
BORISOV Jewish Religious Community " Hevra Tegilim " Head of the community:
Gary Zarkhin, tel.41 827 Total number of Jews: 650. The community was formed
in September 1996, registered in November 1997. Activities: minion only on Fridays-
Kabbalat Shabbat, a distribution committee. There are 2 buildings of former
synagogues and a Jewish cemetery. 26 Jews live in Borisov district.
BREST Jewish Religious Community " Hevra Tegilim " Head of the community:
Anatoly SHAPIRO, tel.46 39 82 Total number of Jews: 600 Number of aid recipients:
152 The community was formed in March 1992, registered in June 1992. Activities:
Shabbat prayers. There are 2 extant buildings of former synagogues.
GOMEL Jewish Religious Community Head of the community: Leonid DIMENSTEIN, tel.
53 44 05, Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 1-a Total number of Jews: 7600. The community
was formed in March 1992, registered in January 1993. Activities: minyan during
the week: Shaharit 9:00, Shabbat 9:00, Kabbalat Shabbat. There
is a building of a synagogue.
GRODNO Jewish Religious Community Head of the community: Tsvi Khosid, tel.44
07 95, 17 September St.14/1 - 1 Total number of Jews: 1280. The community was
formed in May 1992, registered in September 1993. Activities: Shaharit
9:30 during the week, Shabbat 9:00. There are 2 buildings of former synagogues
and a Jewish cemetery There are 2 buildings of former synagogues and a Jewish
KALINKOVICHI Jewish Religious Community. Head of the community: Yakov ERENBURG,
tel.2 03 57, Pervomayskaya St. 2, apt.22. Total number of Jews: 800 The community
was formed in June 1992, registered in December 1992. Activities: minion during
the week:" Maariv" 18:00, Shabbat 10:00. There is a
MINSK Jewish Religious Community "Beth Isroel" Head of the community:
Lazar PINKHASIK, tel.234 56 12, Dauman St., 13-b Total number of Jews: about
40,000. The community was formed in August 1994, registered in May 1995. Activities:
minion during the week: Shaharit 8:30, Shabbat 9 :00. There are
6 buildings of former synagogues extant.
MOGILEV Jewish Religious Community . Head of the community: Naum IOFFE, tel.
24 77 11, 2nd Krutoy Per., 3 Total number of Jews: 7,500. The community was
formed in February 1992, registered in April 1992. Activities: "Kabbalat
Shabbat", "Shabbat" 9:00, Childrens Club . There
are 3 buildings of former synagogues extant and a Jewish cemetery.
MOLODECHNO Jewish Religious Community " Hevra Tegilim" Head of the
community: Gennady BASKIN Total number of Jews: 1,000 . The community was formed
in September 1998, registered in March 1999. Activities:"Kabbalat Shabbat".
There is 1 synagogue.
ORSHA Jewish Religious Community "Hevra Tegilim" Head of the community:
Semyon RYVKIN, tel. 2 79 08 Total number of Jews: 1,600. The community was formed
in July 1998, registered in October 1998. Activities: Shabbat meetings and prayers,
a youth club, a library. In Orsha there are 2 buildings of former synagogues
extant and a Jewish cemetery.
PINSK Jewish Religious Community "Beth Israel" Head of the community:
Iosif LIBERMAN, Tel.243 20, Irkutsko-Pinskoy Divisii St.,12 Total number of
Jews: 5,000. The community was formed in September 1992, registered in December
1992. Activities: Prayers during the week- Shahart -9:00 Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat
9:00 In Pinsk there are 3 buildings of former synagogues extant, a Jewish
cemetery. There is a Jewish school and a kosher canteen.
POLOTSK Jewish Religious Community Head of the community: Total number of Jews:
1,000. The community was registered in 1995 registered in Activities: Welfare,
Friday night Shabbas.
SLUTSK Jewish Religious Community " Hevra Tegilim " Head of the community:
Valery GUZMAN, Total number of Jews: 1,200. The community was formed in August
1998, registered in March 1999. Activities: "Kabbalat Shabbat". There
is a synagogue building. BACK TO MAP WRITE TO THE COMMUNITY
VITEBSK Jewish Religious Community Head of the community: Wulf KLECHEVSKY, tel.
44 53 40, Kolkhoznaya St., 4 Total number of Jews: 7,500. The community was
formed in November 1992, registered in January 1993. Activities: minion during
the week Shaharit- 8:30, Shabbat 9:00. There are 2 buildings of
former synagogues extant and a Jewish cemetery.
The information is taken from;
COMMUNITY click here
Botvinnik (Pinsk, Vilejka, common
in Minsk) O: from `botva' [Belorussian] kitchen garden greens or from `botvina'
[Russian], `botvine' [Yiddish] leaves of beets (greengrocer) {Botvinkin (Botvinken),
Botvinik (Batvinik), Batvinnik (Batvinkin), Bot'vinskij, Botvinikov, Botvinnikov,
Botvinskij, Butvinik, Butvinnik; Bol'tsvinik (Bol'tsvinnik, Bal'tsvinik, Baltsvinik,
BaltsvinnikSocial Security Death Index entries for BOTVINIK 10
SSN 087-10-6682 Residence: 33441 Deerfield Beach, Broward, FL
Born 1 May 1904
Died Apr 1989 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
JULIUS BOTVINIK SSN 088-22-2654 Residence: 11756 Levittown, Nassau, NY
Born 24 Apr 1930
Died 24 Oct 1992 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
KAY BOTVINIK SSN 061-14-7599 Residence: 11570 Rockville Centre, Nassau, NY
Born 17 Sep 1917 Died Apr 1992 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
LIZA BOTVINIK SSN 347-66-6945 Residence:
Born 25 Dec 1909 Died May 1990 Issued: IL (1978 And 1979)
SSN 109-05-8356 Residence: 33441 Deerfield Beach, Broward, FL Born 6 Nov 1902
Died Feb 1981 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
NATHAN BOTVINIK SSN 060-03-1121 Residence: 11373 Elmhurst, Queens, NY
Born 21 Oct 1898 Last Benefit: 11210 Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Died Aug 1981 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
SAUL BOTVINIK SSN 055-03-8477 Residence: 34232 Sarasota, Sarasota, FL
Born 1 Aug 1919 Last Benefit:
Died 13 Oct 1996 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
SIDNEY BOTVINIK SSN 051-07-4592 Residence: 11570 Rockville Centre, Nassau, NY
Born 1 Jun 1917 Last Benefit:
Died 18 Oct 1989 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
SIDNEY BOTVINIK SSN 056-03-7293 Residence: 07675 Westwood, Bergen, NJ
Born 8 Dec 1914 Last Benefit:
Died 16 Nov 1989 Issued: NY (Before 1951)
SOPHIE BOTVINIK SSN 141-28-4575 Residence: 07675 Westwood, Bergen, NJ
Born 21 Feb 1892 Last Benefit:
Died Jun 1971 Issued: NJ (1952 And 1954)
Phone & Address Listings entries for BOTVINIK 12
BOTVINIK, ABE (845) 425-4224
SPRING VALLEY, NY 10977-5436
BOTVINIK, DAVID (813) 988-2719
TAMPA, FL 33637-4960
BOTVINIK, DOLORES A (813) 633-1322
SUN CITY CENTER, FL 33573-6331
BOTVINIK, J (941) 922-6302
SARASOTA, FL 34232-3510
BOTVINIK, JILL (608) 839-4143
COTTAGE GROVE, WI 53527-9571
BOTVINIK, KEITH (516) 889-7114
LONG BEACH, NY 11561-4528
BOTVINIK, LIZA (718) 373-9843
3045 W 29TH ST
BROOKLYN, NY 11224-1922
BOTVINIK, NATAN (847) 215-8682
WHEELING, IL 60090-2629
BOTVINIK, NOTA (847) 670-9819
WHEELING, IL 60090-5438
BOTVINIK, OLEG (773) 508-9245
CHICAGO, IL 60659-1633
BOTVINIK, P (727) 327-9109
3910 3RD AVE N
BOTVINIK, R D (201) 664-4785
WESTWOOD, NJ 07675-5707
Vital & Church Records 2
BOTVINIK LIZA FEMALE 12/25/1909 05/16/1990 OTHER COUNTRY SAN DIEGO 347666945
Births Reported in 1902. Borough of Manhattan.
Name: Jacob Botvinik
Birth Date: 31 Dec 1901
Certificate Number: 715
Biography & History 1
Botvinik, Mikhail Moiseevich 1911-
A Biographical Dictionary of the Soviet Union, 1917-1988. By Jeanne Vronskaya
with Vladimir Chuguev. London: K.G. Saur, 1989. (BiDSovU)
Military Records 1
Surname Name City State Relationship Surname Deceased Given Name Deceased
Botvinik Mrs Lippe Bronx NY Mother Botvinik Hillel
Reference 2
Botvinnik (Pinsk, Vilejka, common in Minsk) O: from `botva' [Belorussian] kitchen
garden greens or from `botvina' [Russian], `botvine' [Yiddish] leaves of beets
(greengrocer) {Botvinkin (Botvinken), Botvinik (Batvinik), Batvinnik (Batvinkin),
Bot'vinskij, Botvinikov, Botvinnikov, Botvinskij, Butvinik, Butvinnik; Bol'tsvinik
(Bol'tsvinnik, Bal'tsvinik, Baltsvinik, Baltsvinnik
Immigration & Naturalization Records 3
New York Naturalization Petition Index, 1907-24
Search Results U.S. Census.
View original
Name: Lippa Botvinik
Address: 2402 Amsterdam Ave.
Volume #: 45
Page #: 174
Date: 18 Mar 1912
Comment: (Denied)
Name: Lippe Botvinik
Address: 770 Tremont Ave.
Volume #: 123
Page #: 129
Date: 25 Nov 1913
Name: Sam Botvinik
Address: 232 Clinton St.
Volume #: 180
Page #: 40
Date: 30 Dec 1914
Featured Databases matches | info
Ancestry World Tree entries for BOTWINICK 11
Social Security Death Index entries for BOTWINICK 106
Phone & Address Listings entries for BOTWINICK 139
Census Records 1
Vital & Church Records 26
Biography & History 1
Reference 2
Immigration & Naturalization Records 4
Periodicals & Newspapers 10
Directories 14
LEONARD BUTVINIK Request Information
SSN 148-18-0949 Residence: 33484 Delray Beach, Palm Beach, FL
Born 23 Jul 1926 Last Benefit:
Died 20 Jan 1997 Issued: NJ (Before 1951
Publication Date: January 25, 1997
Source: Sun-Sentinel Ft. Lauderdale
Page: 8B
Region: Florida
BUTVINIK - Leonard N., 70, of Delray Beach, FL died January
20, 1997. Riverside/Gordon Memorial Chapels, Delray.*
BUTVINIK, ALAN (201) 791-8099
FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410-2172
BUTVINIK, D (201) 436-0053
155 W 27TH ST
BAYONNE, NJ 07002-1713
BUTVINIK, DIMITRIY (847) 297-8876
DES PLAINES, IL 60016-7075
BUTVINIK, DIMITRIY (847) 726-8851
LAKE ZURICH, IL 60047-2931
BUTVINIK, FRED & MARILYN (561) 487-0488
BOCA RATON, FL 33496-4908
BUTVINIK, JEFFREY (301) 762-6122
POTOMAC, MD 20854-3413
DELRAY BEACH, FL 33484-4390
BUTVINIK, WARREN (717) 651-0780
HARRISBURG, PA 17110-3917
BUTVINIK, Z (847) 296-9972
DES PLAINES, IL 60016-5262
here for picture of Musia Botwinick 1884-1964
I called Lea Nee Shiff Nachshon in
Israel, Leas husband is from the Cherches family of Radoshkovichi. Her
son is Ehud Nachshon a writer. Here is some of what she told me;
My father Meir was born in 1888. He had a brother Chaim Shiff who was born in
1895. He had two sisters; Golda and Rashka. They were also some years younger
then he. My father was forced to serve in the Russian army for many years before
and during the First World War. When the war started the Russians ordered his
younger brother Chaim to "enroll" in the army. My grandmother panicked,
she could not let another son risk his life. The family quickly arranged for
him a "trip" to Toronto where he settled and had two daughters.
My fathers sister Rashka had heart problems since her early childhood.
Eventually she married Eliezer Levin and had a daughter named Lea. both of us
were named for our grandmother who died shortly before I was born. When the
daughter was still a very young child my aunt became very sick. The family did
everything to find a cure for her, but she died Shortly after. Some years later
Eliezer Levin married another woman. The family perished in the Holocaust. My
cousin Lea was about fifteen years old when she perished.
My grandfather died at age 81 in January 1940 shortly before we were deported
by the Soviets to Kazachstan for my father being a successful businessman and
owning a mill.
My father other sister Golda lived with my grandfather Avraham Moshe the first
year that I lived with him in Volozhyn. I lived there because there were no
schools in the village were I lived with my parents. Some times later my aunt
married Mendel Alperovitz son of Shimon from Kurenets. Our family visited them
and I can still remember the train ride to Vileyka and the walk via the tree-lined
road from Vileyka to Kurenets. They said that Catherine the great ordered to
plant the trees when she spent a night there in the 1790s. Mendel lived
next to his brother Zishka and I remember that Zishka had a son named Shimon.
(He was killed as a partisan while fighting the Germans). During my school years
in a Vilna high school my aunt Golda came there to receive some treatments since
she was unable to conceive. She perished in Volozhin with her baby Shimon.
My mother was from the Kivilovitz family. She had four sisters and one brother.
Her brother was Shneor Kivilovitz, he married Rachel nee Meltzer who was a teacher
in the "Tarbut" school in Volozhin, and they had a son. Shneor was
very involved with the Zionist organization in Volozhin. During the Holocaust
Shneor was appointed as the second head of the Jodenrat in Volozhin. Pnina nee
Potashnik wrote in the Volozhin Yizkor book;
"Sunday, May 10th, 1942, at five in the morning Shneur Kivelevitsh appeared
in our home and told us that the ghetto is surrounded. He advised every one
to hide
" Shneor was not able to save himself, he perished with his
His sister Sonia shared the same fate. she married Mordechai Berman and perished
with her family; Berman Mordhay, his wife sonia Sara, their children; Monia,
My mother other sisters came to Ertz Israel prior to the war; first came her
sister Fanya in 1925. She married and had two sons, one died as still a young
man the other changed his last name from Levizki to Landers and now lives in
My mothers sister Fruma made "Aliya" in 1932. Her sister Lea
came in 1936 she has family in Chavazelet Israel (Hotman family). My mothers
mother died in 1939 a heart attach after hearing the news of the start of World
war II. My grandfather died shortly after. (1940) at that point I moved back
to Volozhin. ( In 1939 I was in Vilna sometimes after the Russians invaded the
eastern part of Poland Vilna became part of Lithuania and Volozhin was on the
Soviets side so I went to high school in Molodechno, the Town of my mothers
mother from the Shrira family.
Meir Shiff wrote a chapter in the Volozhin Yizkor book. For pictures of the
family look at portraits and family in the Volozhin site portraits or paste;
Golda nee Shiff Alperovitz;
eliezer and rashka Levin with daughter Lea; http://eilatgordinlevitan.com/volozhin/vol_images/20401_4_b.gif
grandparents Avraham Moshe shiff born 1859 Lea was born 1865;
Sima nee Shrira Kivilovitz;
Sonia nee Kivilvitz Berman;
Baby Monia Berman;
Rachel nee Meltzer Kivilovitz
baby Yigal Kivilovitz;
Shneor Kivilovitz;
click here for
the Volozhin site.
From: "Nahum Liberman"
Date: Fri Apr 20, 2001 6:45 am
Subject: Contribution for building a fence in RADOSHKOVICH
Dear group
I know some of you would not like the idea of using this genealogy group to
ask for donations
However I could not disobeyed the old ladies of the Radoshkovich community that
caught me at the
cemetery (today is the official Shoa Izkor day in Israel) and commanded me to
put this message.
So the Radoshkovic ladies built some years ago a gravestone in the Jewish graveyard
in Radoshkovich.
The problem is that this is a place where some peasants comes to breed their
pigs and they enter the Jewish
So it was decided to built a fence to the graveyard.
Now the ladies had already contacted a builder which they know to be reliable,
and agreed on 8000 u.s.$
The ladies had raised until today about 4000 $ and need to raise the rest.
here is where you are asked to contribute.
contribution can be sent to me :
Nahum Liberman p.o.box 135 azor Israel 58100
or better to : Zilburg Zila
12 Ein-Hakore St
I will not write or publish names, but please contribute.
I awe this group a family tree of the Cherches Family.
It will take some more time then expected.
I also learnt today that the old( Pre world war 1) Jewish cemetery in radoshkovich
was not ruined at the WW2
and there are gravestones with old names there.
so if you hear about anyone who intend to go to Radoshkovich,ask them to try
to make photos.
Bye to all
Nahum Liberman
Nahum Liberman
Probably no single image of the Jews of Belarus has so compellingly depicted
the endurance of Jewish beliefs and traditions in the face of a century of brutality,
murder and repression as has this widely published portrait of Yankel Berhinfond.
Yankel lives in the small shtetl of Radoshkovichi about forty miles from Minsk.
He is the last Jew there. The others were all murdered by Germans. His living
conditions bring to mind those of American sharecroppers during the Depression:
a wooden hut without running water, plumbing or central heating. During the
winter Yankel's diet is made up of root vegetables, apples, grains and pulses
which he has grown himself during the summer.
Despite the adversity and tragedy which has marked his life Yankel retains his
enthusiasm for life and for Judaism. He frequently travels to Minsk by bus to
participate in the Minsk community's activities.
The modest description below of Yankel's life is in his own words, given last
year in an interview with Berega, the monthly newspaper of the Jews of Belarus.
I was born on April 20, 1914. Before the War I was a tailor and worked for a
master. When my father died I was 9. There were five of us in the family- four
sons and a daughter. I was the youngest.
In 1941 I managed to escape before Belarus was occupied, but all the family
together with the other Radoshkovichi Jews were burnt by Germans. I found myself
in Tambov Region, where I worked in the labour battalion. After the war I came
back to Radoshkovichi, got married and started to work as a tailor. Its
a pity but I cant prove that I worked for a master he died, and
there is nobody else left to prove that I really worked for him. So my work
record is only 27 years. People advised me to find a lawyer, but I dont
have money to do it, and whats the use of it, if I have a couple of copecks
added to my pension?!
I have two sons and a daughter. The youngest son works as a trolleybus driver,
the eldest is a carpenter. The daughter is a cook at a kindergarten. My wife
is a pensioner, like myself. She is very ill. I am considered to be a Veteran
of the Rear. I am very ill, too. My grandson Misha is 15. He is a very lively
and clever boy. He was always playing , inventing something. He took part in
different amateur activities, but then he fell ill quite unexpectedly - CANCER,
because of Chernobyl. He was given the first group of disability. For two years
hes been in hospital in Borovlyany. We live poorly, but I wouldnt
ask for any help but for my grandson. All the money we have is spent on medicines.
May be, somebody could help us either with money or with medicines for the grandson.
Sadly, since this interview was published Yankel's 15 year old grandson died.
The entire community grieved and was concerned for Yannkel's own health in the
face of this tragedy. Fortunately he came through the initial period of grief
but in many ways he is not fully recovered.
If you would like more information about Yankel or would like to assist him
and his wife please email us: eejhp@yahoo.com. Thank you.
here for picture of YANKEL BERHINFOND
I am posting here what Avraham and
Shlomo Alperovitz told me becouse their mother who was born in Rakov had many
relatives in the Radoshkovichi area;our grandfather from our father side,Avraham
was born in kurenets c 1864 to Chaim Isar Alperovitch. Avraham married Saralenee
Mekler the daughter of Chava and Aharon Mekler. The children of Sara and Avraham
Alperovitch were; Orzik born in 1896. Leibe who had a second family after the
war and they now live in Israel.
Zvi Hirsh who perished in Kurenets with his family, Ilana who married Gdalia
Rotstein and perished with her family in Kurenets.(Gdalia Rotsteins brother
Mulia Rotstein- lives in Kfar Charif, Israel.)
Chava who married Redek after the war and her three children live in Israel.
Her son Shalom was the last Jew to be born in Kurenets in 1955. Feyga who married
Chaim Podberesky from Grodok/Horodok. (His brother Efraim (1914) was the first
husband of The mother of Avraham and Shlomo Alperovitch- he perished in the
Orzik was first married to Mirel who was born in Vilna. Their children were
Yankle (Yasha) Alperovitch who became well known as a partisan. he was born
in Kurenets in 1921. His son lives in Belarus and recently received a Visa to
come to the U.S. with his 26 years old son to join his daughter and her husband.
Chaim Isar who was born in 1923 and died of heart problems in 1942 during the
war. Shmuel who was born in 1925 and lives in Russia today. Chava born 1932
and Yerucham born 1938 perished with their mother Meril in Kurenets 9-9-1942.
Orzik second wife was from Rakov she was from the Botwinik family. Some of her
fathers relatives came to America before the war. She had a cousin Berry
Botwick (Changed from Botwinick) who lives in West Hartford Con. She had a family
from her mother side; Eidelzik Shlomo and Gershon. The rest of the family perished.
a note from Jewishgen;It would be
most helpful to our sense of place name geography to refer to the
lands stretching from Vitebsk and Vilna in the north to Moldova and Odessa in
the south as the Pale. These borderlands have changed sovereignty so often
since the Duchy of Lithuania invited the Jews of Germany to settle in this
area. The Jews were placed in the borderlands because they were borderlands,
the areas of national disputes and changing loyalties. My own family which
identified themselves as Russian Jews never lived in Great Russia. They may
have lived in Moldavia, the Ukraine, White Russia but their real homeland was
the Pale, a shadowy, indistinct area.
The brothers Avraham and Shlomo Even
Shoshan were from Redoshkovichi.
Their Original last name was Rosenstein. Avraham married Zvia nee Cohen from
Kurenitz and they had two children. I talked on the phone with the son who lives
in Jerusalem. the daughter lives in Tel Aviv.
Even-Shoshan, Avraham, 1906- Radoshkovichi; ha-Milon he-hadash; otsar shalem
shel ha-lashon ha-Ivrit ha-sifrutit, ha-madait veha-meduberet,... [Mahad. hadash...
Yerushalayim, Kiryat-sefer, c[1966-70], 726-30.
Main Stack PJ4830.E933
Library has: Kerekh 1-7; suppl. (1966-1983)
Note: Accompanying supplement has call number:PJ4830.E933 suppl.
Hum/Area PJ4830.E933 Reference Stack
Library has: Kerekh 1-7 (1966-1970)
Even-Shoshan, Avraham. ha-Milon he-hadash; otsar shalem shel ha-lashon ha-`Ivrit
ha-sifrutit, ha-mada`it veha-meduberet, nivim va-amarot `Ivriyim va-Aramiyim,
munahim benle'umiyim, me-et Avraham Even-Shoshan, be-hishtatfut hever anshe
mada`. Yerushalayim, Kiryat-sefer, 726-30 [1966-70] PJ 4830 .E93m [Note: Accompanied
by supplementary volume "Kerekh milu'im" (324 p.) issued in 1983.] 7 vols.
Babi Yar by Anatoly Kuznettsov, Translated to Hebrew by Shlomo Even Shoshan,
Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House Ltd. , Tel Aviv, 1968
Avraham Even-Shoshan, Hamilon Hechadash [The New Dictionary] (4 vol.; Kiryas-Sefer,
1993 ed.).
Even-Shoshan, Avraham. A new concordance of the Old Testament. Jerusalem : Kiryat
sefer, c1985. BS1121/E93/1985
Minsk (BYE)
Minsk; ir ve-em (Minsk; mother city) 2 Volumes (1975,85, 692 pp) [H], Shlomo
Even-Shoshan, Ed., (Jerusalem: Minsk Society, Ghetto Fighters' House, haKibbutz
ha-Meuhad) [Minsk*]
RADOSHKOVICH: a Christian history,
Izdanie A. Sapunova and Prince V. Drutskoy-Lubyetskoy
Vitebsk Typo-Lithography of Province1896
translated from Russian to English courtesy of Jerome Ruderman
The great Lithuanian prince, Alexander, "gave Radoshkovich to Prince Vasily
Michailovich Vereyski." His daughter, Princess Sofia, married Albrecht Gashtold,
Voevoda of Vilno Province to whom went Radoshkovich. In 1525 "the Veovoda of
Vilno, Kanzler Olbracht Martinovich Kgashtolt, bought from Jan and Matias Khryshanovichov,
noblemen from the Vilno District, their father's estate. It was near property
of his Grace, Radoshkovichov."
According to a survey in 1569, Radoshkovich was listed as the King's estate
with a castle and adjacent land.
"Before the Luvliny Union (1569), the king, Sigismund-August, gave the town
of Radoshkovich to Kalenizky-Tyshkevich for a known amount of cash for upkeep."
From 1576-79, the elderman of the town of Radoshkovich was Jan Janovich Glebovich,
in 1594 - Jan Glebovich, in 1609 Nicolay Janovich Glebovich; at the end of the
XVIII century, until 1762, the town elderman was Prince Antony Oginsky. From
1762 - Michael Massalsky; on March 1, 1768 the privilege of being an elderman
was given to Stanislav and Feofila Brostovsky. On Sept. 20, 1774, consent was
given by the king to replace Feofila Brostovsky with Prince Nikolay Radivil,
and consequently on Oct. 12, 1774, Feofila Brotovsky conceded the estate of
Radoshkovichi to Nikolay Radivil.
Quarterly payment was 3,199 zloty, 28 grosh, and giberny, 1,382 zloty.
Within its walls Radoshkovich had seen many regal guests; beneath the castle
walls were many bloody skirmishes.
In 1519 Russians were fighting here.
In 1568 the King Sigismund-August mobilized approximately 100,000 warriors to
fight with Ivan IV, the Terrible. Because of "a disagreement among the shljachta
and the indecision of the king," loud preparations ended with nothing; the war
was mockingly called was called a "cockfight."
During the reign of Alexy Michailovich Romanov (1645-76) Radoshkovich was occupied
by Russians. On Sept. 20, 1655 Tzar Alexy Michhailovich, himself, was in Radoshkovich
In 1708 Karl XII lived in Radoshkovich for eleven days; Stanislav Leshinsky
was also here; Karl bid him farewell on June 13.
In 1709 a Swedish detachment was conquered here by Poles under the guidance
of Prince Grigory Oginsky.
During the reign of King Sigismund-August, Radoshkovich was included on a list
of fortified castles. Gvagnin also noted, "Radoshkovich [was a] castle with
a town."
By the middle of the XVI century Radoshkovich was already a town. Legend held
that at an earlier time the town was 5 miles in circumference. The Magdenburg
Law was received by the town only on Feb. 23, 1792.
Radoskovich, as stated in reference to the Magdeburg Law, is a free town and
all its inhabitants including people already living here, and any future inhabitants
not under serfdom and subject to the town's rules are considered free people,
and land within the city limits belonging to them, their houses, villages and
other lands, which belong to this town, we recognize as their hereditary property.
And because of the new laws for towns Radoshkovich is free from all jurisdictions
- zemskoy, voevodskoy, starostinskoy, zamkovoy . Therefore none of the inhabitants
of this town will be obligated to go to a law-court, be it castle or elderman,
but only, in accordance with today's laws for towns, in a town's court, which
was elected by the people now living in this town. And if someone thinks the
decision of the town's court too burdensome, he has the right to appeal to appellate
court, which was legalized for the towns of Minsk province, or for us to appeal
to Zadvorny Accessory Court of the Great Lithuanian Principality, depending
on the kind of a business, as prescribed by the law.
The town was allowed to build a town-hall for gatherings and court's functions
and also to build in decent places meat and fish stalls, stores for the benefit
of the townsfolk, and a communal brick factory for the town.
[We] Grant him the Coat of Arms: the picture of St. Stefan, the Great Martyr;
this Coat of Arms is allowed to be used on town's seals and other stamps.
After annexation by Russia, the governor of Minsk, Tutolmin ordered that Radoshkovich's
city hall must use the Town Law which was issued by Empress Catharine the Great
in 1795. Radoshkovich remained a town till the 30's [1830's].
Radoshkovich is the birthplace of the writer, Julian Horain.
The local church named "Protection of Mother of God" was built on an elevated
spot. It is obvious from the inventory that the church was already here in 1678.
The present wooden Orthodox church, built with government money, was blessed
on Aug. 15, 1852; the former church in the name of St. Ilia, the Prophet, was
standing on Ilyinskoy Mound. Nowadays it is a cemetery.
At the time of the union this church had Iconostas. On the bell tower there
was one bell from 1754, another - 1755. On one of them is a sign: "Carolus Strzalkowsky."
A Roman-Catholic church was built for the first time in 1447 by Peter Gedygoldovich
and his wife Bogumila. In 1503 King Alexander [of Poland] confirmed the old
On Oct. 26, 1554 King Sigismund-August confirmed the privilege of using four
pustovshins of land.
In 1627 Stanislav Shvansky assigned 20 gold Polish coins and barrels of wheat
for the "glory of God" and for this alter, which was built in Radoshkovich.
In 1734 in place of an ancient and decrepit koszül, a new one was built,
also of wood; and when this one burned down, in 1855 the foundation of a spacious
stone koszül was laid. It was built with people's donations and blessed
in 1859. In the koszül there are highly revered statues of Jesus Christ
and St. Antony. The renowned [literary] critic, Alexander Tyshinsky, once a
professor at one of Warsaw's principal schools, is buried in the local cemetery.
The formerly important provincial town of Radoshkovich is situated where the
river Guya, or Guyka, flows into the Vyasynka, by a post-road from Vilno to
Minsk, 52 versta from Vileika, and 140 versta from Vilno, at 54º10' north
latitude and 44º55' east longitude.
In 1793 Radoshkovich was in Minsk voevodstvo; after 1842 it was in Vilno province.
Legend has it that a castle once stood on the spot where the Volostnoye administration
building and a school [or college] now stand, supposedly of a Queen Bona. Previously,
bricks and human bones were found here.
Around the town there are 920 desiatin of land called "Krulevshina." In the
village of Tanelevo, a church was built in 1783 named for St. Nicholas. It is
now a cemetery church; previously, it was a parish church.
Steve Rosen
Jacques & Carmella Izygon visited
the US a year or so ago (for Michel's daughter's bat-mitzvah). I talked to Carmella
(in Hebrew --she is a native Israeli) but she couldn't provide much info (beyond
telling me
that she knew my parents in Tel-Aviv). I was informed about
the frail Leon, but understood that no one had been able, so far, to get much
out of him.
I think that these messages should also be cc's to Michel. In fact,I sent him
some new info a few days ago, but haven't heard back yet.
If David, Benny, or Michel, can get a hold of Leon then we may have some crucial
clues provided. My daughter is French-speaking and I could ask her to call Leon
on our behalf. Orly is going to Morroco next
week (with some Congressional delegation) and will be in Paris on the way back.
In theory, she could make some contacts... but it would be
more reasonable, I think, for Michel and/or his folks to contact Leon.
My hunch is that the Florida Kagans are
still worth pursuing.
-- Joel
Notes about the Shepsenwohl family;From Benny's chart No. 2, we have a listing
of Sonia's (Isaacson) siblings,
and I think that it is unlikely that any of them ended up in Florida -- most
of them, like Nachum Isaacson, perished in the Holocaust, I believe -- although
ANYTHING is possible in genealogy! It is more likely, I
think, that one of the two "aunt & uncle" was rather a Shepsenwohl. Now,since
Yosef always referred to "aunt & uncle," mentioning "aunt" first, I deduce
that that "aunt" was his Shepsenwohl blood relative (of course under her husband's
surname in Florida). An important clue, I think, would be to find out that surname
in Florida, and find their progeny --who are very likely to know something about
their grandma Shepsenwohl-Unknown ancestry.
Assume what David Shepsenwohl told me is correct: "BenTsion Shepsenwohl (born
around 1870) married Sonia Itzikson (1877-1942) and had two sisters (one was
Hava; one of the sisters married a Kagan and had children including a Leibe."
and "Cousins from Harodok: father Leibe Kagan, son of Hava (sister of BenTsion)
they have a daughter (his cousin) Hava and her brother Michael." We know that
Jacques Izygon's mother (Michel Izygon's grandmother) was BenTsion's sister
Leah, who married Nachom Isaacson, and we know that Michel's grandmother did
not reside in Florida. That leaves Hava as the remaining aunt, very possibly
the one in Florida: Hava Kagan, mother of Leibe Kagan and grandmother of Hava
and Michael Kagan. If Hava was born in, say, 1880, she could have lived in Florida
as late as the 1960s, while her nephew Joseph lived in Atlanta. Her grandchildren
Hava and Michael Kagan might be alive today. --Steve
The Russian and Prussian Armies of the Napoleonic wars..........On June 24 Bagration
directed to Platov a new letter with a request to move his Corps across the
Niemen in area of Koledzany, unit with Dorokhov, and then follow on to Ivenets,
Rakov and Radoshkevichio. In this case, specified Bagration, the cossacks screening
all roads to Minsk from the enemy, would render essential assistance to the
2nd Western Army.
here to read more
Today I called Zila Zilburg. We talked
about the meeting in Tel Aviv for remembrance of those who perished in the Holocaust
in the RADOSHKOVICHI area. Zila told me that about one hundred and twenty people
attended the March 18, 2001, meeting. About eighty were natives and their descendants
of Radoshkovich. Forty were from Krasna, Horodoc & one from Rakov. Zila
was proud of the large turn out that consisted of some second and third generation
descendants who were born in Israel.
Zila told me that during the Holocaust her family were amongst about hundred
Jews from RADOSHKOVICHI who escaped to the forest and became partisans. Her
brother left Russia in 1990. He remembers details from the days of the annihilation
and was able to tell me how my great great uncle Yaacov Moshe Alperovitz and
his sons and families perished.
In a Jewish partisans site http://www.gfh.org.il/partizan/EPD_Query.htm
I found a picture of Pesia Pertzov. Born in:Radoszkowice, Poland Holocaust Period
Framework:Partisans in Belorussia Battle Area:Kopil Forests Underground / Partisan: Kutovski.
for picture of Pesia Pertzov Born in:Radoszkowice, Poland Holocaust Period Framework:Partisans
in Belorussia Battle Area:Kopil Forests Underground / Partisan: Kutovski
Burial Societies in the New York
Metro Area
Prepared by the Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc.
Chebra A. A. Radashkowertz (post)
Gate 46
Chebrah Orach Chaim Anschei Radeskowitz
Mt. Judah
Section 2, Block 6
There is a wonderful memoir about
radoshkovich from 1880-1905, written by Abe isaacson in 1940. It is 165 pages
in old fashioned typescript, and is on file with the Missouri Historical Society
(of all places!!). I have a copy and would be happy to share it. --Steve rosen
Steve Rosen <Rosen20817@aol.com>
Bethesda,, MD USA -
From: "nahum liberman"
Date: Sun Mar 18, 2001 8:45pm
Subject: annual meeting of "shoa survivers" of Radoshkovich
Hi all
Today took place the annual meeting of the "Shoa (holocaust) survivors of Radoshkovich,Krasna,Horodoc
& Rakov"
all are towns in the same district.
I was attended at the meeting.
There were some speeches which mostly talked about the "shoa" time, nothing
that can contribute to researchers in this
However I noticed that one of the members has a family tree about 4 generations
deep with many names on it.
This paper is intended , as I understood, to Steve Rosen and I am sure
it can contribute to his research and
to other members in this group.
Anyway the part Rosen is getting is only about 1\4 of the original family tree
of the "Czerches" family which
was 3-4 generation in Radoshkovich and is connected by marriage to most
of other old families there.
The writer of this tree Is Shlomo Nachshon (Czerches) which was my fathers best
friend, and I will try to
get the full copy from him, to translate and to publish here for all this group.
Another guests were Carmela & Jack Izickson which asked me to send
regards from here to Michel Izygon.
Hi Michel, small world ain`t it?
To my disappointment I found nothing new about my own family Liberman or Leiberman
or Nahum der shoichet atc`
If any of this group has any information about my family please write to me.
Here are 2 phones of the organizers of the evening, Zila Zilburg 03-9647532
and Temima Levin 03-5048517
They allow me to publish their phones for this group.
They has a lot of information about the world-war 2 time, and they have
a lot of good will to help,
but I am not sure about how they speak English and anyway it`s all not documented
and mostly from
personal knowledge.
That`s about the meeting.
Nahum Liberman <nahum@liberman.co.il>
Israel -
Steve Rosen wrote....
...Lucille nee Shepsenwohl's kindergarten teacher came from Radoshkovich to
Volozhin when she married Yakov....
...Two years ago, she played a major role in constructing a monument to the
perished in Radoshkovich. She is Fruma Lifshitz Gapanowitz. She is 91 years
old and very alert (Lucille speaks to her once a month) she speaks good English.....Steve
I spoke with Fruma and she was very kind. Her two beautiful daughters, Chayale
and Shoshanale, perished in the Holocaust. her husband, Yakov Lifshitz was the
head of the Tarbut school in Volozhin. He also perished. Fruma survived by running
to the forset and becoming a partisan.
picture of Fruma Gafnovitz beautiful family that perished in the holocaust
From: "Nahum Liberman"
Date: Mon Mar 12, 2001 7:21am
Subject: Re: [radoshkovich] Meeting in Tel Aviv regarding Radoshkovich
The meeting will take place at "Bnei-Brith" house at Laskov St` Tel-Aviv at
6 p.m,
Zila Zilburg had just told me by phone.
Nahum Liberman
P.o.box 135 Azor Israel 58100
radoshkovichlist [ Join This Group!
Devoted to the study of the town of Radoshkovich located on the road between
Vilna and Minsk. This town has been in Lithuania and Beloruss. Mainly genealogical,
this list is open to all topics relevant to Radoshkovitz.
milt botwinick
click here for radoshkovichlist
[ Join This Group! ]
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:05:25 EDT
From: Rosen20817@aol.com
Subject: Impediments to Resistance in the Holocaust in Belarus
JewishGen Discussion Group
Impediments to Resistance in the Holocaust in Belarus
Radoscovichi in the Holocaust
"For the most part, ghetto Jews regarded the young people who planned and plotted
armed resistance as irresponsible hotheads who would bring disaster upon the
whole ghetto. Skepticism and contempt marked their
attitude toward the handful of inexperienced boys and girls who ventured to
fight the Germans. In some ghettos, the populace responded with
unvarnished fear and hatred to the would-be resisters, seeing them as foolish
fanatics or even raving lunatics. In Radoszkowice, a town in the district of
Vilna with about twelve hundred Jews, the ghetto populace
warned the newly formed underground that unless the plans for resistance were
abandoned, they would denounce them to the Germans. Observant Jews even assembled
in the prayer house to excommunicate the ten members of
the resistance who intended to join the partisans in the woods."
Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, p. 325
click here
for the JewishGen Discussion Group SigLists
Search results for "Radoshkovichi
OR Radoshkoviche OR Radoszkowice OR Radoszkowicze OR Rodoszkowice"
(from September 1993 to )
Number of hits: 80
Run on Sunday 18 March 2001 at 02:50:54
I am posting just a few Messages from JewishGen Discussion Group Archives;
From: ksh@cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu
Subject: SCHULMANS from Radoshkovichi
I am interested in any Schulmans from Radoshkovichi. My hasband's grandmother
Hannah SCHULMAN ZIMMERMANcame from ther to NY in1886. (Born 1859-Died 1942).
A younger sister, Ida SCHULMAN KLEIN 1871-1967 came about 1900. An intermediate
brother Samuel SCHULMAN emigrated to Canada before 1912, but we have no
other information. I have some information on the twon from both the Minsk
and Vilna archives, and names of some other Schulamns . Hannah's and Ida's
mother's name was Pearl Taub. All these names are obviously anglicized. Anu
information appreciated.
Katherine S. Harris ksh@cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu
Serching for
From: gbbernstein@delphi.com
Subject: Re: Are you going to Montefiore Cemetery?
I'm researching my family. Any help would be appreciated.
My familys name in Europe was Novodworsky (possibly Novadworsky). (Those that
came to America use the name Novadoff.) They came from a town somewhere in
Russia known as Radoszkowice. Ive also seen it spelled Radishkowitz,
Radoskowitz, Raditzkowitz, Rado
shkowvits, or Radiskow. Any info on the
family would be great. Any info on the town - e.g., where it is located
or a contact with a landsmashaften whould be appreciated.
Please e-mail me at gbernste@us.dhl.com.
Jerry Bernstein
Help!! I am researching a small town 20 miles from Minsk, Belarus named
Radoshkovichi, and understand that there is a Yizkor Book for it. I
would appreciate it if someone would tell me how I can go about locating
this book, or how I can locate any Yizkor Book. Thanks for any help you
can give.
Bill Ellenburg, Walnut Creek, CA
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 02:15:42 -0400
From: "Stephen A. Cohen"
Subject: Radoshkovichi Yizkor Book
Radoshkovichi, also called Radoshkowitz, Radoshkov, Radoshkovich,
Radochkovitchi, is a town located between Vilnius, the present day capital
of Lithuania and which was formerly called Vilna and Vilno and Minsk the
capital of Belarus, formerly called Bylorussia or White Russia. It is the
second largest town in the Vilieka Uyezd (district) of Belarus.
I have just received official word from Joyce Field that the translation
by Jerry Ruderman and his wife of the Radoshkowitz Yizkor Book will soon
join the ever growing list of Yizkor books available to our Jewishgen
membership at:
As a researcher of my paternal grandfather's SHINHAUS family from
Radoshkovichi, I am especially glad to see this work becoming available.
This book will become a valuable assistant to our research. My
congratulations to Jerry and his wife for a job well done.
L'Shana Tova,
Stephen A. Cohen
(JewishGen #12106)
East Meadow NY (Long Island) - USA
E-mail: formerly
Coordinator: Vilieka Uyezd (district) of Belarus
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:52:30 -0500
From: "Stephen A. Cohen"
Subject: Jacob & Hannah Cohen - Brooklyn NY
Although this message has been run before, I hope the older members will
understand and have patience with my repeating it.
I and three cousins, who are also members, are seeking the descendants a a
brother to our grandparents Jacob COHEN, also called Selig, who was one of
seven children of Chaim & Esther SHEINHOUSE. He was born between 1850-1870
in Radoshkovichi, sometimes called Radoshkovitch, 21.9 miles NNW of Minsk
in the Vilieka Uyezd (district) of Belarus.
He came to New York City between 1870 and 1900 and per family stories
and married, either here or in Europe, Hanah (spelling unsure). She was the
daughter of a butcher. By 1910 all but one of his siblings had also come to
NYC. Three of the brothers changed their family names to COHEN after
entering the USA.
Many of his family members lived for a time in the lower east side of
Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge. Whether Jacob did also is unsure.The
City Directory of 1908 listed him living at: 4519 45th St - Brooklyn NY.
The name of this street was changed in 1912 to 13th Avenue. The 1910
federal census did not list him at this address.
Jacob Cohen owned one of the largest women apparel manufacturing firms in
the US employing over 1500 people. The firm "Jacob Cohen Cloaks & Suits"
was originally on Canal St but later moved to 424 Broadway, just North of
Canal. Whether the firm survived the massive cloak and suit strike of
1913-15 is not known.
He was one of the founding members of The Cloak & Suit Manufactures
Association and their activities plus the 1913-15 strike started the roots
of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
Jacob & Hanah are said to have had at least five children, one of the
oldest of which was Harry. Harry had a least two sisters, one of which
later moved with him to Illinois.
If anyone is familiar with this family, please contact me privately.
Best regards,
Stephen A. Cohen
East Meadow NY
Coordinator: Vilieka Uyezd (district) of Belarus
PS: I am researching the following families:
LEFEBRE:Rhineland Palat//Belarus:BASIST - Lida Dist; SHINHAUS, SHEINHOUS,
SHEINHAUS,SHEINGAUS in Radoshkovichi, Molodechno
in the Vilieka Dist// Galicia:BIRNBAUM,GOLDBERG,LEINKRAM in Krakow;
click here
for Messages from JewishGen Discussion
Subj: Meeting in Tel Aviv regarding
Date: 3/11/01 7:02:49 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Rosen20817
To: jbernste@home.com (Jerry Bernstein)
To: narshavs@avoda.jct.ac.il (Moses Varshavsky)
To: Miltone, jbernste@home.com (Gerald Bernstein)
To: LSHofrichter@prodigy.net (Lawrence Hofrichter)
To: gen@nassau.cv.net (Stephen Cohen)
To: liboff@oakland.edu (Abraham Liboff)
To: sirbenjy@pacbell.net (Ben Gore)
To: beryl@ix.netcom.com (Beryl Blickstein)
To: drbroit@hotmail.com (Rene Broit), JeromeR382
To: michaelgrin@earthlink.net (Michael Gringauz)
To: amh@oew-online.com (Ann Hellman) narshavs@avoda.jct.ac.il (Moses Varshavsky)
To: libermn@netvision.net.il (Nahum Liberman)
To: viukerville@worldnet.att.net (Susan Lieberman)
To: hochstei@ucla.edu
To: isaacsonj@hotmail.com (Joel Isaacson)
To: amh@oew-online.com (Ann Hellman)
To: Mizygon@tietronix.com, mizygon@usa.net
To: radoshkovichlist@egroups.com
To: mizygon@usa.net (Michel Izygon), MStein3912
To: ssepsenw@uwsp.edu (sol sepsenwol), RUTHITZ
To: ETRICHARD, sheferb@ISDN.net.il
To: NORBU108@Tuna.net (Noah Dinnerstein)
To: Lcschecter@cs.com, Simchasch@cs.com, Gaia sngbd
To: EilatGordn
Dear friend of Radoshkovich:
There will be a meeting of remembrance for descendents of Radoshkovich in Tel
Aviv on Sunday March 18, according to Michel Izygon. He will send me more details
shortly and I will pass them along.
--Steve Rosen
Searching for Town RADOSHKOVICHI in Belarus
Number of hits: 42 This search request has been made possible through the JewishGen-erosity
ofMarian H. Brown
Botwinick from Radoshkovichi
Davidow from Radoshkovichi
Milton E Botwinick (#1426)
Pob 13464
Philadelphia, PA
Kossack from Radoshkovichi
Schulman Radoshkovichi
Zimmerman Radoshkovichi
Taub Radoshkovichi
Katherine S. Harris (#2459)
864 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, NY
Novadoff Radoshkovichi
Novadworsky Radoshkovichi
Novodworsky Radoshkovichi
Gerald B. Bernstein (#3569)
6039 Greenridge Road
Castro Valley, CA
Isaacson Radoshkovichi
Lawrence S. Hofrichter (#3588)
407 Lincoln Avenue
Highland Park, NJ
Isaacson Radoshkovichi
Helperin Radoshkovichi
Shepsenwohl Radoshkovichi
Kopilovich Radoshkovichi
Michel E. Izygon (#8867)
Scheinhaus Radoshkovichi
Moses Varshavsky (#11127)
Chlenov 44 Tel-Aviv
Zionut road 28 /4 Ariel
Sheinhauz Radoshkovichi
Sheinhouse Radoshkovichi
Scheinhaus Radoshkovichi
Sheingauz Radoshkovichi
Scheinhouse Radoshkovichi
Sheinhouse Radoshkovichi
Stephen A. Cohen (#12106)
Libow Radoshkovichi
Liboff Radoshkovich
Abraham R. Liboff (#12721)
Cooper Radoshkovichi
Rubin Radoshkovichi
Benjamin Gore (#18416)
Greengous Radoshkovichi
Gringauz Radoshkovichi
Beryl Blickstein (#23642)
13312 Old Forge Road
Silver Spring
Aryan Radoshkovichi
Rene Broit (#24924)
4/680a Pacific Highway
Killara NSW
Gringauz Radoshkovichi
Gringauz (#37457)
Frank Radoshkovichi Researcher #38484
Shepsenwohl Radoshkovichi
Dinnerstein Radoshkovichi
Alperovich Radoshkovichi
Steven Rosen (#40343)
8408 Whitman Drive
Bethesda, Md.
Eilat Gordin (#43133)
3895 Eureka Drive
Studio City,California
818 506-4136
Lipman Radoshkovichi
Mordechai SHECHTER (#44895)
35 Ruth Street
Haifa, Israel
Lapidos Radoshkovichi Researcher #45807
Mane Radoshkovichi
Mr. Sam Mane (#47223)
Adelman Radoshkovichi
Hilik (#48043)
Isaacson Radoshkovichi
Gilad Japhet (#48137)
Issacson Radoshkovichi
Hochstein Radoshkovichi
Miles Hochstein (#51674)
Hochstein Radoshkovichi
Janice Kociol (#53730)
to search JewishGen family
finder click here
In the 19th-beginning of the 20th century Hebrew poets in Lithuania were Mordechaj
Cevi Mane, born in Radoshkovichi in 1859- died in Radoshkovichi in 1886 and
Zalman Shneur (1887-1940).
click here for Jews
in Lithuania
I created this page to honor the
memory of my great grandmother's brother; Yaacov Moshe Alperovitz (son of Yehuda
son of Meir and Frada Alperovitz)
His son Ze'ev, his wife Yehudit
and their children: Yodele and Leibele Alperovitz
His son Lazer, his wife, Zlata and their children.
They all perished in Radoshkovichi in 1942.Please help me in making this page
a fitting memorial to the more then 1150 Jews who perished in Radoshkevichi.
we could do this by sharing family stories, pictures and information. remember
that most of them told us before they were killed; "Do not forget us".
Eilat Gordin Levitan
here for the pictures of the family of the sister of Yaacov Moshe Alperovitz