Rabbi Mordechai Rosenblatt (1836 - Adar Tra"o , 1916 ), better known
as Rabbi Mordecai from Oshminy (today in Belarus) near Vilnius (today
Lithuania) where he served as a rabbi.
Born in Antopol now in White Russia. Antopol was known in the Jewish
world for Rabbi Pinchas Michael Greusliit who lived and published
there at the time. Rabbi Pinchas Michael of Antopol was still a Rabbi
there when Mordechai was living in his hometown at the age of 28 and
he was a student of Rabbi Greusliit.
He Was known locally as well as all over Lithuanian, hundreds of Jews
and non-Jews flocked to receive his blessing. His picture was in many
homes throughout Lithuania . Among Lithuanians it was unusual since
they dismissed the phenomenon that was associated with the Hassidic
movement , therefore, the figure of a Lithuanian healer, Rabbi
Mordechai Maoshmina, is a unique phenomenon.
In Antopol he lived for six years and served as a judge. He then
served his first job as a rabbi in Botan . from there he left in Trm"z
to be the rabbi of Korlitz . In Oshmiany, whose name made him famous,
he began serving as a rabbi in Trn"a . In his last years in Trs"h he
was elected as av beit Din/Rabbi of Slonim .
His son in-law was Rabbi Eliyahu David Epstein, who was the older
brother of the head of the Hebron Yeshiva , Rabbi Moshe Mordechai
Epstein .
Hundreds of judgments and His law innovations were printed in Trn"t by
his student, Rabbi Yehuda Idel Zisling from Oshmina, the book Hadrat
Mordechai - Hilokim and extension required wordplay secondary and
tractates in the Talmud .
On his tomb stone it is written: "Here lies the real great Ark of the
sage of Torah and beloved Minister Maran and pine awe of Israel ..."