Leon Sperling

Leon Sperling (born August 7, 1900 in Krakow, died between December 15 and 20, 1941 in Lviv), Polish footballer(soccer) of Jewish nationality, Polish representative, Olympian. He graduated from high school in commerce, after his career he worked as a bank clerk, one of the best soccer attackers of the interwar period. A pupil of Jutrzenka Kraków, from 1920 - throughout his career - until 1934 associated with Cracovia. Played 381 matches. The club record holder in the number of appearances in the national team - he had 21. In the colors of Cracovia, he won the titles of the Polish champion three times (1921, 1930, 1932). He made his debut in the first match played by the Polish team on December 18, 1921 in Budapest against Hungary (defeat 0: 1). In 1924 he performed at the Olympics in Paris, and after the outbreak of World War II, he found himself in Lviv, where he was a coach. After the Germans entered, he ended up in the Lviv ghetto. He was shot dead in the street between December 15 and 20, 1941 by a drunk Gestapo officer.
This is what the famous Cracovia footballer Józef Ka?u?a wrote about Sperling: "An excellent left-winger, top-class technician, a great individualist. He was similar in style to Mielech - he was inferior to him in speed, but he was beating him with agility and quality of the shot". Henryk Vogler added: "Little tiny left-winger Sperling, called Muniu, able to maneuver his opponents with dribbling so cleverly that the entire audience laughed with happy laughter. ?
Leon Sperling
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Leon Sperling (August 7, 1900 – December 15, 1941) was a Polish Olympic footballer.[1][2]
Sperling was born in Kraków, and was Jewish.[3] He was a football forward, playing on the left wing. Sperling represented Cracovia,[4] the team he led in 1921, 1930, and 1932 to the Championship of Poland.[5] He also played in 16 games for the Polish National Team,[6] including Poland's lone game at the 1924 Paris Olympic Games.[7][8][9] He was regarded as a highly skilled dribbler.[10] He also coached in Lvov.[10] Sperling is one of Cracovia Kraków's legends.
Sperling was shot to death by the Nazis in the Lwów Ghetto in December 1941.[9][11][2][12] His Jewish teammate, Józef Klotz, was also killed in the Holocaust.[2]
August 07, 1900
Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
December 20, 1941 (41)
Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine (Murdered by the Nazis)
Immediate Family:
Son of Salomon Wolf Sperling and Rachel/Ruchel Sperling
Husband of Sidonia Sperling and Sara Perla Sperling
Brother of Henryk Sperling; Bernard Sperling; Emil Sperling; Feiwel Sperling; Amalia Braciejowka; <private> Sperling and Helena Krantz / Kranz
edit | history
In Yad Vashem I found reports; Lion Shperling was born in Krakow, Poland in 1897 to Salomon Volf and Rakhel. He was a bank clerk and married to Sidonia. Prior to WWII he lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, Poland. Lion was murdered/perished in 1941 in Lwow, Poland at the age of 43. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his brother Bernard.
Lion Shperling was born in Krakow, Poland in 1900 to Volf and Rakhel. He was a bank clerk and married to Sidonia. Prior to WWII he lived in Krakow, Poland. During the war he was in Krakow, Poland. Lion was murdered/perished in 1941 in Lwow, Poland at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his niece Miriam Nik, daughter of his brother Henryk who also perished in the holocaust. She and her mother survived and came to Israel. where she died in 2012 at age 90.
Leon Sperling was a Polish Jewish Olympic footballer. Sperling was born in Kraków, and was Jewish. He was a football forward, playing on the left wing. Sperling represented Cracovia, the team he led in 1921, 1930, and 1932 to the Championship of Poland. Wikipedia Born: 7 August 1900, Kraków, Poland Died: 15 December 1941, Lviv, Ukraine Height: 1.65 m Position: Forward
Leon Sperling (ur. 7 sierpnia 1900 w Krakowie, zm. mi?dzy 15 a 20 grudnia 1941 we Lwowie), polski pi?karz narodowo?ci ?ydowskiej, reprezentant Polski, olimpijczyk. Sko?czy? liceum handlowe, po zako?czeniu kariery pracowa? jako urz?dnik bankowy.
Jeden z najlepszych napastników okresu mi?dzywojennego. Wychowanek Jutrzenki Kraków, od 1920 - przez ca?? karier? - do 1934 zwi?zany z Cracovi?. Rozegra? 381 meczów. Klubowy rekordzista w liczbie wyst?pów w reprezentacji - mia? ich 21. W barwach Cracovii zdoby? trzykrotnie tytu?y mistrza Polski (1921, 1930, 1932).
Debiutowa? w pierwszym meczu rozegranym przez polsk? reprezentacj? 18 grudnia 1921 w Budapeszcie z W?grami (przegrana 0:1). W 1924 wyst?pi? na igrzyskach olimpijskich w Pary?u.
Po wybuchu II wojny ?wiatowej znalaz? si? we Lwowie, gdzie by? trenerem. Po wkroczeniu Niemców trafi? do getta lwowskiego. Zosta? zastrzelony na ulicy mi?dzy 15 a 20 grudnia 1941 przez pijanego gestapowca.
Tak pisa? o Sperlingu s?ynny pi?karz Cracovii Józef Ka?u?a: "Znakomity lewoskrzyd?owy, technik najwy?szej klasy, wielki indywidualista. Zbli?ony w stylu gry ca?kowicie do Mielecha - ust?powa? mu w szybko?ci, bi? go natomiast zwrotno?ci? ruchów i jako?ci? strza?u".
Henryk Vogler dodawa?: "Male?ki lewoskrzyd?owy Sperling, wo?any Muniu, umiej?cy tak sprytnie wymanewrowa? dryblingiem przeciwników, ?e ca?a widownia rechota?a ze ?miechu".

His mother
Rache/Ruchel Sperling (Beckman)
who also perished in the holocaust. |