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Lublin, Poland, Jewish partisans, among then Yechiel Grinspan in the woods of Lublin, 1944.
Origin:Encyclopedia of the Holocaust - Hebrew Edition 1990
Lublin, Poland, Four men in the ghetto, 1940.
Hersch Klajnmann, a partisan, died age 18.
Origin: Evelyn Savir
Lublin, Poland, Jews in Lublin being humiliated by SS soldiers.
Origin:Encyclopedia of the Holocaust - Hebrew Edition 1990
Lublin, Poland, 1942, Deportation of Jews.
Lublin, Poland, 1930, Facade of the Chochmei Lublin Yeshiva.
Lublin, Poland, Jews with their belongings in the street, awaiting deportation.
Lublin, Poland, A Jewish man working in the street.
Origin:Dr. Yakob Sosne
Lublin, Poland, Jewish Partisans in Lublin forests.
Lublin, Poland, 1937. The young man perished in the holocaust he is a relative of Raya Barnea, submitter of the photograph.
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