Nehemiah Alperovitch (1912-2011)

Nehemiah Alperovitch, the last veteran...the last of the kibbutz founders, died in his sleep, at age of almost 100 A passing of the secret righteous, death by "a kiss". He was so meek and humble, unobtrusive and shy that even death seems to forgotten him - perhaps they wanted last vestige of them to be here to remind us of something good that might have been forgotten ...
Last veterans. Signed a death. Final nail that sealed the coffin of a period. How Rothman used to say to me in Yiddish: "kibbutz in der Ardeh", "grouping already in the ground." With the death down to the grave and becomes a legend, history, an entire period is gone.
He was from the same town of Isaac Goor, and in the kibbutz they were neighbors and friends. Along just in time, at the end of their lives, they got to go visit their home town, Kurenic, located 100 kilometers from Vilnius, and found that nothing remained from the 1800 Jews, everyone, including families,perished or left - even the Houses - in the cemetery they set up a monument.
Kurenic - the name means "burning", "burning". Wooden houses with thatched roofs were burned almosr every year. Together they studied cheder "together in - school" Tarbut "and nest of Hashomer Hazair. Such a Great handwriting they had, without spelling mistakes, as in the assimilated the major cities. Look at the book of Nehemiah Hebrew songs from the nest - how wonderful!
Nehemiah lost his father at a young age and instead of continuing his studies in Vilnius, he had to work to support his family which became impoverished during the First World War.
They came to Eretz Israel in two waves in -1933-4, 100 members. They dreamed of building their own kibutz. When they came with their application Meir Yaari lost his temper and yelled in Yiddish: "Comet a Kakr und Maact a Flakr!" - "Come Shitter and noisy! Them do what they tell you! Complete an old kibutz or go to Ein Shemer". They chose Ein Shemer. Imagine - if their dream would have come true, and they set up their own kibutz, all of the chaluzim from towns from the Vilna region. Warm Jews, folks of craft and hard work, without the Polish slacta/ high class "- many of whom were H"hsovim" and fixed the world from ... Tel Aviv!, What kibutz it would have been!
Nehemiah worked for thirty years building homes. He Built together with Banek all the houses in the Ein Shemer. I remember him as a continuum, always on his knees. This is not just a picture - it might also be his character. As severe patient carrying the kibbutz and Zionism on his back. A modest man - so humble and modest, never raised his voice in a kibbutz where everyone gets by screams. "Buncha Shut up."
So, quietly and bravely he carried the tragedies of life.
Once I interviewed him for the newsletter of the kibbutz. Very quietly, without a drop of anger, he recounted the story of his recruitment Brigade in World War II. Assigned to fill the quota kibbutz movement. The H"hsovim "took the lottery. These S"ntfso "accidentally managed to avoid the fate of the induction Sarafand, each presented his ailments. One even made himself crazy, like King David who evaded the war. So who's left? H"bonz'h Shut this ".
Biased lottery - was then polling committee, Woody word to the wise - they sent someone who knew to avoid "the face of war holding" even though they knew - and some say they did not know - his wife Zahava was terminally ill. And she died when he was four years in the army, Egypt, Italy, and three-year-old Dalia remained without a mother and without a father. Only in 1946 he was released.
A few years later he found solace with Nechama - Also born in a shtetl in the same area. Then a second tragedy: three year old little Mary ran out of a nursery school and fell to the swimming pool, which was not fenced. Shlomit was born to delight brought comfort to their lives.
So Nehemiah summarizes his life on his 80th birthday: "All the years I was a kibbutz I work with my hands. Probably influenced by my adolescence. Following the time that construction was given to the construction department I retired. It was after 30 years in the building . I Worked another ten years as a janitor at the children House - . During my years I built courtier the children farm . I worked for Bminiflst and nowf or Bgomgnt. I am very pleased that I can still contribute to the economy of the kibbutz.
Looking back, I have great satisfaction that I took part in the construction and establishment of a kibbutz in Israel. From deserted town to thriving and bustling. I have my eightieth birthday with a family of daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. "
Nehemiah, the last of the old, the last generation. All were parents, we "children of the kibbutz." Death closes period. Down to the grave with the coffin for us, the boys first, I lived with - and perhaps shadow - from birth - a complete, all - so big and heroic until we called them "giants" and ourselves "shadow children".
Fell fate, Isaac Generation "to continue their business. We did our best to Brides love this place they have created, and the fresh grave of holidays Erlichman and figure testify to this.
We will remember this day it died last veterans.
It's a historic day. Day of obligation, even of an oath, oath - love this place, Ein - Shemer, Nehemiah built it, no big words, but with his own hands burnt clay.
Thank you, a humble man, a recluse - one of humility - a world that made the world - and all the beauty that
We have here - there. Ali al.
Dear Dad and my love,
The moment he was afraid. For so many years you lived the way I will live forever. The head of this way of the world but the heart refuses to leave.
You won a long life, full and impressive and we won we'd have a wonderful father and grandfather so many years.
A rare and expensive, quiet, modest, hard working, honest, dedicated, well-liked, a wonderful family, a job, loyal and believe in the way you went. All of this made you a man is impressive and appreciated.
Instead of sporting intellectuals and its many schools,
You antithesis of being in a deed and action.
Little talking and a lot done. Industrious and active, Hardworking.
You did not leave you songs and books, as did many steps,
But leaving the buildings and houses and places which, if they had here,
Could tell the story.
Did you know that your life many difficulties and losses. As a result, about being 13
You lost your father illness, the mother and only sister lost in the Holocaust.
And if that were not enough, a woman lost her beloved daughter kibbutz toddler. Although it has never resented the man, not man-hating, not jealous man. Did you get a literal reality. Joy in your life and you were happy with your share.
One of the wonderful things that you had the ability to give amazing. Giving all your life would kibbutz country, and your family. Film we did for your birthday - 90 said looking back you have great satisfaction helping to build our country and if you have to - you do the same way again.
Dad, I hope I have a daughter as good as you you have a good father. We tried to allow you the years as best we could.
I am grateful that was given me to be your daughter and hope I have even a little light up your character and personality.
In my mind I hope you can see how people came to escort you out of respect appreciation and love.
Separation from you is the separation period is the end of a great significance for me. For nine years, Dalia and I come to the kibbutz every Saturday. This trees and sharpened the relationship between us and the relationship we have group and its members. Separation from you will also hperiod is the end of a great significance for me. For nine years, Dalia and I come to the kibbutz every Saturday. This trees and sharpened the relationship between us and the relationship we have group and its members. Separation from you will also have a certain separation from the kibbutz. This intensifies the pain I was experiencing. I know that this link will have a different shape and hopeful that the connection is not broken.
You can not finish the things you all thank the many people who accompanied you and us in this way and help us to let you good years and respectability. Many people were involved in this period, from Baia Blumen, Kumar, and Indra, dreaming, the house dedicated and wonderful generations Bam Shaker, Utah, Sophie Each team devoted brothers and sisters, and all other workers who do the hard work of generations and so sacred.
And lastly a huge thank you Orian Gendelman on the wisdom and sensitivity in which it does its part and we did those years were possible, and comforting.
I thank the group and wish to continue to allow all adult members to end their lives with dignity and calm confidence as enabling father.
I love you Dad and I already miss you. Shlomit