Alperovitz Family Part 4 |
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Nechama Alperovich ( born in Dunilovichi in 1883) her husband Isidore Meier Engel with two of their children; Regina and Max David. It must have been taken around 1913 in Antwerp.
Nechamah's parents were Shneur Zalman Alperovich who married Rifka Feldman. Nechamah was the fifth of six children, only one of whom was a boy named Avram. He was the youngest. The oldest was Faigele Raize but I am not sure of the names of the others.
I know that some of the siblings went to Philadelphia.
Judy Wolkovitch
Los Angeles
Mira Alperovich
Daughter of Alperovitz from Kurenets ( grandaughter of Moshe). She drowned in the Ein Shemer Kibbutz swimming pool at a very young age.
Beila nee Zaidel married Moshe Alperovitz
A tree of my relatives from Kurenec.( file bellow)
Juri Alperovich <jurialp1@gmail.com>
Raxilj and neizvestnaja
Chaya Stirl Alperovitz was a teacher
Andi Ziegelman, Jerusalem, November, 2007
Eilat Gordin Levitan and Pedro Alperowicz NYC 2001
I am in search of my mother's family over 15 years. We have found only a handful of written data but, have come across the photo above at your site of a Mr. & Mrs. Alperovitch. As you can see, there is an uncanny resemblance between our youngest son and Mr. Alperovitch. I'd like to be put in touch with Mr. Alperovitch's family and hopefully find some links to my mother's family; or suggestions you would offer in our extremely difficult search. Would you please help me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly, Stephen Alpert
#al11: Jean
My late husband was Shneur Zalman, named for his grandfather Shneur Zalman Alperovich. Family lore says that he was a descendant of Shneur Zalman of Lyady. My late husband's grandmother was Nechamah Engel (nee Alperovich - daughter of Shneur Zalman Alperovich) and she went from Lithuania with the Strashun family to Antwerp acting as a 'nanny'. Her sisters went to Philadelphia but as I am not sure of their first names I have never been able to trace them. The young woman on the left, Jean, was born to one of the Alperovich sisters in Philadelphia and the woman on the right is presumably her mother. The only names of which I am certain are Faigle Raize, Nechama and Abram who supposedly remained in Lithuania.
Judy Wolkovitch
Los Angeles
#al12: Nechama Engel (nee Alperovich)
My late husband was Shneur Zalman, named for his grandfather Shneur Zalman Alperovich. Family lore says that he was a descendant of Shneur Zalman of Lyady. My late husband's grandmother was Nechamah Engel (nee Alperovich - daughter of Shneur Zalman Alperovich) and she went from Lithuania with the Strashun family to Antwerp acting as a 'nanny'. Her sisters went to Philadelphia but as I am not sure of their first names I have never been able to trace them. The young woman on the left, Jean, was born to one of the Alperovich sisters in Philadelphia and the woman on the right is presumably her mother. The only names of which I am certain are Faigle Raize, Nechama and Abram who supposedly remained in Lithuania.
Judy Wolkovitch
Los Angeles
#al13: Jean
My late husband was Shneur Zalman, named for his grandfather Shneur Zalman Alperovich. Family lore says that he was a descendant of Shneur Zalman of Lyady. My late husband's grandmother was Nechamah Engel (nee Alperovich - daughter of Shneur Zalman Alperovich) and she went from Lithuania with the Strashun family to Antwerp acting as a 'nanny'. Her sisters went to Philadelphia but as I am not sure of their first names I have never been able to trace them. The young woman on the left, Jean, was born to one of the Alperovich sisters in Philadelphia and the woman on the right is presumably her mother. The only names of which I am certain are Faigle Raize, Nechama and Abram who supposedly remained in Lithuania.
Judy Wolkovitch
Los Angeles
Nechama Alperovich (born in Dunilovichi in 1883), her husband Isidore Meier Engel with two of their children Regina and Max David. It must have been taken around 1913 in Antwerp.
Nechamah's parents were Shneur Zalman Alperovich who married Rifka Feldman. Nechamah was the fifth of six children, only one of whom was a boy named Avram. He was the youngest. The oldest was Faigele Raize but I am not sure of the names of the others.
Judith Wolkovitch
Rita Alperowicz was born to Laizer and Liza. Prior to WWII she lived in Poland. During the war she was in Poland. Rita perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 01-Dec-2007
Moshe David Alperovitz and his second wife.
He was a son of Abraham Gedalyahu/Eliyahu Alperovitz,
who was born in Kurenets in about 1835. Abraham Gedalyahu/Eliyahu Alperovitz descends from one of the younger sons of Abram (~1680-1740); the given name of this younger son is Anshel (~1720-before 1767). This Abram apparently lived in the first Jewish house of Kurenets (Registration No. 1). He was most likely one of the first founders of Jewish
settlement in Kurenets, in about 1700 ( information; Andi Ziegelman)
. Picture was sent by Joel Alpert
Haim Zalman Alperowich was born in Kurenets in 1903 to Moshe Beniamin and Chaia Tzipa. He was married to ChanaTzipi. Prior to Haim was murdered in 1943 in Wilejka camp at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by his brother Yehoshua of Haifa.
Cira Alperovitch was born in Korenetz, Poland to Mikhael and Nekhama. Cira was murdered in 1942 in Korenetz at the age of 30. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by her nephew Yehoash Alperovich.
Malca Alperowics was born in Kurenets, Poland in 1910 to Beniamin and Tzipa. She was a housewife and single. Prior to WWII she lived in Kurenets, Poland. During the war she was in Kurenets, Poland. Malca was murdered in 1942 in Kurenets, Poland at the age of 32. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by herbrother Yehoshua
Frejda Alperowicz nee Alperovitz was born in Kurzeniec, Poland in 1888
to Monia. She was a shop owner and married to Mikhael. Prior to WWII
she lived in Glubokie, Poland. Poland. Frejda was murdered/perished
in 1943 in Glubokie, Poland at the age of 55. Picture was given by her
son Pinchas of Israel.
Velvel (son of Yisrael Hirsh nee Castroll and Itka Alpeovitz of
Kurenets) had 8 children: Avrom stayed in Russia, Nathan, Zelech,
Gershon (Chicago), Gertrude, Ezra, Schmuel David m. Bessie (daughter was Sarah Castroll Levine (Messina, NY) whose daughter is my cousin and friend Marsha Levine Rothschild of Syracuse, NY. & Benjamin.
Benjamin had 4 children; Edward (son is Michael Castroll) , Anna, Ida, Harry.
Miriam (Mariasha) Castroll nee Alperovitz was the wife of Velvel.
Her Birth Date: 1854 Death Date: 15 Sep 1930 Age at Death: 76 Burial
Plot: T 33 Burial Place: Orange, Connecticut, United States Father
Name: Jacob Cemetery: Beth Israel Cemetery Address: 833 Derby Avenue
Cemetery Burials: 496
October 2013; HAPPY 85TH BIRTHDAY TO DR. SHIMON ALPEROVICH (Simonas Alperavi?ius), the inimitably charismatic, Litvak-sharp, ever-witty, inspiringly courageous chair of the Lithuanian Jewish Community from 1992 to early 2013.
A few documents in English translation from recent years at: http://defendinghistory.com/category/shimon-alperovich.
Shimon Alperovich has Vilna Jewish royalty in his blood. He is the great-great grandson of the Vilna scholar and Jewish community leader Shmúel Strashún (1794 - 1872) who was much esteemed among the Christian majority, and is often referred to in Jewish lore as the Rashásh (acronymic from his name). The Rashásh's son, bibliophile Matisyóhu Strashún, became even more famous, as bequeather of the fabled lilbrary that bore his name, after whom a Vilna street was named in 1920.
Jurij Alperovich shared
Diana's story is one of inauspicious beginnings and triumph through perseverance. She began singing in Riga, Latvia six years ago and continued to develop her abilities, even as she moved from Boston, Moldova, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia, England to Israel. Along the way, Diana garnered many awards,…
Jacob Alperovicz and his grandchildren Rachel and Reuven Ancelevicz taken shortly before Jacob (Yankel) left for the U.S. to live with his son, Martin, whom he had not seen for about 25 years.
These are two grandchildren, the children of his daughter Basia Ancelevic Basia Ancelevic nee Alperovitz with family
Top row Hyman Schwartz, ?, ?, Morris Alpert, Anna Gordon, Samuel Zundel Alpert (nee Alperovitz), Gertie Alpert
From left; Betty Sara Wouk ( wife of Herman), Rabbi Mendel Leib Levin (grandfather of Herman) Herman Wouk, Emma Zivoni nee Alperovich (Her grandmother Chaia Gelman was the sister of Mendel Leib Levin, Herman's grandfather)
Emma and her brother Eliyahu with their parents Mendel and Nechama Risha Alperovitz. Only Emma survives in Israel Eliyahu and the parents perished in the holocaust.
Emma Zivony nee Alperovitz and Zvia Even Shoshan nee Kagan visiting their families in Kurenets in 1938
Yuval Even Shoshan and Edna Litvak nee Zivony during their visit to Kurenets in 1938.Their mothers traveled with them from Eretz Israel to meet their grandparents and uncles in Kurenets, 4 years later all the relatives in Kurenets were murdered by the nazis.
Israel 1950s. Edna and Amazia Zivony with their cousin Sara nee Akperovich
Israel 1950s. Edna and Amazia Zivony with their cousin Sara nee Akperovich
Edna Litvak and her cousin Sarale nee Alperovich. They are the granddaughters of Mendel Alperovich who perished in Kurenets 9-9- 1942
The great granschildren of Adna daughter of Ema nee Alperovich of Kurenets
#al41 |
#al42 |
#al44 |
#al45 |
#al46 |
Picture: From the left top is Fanny Bensman (nee Raffelson) holding Emily Alperovitz (nee Bensman, born in 1906) , Paul Bensman , Joseph Bensman, Sophie (nee Raffelson) Bensman, William Bensman , Louis Wasserman and John Pykel. The man on the end with the mustache is an unknown neighbor.
The bearded man is Max Raffelson. He is holding either John Bensman or Sol Bensman.
Sitting in the chair is Esther Pykel holding Celia Pykel. Next to her is Lena ( nee Raffelson ) Moekler and David Raffelson. The girl in the bottom row in the black dress is Bessie (nee Raffelson ) Marsack. The Wassermans and Pykels are relatives of the Raffeslons.
Gar Alperovitz and I are second cousins. His mother was Emily Bensman Alperovitz.
You can view my website at;
http://web.mac.com/allenbsaxe/iWeb/Bensman Family History/Welcome To the Bensman Family by Allen B. Saxe.html
Feel free to add any/or all to your website.
Allen B. Saxe
Joseph Bensman's children were Paul, Ben, Sol,, Sylvia (Chickie), Emily and Dora.
Memories of My Grandfather: Joseph Bensman
By Stephen J. Bensman
The following is a memoir based upon conversations that I had with my grandfather, Joseph Bensman, during the mid-1960s when we talked together while I spending time in Sheboygan working on my dissertation for the doctorate in Russian history. I am contributing it to the Jewishgen Shtetlinks web pages for Sheboygan, Wisconsin and Lepel, Belorussia, because it contains valuable information on the life of the forbears of the Sheboygan Jews in Russia and on their early days in the United States.
One of the first things I ascertained from my grandfather was the precise location in Russia from where my family originated. I had always suspected that it was the town of Lepel', because family tradition had it that we came from "Leple" and in the locative case in Russian Lepel' becomes Leple. Thus, to say in Russian, "I live in Lepel'", one says, "Ya zhivu v Leple." To ascertain this, I sat my grandfather down with a detailed map of the then Soviet Union and named the towns around Lepel'. It turned out that he knew all the towns around Lepel' for about 25 miles out and then did not know the small towns but did know the big ones like Vitebsk and Minsk.
I had further confirmation of this recently, when the assistant to the Slavic Bibliographer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison wrote me that the name Bensman is specific to the towns of Lepel' and Rechitsa according to the book by Alexander Beider (A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Empire, Teaneck, NJ, Avotaynu, 1993, p. 128-129). It is a Cohen name deriving from the Yiddish word "benchn" or "to bless" and meaning "one who blesses." Other forms of the name are Benchman and the Russified Bentsman.
I have translated Tsarist encyclopedia articles on Lepel', which are posted on the Web. If one reads them and this, one will see that the encyclopedia articles corroborate what my grandfather told me. These articles also confirm the family story that my great grandfather Aaron Holman emigrated to Sheboygan from "Leple" in the 1880s after losing 500 gold rubles on venture to float a log raft to market as such ventures were a common economic activity in the Lepel' region. On a visit to Israel I found out at the Tel Aviv Museum that the Germans declared the Lepel' region "Judenrein" (Clean of Jews) in 1942-43.
During our conversation, I questioned my grandfather very closely and managed to get a fairly good picture of the Bensmans in Lepel, Russia. They operated a brick kiln. They not only made bricks, but they knocked down houses to salvage bricks. In doing so, they always checked the wooden beams in the houses they destroyed to see if any money had been hidden in the rafters. This was common, since Lepel' lies on the main invasion routes, and people were always having to have to hide. Napoleon's Grand Army passed through Lepel'. The Bensmans burned the rafters to operate the kiln. However, the Bensmans could not make ends meet from just operating the kiln My grandfather had to do other work. Among the jobs he did were the following. First, he ran teams of horses to drag logs out of the forest during the cutting season in winter. Since he was smart, he managed to rig the chains, so that he could drag out two logs instead of the usual one log. A merchant would then buy the logs and smack his mark on it with a special hammer. Second, he farmed. Jews could not own land, so he rented land from the Lepel' municipal council. Third, he worked as a navvy in Vitebsk, digging foundations. Since he was Jewish, he was always given the task of digging where the latrines of former buildings had emptied. Finally, he was a mean horse trader. My grandfather's skill at horse trading was so well known, that when he was drafted in the Russian army, the intention was to assign him to the cavalry so he could buy and sell horses for it. As a general rule, Jews were not put into combat units but were assigned to the quartermaster corps, where their skills as traders, tinkers, tailors, cobblers, etc., were found very useful.
The Bensmans were extremely lower class and uneducated. That is probably why they lost the tradition of being Cohens. They were not able to read or write. I showed my grandfather a Russian newspaper, and he commented that he had seen something like it once. It also brought to mind the local nobleman who had a bike, which amazed the peasants and caused them to laugh when he rode it. My grandfather did not even know his own birth date until the Russian Army told him it when he was summoned to service. My grandfather could speak some Russian heavily influenced by Polish as was common in Belarus, but he did not know the words for directions like north, south, east, west. These were concepts entirely alien to him. He always oriented himself by what directions lay the major towns and cities, and even in the US he gave directions in these terms on where to go fishing. The Bensmans were not like the other Jews, for they were more integrated into the local gentile population than most other Jews. In Russia my grandfather was involved slightly with the Socialist Revolutionaries, who specialized in blowing up Tsarist officials. He told me that the Socialist Revolutionaries used to meet in secret on an island in one of the lakes of the Lepel' district.
To read more about Joseph Bensman, the father of Emily ( Gar' mother) go to
http://absaxe.macmate.me/Bensman_Family_History/Welcome_To_the_Bensman_Family_by_Allen_B._Saxe.html |
From: Ludmila Kopel <ludmilakopel@zip.com.au>
Please find attached a photo of my grandfather Lazar Zalmanowicz Kopelowicz and G. Ch. Alperowicz taken in Odessa in 1916.
On the reverse of the photo: 1916, 8/7. (RUSSIAN TEXT MAY BE READ ABOVE) 1916 8/7. To our friend Ch. Sh. in eternal memory G.(?)Ch. Alperowicz (and) L. Kopelowicz.
I hope someone may recognize G.(I think) Ch. Alperowicz on the photo.
It is possible that he is a relative as my paternal great grandmother was Minnie Alperowicz (not from Vileyka).
She married my grandfather Moshe Isaakowicz Kaganowicz (from Vileyka).
With appreciation for any leads,
Ludmila Kopel |
Name Birth Date Birth Location Passport Issue Date Residence Location View Image
View Record
Name: Benjamin Alperowitz
Birth Date: 14 Feb 1873
Birth Place: Berazin, Russia
Passport Issue Date: 5 Feb 1903
Passport Includes a Photo: N
Source: Passport Applications, 1795-1905 (M1372)
Take a look at the picture to see even more.
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Benjamin Alperowitz 14 Feb 1873 Berazin, Russia 5 Feb 1903 New York
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Joseph Alperowitz 20 Mar 1871 Naron, Poland 22 Oct 1923 Houston, Texas
Name Birth Date Birth Location Passport Issue Date Residence Location View Image
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Adolph Alpert 9 Feb 1879 Bialystock, Russia 31 Dec 1920 Nyc, New York City
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Name: Berel Alpert
Birth Date: 8 Mar 1873
Birth Place: Russia
RESIDENCE: New York City, New York
Passport Issue Date: 22 Apr 1920
Father Name: Isaac Reuben Alpert
Father's Birth Location: Russia
Father's Residence: Deceased
Passport Includes a Photo: Y
Source: Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 (M1490)
Take a look at the picture to see even more.
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Berel Alpert 8 Mar 1873 Russia 22 Apr 1920 New York City, New York
View Record
Berel Alpert 8 Mar 1873 Wolkovisk, Poland-Russia 17 Feb 1922 New York, New York
View Record
Dora Alpert 1 Nov 1907 New Haven, Conn 3 Jan 1924 New Haven, Conn
View Record
Edmund Reinhard Alpert 10 Jan 1875 Volgfelde, Germany 15 Apr 1922 Paola, Kansas
View Record
Fanny Alpert 20 Apr 1878 Mosst, Poland 25 Apr 1923 Salem, Mass
View Record
Fanny Alpert 15 Aug 1879 Russia 29 Aug 1913 Brooklyn, New York
View Record
Ivan Alpert 3 Oct 1676 In Russia 20 Jan 1919 Kansas City, Missouri
View Record
John Alpert 8 Apr 1893 Roumania 22 May 1924 Cleveland, Ohio
View Record
Joseph Alpert 9 Apr 1865 Laer, Germany 19 Oct 1908 St Louis, Missouri
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Joseph Alpert 3 Jul 1883 Slonyen, Russia Now Poland 12 Jul 1920 Brooklyn, NY, New York
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Louis Alpert Sep 1860 Trestino, Russia 23 Dec 1907 New York City, New York
View Record
Louis Alpert 19 Feb 1860 Vilna, Russia 9 Feb 1925 Sanford, Mass
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Max Alpert 28 Feb 1885 Lodz, Poland 5 Feb 1920 Brooklyn, New York
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Max Alpert 15 Aug 1899 Alarim, Poland 19 May 1920 Brooklyn, New York
View Record
Max Alpert Jul 1892 Slonim, Poland 10 Aug 1921 The United States
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Meyer Alpert 3 Oct 1893 Zosli, Lithuania 20 Jan 1923 New York
View Record
Morris Alpert 10 Jan 1892 Cettil, Russia 19 May 1920 New York, New York
View Record
Myer Alpert 28 Dec 1896 Minsk, Russia 30 Mar 1923 Springfield, Massachusetts
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Nathan Alpert 2 Oct 1884 Slonim, Russia (Now Poland) 7 Jul 1920 New Britain, Connecticut
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Rubin Alpert 28 Jan 1878 Lodg-Poland Formerly Russia 19 May 1924 Brooklyn, NY
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Sarah Alpert Sep 1899 Grotnesky Guber, Russia 23 Feb 1912
Name: Myer Alpert
Birth Date: 28 Dec 1896
Birth Place: Minsk, Russia
RESIDENCE: Springfield, Massachusetts
Passport Issue Date: 30 Mar 1923
Father Name: Michael Alpert
Father's Birth Location: Russia
Father's Residence: Springfield, Mass
Passport Includes a Photo: Y
Source: Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 (M1490)
ALPEROWITCH Chaim The children are now pupils at the
Yiddish school in Wilno ulica Zygmunta 12. 23 May 1946
Poland Child Survivors, American Jewish Archives, D56, 10 (954 persons) {H}
10712 Set 7 02-Holo.jpg List of Jewish Children who returned to Wilno
from Hiding; received from the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in
Moscow; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York, N.Y. Note:
The majority of the children are from Wilno and Kovno. Their ages are
between 5 and 15 years.
Poland--Communication during Holocaust {H}
-Sort- Image file Destination of Communication Postmark Sender address
Date Person in Poland: Line number Person in Poland: Surname Person in
Poland: Given name Person in Poland: Town Person in Poland: Address
Other information Typist notes
10709 DSC00054.JPG Dr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt;
London W. 2; 138276 Palestine; Postage paid Representation Polish
Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV 5 Nov 1942 729 ALPEROWICZ Zalmon Mendel
Kurzeniec, w. Wilenskie
Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) {H}
-Sort- Digital file id Page Surnames Second surname repeated from
previous column Given name(s) Place Typing notes
10863 08/DSC00111.JPG 5 ALPEROWICZ Abram Lodz
10864 08/DSC00111.JPG 5 ALPEROWICZ Basewa Lodz
10865 08/DSC00111.JPG 5 ALPEROWICZ Izak Lodz
10866 08/DSC00111.JPG 5 ALPEROWICZ Rywe Lodz
10867 08/DSC00111.JPG 5 ALPEROWICZ Zelig Lodz
10894 08/DSC00111.JPG 5 ALPEROWICZ Bejla Mera Bialystok
Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different
European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) {H}
-Sort- Subdocument Sublist Page Surname Additional surname (from
previous column) Given name Additional surname (from previous column)
Birth year or age Birth place or last residence Typing notes
26122 List of Jewish Survivors from East European Towns GLUBOKI
(GLEBOKIE) 158 ALPEROWICZ Mordechai 1900
26123 List of Jewish Survivors from East European Towns GLUBOKI
(GLEBOKIE) 158 ALPEROWICZ Riwka (Mordechai) 1932
26124 List of Jewish Survivors from East European Towns GLUBOKI
(GLEBOKIE) 158 ALPEROWICZ Ester (Mordechai) 1937
26130 List of Jewish Survivors from East European Towns GLUBOKI
28568 List of Jewish Survivors from East European Towns WILNO 173
USSR: "List of Polish Jewish Refugees Now in USSR, 1945," American
Jewish Archives, H277/7 (2582 persons) {H}
-Sort- Image Page number Surname Additional surname (copied from
previous column) Given name(s) Age Occupation Father's name Family
group Last residence in Poland Last address in the USSR Other
10003 14/DSC00136.JPG 1 ALPEROWITCH Meir Fergana Lenina 27
Benjamin Alperovitz
Born: 15 May 1904
Vilnius, Vilna, Lithuania
Died: 1978
Afula, Israel
Wife: Tyby Gruzin
Born: 15 Feb 1910 in Zhizhmariai, Lithuania
Died: 1993 in Afula, Israel Edit
Marriage: 1926 in Kaunas, Kovno, Lithuania \
Children Sex Birth
Living Alperovitz F married Mr. Movchovitch has 2 children
Icik Alperovitz Male 1930 in Kaunas, Kovno, Lithuania Died: 1945
Nazis, Stutthof, Poland
Haskell Alperovitz M 1937 in Kaunas, Kovno, Lithuania Died: abt 1944
Berale Alperovitz M 1937 in Kaunas, Kovno, Lithuania Died: abt 1944
Nathan Alperovitz
Born:Died: 1952 Spouse
Lena Herman
Born: 25 Mar 1884 in Poland, [county], [state], Germany
Died: 18 Jun 1952 in Milwaukee, [county], Wisconsin, USA
Mary Rose Alperovitz
Born:Died: Edit person's infoSuggested parentI've added/acceptedAlternatesI've
added/modifiedSuggested by OneWorldTree Robert Noel Zachrich
Michael Robert Zachrich (B: )
Katherine Jean Zachrich (B: ) Page Tools
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Mary Rose Alperovitz
Spouse Robert Noel Zachrich
Children Sex Birth
Michael Robert Zachrich M Katherine Jean Zachrich
Clara Alperovitz
Born: 1873
Vilna, Russia
Died: 1937
[city], [county], Massachusetts, USASpouse
William Finard (B: 1894)
Died: 11 Jan 1944 in Dorchester, [county], Massachusetts, USAChildren Sex Birth
Norman Finard M 14 Aug 1894 in Kastlcama, Russia
Died: 10 Jul 1974
[city], [county], Massachusetts, USA
Family Historical Records Family Facts Family Groups
Spouse Sadie Newman
Born: 17 Dec 1894 in [city], [county], Massachusetts, USA
Died: 5 Jul 1972 in Rover Manor, Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Marriage: 2 Jul 1916 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Children Sex Birth
Living Finard F
Sonya Finard F 19 Jun 1918 in [city], [county], Massachusetts, USA
Saunder Finard M 14 Aug 1919 in [city], [county], Massachusetts, USA
Card File of Jewish Refugees in Tashkent
for more information go to;
Image Family Given Patronymic Year Sex Oblast Rayon Gorod Family Given
Patronymic Oblast Rayon Gorod
A/2331 Alper Bozia Urianovna 1904 F Dnepropetrovsk áÌÐÅÒ
A/2321 Alper Grigorii Khapsikovich 1924 M Dnepropetrovsk áÌÐÅÒ
A/2323 Alper Khaina Savivich 1900 M Dnepropetrovsk áÌÐÅÒ
A/2330 Alper Zhenia Srulevna 1913 F Odesskaia Savran áÌÐÅÒ
A/2320 Alperman Naum Solomonovich 1908 M Moskovskaia Babushkino
A/2322 Alperovich Bassia Lazarevna 1895 F Mogilev
A/2327 Alperovich Khava Iosifovna 1923 F Mogilev áÌÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ
A/2325 Alperovich Meyer Iosifovich 1925 M Mogilev
A/2324 Alpert Sof'ia Borisovna 1902 F MSSR Kishinev áÌÐÅÒÔ
âÏÒÉÓÏ×ÎÁ íóóò ëÉÛÉÎÅ× |

1.Nellie's wedding picture about 1912. Nelly was the daughter of Hannah and Kalman Alperovitz.
2. Nellie ( nee Alperovitz) and Isadore with Sylvia, Jeanette and Florence about 1925. Jeanette told me that the other person was a cousin.
3. Nellie and her sister Ethel, daughters of Kalman and Hannah Alperovitz of Postavy ( family originated in Kurenets) picture taken in the 1930's.
. ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Apr 15, 2007 4:51 AM
Subject: New pictures: Alperovich Family Tree
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 9:34 PM
Subject: Alperovich Family Tree
Dear Andi, Sharon has sent me a copy of your email. I'm also your second cousin Sharon's youngest brother Elliot. I thought your work on the family tree incredible especially since much of it was recovered from Belarus.It was very clear except why were Menka's(1805) three siblings different from his father Abram's three children? I recall many stories of Nellie's childhood, her being sent away as a apprentice to a seamstress, her unhappy childhood, stories of Cossacks (she would spit three times to let the evil spirits out) and the killings in the village. Nellie said that during the pogroms a bell would ring and the children would run into the fields and hide in the haystacks. Later they would ring an all clear bell and there would always be dead people in the streets. When she was a young girl she came to America with two of her sisters and settled in New York worked as a seamstress in a sweat shop, met my grandfather and married at age 16 and moved to Philadelphia. She continued to make most of the clothes for her children but my mother Jeanette stopped wearing them when she became a teenager because the style wasn't modern enough. My mother always commented how well the clothes were made. Nellie even taught me how to knit at age 6 much to the shock of my aunt Florence who thought boys shouldn't do that. When Florence was 75 about 10 years ago I asked her to give me as much history as she could remember. I spoke with her last week but her memory isn't as sharp as it was 10 years ago. Harry Cohen died a few months ago at age 95. There may be differences in spelling from your family tree and the accuracy may not be perfect. I'll also enclose some photos of Nellie and her family. I often wondered what her real name was. In Lithuania they would have called her something else. Her husband Izzy or Isadore often just called her Litvak. Nelllie and Isadore are buried in Mt. Sharon Cemetery outside of Philadelphia not far from my parents Jeanette and Morton. .
If I ever make it to Israel I would love to meet you. Sharon and I travel every few years, I'll try to convince her to go to Israel with me. I leave for Vienna on April 29 and we may travel to Slovenia to hike on the sunny side of the Alps. So thanks for all the interesting research.
Your Cousin, Elliot.
Family History by Florence Cohen 1997
Hannah & Kalman Alperowitz parents of:
Ethel Janov
Cile Swerdloff (became a Wasserloaf)
Clara (Kansas City daughter), Libby Pollack
Barnet Alpert (married to Cile)
Beatrice Freedman, Deloris, David
Sidney, Norman, Marvin,
2 sisters in Kansas city
½ brother Nathan
Rose Churner, Sam, Nellie Levin
½ sister Malka or Mollie Jacobson
Rose daughter moved to California
Gogi Grant daughter of Rose
Betty Blumberg, Sam, Lawrence, Rae
Nellie & Isadore Schwartz
Sylvia & Herb Neiman
Bernis (Married to Peter von zur Muhlen
Jeanette & Morton Nathan Neufeld
Sharon Joan & Peter Hartwig
Lisa Judith &Christian Zelenka
Lena Sophie
Nina Anette
Stuart Charles
Elliot Lance
Florence & Harry Cohen
Lee & Jill
Robert & Deb
Neal & Susan
Samuel & Shana Schwartz
(Shana came to USA)
Sid, Jane
Havit Neerenberg
Irving, Jack, Tillie Lukatch
Becky Finzimer (Husband Louis)
Joseph, Albert, Tillie, Nettie, Lillian
Bessie Robin (husband Philip
Sidney, Mathilda, Clara, Jeanette
(a total of 17 brothers and sisters many died in childbirth many stayed in Russia)
Elliot Neufeld
From: Ziegelman Sent: Wed 3/21/2007 11:37
To: Hartwig, Sharon
Subject: 1850 Kurenitz Revision List
Dear Sharon,
I'm sending you this Excel file to forward to anyone who might be interested in it.
The family of your mother's mother appears in this Excel file, in the column called: REGISTRATION NUMBER. The Registration Number is actually the street address.
Your mother's mother, Nellie, I think, was a daughter of Shneur Zalman Alperovich, born in the 1850's, in Kurenets. I got this information in the following way:
From your mother's first cousin from Kansas City, named Rose Pollack (age about 90), who made aliyah to Jerusalem, I learned that HER mother, who was a sister of your mother's mother, came to the USA from a town named Postoff, which I later learned is now called Postawy (Belarus).
From the Lithuanian State Historical Archives, to which I sent a letter, I learned that our great grandfather Shneur Zalman came to Postawy in 1863 (I guess to marry someone from there named Rochel) and by 1874 had a father named Nota (Nathan) and also a son also named Nota (Uncle Nathan from Phila.); I also learned that Shneur Zalman came to Postawy from KURENETS.
On the 1850 Kurenets Revision List, that is an attachment to this email, Shneur Zalman's father Nota lived in Registration Number 139 ; he was born in 1825; his father was Menka (born in 1805).
From the family tree of an 80 year old American man named Edward Anders/Alperovich, I learned about our Kurenets Alperovich family, because we are related to this guy Edward. I learned the following:
Menka/Mendel had three siblings: Oser (1798-), Mina (1804), and Sheina (1808-)
Menka's parents were Abram (1750-1827) Alperovich and Rocha Rabinovich (~1740-before 1811)
Abram had three boys: Notka (Nathan, 1774-bef 1825); Israel (Srol, 1776->1850); and Itsko (1781-)
Abram's parents were Anshel (1720-?) Alperovich and a woman from the Alperovich family also born in 1720
On the 1816 and 1834 Kurenets Revision Lists, the above people, our ancestors, lived in Kurenets Registration Numbers 8 and 101.
Note that in all the the Revision Lists, Registration Number 1 remains Number 1 all through the years. Remember that these registration numbers are like addresses.
Hope you can understand all this!!!
Yours, Andi
PS - Can you tell me in what cemetaries you mother and her mother are buried? |
Name: Solomon Alperovitz
Birth: 18 Jul 1887
Birth: Russia
Residence: New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Name: Perry P Alperovitz
Departure: Aug 1938
Name: Wolf Alperovitz
Birth: 5 May 1881
Residence: Chicago, Cook, IllinoisName: Rafael Alperovitz
Birth: 15 Apr 1893
Birth: Russia
Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Name: Jacob Alperovitz
Birth: 10 Oct 1876
Residence: Not Stated, Delta, Michigan
Name: Rubin Alperovitz
Birth: Mar 1889
Birth: Russia
Residence: Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Name: Louis Alperovitz
Birth: Aug 1880
Residence: Manhattan, New York, New YorkName: Morris Alperovitz
Birth: Sep 1873
Residence: Manhattan, New York, New YorkName: Sal Alperovitz
Birth: 10 Dec 1880
Residence: Manhattan, New York, New YorkName: Albert Alperovitz
Birth: 14 Jul 1897
Birth: Russia
Residence: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Other: Philadelphia City
Name: John Alperovitz
Birth: 5 Mar 1893
Birth: Russia
Residence: Not Stated, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Name: Alperovitz, Judah
Birth: 28 Mar 1897
Death: 12 Feb 1966
Military: 17 Jan 1925
Military: 22 Jul 1927
Name: Arthur Alperovitz
Birth: 1920
Military: 3 Aug 1942 - New York City, New York
Residence: Massachusetts, New York, New York
Name: David Alperovitz
Birth: 1909
Military: 15 Oct 1940 - Michigan
Residence: Michigan, Delta, Michigan
Name: Jerome Alperovitz
Birth: 1922
Military: 27 Oct 1942 - West Point, New York
Residence: Pennsylvania, Orange, New York
Name: Leo Alperovitz
Birth: 1916
Military: 5 Aug 1942 - Marquette, Michigan
Residence: Michigan, Delta, Michigan
Name: Perry P Alperovitz
Birth: 1917
Military: 29 Jul 1942 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Residence: New York, New York, Alaska
Name: Rubin Alperovitz
Birth: Mar 1889 - Minsk Russia
Residence: Nyc (Brooklyn)#
Name: Louis Alperovitz
Birth: Aug 1880 - Citizen of Russia
Residence: Nyc (Manhattan# 97, NY
Name: Morris Alperovitz
Birth: Sep 1873 - Citizen of Russia
Residence: Nyc (Manhatta# 102, NY
Name: Sol (Sal) Alperovitz
Birth: 10 Dec 1880 - Citizen of Russia
Residence: Nyc (Manhatta# 108, NY
-- Name: Abraham Alpert
Birth Date: 2 Jun 1882
Residence: New Haven, Connecticut
Birth: Kurenitz, Russia
Race: White
Roll: WW2_2281994Name: Elias Alpert
Birth Date: 16 Oct 1888
Residence: Tolland, Connecticut
Birth: Krevich, Russia
Race: White
Roll: WW2_2283888Name: Aleck Alpert
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1895
Residence: New Haven, Connecticut
Birth: Vileko, Russia
Race: White
Roll: WW2_2281993Name: Sam Alpert
Birth: 15 Sep 1883 - Slomin, Russia
Residence: Fresno, CaliforniaName: Samuel Alpert
Birth: 5 Apr 1893 - Lomza, Russia
Residence: Bronx, New YorkName: Harry Julius Alpert
Birth: 3 Dec 1888 - Vilna, Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Abram Alpert
Birth: 10 Jan 1883 - Grodno, Poland
Residence: Ocean, New JerseyName: David Alpert
Birth: 10 Apr 1889 - Grodno, Russia
Residence: Suffolk, Massachusetts
Name: David Alpert
Birth: 10 Apr 1889 - Grodno, Russia
Residence: Suffolk, MassachusettsName: Isadore Alpert
Birth: 15 Apr 1894 - Grodno, Poland
Residence: Bronx, New YorkName: Israel Alpert
Birth: 1 Jan 1882 - Grodno, Russia
Residence: Roxbury, MassachusettsName: Louis Alpert
Birth: 3 Oct 1882 - Ostrog, Russia
Residence: Dor, MassachusettsName: Max Alpert
Birth: 28 Feb 1885 - Lodz, Poland
Residence: Kings, New YorkName: Max Alpert
Birth: 10 May 1887 - Kielce, Poland
Residence: Bronx, New YorkName: Rubin Alpert
Birth: 28 Jan 1878 - Lodz, Russia
Residence: Kings, New YorkName: Herman Alpert
Birth: 8 May 1890 - Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Irving Alpert
Birth: 24 Dec 1894 - Vilna, Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Isaac Alpert
Birth: 28 Apr 1881 - Russian Poland
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Isaac Abraham Alpert
Birth: 10 Oct 1889 - Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Isadore Alpert
Birth: 1 May 1888 - Vilna, Russia
Residence: Hartford, ConnecticutName: Isadore Alpert
Birth: 7 Nov 1895 - Minsk, Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Israel Alpert
Birth: 25 Nov 1879 - Wilno, Poland
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Jacob Alpert
Birth: 19 Jul 1885 - Russia
Residence: Fairfield, ConnecticutName: Joseph Alpert
Birth: 29 May 1891 - Krasno, Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Max Alpert
Birth: 28 Jan 1878 - Vilno, Russia
Residence: Hamden, ConnecticutName: Morris Alpert
Birth: 7 May 1893 - Vilna, Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Morris Alpert
Birth: 25 Sep 1894 - Korinitz, Russia
Residence: New Haven, ConnecticutName: Reuben Harry Alpert Md.
Birth: 4 Mar 1890 - Russia
Residence: New Haven, Connecticut
PreviewName: Sam Alpert
Birth Date: 15 Oct 1892
Residence: New Haven, Connecticut
Birth: Poland
Race: White
Name: Sam Alpert
Birth: 15 Oct 1892 - Poland
Residence: New Haven, Connecticut
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Name: Jacob Alpert
Birth: 15 Jun 1883
Residence: Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut
Other: Bridgeport City
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Name: Edward Alpert
Birth: 5 Mar 1888
Birth: Russia
Residence: Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut
Other: Bridgeport CityName: Elias Alpert
Birth: 10 Oct 1887
Birth: Russia
Residence: Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Other: Hartford City
ame: Harry Alpert
City: New Britain
County: Hartford
State: Connecticut
Birth Date: 8 Oct 1876
Race: White
Roll: 1561906Name: Harry Alpert
Birth: 8 Oct 1876
Residence: New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut
Name: Isadore Alpert
Birth: 1 May 1888
Birth: Russia
Residence: New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut
Other: New Britain City |
How did the surname Heilprin turn into Alperovich?
The email below is from a world expert in Jewish surnames, in response
to a
question by me.
KR, Andi Alpert Ziegelman----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexandre Beider" <albeider@yahoo.fr>
Hello, The chain of transformations is: Step 1. From Heilbronn to Heilpern.
Area: Western (Germany) or Central (Czech lands)
Time: before the 18th century (note that the form
Heilpern is known in Prague in the 17th-18th
centuries) Reasons:
(a) in southern Germany /b/ and /p/ are equivalent and
actually in older documents the town name was
Heilprunn, not Heilbronn (b) the second syllable is not stressed, so the
unstressed vowel turns to /e/ (this phenomenon is
standard to both German and Yiddish) (c) Yiddish /r/ is a very special sound and it can
easily exchange place with neighboring vowels. Step 2. From Heilpern to Halpern
This seems to be limited to Eastern Europe. It
certainly occurred well before the end of the 18th
century because when surnames were adopted at the turn
of the 18th-19th centuries, the form Halpern was
commonly assigned in a large area covering all of
former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Galicia,
Russia, Poland). To obtain such coverage the change
was to occur decades before. Reason: most likely, we deal here with a
Slavonization: the combination "eilp", normal for
German, can not exist in any Slavic language and for
this reason the diphthong "ei" (pronounced as "i" in
English "wine") was simplified to plain /a/.
Unfotunately, I have no Hebrew sources to check at
home, but Neil Rosenstein certainly has necessary
materials permitting to check when and where Jewish
sources start to spell this name without any letter
between the initial "he" and "lamed" (this would be
Halpern) and not with "yod" between them (this would
be Heilpern). Step 3. From Halpern to Alper
Here we clearly deal with late Slavonization that
occurred, most likely, during the mass surname
adoption period (turn of the 18-19th centuries). In Slavic languages final "rn" is impossible. There
are two ways to obtain a word that can be pronounced
by Slavic people:
(a) to drop the final "n" (this gave rise to Halper)
(b) to introduce a vowel between /r/ and /n/. This
gave rise to Halperin and Halperen. The sound /h/ is not present in Russian. To obtain a
Russian word from Halper(n), there are also two ways:
(a) to replace the initial /h/ with /g/, a different
sound, but close enough to /h/. This transliteration
method is traditionally used in Russian to render
foreign words with /h/. For example, in Russian Victor
Hugo turns to Viktor Gyugo, while Hitler becomes
Gitler. This method gave rise to Galper/Galper(i)n.
(b) to drop the initial aspirate /h/ (with a weak
articulation) altogether. This gave rise to
Alper/Alper(i)n. In Polish, the sound /h/ is not known
either, but at least the letter "h" is present in the
alphabet (though it is pronounced as "ch" in Chaim).
For this reason, in Poland and Galicia the forms with
the initial "h" dropped exist but they are
significantly less frequent than in Russia. Step 4. From Alper to Alperovich.
This occurred during the first half of the 19th
century in Lithuania/Belorussia. As explained above,
the surname Alper was assigned at the beginning of the
19th century. It was common in the same area. Since the newly
acquired surnames were not fixed immediately, in some branches of the
Alper families
the ending -ovich (Polish -owicz) was added one-two
generations later, to create a name meaning "son of
(someone called) Alper". The addition of this suffix
was influenced by the fact that the pattern of a
surname ending in -ovich was commonly used in the same
area and thus Alperovich is a kind of "standardized"
form of Alper. In this area, the suffix -ovich was
added not only to given names as it was the case in
other cases (Abramovich, Berkovich etc.). In the Troki
and Vileyka districts (where most numerous Alperovich
lived) we find a large number of names ending in
-ovich drawn from occupations (Reznikovich,
Drukarovich, Glezerovich, Kantorovich etc.); also note
the presence of Kaganovich ( = Cohen + ovich) and
Segalovich in the same area. Cordially,
Alexander Beider
>> Gal'pern [German spelling: Halpern] (Courland,
>> Rezhitsa, Kovno, common in
>> Vilna, Belostok, Grodno; Pruzhany, Volkovysk, Brest,
>> Slutsk, Igumen) RT:
>> from the town of Heilbronn in Württemberg (Germany)
>> {Gal'perin (Khal'perin),
>> Gal'peren Gajl'perin, Gal'perin-Al'pri, Gal'prin,
>> Gal'bern, Gal'fern,
>> Gal'fron, Galperin, Gejl'pern, Gejl'prin, Gejlpern,
>> Gel'berin, Gel'bern,
>> Gel'fern, Gel'prin, Gel'peren, Gel'peron, Gel'perin,
>> Gel'pern, Gol'perin,
>> Gol'pern, Vol'perin, Vol'pern, Fal'pern, El'perin,
>> El'pern, ÄŒl'per-ÄŒl'perin,
>> ÄŒl'per-Gal'perin, ÄŒl'peren, ÄŒl'perin, ÄŒl'pern,
>> ÄŒlpern, Al'berin, Al'perin,
>> Al'pern; Gal'ber (Gal'bir, Galbir, Khal'ber),
>> Al'ber, Gal'bert, Gal'berman,
>> Al'berman, Gal'berson, Al'berson; Gal'per (Val'per),
>> Gel'per, Gol'per,
>> ÄŒl'per, Al'per, Gal'perov, Al'perov, Gal'perovich,
>> Galperovich, Alperovich,
>> Al'perovich (Ol'perovich), Gel'perovich, ÄŒl'perovich
>> (El'perovich),
>> Gal'person (Al'person, Gol'person), Gal'perzon,
>> Al'perzon, Al'perman,
>> ÄŒl'perman, Al'pers, Alpers; Gal'pert, ÄŒl'pert,
>> Al'pert, Alpert;
>> Gal'bershtejn (Gel'bershtejn, ÄŒl'bershtejn,
>> Gol'bershtejn, Al'bershtejn,
>> Al'bertshtejn, Gal'pershtejn, Al'pershtejn,
>> ÄŒl'pershtejn; Al'bershtrom}. The
>> surname Heilbronn or Heilpern (Heilprin)
>> (traditional Roman alphabet
>> spellings of this name) appears in the 16th century.
>> The progenitor of the
>> oldest branch was Zebulun Eliezer Heilprin (JE
>> 6:322). Jehiel ben Solomon
>> Heilprin (1660-1746), Talmudist, historian, was head
>> of the yeshivah in
>> Minsk from 1711.
>> Gary Mokotoff
>> Avotaynu |
Alperovitz Berl
Country of birth Russia
City of birth Nesvizh
Date of birth 01/01/1914
Nickname Not Available
Alperovitz Chaya-Leah
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Kurenets
Date of birth Not Available
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Partisans Unit Not Available
Area of combat Not Available Rank Not Available
Country of combat Not Available Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) Chaya-Leah was killed in the forest. Alperovitz Dov
Country of birth Belarus
City of birth Nesvitz
Date of birth 01/01/1914
Nickname Berl, Boris
Movement/Organization Dror
Framework of combat Partisans Unit "Jozef Marcvenisk"
Area of combat Nesvitz Forests Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belarus Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) September 30,1942, Vinklerovishtzne, Nesvitz Regio
Dov was among the organizers of the Nesvitz Ghetto Underground and managed to smuggle in guns. After the ghetto was liquidated, he fled to the forest and joined the partisans. He participated, as a machine-gunner, in an ambush of a German vehicle on the Stoypetz-Nesvitz road. One German was killed and two were injured. Dov and his comrades took food stuffs which were in the vehicle. In the autumn of 1942 he went on a mission with a sabotage group. They were ordered to attack and penetrate the camp of the German garrison in order to steal the food stores. As Dov and his group approached the barbed wire fence surrounding the camp, the Germans opened fire.
Dov was severely wounded in the head and body and died of his wounds.Alperovitz Feiga
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Kurenets
Date of birth Not Available
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Partisans Unit Naroch Forests
Area of combat Not Available Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belorussia Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) Irrelevant
Cholawski Shalom – Meri Velohama Partizanit, Hotzaat Yad Vashem, 2001.Alperovitz Israel
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Kurenets
Date of birth 01/01/1921
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Partisans Unit Suborov Battalion
Area of combat Not Available Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belorussia Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) 4/1/1943, Place Unknown
Israel reached the forest in September 1942. He joined the partisans and fell in battle on April 1943.
Grossman Chaike-Kovner Abba – Sefer Hapartizanim, Hotzaat Sifriyat Hapoalim 1958.
Megillat Kurenets (Ed. Aharon Meirovitz), Hotzaat Irgun Yotzei Kurenets BeYisrael U BeArtzot Habrit.Alperovitz Leibl
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Miadl
Date of birth 01/01/1924
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Partisans Unit Diadia Misha Company
Area of combat Postov Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belorussia Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) 10/1/1943, Naroch
Leibl escaped from the ghetto and joined the partisans. In the autumn of 1943 he participated in the demolition of the bridge over the Naroch River. While returning to base, his unit was ambushed by the Germans. After a short battle, he and his brother, Zalman, were caught and executed.
Grossman Chaike-Kovner Abba – Sefer Hapartizanim, Hotzaat Sifriyat Hapoalim, 1958.
Grinstein Yehiel-Kahanovitz Moshe – Lexicon Hagevura, Hotzaat Yad Vashem, 1965.
Alperovitz Herzl
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Vileyka
Date of birth Not Available
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Underground Unit Not Available
Area of combat Vileyka Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belorussia Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) Irrelevant
Herzl was a member of the Vileyka labor camp Underground. With the help of a non-Jew, he transferred ammunition to the Jews fighting in the forest. He was among those who devised the method of transfer. They would make slits in thick wooden planks and hide the ammunition in the slits. Then the planks would be thrown over the wall of the hospital adjacent to the camp. From there the ammunition found its way to the forest. The Jews called these planks "Revenge Planks".
Cholawski Shalom – Meri Velohama Partizanit, Hotzaat Yad Vashem, 2001.
Cholawski Shalom – Al Naharot HaNeiman VehaDneiper,Alperovitz Liba
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Golshany
Date of birth Not Available
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Partisans Unit Lithuanian Brigade
Area of combat Not Available Rank Not Available
Country of combat Lithuania Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) Irrelevant
Liba was exiled from her hometown to a labor camp in Lithuania. She, together with others, escaped from the camp and fled to the surrounding Kaisiadoris Forests where they joined the partisans.
Cholawski Shalom – Meri Velohama Partizanit, Hotzaat Yad Vashem, 2001.
Alperovitz Gershon
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Dolginovo
Date of birth Not Available
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Underground Unit Not Available
Area of combat Dolginovo Ghetto Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belorussia Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) Irrelevant
Cholawski shalom – Meri Velohama Partizanit, Hotzaat Yad Vashem, 2001.Alperovitz Avraham
Country of birth Poland
City of birth Kurenets
Date of birth Not Available
Nickname Not Available
Movement/Organization Not Available
Framework of combat Underground & Partisans Unit Not Available
Area of combat Belorussian Forests Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belorussia Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) 5/6/1943, Belorussian Forests
Avraham was imprisoned in the Kurenets Ghetto. He escaped to the forest and joined the partisans.
Megillat Kurenets (Ed. Aharon Meirovitz), Hotzaat Irgun Yotzei Kurenets BeYisrael U BeArtzot Habrit.
Movement/Organization Freiheit
Framework of combat Underground & Partisans Unit Marchowinski Battalion
Area of combat Nesvizh Forests Rank Not Available
Country of combat Belorussia Assignment Not Available
Date & Place of death (if known) 8/21/1942, Nesvizh Area
Berl learned in a Talmud Torah. He was active in the Freiheit youth group. He served in the Polish Army and completed a warrant officer's course. Afterwards he worked as a dental technician. When the Germans occupied his hometown he was imprisoned in the local ghetto. In the ghetto he was one of the organizers of the anti-Nazi Underground and smuggled arms and ammunition into the ghetto. After the ghetto revolt, he fled to the forests and joined a partisan brigade. He participated in battles against the Germans and fell in battle.
Ainstein Reuben – Jewish Resistance in Nazi Occupied Eastern Europe, Paul Elek, London, 1974.
Grossman Chaike-Kovner Abba – Sefer Hapartizanim, Hotzaat Sifriyat Hapoalim,1958.
Cholawski Shalom – Meri Velohama Partizanit, Hotzaat Yad Vashem, 2001.

--from; http://familytrees.genopro.com/jurela/alperovich/default.htm?page=place-place00033.htm
Yankel was born in 1746 in Kurenets he had 4 children;
1. David was born In 1773 In Kurenets his son;
-Leyba davydovich al'perovich -leyba was born in 1800
. 2. Note was born In 1774. . Abraham was born In 1775. .
3. Sakhno (Sakhno) Sakhno (Sakhno) was born In 1776.
3. Abraham yankelevich Al'perovich Abraham was born In 1775.
ñÎËÅÌ ìÅÊÂÏ×ÉÞ áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ (ñËÏ×) Click to view ?`?~?{?u?| ?L?u?z?q???r?y??n ?@?|?????u?????r?y??n (?`?{???r) in the family tree Click to view ?`?~?{?u?| ?L?u?z?q???r?y??n ?@?|?????u?????r?y??n (?`?{???r) in the family tree in SVG format
Taken in Kurenets.
Start the slideshow Pause the slideshow Display the previous picture Display the next picture Set picture intervalSet picture interval
ñÎËÅÌ was born in 1821. ñÎËÅÌ's father was ìÅÊÂÁ äÁ×ÙÄÏ×ÉÞ áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ and his mother was çÉÎÄÁ ðÅÒÅÃÏ×ÎÁ óÔÏÌÉÁÒ (Stolyar) (áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ). His paternal grandfather was äÁ×ÉÄ ñÎËÅÌÅ×ÉÞ áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ and his paternal grandmother is <Unknown>. He was an only child. * General Notes
Yankel Of leybovich Of al'perovich (Yakov) spravka2 Yankel was born in 1821. Yankel'.s father was f leyba davydovich al'perovich And his mother was Ginda peretsovna stoliar (Stolyar) (Al'perovich). His paternal grandfather was David yankelevich Al'perovich and his paternal grandmother is. He was an only child. General Notes 1. Revizskiye (Belarus Revision Lists) - http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?.jg~.jgsearch~.model2~[.BELAREVS2].BELAREVS4~&.mPageStart=155 Revision list LVIA/515/15/934, PAGE - 418, # REGISTRATION 96, RECORD - 976 Alperovich Jankel Leiba lived in Kurenets The vileyskogo district Of the vil'nyuskeye province. 2. information letter of their khabarovsk archive 01-06-2006, archive information from the national archive of the republic of Saha (Yakutiya) o 1. òÅ×ÉÚÓËÉÅ ÓËÁÚËÉ (Belarus Revision Lists) -
01-06-2006, ÁÒÈÉ×ÎÁÑ ÓÐÒÁ×ËÁ ÉÚ îÁÃÉÏÎÁÌØÎÏÇÏ ÁÒÈÉ×Á òÅÓÐÕÂÌÉËÉ óÁÈÁ ( ñËÕÔÉÑ )Family Notes The surname Of al'perovich of proiskhodot from the name city heylbronn Vurtenerge(Germaniya) the family moved from Vileyka, Vil'no, Oshmiyanakh to disne
Berko Yakovlevich al'perovich was born In 1857. Berko'.s father was Yankel leybovich al'perovich (Yakov) and his mother was Khaya-Resi (khan). His paternal grandparents were Leyba davydovich al'perovich And Ginda Of peretsovna Of stoliar (Stolyar) (Al'perovich). He had three brothers And three sisters, named David, Ruvim, Abraham, Sarra, Rakha And Ginda. He was the oldest of the seven children.
David yakovlevich Al'perovich David was born In 1866 In Khabarovsk. David'.s father was Yankel leybovich al'perovich (Yakov) and his mother was Khaya-Resi (24 wives) (khan). His paternal grandparents were Leyba Of davydovich Of al'perovich And Ginda Of peretsovna Of stoliar (Stolyar) (Al'perovich). He had three brothers And three sisters, named Dynamic meter, By Ruvim, Abraham, Sarra, Rakha And Ginda. He was the third oldest of the seven children. He died of an unknown cause at the age of 51 in 1917.
äÁ×ÉÄ and òÁÈÌÁ were married. They had five sons and two daughters, named íÏÉÓÅÊ, éÌØÑ, îÁÈÉÍ, ñËÏ×, á×ÒÁÁÍ, òÅ×ÅËËÁ and ìÀÂÏ×Ø.
David yakovlevich Al'perovich and rakhla abramovna Zimmerman (Al'perovich) David And Rakhla were married. They had five sons And two daughters, named Moisey, Ilya, Nakhim, Yakov, Abraham, Revekka And Liba
äÁ×ÉÄ was born in 1866 in èÁÂÁÒÏ×ÓË. He died of an unknown cause at the age of 51 in 1917.Female rakhla abramovna Zimmerman
Rakhla was born In 1874 In Vladivostok. She died of an unknown cause at the age of 83 in 1957 in Riga. The funeral took place In Riga,Children
Moisey davydovich al'perovich -Moisey was born in 1895Male éÌØÑ äÁ×ÙÄÏ×ÉÞ áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ
Ilya davydovich Al'perovich Ilya davydovich Al'perovich Ilya was born on December 25th, 1898 in Yakutsk.
éÌØÑ was born on December 25th, 1898 in ñËÕÔÓË.Male îÁÈÉÍ äÁ×ÙÄÏ×ÉÞ áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ
Nakhim davydovich al'perovich Nakhim was born In 1902 In Vladivostok. He died at the age of 73 on October 22nd, 1975 in Moscow. The funeral took place in Jerusalem, is concealed in the cliff.
îÁÈÉÍ was born in 1902 in ÷ÌÁÄÉ×ÏÓÔÏË. He died at the age of 73 on October 22nd, 1975 in íÏÓË×Á. The funeral took place in éÅÒÕÓÁÌÉÍ,ÚÁÈÏÒÏÎÅÎ × ÓËÁÌÅ.Female òÅ×ÅËËÁ äÁ×ÙÄÏ×ÎÁ áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ Revekka davydovna al'perovich - revekka was born In 1905
Female ìÀÂÏ×Ø äÁ×ÙÄÏ×ÎÁ áÌØÐÅÒÏ×ÉÞ Liba Davydovna Al'perovich Libae was born on July 10th, 1908 In Vladivostok. Birth Notes never married no children
ìÀÂÏ×Ø was born on July 10th, 1908 in ÷ÌÁÄÉ×ÏÓÔÏË. * Birth Notes
ðÏÈÏÒÏÎÅÎÙ ÎÁËÌÁÄÂÉÝÅ ûÍÅÒÌÉ × òÉÇÅ Liba lived together with the mom Rachel abramovnoy Zimmerman in Riga on the street pernavas were buried to nakladbishche shmerli in Riga
She died at the age of 59 on February 15th, 1968. The funeral took place in riga òÉÇÁ, ûÍÅÒÌÉ.
Yakov Davydovich al'perovich Yakov Al'perovich - picture age 18 years.
Yakov was born on March 8th, 1910 in Vladivostok. He died from cancer at the age of of 61 on November 7th, 1971 in Riga. The funeral took place in the cemetery Of shmerli into Rige
Abraham davydovich Al'perovich Abraham was born In 1911.
Family Notes The surname Of al'perovich of proiskhodot from the name city heylbronn Vurtenerge(Germaniya) the family moved from Vileyka, Vil'no, Oshmiyanakh to disne
Ginda yakovlevna al'perovich ginda was born In 1871. Ginda'.s father was Yankel leybovich al'perovich (Yakov) and her mother was Khaya-Resi (khan). Her paternal grandparents were Leyba davydovich al'perovich And Ginda Of peretsovna stoliar (Stolyar) (Al'perovich). She had four brothers And two sisters, named Berko, David , Ruvim, Abraham, Sarra And Rakha. She was the fifth oldest of the seven children
Abraham was born In 1885. Abram'.s father was Yankel Lleybovich Al'perovich (Yakov) and his mother was Khaya-Resi (khan). His paternal grandparents were Leyba Davydovich Of al'perovich And Ginda Peretsovna Stoliar (Stolyar) (Al'perovich). He had three brothers And three sisters, named , David , Ruvim, Sarra, Rakha And Ginda. He was the youngest of the seven children
Abraham davydovich Al'perovich Abraham was born In 1911. Avraam'.s father was David yakovlevich Al'perovich And his mother was Rakhla Abramovna Zimmerman (Al'perovich). His paternal grandparents were Yankel Leybovich Al'perovich (Yakov) and khaya-Resi (khan); his maternal grandparents were Avrum germanovich tsymerman And Khosh-Feyga Mogilev (Tsymerman). He had four brothers And two sisters, named Moisey, Ilya, Nakhim, Yakov, Revekka And Liba. He was the youngest of the seven children |