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The Story of Arie Szewach of Krasne


This page is dedicated to the other Szewachs who remained in Europe, and who perished at the hands of the Nazis during the Holocaust ( Shoah )

My great-grandmother - Henoch's mother
Yudas ( Altah ) Szewach.
Perished in Vilna
Henoch's sister and brother-in-law
Sonya ( Sarah) together with her husband.
They lived in the town of Shtzotzin, and had a son Arie Leib. They perished in the town of Shtzotzin.


Henoch's younger brother and sister-in-law
Yosef and his wife Rosa
( Vilna, Poland 1932 )
They perished in Vilna

Henoch's brother and his family
Binyomin ( "Nomchik ") Szewach , his wife Miryam , his two sons, and step-daughter.
Arie ( extreme left: today lives in Omer, Israel ),Miryam, Dvora ( lives today in Israel), Binyomin and Mordechai.
They lived in the town of Krasne.
Binyomin, Mordechai and Miryam all perished in March 1943.

Henoch's other brother ( No photo available )
Shalom Szewach. He was single and lived with his mother in Vilna. He owned a huge pharmaceutical enterprise in Vilnius. He perished in Vilna with his mother