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The Shapiro family in Mexico
1. A picture of some of the brothers
2. Rachel and Eliezer Shapiro
Translated by Yitschok Tzvi Margareten
Submitted by Roberto Levin
Page 464

"Our fellow countrymen in Mexico
The whole family of Rabbi Tzemach Spira (known as Shapiro in Mexico), left Ilya in the end of the 1920's in this century and immigrated to Mexico. Rabbi Tzemach had a son, Zelig, in the United States.Zelig made great efforts to bring the family to the States, but despite his will he didn't succeed. In those years the doors of North America were locked fully and hermetic.
When their brother Zelig, realized that it's provisionally impossible he suggested to his family to wander to the nearby country Mexico, hoping that with time, he will succeed to bring his family to the States. But not everything happens as planned, by the time Zelig could do something for his family, they slowly integrated in Mexico and placed themselves economically, only the youngest brother Samuel who was underage, he brought to the United States of America."


Page 465

"In general the whole Spira/ Shapiro family is well known in Mexico and not badly situated. Naturally one better and some less. But the whole family excels in their active society work in Mexico. They are active in the synagogue essence, on the cultural level, in the press, in the Zionist funds, women's society and show their active involvement for the Israeli country, and for the association of the army. - In short, on all levels of Jewish national life, they are at the head. From far and also from near they follow the development of the Israeli country and moral with friendly devotion.
The Spira family in Mexico consists of:
1. Yaakov Spira his wife Emma, children and grandchildren.
2. Eliezer Spira and his wife Rachel.
3. Gershon Spira with his wife Dora, children and grandchildren.
4. Raizel and her husband Mendel Cwilic, children and grandchildren.
5. Yehoshia Spira and his wife, children and grandchildren.
6. Chana and her husband  Yale Zundelevitch, children and grandchildren.
The editorial office of the Ilya Zikaron book and the Israeli committee of Ilya, thank greatly family Spira, for their material help which enabled producing this book which memorializes our town and its Jews, and wish them all personally, happiness, health and long life.

The now existing Ilya people in America
Of the hundreds of Ilya people who emigrated to America in the end of the 19th century nobody is left,  ."