Lisa Czapnik, courier and former member of the underground in Bialystok, died at age 93
Lisa Czapnik was born in 1923 in Grodno. Her family was sent with the entire Jewish community to the Grodno ghetto. Her older brother Gregory joined the anti-Nazi underground. Their father was captured in November 1942 and was ordered to disclose the whereabouts of his son. At the same time Lisa was hiding in a closet in the attic at home in the ghetto, while Gregory was in Bialystok. According to neighbors, the father went with his head up high on his last journey refusing to say a word.
Equipped with forged Polish documents Lisa managed to escape to Bialystok. In February 1943, she returned to Grodno to take her niece Ella. Later, her sister and her husband escaped to Bialystok. There Lisa was a board member of the underground in the ghetto, and later chairperson of the Anti-Fascist Committee, amongst its members were also Grosman, Hasha Bornstein-Balicki, Bronka Klibanski-Vinitzky and Anna Rod( she was the wife of Gregory, Lisa's brother). The main task of the committee was helping partisans in the forests. In addition, Liza established anti-fascist cell.They Prepared a detailed map of the ghetto and the Nazi force. The map was passed to the Red Army and the partisans helped the army during the attack on Bialystok.
From memories of Lisa Czapnik:
"On Saturday, 21/06/1941, we had a school graduation party. Customary, we celebrated into the night. At two o'clock, we heard two booms. My first thought in my head - Thunder. Thus began the war for us."
"At the end of July 1941 I went to Slonim. I suddenly heard shouting on the way. There are no words in the human language to describe the painful shouting. Hearing them made hearts stop. I hid in a hollow tree" [This is the murder of the Jews of Slonim].
Niece: "My niece Ella ( Ellutzka) hid in secret apartment. A Polish neighbor denounced to the Gestapo hiding a Jewish girl in the apartment. Ellutzka was arrested and taken to Gestapo headquarters [...] I ran there, I went in. There Ellutzka stood next to a guard. I started screaming such a commander to complain and then [I knew the names of the Nazis for my underground activities]. Even Ellutzka started yelling 'I told you my Aunt Marysia will tell you that I am not Jewish. "the guard ran over to find out. I grabbed the Ellutzka, and in a moment we were outside and hid in the ruins [... ] she could not go back to the apartment. We decided to hid her during the night and find her another hiding place"
[throughout her life she had to deal with the knowledge that she was unable to save her beloved niece. That action was held last night in which the murdered brother Grisha, sister Bertha with her husband and daughter Ellutzka].
Lisa lived in Beersheba. Her eldest son, Gregory named after her brother who was murdered and her daughter named after her favorite niece. Grandson Alec Mosbitzki killed while fulfilling his military service during Operation "Cast Lead".
Lisa passed away on 7 / 11 /2016. Blessed be her memory.
