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Dvinsk Documents


Documents of Erye and Henia Gurevitz ( Arye was born in Dvinsk and Henia in Riga)


Birth certificate for Barukh Baumslag who was born in Dvinsk in
1899 to Yechiel Baumshlak of Polotzk ( now in Belarus) and his wife Chaia Leah, daughter of Kalman Geverson.


A 1916 letter of birth information  for Barukh Baumslag who was
born in Dvinsk in 1899 to Yechiel Baumshlak of Polotzk ( now in
Belarus) and his wife Chaia Leah, daughter of Kalman Geverson.


Passport of Dr. Baruch Baumslag who was born in Dvinsk in 1899 and lived in Kovno in 1931
