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Dolhinov Old Scenes
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Chana Brunstein bottom left, Dolhinov


Chana Brunstein bottom left, Dolhinov


Chana on Right, with sister



Chaim, Chana, Micha Brunstein with Motke Radoshkevitch Sarochisk 1943


Chaim Brunstein, left


Sarochinsk Russia 1942 after reunion

Standing from Left: Joseph Bunyamin Kuziniets Chan Brunstein

Seated from left: Chaim, Reisel and Raya Brunstein


Sarochinsk Russia 1943 after reunion

Standing from left: Joseph Binyamin Kuziniets Raya Brunstein, Motke Radoshkevich

Seated from Left: Chana, Reisel, Micha and Chaim Brunstein


Chaim Brunstein in 1934


Standing: Rad and Chaim Brunstein with sisters. Dolhinov (1924?)


Michel and Chaim Kuziniets



Chan Brunstein and Stela later married to Joseph Kuziniets


The 8 Grosbein sisters ( from left) Back row: Identical twins Rochel Shap & Ester Budow, Mashe Deutsch. Middle row: Sonia Abramowitz & eldest child Miriam?, Tzipora & husband Yisroel, Aizik Gosbein (Yisroel's brother) & wife, Dvoshe Kraut & child, her husband behind her Front: Yenta Kornik, Chana, Mary Saltzman .Missing: a son of Yisroel & Tzipora who died in infancy before the war. History: Sonia, Ester, Rochel & Mary emigrated to South Africa before the war. Mother;Tzipora, died of natural causes before the war. Mashe & husband and Yenta survived the war without being captured - they hid out separately. Mashe & Moole Deutsch emigrated to Ramat Gan, Israel. They had 2 children: Yisrael & Tzipora. Yenta married Shmuel Kornik in 1947 and emigrated to South Africa in 1950. I am their son. Dvoshe, her husband, her child, Yisroel, Aizik, his wife and Chana were murdered.
