Birzai Jewish Births Circa 1900                    
Place Year Record # Child"s Surname Child's Given Name Father's Given Name Father's Patronymec Mother's Given Name Mother's Patronymec Mother's Maiden Name Day Month Year Hebrew Calendar Town of Birth District Gubernia Other Towns Comments Source: Archive / Fond / Item
Birzai 1912 15 POSVOLETSKI Iankel Leib Eliash Ber Falka Liba Leib BOKHUR 22 2 1912 17 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1895 41 BOKHER Arie Meilekh Borukh Shore Khane 24 8 1895 16 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1897 17 BOKHER Movshe Leib Meilekh Borukh Shore Khane 13 3 1897 21 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1887 14 BOKHUR Izrail Genekh Shaie Leib Borukh Genendel 8 3 1887 24 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1887 23 BOKHUR Volf Genekh Khonel Zavel Pere 1 5 1887 19 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1901 18 BOKHUR Shmuel Eliash Meilekh Borukh Shore Khana 17 6 1901 13 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1904 2 BOKHUR Mikhel Zavel Meilekh Borukh Shore Khana 8 1 1904 4 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1914 18 BOKHUR Ita Ienta Volf Genakh Khonel Sora Riva Osher TAUB 16 7 1914 6 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1884 1 SHEINKER Sheine Movshe Shimshel Freide 5 1 1884 19 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 15 SHEINKER Shaie Girsh Abram David Leib Rokhel Rivke 11 3 1893 6 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 40 SHEINKER Movshe Leib Daniel Iosel Ite 2 7 1893 1 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1894 31 SHEINKER Biniamin Leib Khonel Meier Movsha Leia 1 9 1894 12 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1896 4 SHEINKER Eliash Nokhum Meier Khonel Movsha Leia 16 1 1896 13 Shevat Nachuny tavern Panevezys Kaunas Born in the tavern Nachuny LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1896 38 SHEINKER Shlome Gerts Nisen Iosel Khane 20 7 1896 22 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1896 20 SHEINKER Khane Beile Abram David Leib Rokhel 30 9 1896 5 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 33 SHEINKER Khaie Mere Meier Khonel Movsha Leia 6 11 1898 4 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1899 37 SHEINKER Golde Ginde Abram David Leib Rokhel Rivke 30 9 1899 8 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1913 17 ZELBOVICH Khaim Iosel Vulf Leib Khaim Iosel Nkhama Mera Mordkhel SHEINKER 17 7 1913 25 Tammuz Tabakine estate Panevezys Kaunas Pandelys Born in the estate Tabakine, family came from Pandelys LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1894 20 BAKISHOK Pese Nekhame Shimkhe Iudel Sharia Iakhne Gite 12 5 1894 18 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1896 36 BAKISOK Ruven Shimkhe Iudel Shmerel Iakhe Gite 10 7 1896 12 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1894 26 BALISEK Ber Gershen ? Abram Shliome Shaie Pese Feige 3 7 1894 11 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Pakruojis Family came from Pakruojis LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1894 18 BALISOK Shmuel Iudel Girsh Shaie Ginde Leia 10 5 1894 16 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Pakruojis Family came from Pakruojis LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 36 BALISOK Rokhel Malke Aron Girsh Shaie Ginde Leia 8 9 1895 2 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1896 53 BALISOK Zelman Iude Abram Shlome Shaie Pese Feige 11 11 1896 18 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 11 BALISOK Ginde Leia Girsh Orel Shaie Ginde Leia 7 4 1898 27 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1902 6 BALISOK Shaie Khonel Shaie Shora 29 1 1902 4 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1910 2 KADYSHEVICH Malke Gerts Leib Rafail Frume Man DORFAN 3 2 1910 7 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Troskunai Family came from Troskunai LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 11 KADYSHEVICH Khane Reize Gerts Leib Shimen Rafail Fruma Man DORFAN 17 6 1912 15 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Troskunai Family came from Troskunai LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 12 KREMER Feige Reize Orel Iudel Mikhel Shimkhe Man DORFAN 22 6 1912 20 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1914 12 LEVIN Elias Abram Zalman Itsyk Sora Mendel DORFAN 18 5 1914 6 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Dryssa Family came from Dryssa LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1914 14 KADYSHEVICH Shimen Mortkhel Gerts Leib Shimel Rafal Fruma Man DORFAN 8 7 1914 27 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Troskunai Family came from Troskunai LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1885 29 DORFAN Mushe Mendel Bentsel Mere 4 11 1885 8 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1886 14 DORFAN Mushe Ite Ber Shimshel Rivka 17 4 1886 24 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1887 34 DORFAN Movshe Mendel Bentsel Mere 13 6 1887 3 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1900 15 DORFAN Taube Libe Mendel Bentsel Mera 8 7 1900 24 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 41 DORFAN Bentsel Mendel Bentsel Mera 14 12 1901 17 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1903 9 DORFAN Tsipe Mendel Bentsel Mera 22 4 1903 8 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1905 1 DORFAN Freide Mine Mendel Bentsel Mera 1 1 1905 8 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1906 7 DORFAN Nkhama Mendel Bentsel Mera 18 5 1906 7 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1884 15 DIBOBES Itsyk Mendel Shmuel Izrael Movsha Ente Iakhne 22 3 1884 8 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1886 31 DIBOBES Khane Sheine Iankel Mendel Khaim Raske 7 8 1886 18 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 38 DIBOBES Shore Base Shmuel Izrail Movsha Rokhel Leia 15 8 1893 15 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1894 2 DIBOBES Ite Zelde Iankel Mendel Khaim Rase 4 1 1894 9 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1894 4 DIBOBES Arie Iosel Itsyk Ester 23 1 1894 28 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1896 12 DIBOBES David Iankel Mendel Khaim Rase 22 2 1896 20 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1896 26 DIBOBES Volf Iosel Itsik Ester 21 5 1896 21 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1896 30 DIBOBES Shliome Khaim Shmuel Izrael Movshe Rokhel Leia 21 6 1896 22 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 22 DIBOBES Khave Iankel Mendel Khaim Rase 23 7 1898 16 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 27 DIBOBES Shore Pere Iosel Itsyk Ester Rivke 8 9 1898 4 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1900 46 DIBOBES Gdalie Shmuel Izrael Movsha Rokhe Leia 21 9 1900 11 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1902 12 DIBOBES Eide Feiga Iosel Itsyk Ester 13 3 1902 17 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Twins LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1902 23 DIBOBES Shimen Movshe Iosel Itsyk Ester 13 3 1902 17 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Twins LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1906 1 DIBOBES Moisei Girsh Shmuel Izrael Movshe Rokhel Leia 19 1 1906 Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1909 5 DIBOBES Iosel Pinkhas Shmuel Izrail Movshe Rokhel Leia 11 1 1909 2 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 19 DIBOBES Gene Khaim Mordkhel Iankel Mendel Peshe Eliash 25 8 1912 25 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1910 3 GLEZER Ginde Nakhman Izrail Movshe Libe Mikhel NAINKIN 12 3 1910 14 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1887 3 NAINKIN Girsh Lipke Abram Braine 6 1 1887 22 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 13 NAINKIN Shore Ete Lipman Abram Braine 30 3 1893 25 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1894 10 NAINKIN Ete Nekhe Kive Leib Idel Feige 31 1 1894 6 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 39 NAINKIN Sheine Lipke Abram Braine 23 9 1895 17 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 60 NAINKIN Idel Girsh Kivel Leib Idel Feige 15 12 1895 10 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1897 5 NAINKIN Ite Lipke Abram Braine 16 2 1897 26 Adar I Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 18 NAINKIN Sheine Iankel Idel Bliume 1 6 1898 23 Sivan Sebentiskis tavern Panevezys Kaunas Born in the tavern Sebentiskis, twins LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 24 NAINKIN Idel Iankel Idel Bliume 1 6 1898 23 Sivan Sebentiskis tavern Panevezys Kaunas Born in the tavern Sebentiskis, twins LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 35 NAINKIN Vikhne Lipke Abram Braine 22 11 1898 20 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1900 19 NAINKIN Girsh Iankel Idel Blume Reize 12 3 1900 24 Adar II Sebentiskis tavern Panevezys Kaunas Born in the tavern Sebentiskis LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1900 36 NAINKIN Shimen Nisen Nokhem Sholem Mera 22 6 1900 8 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 31 NAINKIN Asne Lipman Abram Braina 28 7 1901 25 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 30 NAINKIN Nosen Kivel Leib Idel Feiga 22 8 1901 20 Elul Sebentiskis tavern Panevezys Kaunas Born in the tavern Sebentiskis LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 32 NAINKIN Shmerel Nokhum Sholem Mera 9 9 1901 9 Tishri Totoriai estate Panevezys Kaunas Born in the estate Totoriai LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1902 47 NAINKIN Mendel Nokhum Sholem Mera 11 10 1902 23 Tishri Sebentiskis estate Panevezys Kaunas Born in the estate Sebentiskis LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1904 20 NAINKIN Mordkhe Leib Idel Feiga 20 6 1904 20 Tammuz Sebentiskis tavern Panevezys Kaunas Born in the tavern Sebentiskis LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1904 13 NAINKIN Shore Rivke Lipe Abram Braine 30 6 1904 1 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1906 20 NAINKIN Izrail Eliash Sholem Sheine 21 10 1906 15 Heshvan Radviliskis Panevezys Kaunas Born in Radviliskis LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1909 20 NAINKIN Rokhel Nokhum Sholem Mere 27 7 1909 22 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1910 23 NAINKIN Sheine Ete Gilel Sholem Bashe Zelde Itsyk Ber ZUNDELEVICH 17 11 1910 28 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1911 16 NAINKIN Shabsel Aba Kiva Leib Idel Feige Zundel MOVSHOVICH 8 8 1911 27 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 10 NAINKIN Shimkhe Nokhum Sholem Mere Borukh DAICH 6 3 1912 1 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1913 5 NAINKIN Dveira Gilel Sholem Basia Zelda Itsyk Berel ZUNDELEVICH 30 1 1913 5 Adar I Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1885 27 PERMAN Iankel Pinkhes Khaim Zundel Ete Mirle 18 6 1885 17 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Linkuva Family came from Linkuva LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1885 22 PERMAN Elke Bashe Meier Gershon Zundel Khaie Shore 21 8 1885 22 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Zeimelis Family came from Zeimelis LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 60 PERMAN Eliash Khaim Zundel Ete Mikhle 3 10 1893 5 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Linkuva Family came from Linkuva LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1896 10 PERMAN Iankel Khaim Zundel Ete Mirel 19 2 1896 17 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Linkuva Family came from Linkuva LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1898 47 PERMAN Zundel Khaim Zundel Ete 20 12 1898 19 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Linkuva Family came from Linkuva LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1910 13 MANDEL Abram Movshe Abram Movshe Geshel Tsirle Male Meier Gershen PERMAN 25 6 1910 1 Tammuz Patilte village Panevezys Kaunas Pumpenai Born in the village Patilte, family came from Pumpenai LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1893 17 RODE Khaim Borukh Movsha Khaim Borukh Taube 22 3 1893 17 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Pasvalys Family came from Pasvalys LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1902 31 RODE Girsh Leib Vulf Itsyk Mere Sprintse 29 6 1902 7 Tammuz Vinksniniai village Panevezys Kaunas Pasvalys Born in the village Vinksniniai, family came from Pasvalys LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1895 4 SOKHEN Eikhenen Abe Sholem Lozer Chipe 18 1 1895 5 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 51 SOKHEN Mortkhe Volf Itsik Shaie Gene 22 10 1895 16 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1898 21 SOKHEN Lozer Nkhemie Itsyk Shaie Gene Leie 20 5 1898 11 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1899 23 SOKHEN Pere Base Iankel Abe Sholem Sore Rokhel 22 6 1899 26 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 33 SOKHEN Chire Beile Iankel Aba Sholem Sore Rokhel 23 8 1901 21 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1903 38 SOKHEN Shimkhel Iankel Abe Sholem Shore Rokhel 7 12 1903 1 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1906 5 SOKHEN Ite Iente Iankel Abe Sholem Shore Rokhel 14 5 1906 3 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1908 16 SOKHEN Pinkhas Iankel Abel Shore Rokhel 1 7 1908 15 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 30 SOKHEN Girsh Iankel Abe Sholom Sore Rokhe Pinkhas OSTROV 6 12 1912 9 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1897 10 SOKHON Izrael Abel Sholem Lozer Tsipe 21 1 1897 1 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1884 11 FURMAN Rokhe Mortkhel Leib Freide Braine 8 5 1884 25 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1884 37 FURMAN Ovshei Faive Leizer Antsel Movsha Khaie Bashe 9 9 1884 2 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1884 39 FURMAN Sharie Iosel Ber Iaker Ginde 17 9 1884 10 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1885 1 FURMAN Shliome Tsodek Eliash Vulf Zlate 1 1 1885 26 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Vabalninkas Family came from Vabalninkas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1886 40 FURMAN Sheine Chipe Elia Vulf Zlate 15 11 1886 29 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1887 12 FURMAN Mendel Iosel Ber Iaker Ginde 20 2 1887 8 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1887 16 FURMAN Girsh Iudel Antsel Shimel Shore Rivke 13 3 1887 29 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1887 32 FURMAN Ite Eliash Vulf Feige Zlate 26 10 1887 20 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Vabalninkas Family came from Vabalninkas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 11 FURMAN Shore Mere Leib Shimen Libe Dveire 22 3 1893 17 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 14 FURMAN Idel Meier Iosel Ber Iaker Ginde 9 3 1895 25 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 17 FURMAN Nokhem Shmuel Leib Shimen Libe Dveire 23 3 1895 10 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1897 12 FURMAN Iakhne Iosel Ber Iaker Ginde 3 5 1897 13 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1897 30 FURMAN Aizik Leib Shimen Libe 22 6 1897 4 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1900 29 FURMAN Feige Rashe Iosel Ber Iaker Ginde 22 11 1900 13 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 24 FURMAN Faivush Antsel Faivush Rokhe Mera 28 6 1901 24 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1902 33 FURMAN Zelik Antsel Faivush Rokhel Mere 23 7 1902 2 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1903 5 FURMAN Rakhmiel Shebse Eliash Aron Leizer Gene Beila 27 1 1903 12 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Pakruojis Family came from Pakruojis LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1904 29 FURMAN Freide Iudes Eliash Aron Leizer Gena Beile 22 12 1904 27 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Pakruojis Family came from Pakruojis LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1910 26 KHENKIN Iosel Khona Vulf Kasriel Pese Ite David Peisekh FURMAN 6 11 1910 17 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Dvinsk Family came from Dvinsk LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 6 KLEINSHTEIN Shlioma David Ruvin Shlioma Feige Shimkha David Peisekh FURMAN 5 1 1912 28 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Dvinsk Family came from Dvinsk LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 3 RABINOVICH Eidel Leib Tsalil Paie David Peisekh FURMAN 13 2 1912 8 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Minsk Family came from Minsk LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1913 22 RABINOVICH Rakhel Leib Tsalil Paia David Peisekh FURMAN 9 12 1913 23 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Minsk Family came from Minsk LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1884 5 GENDLER Mendel Leib Itsyk Nokhum Shmuel Beile 24 1 1884 9 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1886 44 GENDLER Movshe Shmuel Shliome Shmuel Libe Rivke 12 12 1886 27 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 25 GENDLER Izrail Leib Shlome Elia Shmuel Libe Rivke 2 5 1893 28 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1893 50 GENDLER Shmuel Kalmen Zundel Shmuel Chipe 25 8 1893 25 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 21 GENDLER Shime Leia Iovel Zundel Shmuel Chipe 2 5 1895 20 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 25 GENDLER Khaim Mones Shlome Elia Shmuel Lipe Rivke 5 6 1895 24 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1897 21 GENDLER Khatskel Leizer Shliome Elia Shmuel Libe Rivke 19 4 1897 29 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1899 17 GENDLER Zalman Itsyk Shliome Eliash Shmuel Libe Rivke 16 4 1899 18 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 35 GENDLER Ginde Gite Iovel Zundel Shmuel Tsipe 4 9 1901 4 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1901 37 GENDLER Shmuel Bentsel Govsei Movshe Shmuel Reiza 15 11 1901 17 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1902 8 GENDLER Bune Ginde Shliome Elia Shmuel Libe Riva 25 3 1902 29 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1903 4 GENDLER Ginde Leia Movshe Govsei Shmuel Reiza 19 2 1903 5 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1903 15 GENDLER Ete Iovel Zundel Shmuel Tsipa 5 6 1903 23 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1905 3 GENDLER Meier Bunel Zundel Iovel Shmuel Tsipa 22 1 1905 29 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1894 48 ZUNDELEVICH Meier Shneier Abram Iudel Feige 7 11 1894 20 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1902 14 ZUNDELEVICH Khane Itsyk Ber Iudel Rive 7 5 1902 13 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1908 15 ZUNDELEVICH Rokhel Girsh Berke Abram Iude Rivke 5 9 1908 22 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1886 4 ZUNDELIOVICH Zelde Bashe Shneier Abram Iudel Feige Dveire 16 1 1886 22 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1886 42 ZUNDELIOVICH Movshe Volf Ber Girsh Abram Iudel Rivke 9 12 1886 24 Kislev Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1895 6 ZUNDELOVICH Ester Girsh Abram Iudel Rivke 6 2 1895 24 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1314
Birzai 1899 48 ZUNDELOVICH Mere Itsyk Berko Abram Iude Rivke 23 12 1899 4 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1910 23 NAINKIN Sheine Ete Gilel Sholem Bashe Zelde Itsyk Ber ZUNDELEVICH 17 11 1910 28 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1912 19 LEVITES Nokhum Movshe David Khaim Zelda Basa Shneier Zelman ZUNDELEVICH 22 4 1912 18 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Liuban Family came from Liuban LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1913 5 NAINKIN Dveira Gilel Sholem Basia Zelda Itsyk Berel ZUNDELEVICH 30 1 1913 5 Adar I Birzai Panevezys Kaunas LVIA/1226/1/1959
Birzai 1914 1 LEVITES Abram Movsha David Khaim Basia Zelda Shneier ZUNDELEVICH 30 12 1913 14 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Liuban Family came from Liuban LVIA/1226/1/1959