ARCHIVAL REFERENCE Re: Krieger and Jossel (Josel) families
The birth, marriage and death records of the Jewish community in Riga
for 1854-1905, the records of the 1st All Russian census for 1897, the
records of the archival fonds "Collection of Passports of Riga
Prefecture", "Riga City House Registers" contain the following
Ite-Bluma (Blume, in the census for 1897 Bertha), daughter of Jossel,
née Jossel from Kelm (other spelling – Kellum, Kelme, Kelmi, now
Lithuania) was born on January 14 of 1873 in Taurogen, Kovno province
(now Lithuania) (see her photos from the Latvian passports for 1921,
Her father: Jossel, son of Hillel Jossel from Kelm was born in ca 1850
in Kelm (aged 47 in 1897, aged 50 in 1900). His occupation –
Her mother: Johanna (Hanna, Hana, Hena), daughter of Zalel, née
Schapir (Schapiro) was born on July 23 of 1857 in Taurogen (this date
of birth was stated in Passport Issuance book of Riga Prefecture for
1921 and in the house register of Kr.Barona Street 24/26, however
according to the census for 1897 she was 49 years old, see her photo
from the Passport Issuance Book for 1921). According to the 1st All
Russian census for 1897 the family of Jossel, son of Hillel Jossel
lived in Riga at Shkunnaya Street (Å oneru iela) 5, apt. 3 (see
Appendix No.1).
Jossel and Hana had at least three daughters besides daughter
daughter Jenny (Scheina) Jossel was born in ca 1875 (aged 21 in the
census for 1897), however later in her Latvian passport and in the
house registers her date of birth - August 23 of 1883 Schaulen
district (see her photo from the Latvian passport for 1921) (according
to the census for 1897 Itte-Blume/Bertha, Jenny and Dora were born in
Riga, however the birth records of the Jewish community in Riga do not
contain information on their birth, according to other documents they
were born in Lithuania).
daughter Dora (Golda) Jossel was born in ca 1876 (aged 20 in the
census for 1897, however later in the house registers her date of
birth – 1888 and January 4 of 1892 in Taurogen). Her husband Mosus
(Moisey), son of Aron Faiwusch, born on January 19 of 1876 in Schaulen
(now Shaulai, Lithuania). Their marriage was registered in 1919 in
Riga. They had no children.
daughter Liba-Gita (Liba-Gitel), born on December 21 of 1880 (Julian
calendar) in Riga, died on October 30 of 1881 in Riga, cause of death
– consumption. Since 1914 Hana Jossel, Scheine, Golda and her husband
Mosus Faiwusch lived in Riga at Kr.Barona Street 24/26, apt. 2
(previous address – Paulucci Street 5).
Jossel Jossel died in 1916 in Riga, aged 66 (entry No.79 in the death
records of the Jewish community in Riga for 1916).
Hana (Johanna) Jossel, née Schapir died on April 29 of 1925 in Riga,
cause of death – infarct.
Scheine Jossel, Golda Faiwusch and her husband Mosus were struck off
the house register of Kr.Barona Street 24/26, apt. 3 on October 30 of
1941 as moved to ghetto.
Jossel's father Hillel, son of Jossel Jossel was born in ca 1829 in
Kelm (aged 67 in ca 1896, aged 71 in 1900), died in 1908 in Riga
(entry No.240 in the death records of the Jewish community in Riga for
1908). His occupation – trade assistant in the firm of Zelmer. His
wife Riva, daughter of Jossel (maiden name is not stated) was born in
ca 1834/1835 in Taurogen (aged 61 in ca 1896, aged 66 in 1900), the
alphabetical register to the death records of the Jewish community in
Riga for 1907 contain information on the death of Riva Jossel, aged 72
(entry No.224, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that
very often the age of person was determined by their outward
appearance and was stated in some documents rather approximately).
Hillel had at least two sons besides Jossel: son Meyer, son of Hillel
Jossel, born in ca 1852 in Taurogen (aged 47/48 in 1900), son
Raphel-Oscher Jossel, born in ca 1848 in Kelm (aged 52 in 1900), died
in 1906 in Riga (in the census for 1897 he was written down as a
brother of Hillel, but according to other documents he was his son).
According to the 1st All Russian census for 1897 and in 1900 Hillel
Jossel and his wife Riva lived together with the family of
Raphel-Oscher at Kamennaya Street 21/23, apt. 4.
Ite-Bluma's husband Oscher, son of Jossel Krieger was born on July 14
of 1870 in Vaskai, Kovno province (now Lithuania). He belonged to the
Jewish community in Krakinov. His occupation – a teacher, according
the census for 1935 he knew Hebrew language (see his photos from the
Latvian passports for 1921, 1928).
Their marriage was registered on January 1 of 1899 (Julian calendar)
in Riga (see Appendix No.2).
They had at least three children:
daughter Zila (Tsila) Krieger, born on November 28 (Julian claendar,
11 December – Gregorian calendar) of 1899 in Riga (see her photos
the Latvian passports for 1921, 1927 and for 1938). Her occupation –
modiste, she had a hat shop at Valnu Street 3/5.
son Leib (Leo) Krieger, born on June 16 of 1903 (Julian calendar) in
Dubbeln (now Dubulti, Jurmala),
son Behr Krieger, born on April 30 of 1906 in Riga.
In 1900 Oscher Krieger, his wife and daughter Zila lived in Riga at
B.Korolevskaya Street 12, apt. 4. In 1900 Ite-Bluma's father Jossel
lived at B.Korolevskaya Street 12, apt. 20.
Since 1913 and up to Second World War the family of Oscher Krieger
lived in Riga at Grecinieku Street 28, apt. 3. The house register of
Grecinieku Street 28 for the time period up to 1917 contain
information that since March of 1916 a widow Sora Haimovna (daughter
of Haim) Krieger from Krakinov, aged 80 (born in ca 1836) lived
together with the family of Oscher Krieger (possibly she was mother of
Blume (Ite-Blume) Krieger died on February 15 of 1937 in Riga.
Oscher Krieger died on April 4 of 1939 in Riga.
Unfortunately, the house registers of Grecinieku Street 28 for
1920-1940 have not survived and we cannot trace further fate of Leo
Behr Krieger served in 1927 in Vidzemes artillery regiment. In
December of 1928 he left for South Africa. He lost his Latvian
Citizenship in 1940 after becoming the Great Britain Citizen.
On November 6 of 1936 in Riga Zila Krieger married to Lithuanian
Citizen Leib, son of Meyer Oschri, born on October 15 of 1893 in
Birzhai. They were deported by Soviets on June 14 of 1941 from
Grecinieku Street 28, apt. 3. For the better clearness the composition
of the family is prepared also in the form of the genealogical table.
In a case only age of a person for a concrete year is indicated in the
documents, his/her date of birth is stated approximately. The place of
birth (marriage, death) is given only in a case if it is specified in
the document. In a case we will find any additional information, the
table can be corrected and supplemented. Since our archives keep the
birth, marriage and death records for the time period up to 1905, for
the birth, marriage, death certificates for the time period for
1906-1921 we advise you to apply to the Latvian Archives of the
Registry Department at the following address: Kalku Street 24, Riga.
REFERENCE: fond 2996, inventory 10, files 46778, 46977, inventory 14,
file 4046,
fond 3234, inventory 21, file 5103,
fond 3234, inventory 24, file 18479,
fond 1308, inventory 12, file 9816, page 247.
fond 5024, inventory 1, files 152, 158,
fond 2942, inventory 1, files 1274, 1277, inventory 2, file 1897,
fond 2706, inventory 1, files 24, 26,
fond 4346, inventory 2, file 292,
fond 1376, inventory 2, file 12328.
Enclosure: genealogical table – 1 sheet, copies of the documents –
23 sheets.
Director N. Rižovs
Head of Department I. Veinberga
Researcher: J. Polovceva
Imantam Saulītim |
Dear Alice,

Picture 1 Shimon Shuster who perished in the holocaust in Birzai with his brother who survived.

Picture 2 from the wedding of Batia nee Shuster and her husband ? They both perished in Birzai
From Yad Vashem;
1. Moshe Volf Shuster. He was married to Ester. Prior to WWII he lived in Birz, Lithuania. During the war he was in Birz, Lithuania.
Moshe volf was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted in 1999 by his daughter-in-law, Tzila Shuster Zilbergleit of Herzelia, Israel. , a Shoah survivor
2. Ester brakha Shuster. She was a saleswoman and married to Moshe. Prior to WWII she lived in Birzhay, Lithuania. During the war she was in Birzhay, Lithuania.
Ester brakha was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed here) submitted by her daughter-in-law, Tzila Shuster Zilbergleit
3, Meir Shuster was born in Lithuania to Moshe and Brakha. He was married. Prior to WWII he lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Birzai, Lithuania.
Meir was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed here) submitted by his sister-in-law, Tzila Tzirel Shuster Zilbergleit
4. Shimshon Shuster was born in Lithuania to Moshe and Brakha. He was a tailors apprentice. Prior to WWII he lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Birzai, Lithuania .Shimshon was murdered in the Shoah .This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by his sister-in-law, Tzila Tzirel Shuster Zilberglei
5. Batia Baske khaia Surname unknown nee Shuster was born in Lithuania to Moshe and Brakha. Prior to WWII she lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Lithuania.
Batia khaia was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by her sister-in-law, Tzila Tzirel Shuster Zilbergleit
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 8:11 PM <amhell@comcast.> wrote:
Dear Eliat- My name is Alice Heller. My husband’s family is from Birzai Lithuania. We know that his grandmother, Mary Shuster, and 2 aunts, Leah and Ada, did not survive. We would like to find out any additional details that are available.
Birzai is located in North-Eastern Lithuania. It is situated at the confluence of the Apascia and Agluona Rivers. The history of the town is connected with the aristocratic Radvila [Radwill] family, which kept house in Birzai from the beginning of the 16th century. In 1935 the Jewish population of Birzai was 3500 people nearly 50% of town population.. Jews have been living in the town for many centuries.
My Grandfther Michael. Sandler lived in no 7 Aper Shosh Gatwa in Birzai. Next to his house was the prayer house of the Shoemakers- the Shul of the Sandlers-Shusters.
He was the Shamash [see photo] When my wife and I visited Birzai [1997] we found that the street names had been changed and that the Russians had built badly built three story housing. At that spot there is a shed that looks identical to the building of this Shul except that the roof had been changed. Most of the families who lived in Aper Shosh Gatwa were Shusters –Susters or Sanslers. We did not find the Jewish cemetry but we found a Memorial Stone on the outskirts of Birzai in a small forest [see photo]. It is written in Yiddish and says that here lie the bodies of 2400 Jews and 90 Lithuanians that were killed by the Germans on the 8/8/1941. According to my Uncle Abe his father Michael told him that the Family have been in Birzai since the 17th century.
David and Dina Sandler-Shuster and most of their children were killed in the 1881 pogrom. Three sons---Lazar---Michael--- and Labe survived . They were brought up in an orphanage. Their descendants left Birzai and settled all over the world mainly to South Africa but also in the USA . Scotland, Brazil and Israel. Recently I received a list from the National Archives in Vilna --5 pages of records of the Shuster-Sandler
from 1816 to 1924. A serious question would be- are we related? Probably Possibly?
My Grandfathers Grandfather Meier [Meyer] probably had brothers and cousins
My Grandfathers father David probably had brothers and cousins.
Did Lazar, Michael, Labe have cousins? I exclude the many sisters and female relations who probably took the name on their husbands.
Yehuda Shuster also came from Birzai. A descendant of his, Leon Sandler from Bulowayo told his daughters Maureen and Becky that they were distandly related to our family. My Uncle Abe Sandler who is 92 and lives in Cape Town told me that if we are related it would be distant. Andy Shooman a descendant of Yehuda told me that the family prayed in the shul.of the Shoemakers.
Another posible branch could be the family of Maisha Leib Sandler whose children settled in the Transvaal South Africa.
Isser Joseph Sandler was born in Birzai. Later the family settled in the USA.
Debbie Rappaport who came from the USA and lives in Safed Israel. Her Grandmother was a Sandler from Birzai.
Until proven otherwise most of these families make up the Sandler, Shuster, Shusterus, and Shooman family tree. My appeal to most of my relatives were positively received and I required most of the needed information. However there are missing links. A tree has a beginning but has no end so if anyone has any information
names, dates, events please forward the info to me. I have one wish –that when I am gone that either a grandchild or some one else will preserve and continue the tree
Basil Baruch Sandler Nathanya Israel April 2001. |
From: Leah <leahpeer@>
Date: Jan 3, 2008 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: birth record of FRIDMAN, Khana in 1909
To: Eilat Gordin Levitan eilat.gordinlevitan@gmail.com
Thank you Eilat. There is one additional brother - Jonathan.He was born between Chana and Batia.
On Jan 3, 2008, at 8:49 AM, Eilat Gordin Levitan wrote:
> Shalom,
> I am pasting the information here;
> FRIDMAN, Rokhe Breine daughter of Leib, Leib' father; Khatskel mother; Asne Rivke 1/11/1906 26 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Primushe Birzai 1906 F20 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
> FRIDMAN, Izrail Tsodik
> Father; Leib Peisakh,
> grandfather; Khatskel Eliash
> Mother; Asne Rivke
> 4/3/1908 14 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Primushe Birzai 1908 M2 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
> FRIDMAN, Khana Father; Leib Peisakh, Grandfather; Khatskel Eliash Mother; Asne Rivke 1/7/1909 24 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Primushe Birzai 1909 F15 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
> FRIDMAN, Basia Leia Leib Peisakh, Khatskel Eliash mother; Asna Rivka the daughter of Izrail Tsodik EVIEN 16/11/1913 29 Heshvan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Primushe Birzai 1913 F21 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
> Records of uncles of your mother;
> EVIEN, Shimkhe daughter of Izrael Tsodek and Braina
> born; 1/2/1867 8 Adar Birzai,
> Panevezys
> Kaunas
> Birzai
> 1867
> F4 2205126 / 3
> LVIA/1226/1/384
> EVIEN, Sora daughter of Izrael and Braina
> 30/5/1872
> 5 Sivan Birzai
> Panevezys
> Kaunas
> Birzai
> 1872
> F11 2205126 / 4
Dear Eilat,
Success at last. I've been busy on the internet.
At first I thought you were related on my father's paternal side which
is the side of my family related to Chaim Herzog but now I'm thinking
your family is connected to mine on my father's maternal side. It was
Benny's response that Batia had contact with the Kretchmers and Segalls
that I came to this conclusion.
Here is a just a snipit of my family tree.
Probably born 1860ish. Loesser Melman m. Bassa Friedman Melman. Their
children born about 1880s were Rueben Melman, Barrel Melman, Yussel
Melman, Ethel Shana Melman PoKempner Singer Cohen (my dad's mother and
my paternal grandmother), Bayla (Shana?) Melman Meller, Clara (Kayla?)
Melman Segall, Rochel Melman Gifter, and Nachama Melman Kretchmer who
married Yitzhak Kretchmer. The Kretchmer's are Israelis with jewelry
stores in Tel Aviv.
Shaul Sharoni ccontacted Batia and Esther and Benny and lit a fire
under them. Benny sent me a letter in response which follows.
Dear Mrs. Dobrin,
My name is Benny Shiloh and I am the son in law of Batia. Batia is now
93 years old and she is unable to answer your letter. On her behalf I
shall try to answer you and give you some information. We doubt if this
is Hana in the photograph you have sent with your letter. Her name was
indeed Hana Slavin. Among the family names you have mentioned we had
contacts during the years with Krechmer and Segal.
We keep constant connection with Jeffrey who lives in USA and comes to
visit us every year. He had moved to Florida recently so we are waiting
to get his new address and telephone number.
Her father's name was Yehuda Leib and her mother was Asnat. They had
two sons and three daughters. Rachel, who married Boris was murdered by
the Lithuanians during the holocaust with her husband, her little
daughter and her parents. Israel, who married Sonya and had a daughter
named Esther. Yonathan married Shoshana and had a daughter name Asnat.
Hana married Peer and had Jeffrey and Lesley. Batia married Ben Zion
and have Esther (my wife), Yizhak and Asnat.
Yours sincerely,
Benny Shiloh
Kibutz Yagur - ______________________________
From: Leah <leahpeer@
Hi Marlene,
Yes, you have found the right Jeff Peer.
Until July of 2005 we lived in Buffalo, NY. We then relocated to
Jacksonville, FL for 2 years (a long story) and have just recently
relocated (hopefully, long term) to Denver, CO.
Les (Leslie), lives with his wife in Stowe,Vermont.
Chana Peer Slavin was Jeff and Les' mother -she passed away about 7
years ago. Sam Slavin was her second husband.
As far as we know there is no relation to Chaim Herzog.
It is not clear from your letter how you and my husband are related....
Anyway - let me know what information you need and I will do my best
to supply it.
2nd email to Marlene
From: Leah
Hi Marlene,
This is what we know about Jeff's family:
Leib Freidman was married to Osna. They had 5 children:
Israel escaped, with his wife Sonya, from post WW II Russia and
emigrated to Israel with their daughter, Ester. Israel and his wife
are both deceased.
Ester Freidman Noter, is married to Yoram and currently lives in
She has much more information and I forwarded your letter to her. She
has three sons Shai, Danny and Uri.
Rachel remained in Lithuania. I do not know the name of her husband.
They were all killed in some post WW II violence - stories told were
unclear. It was not part of the Holocaust.
Chana (1910 - 2000) married Herman Peer (d.1946) and emigrated to the
US. They had 2 sons, Jeff(rey) (b.1943) and Les(lie) (b. 1946). In
1954 she married Sam Slavin. They separated in 1957 but were never
Jeff is married to me (Leah) and has a total of 6 children (2 with
me). Les lives in Vermont with his wife, Marion, and has no children.
Batja (b~ 1913) married Ben Zion Koblenz (d. 2006) in Israel. They
emigrated to Israel before WW II.
They had three children: Ester Koblenz Shiloh m. Benny Shiloh. They
have 4 sons.
Osnat Koblenz, unmarried, has one daughter, Osnat.
Yitzhak is married (name unknown to us) and has one child (?)
Jonathan also emigrated to Israel. He married Shoshana nee ?.
They had one daughter, Osnat.
Jonathan died of kidney disease in the late fifties.
As to the photos. I do not believe that the first is a picture of
Chana - we do not know who it might be.
I think that the third picture, is a picture of Herman's first wife.
The second picture is indeed a picture of Herman.
On Herman's side, Parents names are unknown to us
He had two sisters and two brothers
Aaron -was the eldest and never married and financed all the
brother's emigrations to the US
Nate - was married to Minnie (nee ????). They had 2 daughters,
Estelle and Isabel. Last we know they were in Florida.
Libby married to ???? Matz. had two sons,
Emanuel (b.~1942) married to Bee, they have 2 daughters
Dov (b~1947), married to Beth. They live in NY state and have 3
children. We are in contact with them and
I can forward information to them as well, if it is relevant.
Rachel emigrated to Israel and married Ben Zion Kartoun -both are
deceased. They had two sons.
Amnon, who is married to ??? in Israel
Yechezkel (d ~2004 of lung cancer) was married to Yehudit in
Israel. They had 2 children.
Each day brings a little more information.
Marlene Kempner Dobrin
Family names Kempner, PoKempner, PaKempner, Mirvis, Rief, Westerman,
Melman, Zox, Sachs, Krechmer, Litt, Luntz, Meyerson, Marovich,
Shanken, Herzog, Hillman, Fleischman, Segall, Friedman, Dobrin,
Schuman, Fuxman
Dear Baruch,
Thank you for the email December 6. I did some additional research on
Chaits from Birzai on the base of the information you sent me up till
this time.
1. In the birth records of Pasvalys we have (1882-1889,1893- 1914) I
found the birth records of childrens of Yudel ben Abram Chait and Asna
bat Zusman Kriger : Ovsey (23.06.1895), Sholom (18.04.1897),
Enta-Rocha (19.07.1899), Itzik (20.10.1901.) and Chana
(31.07.1903).Traying to find their marriage record I examined marriage
records of Birzai (1881- 1895), Pasvalys (1882-1895) and of some other
nearest towns- Zeimelis (1882-1895), Linkuva (1881-1895), Joniskelis
(1887-1895), Vabalninkas (1882-1895), Pusalotas(1883-86,88- 1895). But
I do not find this marriage record. Records of Vashki do not exist.
Besides, I looked through the birth records of Linkuva
(1884-1888,1897,98,1900-1903), Joniskelis (1887,1888,1893-1912),
Birzai (1876-78,1881-1887 and later years), Pumpenai (1900- 1909). But
I do not fiind any more of their childrens.
2. As far as Meyer Chait and Asna family; By your data Meyer was born
abt. 1866 in Birzai. I examined the birth records of Birzai of
1865-1869.- His birth record did not exist in these books. I examined
the marriage records of Birzai of
1881-1895 as well as of some other nearest communities
But I do not find their marriage record. By your data, Asna the wife
of Meyer Chait died in Birzai in 1926. I looked through the death
records of Birzai of 1925-1939, but her death record is not among
these records. As I wrote you before,in the birth records of Birzai of
1881-1887,1893-1914 I found the birth records of Girsh (1882),
Gode-Ite (1887) and Shmuel (March 1,1893).Their parents were Meyer ben
Shmuel (not Abram) Chait and Asne. I do not find the birth record of
Sam Chait (b.1893.04.06 in Birzai, by your data) in
Birzai 1893 records book. So, probably,your information about this
family is not very correct.
3.On the base of information you sent me by last email I
found in Birzai records:
1.the marriage record of Meyer-Pinches ben Movsha-Leyb
Chait and Beile bat Berel (in 1882). Her maiden name is not indicated.
2.the birth records of their childrens- David-Michel (1894),
Reize-Braine (1896),Avadye (1900), Mere-Mindel(1903),Yente-
Freide (1905) and Leyzer-Abel (1908). It is strange that I do not find
any of their children in the birth records of Birzai of
4.As far as Itzik Chait family; I find the marriage record of Mendel
ben Itzik-David Chait 25 years and Civya bat Zusman Kriger 24 years in
Pasvalys records(1898 -I do not find the birth record of Mendel (1873)
in Birzai and Pasvalys records of 1873,1874 years.I do not find the
birth record of his brother Moris (1880) in Birzai records 1880,1881
years. Records of Pasvalys of 1875-1881 not
Lastly. In the death records of Birzai I examined up till this
time (1881-1898,1902,1913-1914,1925-1939) I found some
records about Chaits. Maybe some of them is important for
you: died in 1882 Itzik ben Calel Chait 59 years,1884 Ber ben Abram
Chait 48,1887 Shmuel ben Zelik Chait 76 years, 1889 died
Meyer ben Lipko Chait 63,1894 died Gershon ben Abram Chait 60
years,1896 Mordtkel Ber ben Shmuel Chait 60,
1896 died Mones ben Itzik Chait 52,1898 died Chaia bat
Leyzer, the wife of Itzik Chait 73 years. in 1938 died Abram
Chait a widower, born in 1856, son of Elya-David and Roche- Leya
There are a lot of Chaits in all Birzai records. Of course, the
answers to many questions would give for us census records of Birzai
of 1850 and 1858 years. But,unfortunately,
these census records do not preserved. Without these documents it is
impossible to do more correct research.
If you are interested in copies with translations of some mentioned
before records I found, please inform me.
Sincerely yours,
Name: Mowsche Frid
Arrival Date: Feb 1903
Age: 30 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1873
Gender: Male
Race: Hebrew
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Koln
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Baltimore, MD
Friend's Name: J Raffel
Last Residence: Birz
Microfilm Roll Number: 34
Page: 122
Name: Ftze Kremer
Arrival Date: Apr 1899
Age: 13 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1886
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Crefeld
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Friend's Name: L Kramer
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 12
Page: 16
Name: Halke Kremer
Arrival Date: Apr 1899
Age: 45 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1854
Gender: Female
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Crefeld
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Friend's Name: L Kramer
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 12
Page: 16
Name: Rasche Kremer
Arrival Date: Apr 1899
Age: 9 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1890
Gender: Female
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Crefeld
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Friend's Name: L Kramer
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 12
Page: 16
Name: Sehimsehen Raffel
Arrival Date: Apr 1903
Age: 24 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1879
Gender: Male
Race: Hebrew
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Main
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Baltimore,MD
Friend's Name: G Raffel
Last Residence: Birz
Microfilm Roll Number: 35
Page: 163
Name: Mosche Schindler
Arrival Date: Feb 1896
Age: 34 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1862
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Roland
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 7
Name: Feige Schindler
Arrival Date: Feb 1896
Age: 34 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1862
Gender: Female
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Roland
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 7
Name: Ytze Schindler
Arrival Date: Feb 1896
Age: 7 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1889
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Roland
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 7
Name: Mausche Schindler
Arrival Date: Feb 1896
Age: 5 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1891
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Roland
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 7
Name: Kalman Schindler
Arrival Date: Feb 1896
Age: 0 Years 2 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Roland
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 7
Page: 15
Name: Chane Schindler
Arrival Date: Feb 1896
Age: 0 Years 7 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895
Gender: Female
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Roland
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 7
Page: 15
Name: Fankel Washiter
Arrival Date: Dec 1897
Age: 22 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1875
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Ship Name: Oldenburg
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Chicago, IL
Last Residence: Birz
Microfilm Roll Number: 9
Page: 38
Name: Riva Yofe
Arrival Date: May 1892
Age: 45 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1847
Gender: Female
Race: Russian
Ship Name: Oldenburg
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 2
Page: 234
Name: Loeb Yofe
Arrival Date: May 1892
Age: 18 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1874
Gender: Male
Race: Russian
Ship Name: Oldenburg
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 2
Page: 234
Name: Lipsa Yofe
Arrival Date: May 1892
Age: 11 Years 0 Months years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1881
Gender: Female
Race: Russian
Ship Name: Oldenburg
Port of Arrival: Baltimore, Maryland
Destination: Balto
Last Residence: Birs
Microfilm Roll Number: 2
Page: 234
Subject: Birzai, Lithauania Internal Passport Records
From: HOMARGOL@aol.com
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 22:05:56 EDT
X-Message-Number: 1
I have just distributed, to qualified donors, another 456 Internal Passport
records for Birzai. There are additional records to be translated but the
necessary funds are lacking. If you have any connection to Birzai, a minimum
contribution of $100 would be appreciated so the remaining Birza Internal
Passport records can be translated. You would not only receive these records but
also the previously translated records and the records translated in the future
as well.
The information included in these records is simply amazing and can lead to
further discoveries. One example is a record for Itsik Eliya TABACHNICK. He
lived in Tel Aviv and had British Citizenship. The names of his father and
mother are included. His marriage certificate issued in Birzai 14 January, 1932
is in the file. His wife's maiden name, REBYTE, her father's name and her
mother's maiden name are also included. After the wedding, Itsik and his new
wife went to Tel Aviv to live. Her father's Russian passport is also in the file
and that probably contains additional information.
Another important example is Yudel PASVALETSK - Born 23 September, 1874. On
27 May, 1938 he committed Suicide. He left a wife and two daughters. The
Lithuanian archives contain hundreds of thousands of police and court records.
However, they are not indexed and are filed only by date. In order for the
archivist to find a police or court record, you must know the location, the
event, and the exact date. With the information from this Internal Passport
record, the police report can probably be found as well as an autopsy report
on the suicide. An article about the event probably still exists in an old
issue of the Birzai newspaper. There may even be a court record if his
assets were disposed of.
For a full explanation of Internal Passports, and to view the various types
of documents contained in the files, go to
To contribute to this project, please go to:
Be sure and mention that your donation is for Internal
Passports - Birzai. You can use your credit card as the site is secure.
Howard Margol
Coordinator - Internal Passport Project |
I am researching Wasserman (Wasermann, Vaserman, etc.) and
Zlot/Slot/Slote/Slott in Lithuania and South Africa. The towns in Lithuania
are Linkuva and Joniskelis (also Slobodka, Pusalotas and Birzai) near
Panavezys in the Kaunas district and also Vilnius and Sechi. Johannesburg is
the town in South Africa.
Please contact me if you are researching these names and places.
Max Heffler
[litvaksig] Amazing discoveries using Birzai Internal passport archive
by Igal Sokolov
I'd like to share the most exciting story that ever happened to me since I
started my family research. My Tabakin family starts from Birzai Lithuania
The census from 1898 stated 11 children of Movsha and Sheina Tabakin.
Birzai Volost
TABAKIN Movsha son of Abel Head of Household
Registered in Birzai, resides in the village of Spalvishki since 1896
57 41
Families Living Out of Towns; 4th Stan
Birzai Volost
Wife of
57 40
Families Living Out of Towns; 4th Stan
TABAKIN Shmerel son of Movsha Son
son of
TABAKIN Mortkhel
son of
TABAKIN Sora Movsha Daughter
TABAKIN Chana Movsha Daughter
TABAKIN Shleva Movsha Daughter
TABAKIN Rocha Movsha Daughter
TABAKIN Tauba Movsha Daughter
TABAKIN Feyga Movsha Daughter
TABAKIN Ester Movsha Daughter
TABAKIN Ida Movsha Daughter
6 months
I always knew that most of the family left Birzai to Riga and Moscow around
1914 and my mom has a good contact with all the descendants besides two
male names mentioned in the census doc. But these two names never were
even heard by any of the Tabakin descendants. I was sure that they died
To my surprise when I opened the list of Birzai internal passports I found
these two names there, getting their passports in 1920. That gave me an
idea to look for the Tabakin family name-bearers. The rest were female
or didn't have kids so I was sure that there are no Tabakin in our family
ly branch. I sent my question to a popular Russian language on-line social
network. And... in about 6 hours got a reply from a granddaughter of one of
the men listed in Census. We couldn't believe that we found each other and
checked all the facts many times. Everything fitted like a perfect puzzle.
Most amazing fact that she grew up in Birzai since her family never left
the place. She knew nothing about the rest of the family since her
grandfather was murdered by Nazis in Aug 1941. She and I are still speechless
from what happened to us. It's a happy family reunion after 95 years of
I want to express enormous gratitude to the organizers of the Internal
Passports project and their translators. I'd like to encourage everybody
to try it. My story shows that miracles happen.
Thank you
Igal Sokolov
Tabakin (Birzai)
Polyak (Odessa, Kherson)
Kurzon (Courland, Lvovo, Skadovsk, Kherson)
Yaroshevsky (Kherson)
Sokolov (Krasnopolye, Belarus)
Leybishkis (Bratslav, Ukraine)
Remez (Gornostaypol)
Goldenberg (Belilovka)
Other relatives
Birzai Volost
TABAKIN Wulf Abel Head of Household
Registered in Birzai, resides in the village of Lepolaty since 1873
57 47
Birzai Volost
TABAKIN Abel Wulf Son
57 46
Families Living Out of Towns; 4th Stan
TABAKIN Mortkhel Wulf Son
TABAKIN Chana Wulf Daughter
TABAKIN Sora Wulf Daughter
TABAKIN Borukh Abel Head of Household
Registered in Birzai, resides in the village of Tubaki since 1865
55 11
Families Living Out of Towns; 4th Stan
TABAKIN Elka Borukh Daughter
TABAKIN Tsile Borukh Daughter
TABAKIN Itsyk Borukh Son
TABAKIN Abel Borukh Son
1 1/2
1834 census;
TABAKIN Gesel Shmuel Head of Household
Revision List Index
Searching for Surname Tabakin
Number of hits: 25
Run on Saturday 18 October 2008 at 23:17:47
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
DAVIDOV, Sheine Tomka, Efroim Shlove, Moisei TABAKIN 7/5/1911 22 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Bausk Birzai 1911 F10 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DAVIDOV, Feiga Tomka, Efroim Shlova, Moiska TABAKIN 20/1/1913 25 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Bausk Birzai 1913 F2 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DAVIDOV, Abel Ruvin Tomka, Efroim Slova, Moiska TABAKIN 24/4/1914 11 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Bausk Birzai 1914 M10 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
SHNAIDER, Iudis Khaim Itsyk, Ruvel Khana, Moiska TABAKIN 7/1/1912 1 Shevat Geidine village Panevezys Kaunas Born in the village Geidine Birzai 1912 F1 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
SHNAIDER, Aria Khaim Itsyk, Ruvel Khana, Movsha TABAKIN 2/4/1914 19 Nisan Gailekrug village Panevezys Kaunas Born in the village Gailekrug Birzai 1914 M8 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Shmuel Khaim Leib, Berel Brokhe Dveire 15/8/1891 23 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Father from Anyksciai Birzai 1891 M52 2199343 / 1 LVIA/728/1/985
TABAKIN, Iosel Movsha, Iosel Gruna Glike 13/3/1866 8 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1866 M7 2205126 / 3 LVIA/1226/1/380
TABAKIN, Freide Rivke Shlioma, Iosel Rakhel Iudes 20/8/1880 25 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1880 F9 2205137 / 2 LVIA/1226/1/1027
TABAKIN, Leib Movshe Girsh, Abel Leia 24/4/1878 13 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1878 M16 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Shore Rivka Iosel, Shloma Rokhel 19/9/1881 8 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1881 F20 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
TABAKIN, Tevie Ruvel Ber, Shmuel Khaim Khase 21/2/1882 14 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1882 M4 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Mortkhe Shmerel Volf, Abel Rokhel 2/7/1887 22 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1887 M38 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Sholem Ber Nakhmen Izrail, Movsha Frume Gene 24/5/1893 21 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1893 M31 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Golde Malke Iosel, Shloma Rokhel 27/5/1893 24 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1893 F24 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Itsyk Borukh Zelik, Abel Rokhel 7/9/1893 9 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Kursenai Birzai 1893 M56 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Taube Feige Leib, Berel Brokhe 15/9/1893 17 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Anyksciai Birzai 1893 F41 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Rakhmiel Iudel Iosel, Shloma Rokhel Iudis 4/6/1895 24 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1895 M28 2268931 / 1 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Khatskel Gdalie Leib, Berel Brokhe 17/12/1895 12 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1895 M61 2268931 / 1 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Itsik Izrael Nakhmen, Movsha Frume Gene 11/8/1896 14 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1896 M40 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Abram Girsh Leib, Berel Brokhe Dveire 21/5/1898 12 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1898 M22 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
TABAKIN, Rokhel Iudis Shmuel Mendel, Iosel Ite Raikhe 17/3/1900 29 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1900 F10 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Ele Risa Mendel Shmuel, Iosel Ite Raikha 6/12/1901 9 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1901 F43 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Shimen Aria Iosel, Moiska Sheine Kreinde, Movsha KHAIT 16/3/1912 11 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1912 M12 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Iokhel Abel Iosel, Moiska Sheina Kreinda, Movsha KHAIT 19/3/1913 23 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1913 M8 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
VOLOVICH, Rakhil Izrail, Iankel Shora Riva, Iosel TABAKIN 27/5/1914 15 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Pogary (Pagirys, Kedainiai district) Birzai 1914 F12 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
Searching for Surname Tabakin
Number of hits: 25
Run on Saturday 18 October 2008 at 23:17:47
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
DAVIDOV, Sheine Tomka, Efroim Shlove, Moisei TABAKIN 7/5/1911 22 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Bausk Birzai 1911 F10 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DAVIDOV, Feiga Tomka, Efroim Shlova, Moiska TABAKIN 20/1/1913 25 Shevat Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Bausk Birzai 1913 F2 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
DAVIDOV, Abel Ruvin Tomka, Efroim Slova, Moiska TABAKIN 24/4/1914 11 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Bausk Birzai 1914 M10 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
SHNAIDER, Iudis Khaim Itsyk, Ruvel Khana, Moiska TABAKIN 7/1/1912 1 Shevat Geidine village Panevezys Kaunas Born in the village Geidine Birzai 1912 F1 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
SHNAIDER, Aria Khaim Itsyk, Ruvel Khana, Movsha TABAKIN 2/4/1914 19 Nisan Gailekrug village Panevezys Kaunas Born in the village Gailekrug Birzai 1914 M8 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Shmuel Khaim Leib, Berel Brokhe Dveire 15/8/1891 23 Av Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Father from Anyksciai Birzai 1891 M52 2199343 / 1 LVIA/728/1/985
TABAKIN, Iosel Movsha, Iosel Gruna Glike 13/3/1866 8 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1866 M7 2205126 / 3 LVIA/1226/1/380
TABAKIN, Freide Rivke Shlioma, Iosel Rakhel Iudes 20/8/1880 25 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1880 F9 2205137 / 2 LVIA/1226/1/1027
TABAKIN, Leib Movshe Girsh, Abel Leia 24/4/1878 13 Iyar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1878 M16 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Shore Rivka Iosel, Shloma Rokhel 19/9/1881 8 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1881 F20 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
TABAKIN, Tevie Ruvel Ber, Shmuel Khaim Khase 21/2/1882 14 Adar Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1882 M4 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Mortkhe Shmerel Volf, Abel Rokhel 2/7/1887 22 Tammuz Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1887 M38 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Sholem Ber Nakhmen Izrail, Movsha Frume Gene 24/5/1893 21 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1893 M31 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Golde Malke Iosel, Shloma Rokhel 27/5/1893 24 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1893 F24 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Itsyk Borukh Zelik, Abel Rokhel 7/9/1893 9 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Kursenai Birzai 1893 M56 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Taube Feige Leib, Berel Brokhe 15/9/1893 17 Tishri Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Anyksciai Birzai 1893 F41 2270865 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Rakhmiel Iudel Iosel, Shloma Rokhel Iudis 4/6/1895 24 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1895 M28 2268931 / 1 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Khatskel Gdalie Leib, Berel Brokhe 17/12/1895 12 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1895 M61 2268931 / 1 LVIA/1226/1/1314
TABAKIN, Itsik Izrael Nakhmen, Movsha Frume Gene 11/8/1896 14 Elul Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1896 M40 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Abram Girsh Leib, Berel Brokhe Dveire 21/5/1898 12 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1898 M22 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
Name Father, Grandfather Mother, Grandfather Mother Maiden Surname Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY Hebrew Date Town Ujezd Guberniya Comments Place Recorded Year Record # Microfilm / Item Image Archive / Fond
TABAKIN, Rokhel Iudis Shmuel Mendel, Iosel Ite Raikhe 17/3/1900 29 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1900 F10 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Ele Risa Mendel Shmuel, Iosel Ite Raikha 6/12/1901 9 Tevet Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1901 F43 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Shimen Aria Iosel, Moiska Sheine Kreinde, Movsha KHAIT 16/3/1912 11 Nisan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1912 M12 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
TABAKIN, Iokhel Abel Iosel, Moiska Sheina Kreinda, Movsha KHAIT 19/3/1913 23 Adar II Birzai Panevezys Kaunas
Birzai 1913 M8 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959
VOLOVICH, Rakhil Izrail, Iankel Shora Riva, Iosel TABAKIN 27/5/1914 15 Sivan Birzai Panevezys Kaunas Family came from Pogary (Pagirys, Kedainiai district) Birzai 1914 F12 2290696 / 4 LVIA/1226/1/1959 |
Yesterday, I received another 265 Internal Passport records for the city
of Birzai. This makes a total of 2,299 Internal Passport records for Birzai
that have been translated and sent to the qualified contributors to the
Birzai I.P. records. None of these records has been added to the All
Lithuania Database (ALD) as yet as there is a one year delay in doing so.
Only 15 Jewish files for Internal Passport records remain to be translated
for Birzai and I expect to receive the translation of those files within
the next 10 to 14 days. To receive all of the Birzai Internal Passport
records please make a $100 contribution to LitvakSIG. Go to
www.litvaksig.org and click on BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR. You can use your
credit card.
Even though these I.P. records list those who applied for their Internal
Passport in Birzai, many of them were actually born elsewhere. This
information is included and is one of the reasons why the I.P. records
are so important. The records have universal appeal and not just for those
who are researching Birzai. A few examples will give you an idea of what
I mean.
Following is the surname, year of birth, and place of birth.
ALSFAIN - born 1862 in Vidai (Zarasai Uyezd)
BER - born 1861 in Salociai (Birzai Uyezd)
RABIN - born 1882 in Taurage
BARKHANOVICH - born 1903 in Postavai (Disna Uyezd)
BARKHANOVICH - born 1889 in Svencionys Uyezd
BINDERMAN - born 1882 in Postavai (Disna Uyezd)
BENDER - born 1901 in Jonava (Kaunas Uyezd)
BENDOR - age 48 in 1921 - born in Joniskis (Siauliai Uyezd)
BORUKHOVICH - born 1908 in Vabalninkas (Birzai Uyezd)
DUR - born 1891 in Pumpenai
ESRAKHOVICH - born 1870 in Kupiskis (Ukmerge Uyezd)
GRINBLATT - born 1880 in Telsiai Uyezd
GENDLER - born 1914 in Kratiskiai (Birzai Uyezd)
KHAIT / BERKOV - born 1903 in Seduva (Siauliai Uyezd)
YUDELEVICH - age 51 in 1921 - born in Kelme (Raseiniai Uyezd)
LEIRUTAN - born 1872 in Vitebsk
This is just a few of the other places listed in the Birzai Internal
Passport records.
Hoiward Margol
Coordinator - Internal Passport Project
Recently I contacted Latvian Central archive and got back a package of
documents about my family in 50 (fifty !!!) pages dated from 1907 to
1938, including two photographs from 1920. These two pictures are most
valuable finding, since nobody in the family had the pictures of these
people. I was able to show the photograph of grandfather to his
granddaughter for the first time in her life. She never even thought
such a picture exists since he was killed in 1941. Now I have a big
job of translating these documents, most of them in Lithuanian.
Thanks a lot to all volunteers who helped me and guided me through
the research process.
my message from Oct 2008:
I'd like to share the most exciting story that ever happened to me since I
started my family research. My Tabakin family starts from Birzai Lithuania
The census from 1898 stated 11 children of Movsha and Sheina Tabakin. I
always knew that most of the family left Birzai to Riga and Moscow around
1914 and my mom has a good contact with all the descendants besides two
male names mentioned in the census doc. But these two names never were
even heard by any of the Tabakin descendants. I was sure that they died
To my surprise when I opened the list of Birzai internal passports I found
these two names there, getting their passports in 1920. That gave me an
idea to look for the Tabakin family name-bearers. The rest were female
or didn't have kids so I was sure that there are no Tabakin in our family
branch. I sent my question to a popular Russian language on-line social
network. And... in about 6 hours got a reply from a granddaughter of one of
the men listed in Census. We couldn't believe that we found each other and
checked all the facts many times. Everything fitted like a perfect puzzle.
Most amazing fact that she grew up in Birzai since her family never left
the place. She knew nothing about the rest of the family since her
grandfather was murdered by Nazis in Aug 1941. She and I are still
speechless from what happened to us. It's a happy family reunion after
95 years of separation.
I want to express enormous gratitude to the organizers of the Internal
Passports project and their translators. I'd like to encourage everybody
to try it. My story shows that miracles happen.
Thank you
Igal Sokolov
Tabakin (Birzai)
Polyak (Odessa, Kherson)
Kurzon (Courland, Lvovo, Skadovsk, Kherson)
Yaroshevsky (Kherson)
Sokolov (Krasnopolye, Belarus)
Leybishkis (Bratslav, Ukraine)
Remez (Gornostaypol)
Goldenberg (Belilovka)
I am trying to find the descendants of Girsh Schnaider from Birzai,
Lithuania. My great-grandfather Haim Itsyk is Girsh's grandson. Below
is the brief summary of the families I am looking for. Please let me
know if the names sound familiar.
1. Girsh Shneyder had two sons
Ruvel (Reuven) Shneyder (1840)
Shimen Leizer Shneyder (1851)
2. Ruvel (Reuven) Shneyder (Shnaider) was born in 1840.
Ruvel married Pese Leia.
Their children:
Haim Itsyk Shneyder (1878-1916)
Ester Shneyder (1868)
Mariasha Shneyder (1876)
Khaia Minukhe Shneyder (1876)
Khaia married Itsyk Josel Klaz on 15 Apr 1911 in Birzai, Lithuania.
Mariasha married Shmuel Nokhum Shneyder (Shnaider), son of Shimen Leizer
Their children:
Gene Shneyder (1890)
Pese Shneyder (1904)
Abram Shneyder (1903)
3. Shimen Leizer Shneyder (1851)
Shimen married Shore Mushe. (1854)
Their children:
Freide Rive Shneyder (1873) Freide married Girsh Abrem Khait
Minukhe Khaia Shneyder (1878)
Eide Shneyder (1881)
Gena Shneyder (1889)
Elke Shneyder (1888)
Shmuel Nokhum Shneyder (1876)
Eliash Shneyder (1884)
Movsha Leib Shneyder (1895)
Thank you,
Igal Sokolov
Sunnyvale, CA
I am a descendant of Tabakin family from Birzai, Lithuania. Over the
last several years I was lucky to find hundreds of the family members
who live in many countries and speak many different languages. Some
families left to USA and South Africa in 1890-1910 and some today live
in Russia and in Lithuania.
I am looking for some recommendations. I'd like to organize a large
family reunion of my family in Israel and looking for practical
advices from people who already did it in the past. I am sure many
Igal Sokolov |
From: Allan Peterson <allan@prudentialriverbend.ca>
I came across your website today. My wife and I spent 2 years teaching in at Lithuania Christian College in Klaipeda in 1993-1995. The holocaust history has always interested me and being so near it in those years only intensified it. During our time there we met an old lady who grew up in Birzai. She died a couple of years ago just shy of her 103 birthday. She had been deported to Siberia in the 1950's. She told us of here memories of the killing of Jews there when she was young. She said they could hear the shooting for several days. When the shooting was done the jewish possessions were made available to the people of the region. She said that their pastor of the "reformed" church told his congregation that anyone who took any thing would be excommunicated. I did spend a few days in the area with one of my students but was not really aware of the history at the time. There seems to be more awareness of it now. I would like to return one day and take some of your pictures along and research the area. As my Mom said when she visited, "there is such a feeling of heaviness in Lithuania". She is right. I have sensed it too. The earth cries out, I guess.
In September 2011 I took a trip back with my daughter for the 20th anniverssary of LCC and to meet her birth mother. But 2 weeks is not long enough to see all I want there. I could stay a year and not see it all. Thanks you for your interesting site.
God bless,
Al Peterson |
From: andreas kuck <andreaskuck@web.de>
i found on your website http://www.eilatgordinlevitan.com/birz/birz.html a wrong link about information on birzai. the link is not working.
the official site from birzai is www.birzai.lt
maybe you can make a link to my site : www.birzai.de
its only in german,and private, but i want to make the side one day multilingual, english, german and lithuanian.
greetings from germany,
shalom, andreas kuck |
The Panevezys District Research Group has added lists of persons in Birzai and Joniskelis unable to pay taxes in 1849. There is no indication in these lists which taxes they are unable to pay. For each individual who is listed one of several reasons is given. The number of persons listed for Birzai is 126, and for Joniskelis is 149.
Two years ago, in December 2010, we added similar lists compiled in 1845 for Birzai (160 persons) and Joniskelis (12 persons) along with lists for Krekenava, Linkuva and Pakruojis. The earlier lists were compiled at the end of a significant period for the Jewish population of the Pale of Settlement; a period which began in 1827 and ended in 1844 with the abolition of the Kahals , ending their roles as administrative and governing bodies. The Kahals did retain some local responsibilities as mere conscription agents and tax collectors. These lists for 1849 reflect conditions that existed four years later.
The taxes levied on the Jews were a "basket tax" on kosher meat which was transferred to municipal administration and applied first to cover arrears of Jewish communities and then to help finance Crown Schools that were opened especially for Jews. An auxiliary basket tax was levied on immoveable property, business activities and bequests. A tax on Shabbat candles called the Candle Tax was also directed to the Crown Schools.
The social welfare activities that were originated by the Kahals, a unique and notable development within the Pale, were continued by the Jewish communities. This is reflected in some of the comments on these two lists. Also reflected in the comments was the local Jewish community's responsibility for meeting conscription quotas. In addition to noting deaths in Birzai and Joniskelis between 1834 and 1849 as the reason for a person's inability to pay taxes, the lists also note persons recruited [for military service] in the same period, and social welfare factors such as blindness, old age, madness, poor health, living on charity, lack of income or other means, lack of family and lack of employment as other reasons. In Joniskelis, banishment to Siberia and owning no property were also mentioned, as was "absent" (probably meaning draft dodging), as reasons for an inability to pay taxes.
The Panevezys District Research Group invites everyone who is interested in tracing family in the Panevezys District of Lithuania before and during WWI
and in the inter-war period to contribute to the effort to translate records by sending a tax deductible (in the USA) contribution of $100 to www.livaksig.org/contribute using a credit card or by check to the mailing address listed there. Contributors will have exclusive access to any newly translated records for 18 months before they become publicly available on the All Lithuania Database. Also for five years they will have access to all translated data in the Excel format on our Shutterfly website.
Lists of surnames on both lists are available to ANYONE on request to me at my email address below.
Chag Sameach L'Chanukkah.
Bill Yoffee
Panevezys District Research Coordinator
kidsbks@verizon.net |
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 , elliottmalkin@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Eilat,
I was wondering if you know anything about the Malkin family from
Birzai. The family lived in Liozno and also has links to Dvinsk. I've
written more about them on my site and would love to hear your
Thanks for your website. You have great material.
> Best, Elliott Malkin |
From: Bill Yoffee; Owners of Insured Property in Panevezys District 1910 (Six more)
Visit our home page at http://www.litvaksig.org
The Panevezys district Research Group is posting to its Shutterfly website a list of owners of insured real estate in six more towns in the District in 1910, and their insured value also in 1910. The towns being listed are Birzai (133 owners), Linkuva (112 owners), Pakruojis (124 owners), Pasvalys (195 owners), Pusalotas (65 owners) and Salociai (22 owners). Previously the Group posted lists for eight towns and shtetls of the District: Klovainiai, Naujamiestis, Nemunelio Radiviliskis, Smilgiai, Truskava, Krekenava Ramygala and Rozalimas. The first five of these had a relatively small number of property owners when compared with the last three and the newly posted six. These lists are significant for showing the extent of real estate ownership and give some indication of the wealth of the owners and of the Jewish community of each town. The data are in the Excel format which give the owner's surname and given name, the father's name in some cases, noting where the property is held in common (presumably with a co-owner not necessarily a spouse), street location in many cases and the value of the property in current (1910) rubles. All of the records are located in the same file at the Kaunas Archives.
The right to own real estate by Jewish residents in the Pale of Settlement was guaranteed during the reign of the liberal Czar Alexander II, and that right was subsequently extended to Jews who resided outside the Pale, especially in the major cities of the Russian Empire. However after his assassination, the succession of Alexander III and the promulgation of the May Laws of 1882, the right of Jews to own land was gradually restricted again to their place of residence in the Pale and excluded altogether from the western border lands. Even land that was leased or managed was also excluded in 1903. Jews were also prohibited from changing residence within the Pale so that they were unable to acquire land rights elsewhere in the Pale.
The stated insured value of the real estate is listed in 1910 rubles. The present consensus is that one ruble in 1910 was equal to $10 US in the year 2000. (Another suggested value based on the gold standard is that one silver ruble in 1910 equaled $0.514 US Gold). The inflation adjusted value of one 1910 ruble, therefore, was $13.37 US in 2012. From the lists of assessed values of the real estate, it can be assumed that Jews in these six towns were relatively more prosperous than the eight listed earlier. The exception was Pusalotas, apparently an agricultural town, whose buildings were listed as wooden (only three as stone). None of the property owners had property assessed as high as 5000 rubles in 1910. In Pasvalys, on the other hand, six owners had property assessed for more than 5000; the highest was 9900 rubles ($132,363 US in 2012).
The Panevezys District Research Group invites everyone who is interested in tracing family in the Panevezys District of Lithuania before and during WWI and in the inter-war period to join in our effort to have additional records translated. Access to the Panevezys District Research Group's (PDRG) Shutterfly website is available to contributors. Contributions totaling $100 or more qualify an individual, and, for the next five years, provides
access to the website, as well as exclusive access to all newly translated records for at least 18 months before they are made publicly available on the All Lithuania Database (ALD). Your tax deductible (for US taxpayers) contributions can be made to www.litvaksig.org/contribute by credit card, or by check at the address that is listed there. Please be sure to designate the Panevezys DRG as the recipient.
Lists of surnames for any of the 14 towns are available to ANYONE upon request to me.
Bill Yoffee, Panevezys District Research Coordinator, kidsbks@verizon.net
The database and discussion group of LitvakSIG (litvaksig@lyris.jewishgen.org) are hosted by JewishGen
LitvakSIG is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. Contributions to LitvakSIG may be made online at www.litvaksig.org/contribute and are
tax-deductible as provided by law. Contributions may also be mailed to LitvakSIG, Inc., c/o Eden Joachim, 41 Country Club Lane, Pomona, NY 10970. Please specify town(for vital records) or district research group (and town of interest) for other types of records, and include your e-mail address with your contribution. |

I've just viewed your site and recognise in the last photograph (of a Shomer Hatsair group) my mother - Sonia Propis, sitting on the end right, and I have the same photo in her album here along with many others. I much enjoyed viewing the gallery, especially since I have never visited as my family told me it had mostly been wiped out.
Thank You
Daniel Hutchinson
London |
Shmuel Nakhman Propis
Record Date:
Uyezd (Region):
Gubernia (District):
Type of Record:
Box Taxpayers
Record #:
Page #:
Shmuel Nakhmen Propis
Birth Date:
11 Jan 1903
Hebrew Date:
25 Tevet
Father's Given Name:
Khaim Soul
Father's Father's Given Name:
Mother's Given Name:
Shore Gruna
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Record Place:
Record Year:
Registration number:
Sore Propisiene / [Propis]
Birth Date:
Death Date:
11 Mar 1933
Hebrew Date:
13 Adar
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Cause of Death:
heart disease
Age at Death:
Abt. 56
Record Year:
Record Location:
Not filmed
Registration number:
LVIA 1817/1/18..................................
Sheine Iente Propis
Birth Date:
5 May 1910
Hebrew Date:
9 Iyar
Father's Given Name:
Khaim Soul
Father's Father's Given Name:
Mother's Given Name:
Shore Grune
Mother's Father's Given Name:
Mordkhel Idel
Mother's Maiden Surname:
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Record Place:
Record Year:
Registration number:
Khaim-Saul Propis
Birth Date:
Abt. 1873
Father's Given Name:
Marriage Date:
26 Feb 1902
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Spouse Name:
Shora-Gruna Veilberg
Spouse Gender:
Spouse Age:
Spouse Birth Date:
Abt. 1876
Spouse Father's Given Name:
Record Place:
Record Year:
First Witness:
Second Witness:
Both single
LVIA / 1226 / 1 / 2097
Ite-Leia Propis
Birth Date:
13 Jul 1906
Hebrew Date:
4 Av
Father's Given Name:
Father's Father's Given Name:
Mother's Given Name:
Mother's Father's Given Name:
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Record Place:
Record Year:
Other Towns:
Registration number:
Father registerd, Birzai - Named by D. PERES / Rabbi’s helper
LVIA / 1226 / 1 / 2096
Girsh Kopel Propis
Birth Date:
23 Mar 1912
Hebrew Date:
18 Nisan
Father's Given Name:
Khaim Shoul
Father's Father's Given Name:
Mother's Given Name:
Sora Gruna
Mother's Father's Given Name:
Mordkhel Idel
Mother's Maiden Surname:
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Record Place:
Record Year:
Registration number:
Ber Leib Propis
Birth Date:
24 Jul 1914
Hebrew Date:
14 Av
Father's Given Name:
Khaim Soul
Father's Father's Given Name:
Mother's Given Name:
Sora Gruna
Mother's Father's Given Name:
Mordkhel Idel
Mother's Maiden Surname:
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Record Place:
Record Year:
Registration number:
Girsha Propis
Birth Date:
Abt. 1811
Death Date:
7 May 1875
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Cause of Death:
Age at Death:
Record Year:
Record Location:
Father's Given Name:
Film Item:
Registration number:
Harry Propis
Arrival Date:
8 Jun 1946
Birth Date:
abt 1912
Birth Location:
Birth Location Other:
34 Years 2 Months
Ethnicity/ Nationality:
Port of Departure:
Capetown Union,zaf
Port of Arrival:
New York, New York
Ship Name:
Marine Tiger
Harry Propis
Last Residence:
10024 New York, New York, New York, United States of America
23 Mar 1912
18 Nov 1994
State (Year) SSN issued:
New York (1961-1962)
Khaim-Saul Propis
Birth Date:
Abt. 1873
Father's Given Name:
Marriage Date:
26 Feb 1902
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Spouse Name:
Shora-Gruna Veilberg
Spouse Gender:
Spouse Age:
Spouse Birth Date:
Abt. 1876
Spouse Father's Given Name:
Record Place:
Record Year:
First Witness:
Second Witness:
Both single
LVIA / 1226 / 1 / 2097
Shore Leya Propis
Birth Date:
Abt. 1864
Father's Given Name:
Marriage Date:
5 Mar 1889
Hebrew Date:
14 Adar 2
Uyezd (District):
Guberniya (Province):
Spouse Name:
Ber Lipman Shapiro
Spouse Gender:
Spouse Age:
Spouse Birth Date:
Abt. 1866
Spouse Father's Given Name:
Nakhum Leib
Record Place:
Record Year:
Record Number:
Mortkhel Kivelov KAMENECKI
First Witness:
Mikhel Mordkhe GOLONBEK
Second Witness:
Gabriel REBE
LVIA/1226/1/1960/74 |
Birzai residents who came to Eretz Israel in the 1800s'

Alex Highiet
Biržai, Biržai District Municipality, Panev?žys County, Lithuania
August 8, 1980 (88)
Modesto, Stanislaus County, California, United States
Immediate Family:
Son of Leibel (Liebel) Chiat and Feige (Feiga) Chiat
Husband of Nettie Highiet
Father of <private> Highiet; <private> Highiet;<private> Highiet and <private> Garber (Highiet)
Brother of George Highiet; Marcos (Mottel) Chiat; Annie Fried; Ansel (Unky) Chiat; Beryl (Barry) Chiat; David Chiat and Simon Chiat« less
Added by:
Sharon Barr on March 29, 2009
Barry William Highiet
August 12, 1925 - June 19, 2014

Barry passed away peacefully at home. He was born August 12, 1925 at Robertson Hospital in Modesto, California to Eastern European immigrants Alec and Nettie Zeff Highiet. He was the youngest of three children. He grew up in Modesto, graduating from Modesto High School in 1943. While in high school he was active in sports, including football, basketball, baseball and tennis. He was a writer for the Modesto High School paper, the Broadcast and he also served as corresponding secretary for the Boys Association which planned dances, parties, and other social functions. During Barry's high school years the association helped with war bond and stamp sales, and campaigned for "victory gardens". He was very popular, funny and well-liked, known affectionately as "Hot Dog Highiet". After high school, Barry attended Modesto Junior College and joined the U. S. Navy in December, 1943. He attended radio training at the University of Colorado and was aboard the U.S.S. L. S. T. 271 during the invasion of the Philippine Islands. Upon returning to California in April, 1946, Barry attended Stanford University and worked for a time in his family's business, Modesto Junk Company. In 1952, he ventured out and started Ceres Pipe and Metal where he continued to go until his death.

He was a member of the Modesto Swim and Racquet Club, Sportsmen of Stanislaus, and Del Rio Country Club. He enjoyed playing tennis and won several City of Modesto championships. He enjoyed all sports whether he was a participant as a spectator. He also enjoyed playing cards and had played in several bridge groups. He loved going to the theater, whether it was for a Broadway Musical or a movie. He was on the founding board of the Gallo Center for the Arts and continued to be a generous supporter of the Center. He was a life-long member of Congregation Beth Shalom.
Barry was predeceased by his parents, wife Rosalind, sister Martha, and his brother Harvey. He is survived by his son Doug Highiet (Susan) of Modesto and daughters Lisa Highiet of Modesto and Melinda Crawford of Pleasanton, grandchildren Sara Crawford of Pleasanton, and Adam Crawford of Denver, Colorado. He is also survived by his nephew the Honorable Bernard Garber (Elise) of Stockton, his niece Leslie Cooper (Rick) of San Francisco, nephew Jeffrey Highiet of Modesto and niece Cathy Hunter (Mark) of Novato, California, and many grand and great-grand nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his stepdaughters Nancy Melmon(Paul) of San Carlos, and Diane Levin of San Francisco.
Barry was a very kind, generous and caring person. His family, "mishpocha" was more important to him than anything else. He was truly loved and will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
Funeral services will be held at Congregation Beth Shalom, 1705 Sherwood Ave. Modesto at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, June 23, 2014. Burial will follow at Lakewood Cemetery in Hughson, CA.
Remembrances can be made to Congregation Beth Shalom, 1705 Sherwood Ave., Modesto, CA 95350.
Published in the Modesto Bee from June 21 to June 25, 2014 |
I am a member of both the Zarsai and Panevezys district groups
and recently found names of previously unknown relatives from newly
translated files (a GREAT reason to join the district groups).
My questions are how do I find out more information regarding
these 2 individuals:
1) Ita Zelbovich, a 20 year old single female, made aliyah from
Birzai October 22, 1933.
2) Rakhmiyel Korb who lived in the shtetl Ignalino, is listed on
the 1946 JDC Lithuanian Survivors list.
Thank you for your time.
Michele Zell Kanter
Skokie, IL |
Chanukah 2015 issue of Jewish Affairs
by SAJBD on 2 DECEMBER 2015
We are pleased to announce that the Chanukah 2015 issue of Jewish Affairs has appeared. The link to the full issue is http://www.jewishsa.co.za/
The Jewish Lithuanian legacy comprises a substantial part of this issue. Amidst the inevitable reflections on a community that did not die a natural death but was deliberately destroyed, in part with the connivance of the local population, it is encouraging to feature an example of modern-day Lithuania formally recognising one of its Jewish citizens who achieved renown after emigrating. This is related byKathy Munroe in her article ‘Herman Kallenbach: Lithuania Remembers a Forgotten Son’, on the life of a pioneering Johannesburg architect and human rights activist who played a significant part in the early career of M K Gandhi. Memories of the Lithuanian shtetlach, as well as efforts currently underway to educate and commemorate their legacy, are dealt with by Veronica Belling in ‘There was Once a Home….” – Memories of the Lithuanian shtetls in the Afrikaner Idishe Tsaytung, 1952-4’ and In ‘Remembering Birzh’ by Bennie Rabinowitz, Gwynne Schrire and Veronica Belling. A reprinted chapter from the memoirs of the late Alec Natas is a droll recounting of a Chanukah episode from his Lithuanian childhood, while a recently discovered letter from a Holocaust survivor in Kovno unsparing records the complicity of non-Jewish Lithuanians in assisting the Germans in the murder of their Jewish neighbours (as well as the looting of their property).
The most comprehensive account of the landmark ‘Greyshirts’ libel trial, held in Grahamstown in 1934, appears in Hadassa Ben-Itto’s acclaimed book The Lie That Wouldn’t Die: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (2005). In this issue, with Judge Ben-Itto’s kind permission, we publish the first of a three-part feature reprinting the relevant chapter recounting how the SAJBD assisted Port Elizabeth’s ReverendAbraham Levy in bringing a criminal libel charge against local pro-Nazi activists who had falsely accused him of authoring a document whose contents were based on the antisemitic conspiracy theories of The Protocols.
David A Sher, who has previously written on aspects of Jewish religious and communal life in SA, focuses on the life of the eminent 19thCentury religious leader Nathan Marcus Adler, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire. To mark the centenary of the famous Gallipoli Campaign in World War I, an operation that involved and impacted on the Jewish people in significant ways, there is Gwynne Schrire’s ‘Dardanelles, Dried Flowers and a Dried Leaf: Who was J Rabinowitz Drechsler?’ In the contemporary SA Jewish art field, Ute Ben Yosef again brings to bear her insight and expertise in ‘Keeper of the Hearth: The Art of Gwen van Embden’.
Eugenie Freed’s short story ‘Honey Cake’ is set in pre-war Cape Town. It movingly describes the parallel struggles of a child seeking to break through the veil of secrecy imposed by her family to learn more about her origins and of a young Lithuanian-Jewish woman to overcome the challenges of a loveless marriage and difficulties of adapting to a still foreign land to forge her own destiny.
Original poetry is contributed by Charlotte Cohen, Mo Skikne and Gabriella Hyman. |
New post on tangential travel
Birzh – A Special Project Is Announced
by elirab
This article has just appeared in the latest Cape Jewish Chronicle.
The old man Seftel Leib Melamed whose photo appears here, the last Jew in Birzh, passed away a few days ago at the age of 89.
Please contact me if you have roots in Birzh.

Family Registration #AZ2621
Surname: Zelboviciute (Zelbovich)
Given name: Ita
Age: 20
Marital Status: Single
Address and Town: Birzai
Date (of application?): March 16, 1933
Photo: Yes
Comments: Made aliyah October 22, 1933
Archive/Fond/Inventory/File#: LCVA 588/1/2968 |
Josef Bernstein was born in 1900 maybe in Minsk. He was a Tarbut teacher in Smorgon. He was married to Hanna and they had 2 children Moshe born 1925 survived the war came to Israel and was killed in 1948.
Shmuel was born around 1930 did not survived. Hanna and Yosef did not survived.
Yehuda Leib Bernstein that was a rabbi in Birzai. He was the brother of Yosef they had (as far as I know) 2 more brother: Shmuel Eizik that was a Yeshiva student and came to Israel in 1924 and Max that immigrate to the U.S.A in 1907.
They were the children of Chaim Eliezer Bernstein (probably from Minsk) he was a rabbi and came to Israel following his son Shmuel Eizik.
I want to know if there are any members of this family that survived.
I know that there is the family in the USA and I am in touch with them. They are from New Haven, Connecticut.
Chaim Eliezer Bernstein was married to Ester Goldberg. She was the daughter of a very famous rabbi from Smilovichi - Hmagid.
So thank you again and I would like to hear from you if you have any ideas for my searching.
I Am sending you some information about "give face to the fallen"
Tamar Weinblum
http://laad.btl.gov.il/Web/He/ Victims/117.aspx?ID=35786&key= 31919
This is about the brother that was killed in 1929
I'll be happy to have any information from you for my pages for Birzai and for Smorgon.
It seems that there were 2 Bernsteins families living in smorgon just before the war;
From Yad Vashem;
Abram Zeidel Bernstein was born in Bialystok, Poland in 1903 to Eliahu and Khana. He was a teacher and married to Rishka. Prior to WWII he lived in Smorgon, Poland. During the war he was in Gluboka, Poland.
Abram was murdered in the Shoah with his wife and 3 children.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by his brother, Shmuel Branshtein of Kiryat Shalom 67 Tel Aviv ( did you try to get in touch with the family?)
The other family was of Volf and Sara Bernshtein who had a son Moshe.
What was the direct connection of the rabbi to Moshe?
Yehuda Leib Bernshtein was born to Chaim. He was a rabbi of community and married to Liba. Prior to WWII he lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war he was in Birzai, Lithuania.
Bernshtein was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Record of murdered persons, found in O.41.3 - Names of Holocaust victims found in religious books housed in the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Shmuel Khaim Katz
Liba Bernshtein was born to Meir. She was married to Yehuda. Prior to WWII she lived in Birzai, Lithuania. During the war she was in Birzai, Lithuania.
Liba was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Record of murdered persons, found in O.41.3 - Names of Holocaust victims found in religious books housed in the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Shmuel Khaim Katz
Moshe Bernshtein was born in Smorgon, Poland in 1920 to Volf and Sara. He was a pupil and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Smorgon, Poland. During the war he was in Smorgon, Poland.
Moshe was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by his neighbour, Ala Shak Kvartach https://yvng. yadvashem.org/index.html? language=en&s_lastName= bernstein&s_firstName=&s_ place=smorgon
Sara Feigel Bernshtein was born in Wolozin, Poland in 1891. She was a housewife. Prior to WWII she lived in Smorgon, Poland. During the war she was in Smorgon, Poland.
Sara was murdered in the Shoah.
This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted by her neighbour, Ela Shek Kvartach |
jody sheppard December 07, 2004 at 09:05:14
In reply to: Re: Weiners/Wainers of Birzai4/22/00
My grandfather was Ben Weiner/Wainer from Birz, LIthuania. He was the son of Basha & Tzadek Weiner. He is one of 12. He lived in Elizabeth, NJ & later in California. My father is Harvey Weiner, the youngest of his four sons. I am looking for information on his mother, Miriam Moftich Weiner who died in 1937.
Rita Betesh
Posted: 23 Nov 1999 04:00AM
Classification: Query
Surnames: Vaineras, Weiner
Does anyone have any records of a tavern named Lapakrita owned by the Vaineras or Weiner family in Birzai before 1917?
Re: researching genealogy

Posted: 22 Feb 2009 08:21AM
Classification: Query
Edited: 23 Feb 2009 04:21AM
Surnames: Vagneris, Wagner
I know you posted this in 1999 but thought I would reply anyway.
Contact the Museum Sela in Birzai. They understand English and have information about the city of Birzai. They may be able to tell you about any taverns.
I made a donation to them because they were very helpful to me.
Is there any possiblity your family surname name could be Vagneris aka Wagner.
Re: researching genealogy
Posted: 13 Nov 2009 07:45AM
Classification: Query
Edited: 15 Nov 2009 06:37AM
Surnames: Zager, Weiner, Vainer
You posted a very long time ago, but I just started doing some online research on my mother's ancestry and found some of your other online postings about the Weiner/Vainer family from Birzai. We must be distantly related!
My maternal grandmother was Lorraine Zager. Her mother, Ruth Weiner, was a child of Basha and Tzadek Weiner. Ruth immigrated from Birzai in 1921 (as Riwa Vainer) but I can't find any information on Basha and Tzadek. They were both children of Chaim Weiner (oy, a bit of incest)--Basha's mother was Rachel and Tzadek's mother was Sora.
Re: researching genealogy
M0nkey50 (View posts)
Posted: 13 Nov 2009 07:37PM
Classification: Query
Edited: 15 Nov 2009 06:40AM
Surnames: Weiner, Vainer, Resnick, Sandler
Yes, we are related. What a small world. Chaim had six sons, Moshe, Elias, Tzadek, Jacob, David and Harry. Harry was my grandfather. You once met me when I was little. When I was three, four, five and six which would have been 1952 through 1955, we always went with my grandmother and grandfather for two weeks to your mother's bungalow colony in Swan Lake. I have pictures of it. I remember Basha sitting with my grandfather Harry and Grandmother Minnie on the lawn. I remember pageants being put on in a hall. My mother was Lee aka Lena and my father Joe. I remember your mother and you and your sister Helene. Several years ago I took a ride with my children to Swan Lake. Grass is all there is of the bungalow colony. I have traced the family on Jewish Gen back to the 1400's. The Jews of Birzai originally came from Spain. That's why my grandfather had black hair and olive skin so did his mother. I have also connected with our cousins in South Africa. Arthur Resnick is on my facebook page. My email address is M0nkey50@aol.com. I live in Budd Lake, NJ. I am a teacher. I am divorced and have two children, Sherri age 32 and Joseph age 29. Sherri is a graphic designer for Tiffany and Co and Joe is an accountant. Ironically several years ago a young lady who worked at his firm told Joe she was from Lithuania. Joe said, " I am part Lithuanian also. Where do you come from in Lithuania?" She said, " Birzai" . They had interesting lunch conversations. Tzadek had 13 kids. Your mother was one of them. Louis married my grandmother's sister Yetta and they had four daughters, Martha, Birdie, Evelyn and Joan. Morris, Yetta and Evelyn settled in South Africa. Arthur Resnick is the grandson of Morris. I also was contacted by several other cousins who are the children and grandchildren of Evelyn Sandler. Evelyn Sandler's husband's brother is the grandfather of Adam Sandler the comedian. Bennie was another son of Tzadek and I remember him. Harvey one of his son's died last year and his daughter had emailed me. His other son's are probably dead.
The other children who were your aunts and uncle lived in California, Annette, Elaine, and Selma and Emmanuel. There was another sister Lena who lived in Staten Island and Sam.
My grandfather lived with me when I was a kid, so I got plenty of information. I hope someday to go to Birzai. I have been to Europe, but Birzai is off the beaten path.I have ton's of information about it and pictures. Email me and I will give you more info. I would be your Ruthie's second cousin.
Re: researching genealogy
M0nkey50 (View posts)
Posted: 13 Nov 2009 07:41PM
Classification: Query
Edited: 15 Nov 2009 06:40AM
Chaim was married twice. Sora died, so he married Rachel. Basha was the daughter of Rachel. I met your mother Lorraine and your Aunt Helene, not you. I know the family history well.
Re: researching genealogy
M0nkey50 )
Posted: 01 Apr 2010 08:41PM
Classification: Query
Edited: 04 Apr 2010 09:51AM
Surnames: Weiner, Vainer, Resnick, Sandler
We are distantly related. I remember when I was little about 4 years old going to Swan Lake to your great grandmother's bungalow colony. Basha was there and my grandfather, Harry Weiner and his wife Minnie Weiner like to go there and hang out with Basha. I remember your grandmother and her sister Helene. I have been researching my roots in Birzai. My grandfather Harry Weiner (aka Tzvi)had five brothers, Moshe, Elias, Tzadek, Jacob and David. There was a daughter but she died at birth. Sora died young. My great Grandfather Chaim Weiner aka Vainer married Rachel after Sora died. Some of the Jews in Birzai particularly the Weiners aka Vainer go back to Spain before 1492. That accounts for Sora having black hair and olive skin and so did my grandfather. Chaim had red hair. Tzadek had thirteen kids. They were Samuel, Louis, Benjamin, Lena,Evelyn, Morris, Bessie,Ruth, Annette, Selma, Emmanuel and that is all I can remember Two I can't remember. Louis married my grandmother's sister Yetta, so he was double related. I have Arthur Resnick on my facebook page who descends from Evelyn. I email Evelyn Sandler's grandchildren and great grandchildren in South Africa. I remember your great grandmother and her bungalow colony. I have pictures buried somewhere of it. There is a picture of my grandparents with Basha.
Re: researching genealogy
Posted: 24 Apr 2010 07:15PM
Classification: Query
Monkey50 please please email me on jennyshofer@hotmail.com
Re: researching genealogy
Posted: 25 Apr 2010 12:38AM
Classification: Query
Surnames: Weiner
Rita I believe we are related as I am descended from the Weiner family of Birz. We may have communicated in the past. Contact me at shofer@optusnet.com.au
Joseph Shofer
Re: researching genealogy
anna braunveber
Posted: 12 May 2015 09:12AM
Classification: Query
My mothers family was Vainer. My |
I contacted you a few months ago regarding my husband’s mother’s family, who resided in Birzai, Lithuania. His grandfather’s name was Sharye Shuster, his grandmother’s was Mary Wolf Shuster. They had 7 children- Chaya Dvora, Genendel, Honda, Sholom Benjamin, Kive, Leah & Ada. Mary, Leah and Ada persisted when the Jews of the town were brought into the woods and shot. Genendel and Hinda immigrated to Sao Paulo, Brazil. The other 3 siblings ended up in the USA after spending 20 plus years in Havana, Cuba. I could not find this family in your records. Is there anywhere else I can look?
Alice Heller |
From: Doris Greenberg <orthowife@gmail.com>

To whom it may concern:
In photo #60 taken in 1929, a photo of a group from the Hebrew Pro-Gymnasia, it says that Batya Friedman is in the photo. I just want to add that my mother, Rachel Vainer is also in that photo. She is on the left sitting on the floor. Do you have any other names of people in the photo. I have some similar photos but can only identify my mother.
Doris Winer Greenberg