(“Studies of Contemporary Executions” Vladimirov)
The Bialystok pogroms occurred June 1-3, 1906 (old-style calendar, modern dates were June 14-16, 1906). You can read about the history of the Bialystok Pogrom at:
A LIST OF VICTIMS (of the Bialystok Pogrom)
1. Tsukerman Zimel Gershovich—23 yr., clerk, shot in chest on Alexander St. Jumped out of the window trying to save himself (June 1)
2. Pine (surname unknown)—17 yrs., tanner, shot & killed in the attic of the Poleshchuk plant
3. Bachrach Isaac Abramov—22 yr., shot 8 times and murdered in the attic of the Poleshchuk plant
4. Furman Shlema Meyerovich—20 yr., tanner, shot through the heart & killed in the attic of Poleshchuk plant
5. Gvirtsman Itskhok—35 yr., tanner, rifle bullet through the heart
6. Zemnick Yitzchak—25 yr., tanner, killed in the Pleschuka plant attic by a bullet through the chest & abdomen
7. Kustin Movsha—21 yr., tanner, killed in the Poleshchuk factory attic by a bullet in the chest, bayonet stabs in his side, & a butt to his head
8. Lapidus Aaron—18 yr., student commercial school, killed on Alexander St. from blows to head & face

9. Lapidus Max—22yr. killed on Alexander St. blows to head & face
10. Lapidus Blyum—19 yr. killed on Alexander St. from deep hammer wounds to head (June 1)
11. Aynshteyn Leizer—45 yr. calligraphy teacher, shot & killed (bullet to the chest—June 2)
12. Aynshteyn Sheyna—40 yr. (Leizer’’s wife) Killed by the boyars
13. Aynshteyn Rahmiel—21 yr. (son of Leizer & Sheyna), killed by rifle wound of stomach
14. Aynshteyn Shmuel 18 yr., (son of Leizer & Sheyna)-- killed by boyars
15. Aynshteyn Sonya—18 yr., (daughter of Leizer & Sheyna), killed by boyars

16. Lervashovsky Itskhok—18 yr. , carpenter from Volkovyska [Belarus], skull crushed, teeth knocked out, jaw broken
17. Gutkin Berelevna—10 yr. gunshot wound, leg severed with an ax
18. Moiseyevich Yitzkhok—30 yr., mason, killed at train station (June 2)
19. Pruzhansky Shlema—42 yr., shoemaker, shot by boyars

20. Grodzinskaya Sora Izraelena—19 yr. killed in a bread shop on Institutska St. by blows to head (June 1)
21. Berenshteyn Abram Gershovich—47 yr., shopkeeper
22. Basen Markel—a tailor, killed on Argentina (June 3)
23. Khmelnitsky Falk Volfovich—28 yr., son of the head of Bialystok Jewish Hospital, beaten on Alexander St. on head & face (June 1)
24. Novik Yankel—34 yr., gunshot wound; throat slit
25. Levin Yankel—52 yr., shot & killed by boyars
26. Krendlyansky Mordkhe—60 yr., shot & killed at St. Nicholas Street (June 2)
27. Kvalovsky David Khonovich—15 yr., hatter/capper, shot & killed on Bazaar St. (June 3, morning)
28. Segal Leyb—48 yr., worker, killed in the Aronson house on Alexander St. (June 1, morning)
29. Segal Chaya-Pesha (Leyb’s wife)—40 yr. also murdered there.
30. Zakgeym Sender Davidov—10 yr., shot & killed on Argentina (June 2, morning)
31. Nayfald Abram—65 yr., from Vengrova, Siedlce Prov., killed on Bazaar St. in the Luxembourg home by rifle bullet to the chest
32. Kats Abram—50 yr., kerosene trader, killed on Mykolaev St. ( June 2)
33. Ilevich Iosel—45 yr., compositor, killed on Peschanoy St. (June 3)
34. Novik Sholem Aron—28 yr., tanner from Krynsk, killed on Nicholas St. (June 2)
35. Shlyakhter Zlata—50 yr., died from hatchet wound to face (June 2)
36. Shlyakhter Khain—16 yr., (son of Zlata), died of bullet wound in stomach
37. Simkha (surname unknown)—24 yr., from Porozovo (killed June 2)
38. Sapir Itska—17 yr., baker, shot in the stomach in the Preysa home on St. Nicholas
39. Levin Mordkhe Leyzerov—38 yr., butcher, from Zabludovo, killed by a blow to head in the evening at the station, having arrived from Brest (June 2)
40. Sroel (surname unknown)—2 yr., strangled
41. Hanayki 2nd (??) (first & surname unknown—was he from the Hanayki Jewish district?)—4yr. old boy, shot in chest.
42. Ginzbkurg Blyuma—25 yr., shot in the chest & killed, Hanayki (June 2)
43. Kleynberg Rakhil Yakovlevna—50 yr. Lipovaya St., General Frizesa dist. (?), shot in the chest & killed (June 2, morning)
44. Itsko (unknown surname)—30 yr., barber, shot in the chest.
45. Tsalevich Shmuyel—60 yr., Shot
46. Berel Pat—20 yr., skull crushed (Alleynaya [??])
47. Kleyngold (female)—30 yrs., head wound (merchant, 1st guild?? Or is it a street name?: “Kupech.” 1st/(“?????. 1-??”)
48. Mendel (unknown surname)—35 yr., peddler, (Hanayki, Zagorodnaya) (June 2)
49. Sshitsky Shlema –30 yr., paramedic at Bialystok Jewish Hospital, killed on Alexander St. Head & face wounds.
50. Freydkin Khaim Leyb—51 yr., head wound, Alexander St.
51. Isaak (unknown surname)—35 yr., from Sokolok (Sokoluk??), deep knife wound to chest, on his way to Choroszcz the third night.
52. Schvarts Abram—24 yr., chest wound
53. Pande Zorakh—17 yr., tanner, Killed in Gepner sawmill by bullet to chest

54. Tviruky Leyba—35 yr., bullet wound in abdomen, on Yevreyskaya/Jewish St.
55. Suravich Yakov—bullet wound to chest
56. Unknown—cobbler, lived on Shkolnoy/School St. Shot in the head
57. Unidentified man—25 yr., Chest wound
58. Unidentified woman—35 yr., Chest wound
59. Unidentified man—40 yr., shot through the neck
60. Unidentified man—22 yr. shot in the abdomen
61. Unidentified man—30 yr. crushed skull
62. Unknown—60 yr. shot in the chest
63. Mazur Leyb—killed at the Poleshchuk plant
64. Ravitsky Itsko
65. Medel (unknown surname), match peddler, shot & killed on Kupech St. (June 1)
66. Pat (woman)
67. Vayntsiyer/Vayntsier Meyer—40 yr., shot (June1)
68. Bel Markus
69. Shapiro Khaim
70. Zalmen (unknown surname)—carpenter
71. Loshak Khaim
72. Tvorkovsky Iozl—28 yr., Shot in abdomen on Nikolaev St. Gepner home (sawmill) (June 3)
73. Shmukler Mordkhe—17 yr. shot in abdomen, back & side on Nikolaev St, home of Gepner (sawmill) (June2)
74. Nevyazhsky Berel
75. Nevidovsky Abram Itskhok
76. Bryansky Meyshe-Simkhe…Tauba Kats—a pile of charred human bones—died in a fire on Nikolaev St. Gepner home (sawmill) (June 3)
77. Makhay Abram—24 yr., Shot & died of wounds
