Ilia Efimovich Pruss
December 29, 1903
June 12, 1972 (68)
Moscow, gorod Moskva, Moscow, Russia
Immediate Family:
Son of Chaim Prus and Chejka Prus
Brother of Rose (Rasha) Dreyer and Louis Price
Half brother of Unknown Prus; Unknown 2nd Brother Prus andUnknown 3rd Brother Prus

Pruss Ilya Efimovich
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Baranovichi-place Polesskie Minsk province (now - the city of Baranovichi, Brest region, Belarus)
Job Title:
Chief of the 27 control oboronostroitelnyh works RGC
information was found on the internet about Ilia Efimovich Pruss. Since he was not in contact with the family - understandably - the family didn't know anything about him or his family, or if he was married, etc..
He apparently was a Major-General of Engineering Troops (1903 – 1972) born in Baranavichy, Belarus 53°08' N 26°02' E 82 mi SW of Minsk
His wikipedia page in Russian :,_????_???????? His bio (with Google Translate)
Son of an artisan. He graduated from the Hebrew School, worked employees. In April 1918, he joined the Red Army . Member of the Civil War ( Western Front , 1918-1920.) In 1921 he graduated from the divisional courses political leaders, political commissar served Infantry Regiment. In 1928 he graduated from the engineering school, commanded engineering units. In 1934, he graduated from the Faculty of Engineering Command Military Engineering Academy . Divisional Engineer. Since April 1938 the head of courses for junior lieutenants engineering troops of the Kiev Military District . From November 1938 - Head of the Kiev fortified engineers, supervised the construction of the fortified area on the western frontier in the Kiev Military District . Military Engineer 2 rank. From April 1940 - Assistant Chief of Rava-Russian military construction, from January 1941 - 82nd Chief of Military Construction, organized the construction of fortifications at Kiev . With the beginning of World War II , from July 1941 - Chief of the 17th Army control of military field construction [2] ( South-Western Front ), from December 1941 - Deputy Commander of the 2nd Army, sapper . From January to March 1942 - the commander of the 5th Army Sapper [3] . From March to June 1942 - the commander of the 7th Army Sapper [4] , Colonel , Army erected defenses on rivers Oskol and Don , running his 2nd stage In 1942-1944 years. - Deputy Commander - Chief of Army Corps of Engineers series ( 9th Army of the North Caucasus Front , 62th Army ). In 1945 - Head of the defensive works of the front, the Reserve of the Supreme Command. July 11, 1945 awarded the rank of Major Corps of Engineers [5] . In 1945-1946. supervised the construction of memorials in Berlin . From 1949, he held key positions (head of the 25th control engineering defensive construction of the Land Forces, and since April 1950 - Head 142nd engineering construction site, with February 1952 - Head of Construction Department of Primorsky , then the Far Eastern Military District ; October 1955 - The head of the 27-th control engineering). From May 1958 - Head of the Main Department of industrial and special construction of airfield USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1964 he commanded the military units of the Central Construction Office of the Special Defense of the USSR. From June 1966 - Chief Economist, Central Office of Special Construction of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1968, he retired.
~ Ay?egül Acar-Dreyer
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, 4 Red Banner, 2 World War 1 st degree, World War 2 nd degree, the Labor Red Banner, Red Star and medals.
Major-General in 1945
Chief of the 17th Army control-martial the South-Western Front 1941
Deputy Commander of the 7th army sapper 1941
commander of the 5th Army Sapper 1942
chief engineer troops, while deputy commander of the 9th Army of Southwest, South and then North Caucasus Front 1942-1943
Head of the 27th defensive construction management RGC 1943-1949
Head of the 25th control engineering defensive construction of the Ground Forces 1949-1950
Chief 142nd engineering construction site 1950-1952
Head of Construction Management PrimVO 1952-1954
Head of Construction Management DVVO 1954-1958
Head of the Main Department of the industrial enterprises and special construction of airfield USSR Ministry of Defense 1958-1964
commander of the military units of the Central Directorate of Special Construction Ministry of Defense 1964-1966
Chief Economist of the Central Directorate of Special Construction Ministry of Defense of the USSR 1966-1968
Date of call:
Place a call (draft board):
volunteer in the Red Guard
For more information:
Born December 29, 1903 in the town of Baranovichi-Polesskie Minsk province (now - the city of Baranovichi, Brest region, Belarus). Jew. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1925. Father Elijah was a simple craftsman's son climbed up a notch: At the end of the Jewish School Employee. In January 1918, joined the Red Guard, and in April 1918 - the Red Army. In 1918-1920, participated in the battles against the Polish legionnaires, gang-Bulak Balakhovich on the Western Front, fought against banditry in the Gomel and Mozyr regions of Gomel province. In 1921 he graduated from the divisional policy. He served as a political commissar Infantry Regiment, military commissar separate sapper company and divisional management engineer. He participated in the battles against Basmachi in eastern Bukhara. In 1928 he graduated from the Leningrad Red Banner Military Engineering School, which included refresher commanders. After graduating from high school KrasKom Pruss IE was appointed head of the sapper-camouflage training 4 Infantry Regiment of the Leningrad Military District. In 1934 he graduated from the Faculty of Engineering Command and the Military Engineering Academy. VV Kuibyshev Moscow. Since June 1934 the divisional engineer Pruss IE commanded the engineering unit 4 Rifle Regiment of the Leningrad Military District. In April 1938 a military engineer 2nd rank Pruss EI was appointed head of courses for junior lieutenants engineering troops of the Kiev military district, in November 1938 - the chief engineers of the Kiev fortified Kiev Special Military District, supervised the construction of SD on the western border. In 1938, a military engineer of the 2nd rank Pruss Ilya Efimovich awarded the Jubilee Medal "XX years of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army." In April 1940, a military engineer of the 2nd rank Pruss I.E was appointed assistant head of the Rava-Russian military construction, in January 1941 - the head of the chief building number 82 (the city Rava-Russian Zholkovsky area in the Lviv region), organized the construction of fortifications under Kiev. In this role, met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Together with the troops retreated to the city Khmelnik (Vinnytsia region). There was instructed staff of the Kiev Special Military District: retreat to Kiev and immediately deploy work on engineering equipment Kiev bypass. In July 1941, military construction battalions 82 ONS worked at the Kiev contours. Overcome all difficulties retreat, they came here began to retrofit fortifications. July 20, 1941 82 ONS was transformed into 17 army control-martial the South-Western Front. Military Engineer of rank 2 Pruss Ilya Efimovich became his boss. In December 1941, Colonel Pruss IE was appointed deputy commander of the army sapper 7 on construction. The Army was part of the Volga Military District. 7 Sapper army in December 1941, is developing a sapper units and training reserves for the front, led the defensive work around Saratov. Despite the severe frosts and almost uninterrupted snowstorm, fortification work on the defensive lines around Saratov conducted on a broad front. Colonel Pruss EI in place allowed numerous questions, helping commanders quickly build fortifications. In January 1942, Colonel Pruss IE was appointed commander of the army sapper 5, is subordinate to the chief of the engineering troops of the Red Army and engaged in the construction of the Rostov defensive ring. For exemplary performance of tasks of the Government for the construction of fortified lines against the German invaders and for displaying courage and bravery in February 1942, Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. Part of the army sapper in the band Southwestern and Southern Fronts centrally in advance and in a short time to carry out construction rear defensive lines on the intended direction of the onset of main groups of the German fascist troops, participated in the construction and repair of roads, road of high-level bridges, demining areas and execution a number of other problems mainly in the rear areas of the active fronts. For exemplary performance of tasks of the Government for the construction of fortified lines against the German invaders and for displaying valor and courage of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 21 February 1942, Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. From March to June 1942, the Pruss Colonel IE - Commander of the 7 Army sapper. Army Headquarters located in Ostrogozhsk Voronezh region. Under his command, the army was involved in the construction of the state line of defense. He took back somewhere north of Voronezh and, bending, cut through the rear of the Southwestern and Southern Fronts, resting near Rostov in the Sea of Azov. Army fortifications erected along the rivers Oskol and Don in Voroshilovgrad field lines 2 turns around Stalingrad. Most of the buildings are now done on a single project from Moscow precast concrete or wooden elements. From May to July 1942, Colonel Pruss IE - Chief engineer troops, while Deputy Commander 9 Army of Southwest, South and then North Caucasus Front. In July 1942, Colonel EI Pruss was appointed head of 27 defensive construction management RGC. 27 Management defensive construction RGC was formed in the middle of May 1942 in accordance with the decision of the GKO May 5, 1942. From July 5 to September 9, 1942 and units 27 control defensive building erected defensive positions Bryansk Front in the Ryazan region. In autumn and winter of 1942 - 4 line of defense in the Saratov region, from March 26 to June 2, 1943 successfully perform combat missions on engineering maintenance of existing armies of the Voronezh Front. Military construction management have been working to strengthen the town of Stary Oskol with contours, defensive line Perch - Cossack Voronezh Front. By 1943, Colonel Pruss IE was wounded in the leg and arm. For exemplary performance of tasks of the Government for the construction of fortified lines against the German invaders and for displaying valor and courage of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on April 4, 1943 45 27 military construction SLD awarded orders and medals, Colonel Pruss IE awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree. July 9, 1943 was formed the Steppe Front. On the front of T-bills and the Stavka was given the task - in the case of an enemy breakthrough reflect his punches and prevent the development of a breakthrough in an easterly direction, as in the Orel and Belgorod on the direction, and the transition of our forces counterattacked increase the power of their impact from the depths on the Kursk salient. The structure of the front has been included 27 defensive construction management RGC. Along with the preparation of reserves east of the Kursk salient in the river Oskol line Rossoshnoe - White Kolodez military builders 27 SLD RGC created line of defense troops Steppe Front and River Don - State defensive line. In the rear lane Belgorod-Orel has developed the construction trench system. The commander of the Steppe Military District, General IS Konev after an inspection of one of the sites concluded that "the engineering staff of 27 SLD did not understand the purpose of trenches that developed network of trenches and communication trenches ... is the foundation of defense." The commander demanded to equip one of the demonstration sites company strong point and organize his show for the entire management team SLD. In the future, the State Commission for acceptance Don strategic defensive line commended the military construction 23, 27 and 35 SLD RGC. On the Don River was prepared by the State defensive line. Made a huge amount of work. Built up to 1.5 thousand. Kilometers antitank ditches, rubble and barbed wire. On the left bank of the Don was built 236 battalion defense areas and 118 company strong points. This was achieved by the builders labor activity and use in the construction of defensive facilities precast concrete and wooden structures, ready for industrial enterprises. In accordance with the directive of the General Staff of 23 July 1943 27 defensive construction management Reserve Supreme Command was transferred to the new states. In accordance with special provision for SLD RVGK entrusted the production of works on construction of the rear defensive lines and strengthen the settlements, holding various restoration work on the instructions of the SCG, as well as the performance of individual tasks of the military councils of fronts. SLD RVGK are construction companies Main Directorate of defensive construction, reported directly to Glaucus, and in respect of the operational-tactical - Front Military Council (district), in the territory where the work. These were large military compounds capable to solve problems on their own defensive construction on a large scale. Head SLD RVGK regarding the rights and obligations equated to the corps commander. In its organizational structure SLD RVGK resembled military units. At the same time, they were self-supporting departments paramilitary type comprising at their own credit. Military-building group by the method of acquisition had a distinctly military character of the building and not part of the engineering troops. Units staffed not by military personnel, and persons that are assigned to the special status of "military builder." Active military engineers took the oath, but kept in abnormal numbers of Red Army. They were in the situation of the workers of a construction company, was obtained for the performance of work wages or piece-progressive form of premium. Military personnel in the state of GUS were only officers who held command, engineering and staff positions. After the reorganization of 27 RVGK SLD was placed at the disposal of the Steppe Front commander General Ivan Konev. Simultaneously with the construction of the Don strategic defense line in the area of the Steppe Front 27 SLD led by Colonel Pruss E.I.veli work to strengthen the town of Stary Oskol with curves and a defensive line Perch - Cossack Voronezh Front. Despite the difficulties with labor, transport and materials, military construction in a timely exemplary completed the task of the Military Council of the Voronezh Front, achieving fulfillment of the plan of construction lines by 180 percent, with excellent quality construction and high quality tactical decisions that ensure the creation of powerful defensive lines, adapted to the persistent and steady defense. For exemplary fulfillment of the Military Council of the Voronezh Front for the construction of defensive lines and for displaying valor and courage Head 27 defensive construction management RGC Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss Chief Engineer Troops of the Voronezh Front, Major General engineering troops Bordzilovsky Y. July 28, 1943 was presented the Order of the Red Star, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Order of the Commander of the Voronezh Front number 150 / N of 15 September 1943. August 21, 1943 27 SLD RGC was subordinated to the commander of the Central Front, Colonel-General KK Rokossovsky August 26, 1943 during the Battle of the Dnieper offensive began the Central Front (Chernigov-Pripyat operation from 26 August to 30 September 1943), during which were occupied by the city Glukhov, Konotop, Nizhyn, Chernihiv. October 15, 1943 Central Front began a new offensive in the Gomel area. October 20, 1943 Central Front was renamed the Byelorussian Front (Front Commander General of the Army KK Rokossovsky). It consists of 27 SLD under Colonel Pruss IE to participate in the Gomel-Rechitsa (10 - 30 November 1943) and Kalinkovichi-Mozyr (8 - 30 January 1944) of operations, during which were released Rechytsa, Propoisk (now - Slavgorod), Gomel, Kalinkovichi, Mozyr, Ozarichi, Lel?ycy, hundreds of settlements of Gomel region of Belarus. During the offensive combat units SLD 27 provided rapid movement of troops Front, forcing many rivers, including the River Berezina. With the release of Soviet troops on the River Silt, Pripyat, and avian Soviet offensive was halted. February 24, 1944 Belorussian Front was transformed into 1 Belorussian Front (1 formation). 27 SLD RGC under Colonel Pruss IE included in the submission to the front commander, Army General KK Rokossovsky In early 1944, the front led local operations in Belarus. 21-26 February troops of the right wing of the front had Rogachev-Zhlobin operation and seized a bridgehead on the right bank of the Dnieper, liberated the city Rogachev, Gomel region. April 5, 1944 on the basis of Directive Stavka from April 2, 1944 Front renamed the Byelorussian Front of the second form, but April 16, 1944 restored and lasted until the end of the war. Before the start of the Belarusian strategic offensive operation "Bagration" in the summer of 1944 27 SLD RGC includes 15 construction teams and 5 controls with the personnel strength of 19,000 people. During the Bobruisk offensive forces of the right wing 1 Belorussian Front (24-29 June 1944 - part of the strategic operations of the Belarusian 1944) management has provided the attacking armies of the front building of 3,914 km of bridges across rivers Stokhid, bird, Pripyat, the Western Bug, SOG, and the Dnieper laying 1192 km of roads in difficult marshland, often under direct artillery and mortar fire from the enemy. Construction teams were in combat formations, built and repaired bridges and roads, thereby ensuring troops in engineering terms. Battle of the characteristics of Colonel Pruss IE "... Being in the units, skillfully provide trouble-free operation and fulfillment of the chief of the engineering troops of the armies, which were transferred to units. During the creation of a rigid defense forces front officers and military engineers, using his extensive experience in the construction of a defensive, as in combat conditions, showed samples of the quality of work, rates of literacy and skilled tactical decisions.This great achievement Colonel Pruss - proactive, energetic, always demanding to himself and his subordinates. These qualities have contributed to the establishment of the authority of the DEA. Colonel Pruss able to provide organizational decisions and consistently enforce them. Skillfully combines his job SLD mobilizing subordinates to perform combat missions. " During the development of the offensive on the Baranovichi-Brest direction troops 1 Byelorussian Front July 10, 1944 liberated the city Luninets. In offensive battles near the town of Bobruisk and Lyninec sappers 27 SLD Colonel Pruss IE Thanks announced Supreme Commander Marshal Joseph Stalin, the most distinguished of the received the honorary title "Luninetsk." From July 18 to August 2, 1944, the front had Lublin-Brest Offensive, during which crossed the Vistula, took on its left bank and Magnushevskom Pulavsky bridgehead released Brest BSSR, Siedlce (now Siedlce Mazowieckie voivodship), Lublin - the administrative center Lublin region of Poland. During the advance of Colonel Pruss IE well-organized logistics departments with huge scattered them along the front up to 600 km. Organized a clear and systematic work of staff management, resulting in all command assignments were carried out in time. For excellent performance of tasks on engineering maintenance of existing armies and fronts displaying valor and courage Head 27 defensive construction management RGC Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss Chief Engineer Troops 1 Byelorussian Front Colonel-General engineering troops Proshlyakovym AI August 14, 1944 was presented the Order of the Patriotic War I level, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Order of the Commander of 1 Byelorussian Front number 216 / N dated September 2, 1944. In August - December 1944, 1 Byelorussian Front fought to retain and expand the bridgehead on the Vistula River and preparing for winter offensive. In 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (seniority). From 14 January to 3 February 1945 by participating in the Vistula-Oder strategic operation, conducted the Warsaw-Pozna? and operation, freeing the central part of Poland with Warsaw, came out of the Oder River, capturing the left bank of the River bridgehead north and south of the city Kiistrin (now Kostrzyn on the Oder-Gorzów County Lubuskie region of Poland). February 10 - April 4, 1945 troops of the right wing of the front, participating in the East Pomeranian Offensive, liberated the northern part of Poland. At the same time were fighting to retain and expand the bridgehead on the Oder. With the release of the 1 Byelorussian Front of the Oder River became necessary to fix this operational milestone. This work in February 1945 Front Military Council instructed the 27 SLD RVGK and 7 front-line SLD involving nine military construction units, the local German and Polish population. For reconnaissance two lines stretching about 600 km, Works, mobilization of the population of each army were attached VSO 1-2. Since the beginning of the work there were difficulties with the mobilization of the German population, as most Germans took to the west with the retreating Wehrmacht. Yet military engineers were able to mobilize up to 33 thousand. People, mostly Poles. Construction abroad was conducted for 35 days. It showed the possibility of SLD and GUS solve tasks to secure the area with the assistance of the civilian population. Their efforts were equipped with 3 thousand. Km of trenches, about 18 thousand. Trenches, 975 command and observation posts. On February 16, 1945 27 SLD RGC under Colonel Pruss IE on the instructions of the Military Council of the Red Dnieper flotilla carried out clearing the waterway Western Bug - Vistula - Brombergsky (Bydgoszcz) channel - Netzach (Notec) - Varta - Oder. Thanks to the precise organization of work of staff management, fast transfer of large engineering and demining units and the excellent organization of logistics, the transition flotilla pro¬tyazhennostyu over 700 kilometers with forcing 75 pe¬reprav took only 22 days. Ships 1 and 2 teams focused on fleet Kyustrinskom bridgehead to April 7, 1945 - two days ahead of schedule. The personnel of the 27 SLD RGCs showed exceptional endurance, discipline, courage and valor in the quest of the Military Council of the Red Dnieper flotilla. Colonel Pruss IE personal initiative and perseverance manifested decisively supported the completion of this difficult task. For an excellent guide military units, had a decisive role in the early and clear the quest for the transfer of the fleet of the Oder River, and for displaying valor and courage Head 27 defensive construction management RGC Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss Chief of Staff of the Red Dnieper Flotilla Captain 1st Rank Balakirev K. M. in April 1945, was presented the Order of the Patriotic War I level, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Order of the Red Banner of the Dnieper Flotilla Commander number 04 / H on May 3, 1945. April 16 - May 8, 1945 1 Belorussian Front participated in the Berlin strategic operation. During offensive operations troops 1 Belorussian Front in 1945 from the Vistula River to Berlin units and subunits 27 defensive construction management RGC under Colonel Pruss IE built, repaired and cleared more than 1,000 kilometers of roads, built 79 bridges and crossings, includingacross the River Vistula, Warta and Oder, created artificial obstacles and defensive lines on the flanks of the advancing armies, which were built 24,500 fire facilities and 2,430 km of trenches. To cross 8 Guards Army General V.I.Chuykova across the river Oder was built rope bridge length of 400 linear meters of steel rope trophy. The difference between military civil engineers 27 SLD RGC engineer Lieutenant Colonel byle Serafim V., engineer major Beruchan Vartan Abgarovich, Ryabsky Alexander Abramovich, the commander spetsroty 69 Order of the Red Star military construction unit 23 controls martial construction 2 SLD Tobolin Red Army Nikolai . Initiative, courage and perseverance shown by the personnel of the military construction units, thanks to the excellent arrangement of human resources and technology, engineering maintenance tasks on the front advancing armies carried out in a given time frame with high quality. Throughout the offensive in 1945 military construction teams were in combat formations of Army 1 Byelorussian Front and together with them broke into Berlin. Constantly being in the smaller units, often in the area of enemy fire, danger to life, not knowing tired at work, Colonel Pruss IE personally coordinated the actions of subordinate units. For excellent action sappers Colonel IE Pruss 5 times observed in the orders of the Supreme Commander. 27 defensive construction management RGC awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky and Suvorov, all parts (12 military construction units and 4 control-martial construction) awarded orders and 1 control-martial construction - twice. For exemplary performance of command assignments in the front of the struggle against the German invaders and for displaying courage and bravery Head 27 of the Order of Alexander Nevsky defensive construction management RGC Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss Chief of Army Corps of Engineers 1 Byelorussian Front Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel-General engineering troops Proshlyakovym AI . June 2, 1945 was presented the Order of the Red Banner, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Order of the Commander of 1 Byelorussian Front number 664 / H of 18 June 1945. After World War II Pruss Ilya Efimovich continued to occupy the former position. 27 Order of Alexander Nevsky and Suvorov defensive construction management to carry out tasks of the government for the rehabilitation and construction of the national economy and defense industry. In 1945, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Colonel Ilya Efimovich Pruss was awarded the Order of Lenin (seniority). In 1945-1946, under the leadership of Colonel Pruss II carried out the construction of memorials in Berlin. July 11, 1947 Ilya Efimovich Pruss promoted to the rank of Major-General engineering troops. Since 1949, Major-General engineering troops Pruss IE served as chief of 25 control engineering defensive construction of the Ground Forces. In April 1950, he was appointed head of the 142 engineering construction site, with February 1952 - Head of the construction department of the Primorsky Military District, then transferred to the same position in the Far Eastern Military District. In October 1955, Pruss EI was appointed head of 27 control engineering. Since May 1958, he served as Head of the Main Department of the industrial enterprises and special construction of airfield USSR Ministry of Defense, in 1964 - the commander of the military units of the Central Office of the Special (rocket) construction of the USSR Defense Ministry. In June 1966, Major-General engineering troops Pruss IE was approved by the Chief Economist of the Central Directorate of Special Construction Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Since 1968 - in retirement. Died Major General Ilya Efimovich Pruss June 12, 1972 in Moscow. For Military Merit and valiant military work Pruss Ilya Efimovich awarded four Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, 2 orders of the Patriotic War I degree, Order of the Patriotic War II degree, Order of the Red Banner, Red Star and medals.
Survived / missing / lost: