Sholom Noach Barzovksy/ Berezovsky,
The Admor of Slonim, zt"l (1911-2000)

Thousands accompanied the Admor of Slonim, HaRav Sholom Noach Barzovksy, zt"l, on his last earthly journey. The Slonimer Rebbe, who led his flock valiantly for scores of years, was niftar suddenly in his 89th year.
The Admor of Slonim was among those who renewed the worlds of Torah and Chassidus in the generation after the Holocaust, and one of the captains of chareidi Jewry in Eretz Yisroel. Thousands of his chassidim and students participated in his levaya which was led by the pillar of halachic authority, HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv as well as by gedolei Yisroel, roshei yeshiva, admorim, members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, rabbonim and dayanim.
The Admor of Slonim, HaRav Sholom Noach Barzovksy, zt"l, was born in the Polish town of Baranovitch. His father, HaRav Moshe Avrohom, was rav of the community. As a youth, he grew up in the sacred courtyard of Slonim and was especially close to the Admor of Slonim, the Beis Avrohom ( Vineberg), who held him in high esteem, predicting that Rav Sholom Noach was destined for greatness.
In 5696 (1936) he moved to Eretz Yisroel following the advice of his mentor, the Admor of Slonim, who saw that the purpose of Reb Sholom Noach's move would be to revive the Slonimer community after the Holocaust. With the blessing of the Beis Avrohom, he married the daughter of the Admor, author of the Bircas Avrohom.
During the first years after his marriage he lived near his illustrious father-in-law in Tiveria, and imbibed Chassidic thought from him. It was a blend of peerless avodas Hashem and omal baTorah. Together, he and his father- in-law studied in the Ohr Torah Yeshiva located near the grave of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess.
In 5702 (1942), when the reports of the wicked Nazi fiend wielding his sword over European Jewry reached Eretz Yisroel, he rose up like a lion and founded the Beis Avrohom Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
During the Holocaust, HaRav Sholom Noach lost his entire family. Barely a vestige of the Slonim Chassidic sect remained, and from the scores of shtiblach scattered throughout Europe, R' Sholom survived and, with his vision, perceived the designs of his rebbe. He understood that the heavy task of reviving the Chassidic sect of Slonim lay upon his shoulders, and with great courage he mustered all his strength and began to rebuild the illustrious community.
His father-in-law, the Bircas Avrohom, saw him as the one who would bring about the revival of the Slonimer Chassidim and, like a father to his son, he lovingly supported him in his efforts.
The Admor opened his yeshiva with just a few students in the shul of the Slonimer Chassidim in the Beis Yisroel neighborhood in Jerusalem. He dedicated himself solely to educating generations of talmidei chachomim and gedolei Torah, personally instilling in each student the aspiration to grow in Torah and Chassidus. In a remarkable manner he merged the lamdonus of the yeshiva world with the fervor of Chassidus. His shiurim, which were well known for their depth, and his discourses in Torah and Chassidus inspired his students to serve Hashem with added zeal. In his discourses he transmitted the spiritual legacy he had received from the mentors of the Slonimer Dynasty.
He was well known for his outstanding knowledge of every aspect of Torah. Throughout his life, he studied Torah in depth and for its own sake, and over the years became one of the gedolei haTorah vehaChassidus, leading his flock with glory. With untold mesiras nefesh and great love he attended to the education of each and every one of his students, wisely passing on the Slonimer legacy to future generations.
He assumed the tremendous burden of building the Beis Avrohom yeshiva and the shul for the Slonimer chassidim on a plot of land near Mea Shearim. Budding young students from Eretz Yisroel and abroad streamed to his yeshiva to bask in his light. In time, it became a beacon for many students who became his loyal Chassidim.
The Admor of Slonim was blessed with many noble character traits, such as rare gentleness and love for every human being. His face always glowed with a special light, and he was the pillar of prayer. With tremendous deveikus, he would stand before his Maker in prayer, an inner fire raging in his soul, his eyes shedding tears, his lips moving. His prayer was a foundation in Torah. All who saw him while he prayed recognized his loftiness of spirit.
He was a source of sagacious counsel for his fellow Jews, and people from all streams flocked to his home to seek his advice as one who had a deep understanding of the human soul. Chinuch was his prime concern, and his sefer, Nesivos Hachinuch, was the guidebook for many mechanchim. His many students were deeply attached to him, and he guided them like a loyal shepherd.
The Admor became known for his series of writings called Nesivos Sholom, which were cornerstones of Chassidic thought. He also compiled Beis Avrohom, based on writings of the Slonimer admorim as transmitted to him by his father-in-law. He even added his own impressions drawn from memory from his youth in Baranovitch, where he had heard his great mentor, the Beis Avrohom. He compiled these in the sefer Beis Avrohom and also published Toras Ovos, a remarkable anthology of deep Chassidic thought. With his outstanding talent, great knowledge, clarity of style and remarkable memory, he enriched the Chassidic world with the seforim of the Slonimer Dynasty.
Thousands of shiurim that he delivered for decades to his students have also been published. In these shiurim, in which he explains his learning approach, he emerges as a tremendous boki in all aspects of Torah as well as a remarkable innovator. His pamphlet, Hahorega Olecho, explains the Holocaust in an outstanding manner. In this pamphlet, his great emunah in Hashem which he sought to convey to future generations, is evident.
His most outstanding work is the Nesivos Sholom, a treasure of Chassidic thought and Torah ideas which has become a foundation for all Beis Yisroel in this generation. This series of five volumes on the Chumash focuses upon avodas Hashem, Shabbos and holidays, and has enriched the Chassidic world.
In 5741 (1981) he took over his father-in-law's position as Admor of Slonim. At that time, his father-in-law transmitted to him the secrets of the Ba'al Shem Tov and the Maggid.
The Admor of Slonim was one of the leaders of chareidi Jewry. While still a young man, he was appointed by the gedolim of the previous generation to the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah as representative of the Admor of Slonim, one of the founders of Worldwide Agudas Yisroel.
He presided as a member of the executive board of Vaad Hayeshivos in Eretz Yisroel for fifty years, during which he made great efforts on behalf of the yeshivos. He was also head of the executive board of Chinuch Atzmai and a member of its presidium, devoting much of his time and energy to saving future generations.
Hespedim were not delivered at the levaya. Before the procession began, his brother-in-law, HaRav Dovid Weinberg, tearfully read the words of the lamentation of Selichos, "Anshei amono ovdu," with the entire throng responding. He then announced that the Admor had left a last will and testament and a letter to his Chassidim. He announced that letter would be read at the end of the shiva week. He stressed that the Admor had asked that everyone pray for his soul and that Mishnayos be studied and tzedoko be given on his behalf.
He is survived by two sons, HaRav Shmuel, rosh yeshiva of Beis Avrohom and R' Yitzchok, a prominent Slonimer chossid, as well as by sons-in-law, HaRav Yisroel Luria, HaRav Shlomo Weinberg and HaRav Yisroel Kopolovitz, all marbitzei Torah veyiroh.
He was buried toward chatzos on Tuesday night, the 8th of Av on Har Hazeisim, beside his illustrious father-in- law.
From Yad Vashem:
Veinberger Alter
Alter Veinberger was born in Slonim to the admor Yisaschar Leib (son of Shmuel Veinberg ) and Khaia Raachel nee Parlov. He was an accountant. Prior to WWII he lived in Lublin, Poland. During the war he was in Lublin, Poland. Alter perished in the Shoah at the age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 06-Dec-2000 by his brother-in-law, a Shoah survivor.
2 are sisters of Rav Yisaschar Leib , daughters of the admor rav Shmuel;
Mlowicki Leja
Leja Mlowicki nee Veinberg was born in Slonim in 1870 to Shmuel (Shmuel passed away in Warsaw in 1916) and
Gitel. She was a housewife and married to Pinkhas. Prior to WWII she
lived in Rowne, Poland. During the war she was in Rowne, Poland. Leja
perished in 1942 in Ostrog. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 03-Jun-1957 by Tushia Ebar
of Bnai Brak, her granddaughter ( daughter of her son Avraham Aharon
Mlowicki who also perished)
Miryam Charna Zylber nee Veinberg was born in Slonim to admor Shmuel and
Gitl. She was married to Moshe. Prior to WWII she lived in Bialystok,
Poland. During the war she was in Poland. Charna perished in Majdanek,
Camp. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on
left) submitted on 01-Jan-1990 by her nephew Avraham Silver from New
Charna also had Rabbis in her family; Avraham Silver gave a report:
for his cousin; Zylber Mikhl
Mikhl Zylber was born in Bialystok to Moshe and Miriam nee Veinberg.
He was a rabbi in Baranowice and married
Other children of Miryam Charna nee Veinberg: Avraham Khaim Zylber was
born in Bialystok to Moshe and Miriam nee Veinberg
Zylber Aphraim Zalman
Aphraim Zalman Zylber was born in Bialystok to Moshe and Miriam nee
Veinberg. He was an accountant.
The Slonim Chasidut was established in 1858 by Rav Avraham Veinberg of Slonim ( known as the First of Beit Avraham) Rav Avraham was born in 1804 and passed away in 1883. When he passed away his grandson Shmuel took over. Shmuel was the son of Avraham only son, Rabbi Yechiel Michal Aharon. After Shmuel passed away(1916) his son Yisaschar Leib took his place in Slonim ( he passed away in 1928 and his son Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel replaced him until 1935 when the son went to live in Tel Aviv)
The younges son of Rav Shmuel, Rabbi Avraham Veinberg ( known as the second Avraham) first moved to Bialistok and from there to Baranovich were a established the well known Yeshiva. He passed away in 1933. His son was Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Veinberg. He bacame the next Admor- He perished in 1943.
Menashe was born to Yisaskhar. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim,
Poland. Menashe perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a
List of victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON
Masha was born to Yisaskhar. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim,
Poland. Masha perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a
List of victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON
Avraham was born to Hilel. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim, Poland.
Avraham perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of
victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON SLONIM
HASSIDIM (HEB), JERUSALEM, 1967 page ???
Alter was born to Yisaskhar. Prior to WWII he lived in Slonim,
Poland. Alter perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a
List of victims from Yizkor books found in the SEFER ZIKARON KADOSH ON
Novomiast Perel
Perel Novomiast nee Veinberger was born in Slonim to Leib and Khaia.
She was a housewife and married to Eliezer. Prior to WWII she lived in
Slonim, Poland. During the war she was in Slonim, Ghetto. Perel
perished in 1942 in Slonim, Poland. This information is based on a
Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 01-Jan-2000 by
Yekhiel Granatshtein
Weinberg Chaja
Chaja Weinberg was born in Lodz in 1914 to Moshe and Khana nee
Rizenberg. She was a clerk and single. Prior to WWII she lived in
Lodz, Poland. During the war she was in Slonim, Poland. Chaja perished
in 1941 in Slonim, Poland. This information is based on a Page of
Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 06-Nov-1955 by her brother
Avraham Weinberg, a Shoah survivor who nowlives in Haifa. More
Avraham Weinberg also gave reports for his sister Sala and Hela
Bielostotzki Fruma
Fruma Bielostotzki nee Veinberg was born in Bialystok in 1882 to
Keila. She was a housewife and married to Leib. Prior to WWII she
lived in Dereczyn, Poland. During the war she was in Dereczyn, Poland.
Fruma perished in 1940 in Dereczyn, Poland. This information is based
on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 04-Apr-2004 by
her daughter
Mlovitzki Sara
Sara Mlovitzki nee Veinberger was born in Slonim to Leib and Rakhel.
Prior to WWII she lived in Lachowicze, Poland. During the war she was
in Lachowicze, Poland. Sara perished in 1942 in Slonim, Poland at the
age of 40. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed
on left) submitted on 10-Dec-2000 by her brother-in-law, a Shoah
?????? ?????? ??? ???? ?'???"? (1858), ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? (?"? ????? ?'???"?), ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? (??????) (1804-1883) ??????? ?????"?. ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??. ???? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????? ???????, ?? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????, ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ????, ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????. ???? ??"? ?????? ?'???"? (1883).
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Rav Avraham Vineberg (the third Admor)
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Berezowsky Israel
Israel Berezowsky was born in Slonim in 1889 to Mordekhai and Moshe. He was a hatter and married to Malka. Prior to WWII he lived in Baranovitch, Poland. During the war he was in Baranovich, Poland. Israel perished in Baranovitch, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted on 02-Oct-1955 by his nephew Yisrael Berezowsky of Hedera
Berezowski Ester
Ester Berezowski was born in Slonim in 1900 to Tzvi and Asnat. She was a housewife and married to Shlomo Hillel and had children Yisrael Meir ( perished at age 6) and Shoshana Reichel ( perished at age 4). Prior to WWII she lived in Baranow, Poland. During the war she was in Baranow, Poland. Ester perished in 1942 in Baranow, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by her brother-in-law
Berezovski Tzvia
Tzvia Berezovski was born in Slonim in 1873 to Asher and Raicha. She was a housewife and married . Prior to WWII she lived in Baranowicze, Poland. During the war she was in Baranowicze, Poland. Tzvia perished in Baranowicze, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by her son s...
Berezowski Moshe
Moshe Berezowski was born in Baranowicze in 1872 to Yitzkhak and Khaia. He was a wood specialist and married to Tzvia. Prior to WWII he lived in Baranowicze, Poland. During the war he was in Baranowicze, Poland. Moshe perished in 1942 in Baranowicze, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his son Matityahu Bar Ziv of Tel Aviv
Berezowski Yaakov
Yaakov Berezowski was born in Baranowicz in 1900 to Moshe and Tzvia. He was a clerk and married to Khana nee Fridland. Prior to WWII he lived in Baranowicz, Poland. During the war he was in Baranowicz, Poland. Yaakov perished in 1942 in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony (displayed on left) submitted by his brother.